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Loss after loss...same here! And a lot of people has been complaining about this recently...they gotta pay these celebrities somehow...


exactly, how else they gonna pay out these 10-20mil jackpots lol


'Hey Alexa, what is gambling?'


Omg you lost gambling 😱


I won 5 days straight now after few months now I'm losing again


What with everyone showing stats spot on RTP or a lil bit under like here.. thats 95% RTP its not a loss you are even... What is wrong with all of you acting like rtp is 100% ??? ALl over people show they wager 1 million.. shouldve lost 40k to house edge.. they lost 20-30k and thy yell all over to fraud.. too many people.. its like im in a nightmare where everyone is completly disconneted frorm reality.. or is it me? whuuu


Found the stake shill^


This is your nightmare?


You on acid bro?


So translated you are saying you are on acid and that's why you have no clue what i am talking about. Since you are a narc idiot, the first idea your empty brain had was to throw at me your own issue. You can't understand nothing cauz you are a weak loser narcissist so you accuse me of being the one hallucinating. Well sorry i am the one person in your life that you will never fool. So i guess you have a miserable empty life so i won't spend more time or energy here i don't need more proof of your inability to understand how computers work or even.. life. Ya you can be mad.. but remember.. you are mad at yourself.. not me.. you project.. always on others... your own problems or emotions. You are mad... but its at yourself.. inside.. deep inside you know.. its all you.... Ha sad lil creautre.


And yep... i could extrapolate all that and i could have said a lot more... simply from your answer. Becaue your disorder i know it perfectly and it causes reactions and stupid answers like yours here... Every people with same disorder.. same loser/hater syndrome all are like clones all acting the same and falling for same traps doing same mistakes. Nobody sane with a brain smart enough and some empathy and care for others would ever think saying what you said.. was a good idea... lol. Oh if only your kind ... knew.. how weak and exposed you are to the people like me... haa lil loser your narcissism and ego will always make sure you deny reality and refuse to accept i can know so much about you already.. no respect hate and what else... make you unable to accept that anyone could be better than you at anything. So you will never learn.. like all of your kind.. you will never learn , never get better.. therefor never be able to stop this from happening. You are open books... and since you are evil narcs... that means you have lots of dirty secrets... what if they knew ... what you... hide... Would be a lesson... to not say stupid things online... but you never learn.. so you wont stop... oh dam.. your kind are the ones ruining all our lives and everything... and for what? you are empty deadbeat shells spitting shit on others for absolutely no gain.. your kind.. you make it all a lose lose situaiton.. except.. you create people like me.. that become stronger and learn how to resist read into you.. figure justice and fairness.. Make us.. good/fair people.. pop... through evolution. So its not all lost after all... you have nothing and you wil never be better.. but .. me... its the complete oopposite. Right thx for making my day i can go sleep now im happy to see my life is much better than i tought compared to people like you. And unlike you... if you said these words it would all be lies... but YOU more than any others.. know all i said is true.. you will never say it haha oh my but i dont care.. i dont want to convince others you are a dead beat monster inside... i just wanted YOU to know how weak and exposed you are.. and thaht will eventually blow up in your face if you continue bullying people online or in real life... because there are other pepople like me.. and they dont all have a big mouth like mine.. you wont see them coming... enjoy


I couldn’t be bothered to read that sorry mate


Not reading that essay lmao




Don't pick rollbit. Their rtp is a joke and a lie.


No my stake seed will kick in🤓 Nah fr tho if I were to change casinos I prob wouldnt even go with a crypto casino, feel like theyre all a scam


They changed the rtp I swear


On god shit been acting up the whole month


Robert is homo


Looks exactly like my stats


Looks like a rough streak. Might be best to look at taking a break man


money laundering …coin mixing lol