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Noone knows since it was just implemented between these monthlies but I’d guess you’d get between $500-$750 based on your losses for the month. Anything less would be a let down imo.


750 is a high guesstimate. And yea he has 10k losses but still only 100k wagered. I don’t even think it will be 500. I would guess 300-400, but probably like 300. Would love to hear the actual number he gets though so we have a reference point.


True. I have $750k wagered with around -$8500. They’ve given me $10k in bonuses. But that’s all time. I just assume if they are going to factor in the losses more in monthly they should give around my estimate. I think $600 is fair for damn near $10k in losses. Even if you only got $20k wagered from it. That’s a lot of money to lose and the old stake when I was active, if I lost $10k straight my casino host would give me at least $250 back in lossback directly to my vault if I asked on top of monthly and weekly. He gave me 1 ltc back when it was over $120 after I lost like $1-2k in a night. The old stake used to have the best bonuses... More sponsors from stake more mainstream it gets.. the less stake is giving back. I’m interested too how much it’ll be Now with this new stake.. when monthly hits I’ll be tagging him here


How much was it /u/ShootaJay ?


Based on mine with his losses I’m gonna guess 300


I wagered $14k on a new bronze acc with -$155 in the negative and they gave me $22.90. I was actually surprised it was that much as a bronze considering I hardly deposited in the month, but I played a lot of high volatility games like slots that went up and down a bit so I think those games go toward monthly more now. For reference my plat 2 account that’s stuck on withdraw only mode got its same base $17 for monthly. From what people are saying on here the range doesn’t seem to scale much or a lot are still wagering on 99% dice and stake has changed that now. I also believe there is a maximum amount you can get on your monthly depending on your rank. For example a plat 2 can wager enough for $1000 in theoretical monthly but it gets capped off at $500-$750. Not sure exactly though.


I think 190$ if that were my stats I'm plat 2




How in the world does a 14 year old have the means lmaoooo


💀 idk just been playin around, had some decent wins i just suck at stopping and cashing out lmaoo, cause this been my entertainment in school.


You will be lucky to get $100 I don’t know where people think your getting 700 or 650 lol I gusss it depends on what your vip is and that base


I’m with you!


Yeah it’s like a $1 for every 1k wagered and then the base of your vip plus a little lol so maybe $150 but 500$ $400 750$ are what people are saying are mad! And haven’t been on stake long… I’ve been with stake for 2 years and I’m confident you wouldn’t be seeing anything higher then 200$ with. 100k wagered for the month


10 bucks for the loss back, probably 120 for the wager and base amount for your vip rank




i was thinking it would be something like this, but reading other comments, my hopes are higher now lmao


It will not be over 200


It will be much over 200. I had these same stats for last weekly and got $270, monthly should be more (plus you lost more than I had)


What rank are you?


You will get 30% less than before if you only played inhouse games. More if u played slots


10,000 in losses buddy stop gambling ! How much monthly you got? I got 190 for 15k wagering on sports & making 7k in profits :)