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General Grevious origin is something I’d love to see. How did he go from a complete biological alien dude to a mechanical monster. It kind of parallels Anakin’s arc too. They could do it in a completely different way. I’d love count Dooku to get explored more thoroughly, he’s such an interesting character. And I’d pretty much like to explore any Jedi from the prequels: Qui-Gon, Mace, Plo Koon, Kit Fisto, etc. there’s so much potential fascinating ground to cover.


The Grevious / Anakin parallel > I’d love to see this 🔥


iv been saying this about grievous forever he is such a cool character and was so powerful before mace windu crushed his lungs. Like an origin series and then one of him hunting jedi would be awesome. He needs a tunnel scene also he would be terrifying to clones stopping a boarding ship.


Him under the arena and only illuminated by the lightsaber hes about to take would by terrifying


TOTJ Plo Koon / Yoda when


I didn't know I wanted this till now, and now won't be able to live without, great idea!


“Upgrades!” I actually just watched Lair of Grevious and it’s only a passing comment, but it’s very telling of his character. Would be neat to see something about him.


> How did he go from a complete biological alien dude to a mechanical monster Dooku arranged for a bomb to be placed on his shuttle. Bomb went boom, Grievous survived, and got a nice new robot body.


Maul during his crimson dawn days. A young Palpatine show would be awesome as well.


A family sitcom produced by Chuck Lorre called Young Sheev


Use the same exact cast as Young Sheldon


Young palp would be amazing, but only if it’s Andor level good, no cheesy bs like floating space ninja Leia


A young Palp show would basically be a Darth Plagueis show. So I agree. ⚡️


I would really like to see a Darth Plagueis show


Well there would be a lot of Swoop bike racing scenes


Maul forming Qi'ra before he left the crime for Malachor would be a cool serie. They have different personalities but yet they should have some fun dynamic. In the comic Crimson Reign, Qi'ra enacted one of Maul's plans against the empire.


The Ronin: just following him around from planet to planet as he gets into adventures.


This. Please.


This is just the Mandalorian but with hard japanophile vibes.


From Star Wars Visions? Or is he in something canon?


I realize this will never happen: I would love stories about the smugglers and bounty hunters: Talon Karrde, Mara Jade, Zuckiss and 4LOM, Georg Cardas, and Bossk.


We're never going to see Jade. It won't be the Jade from the Heir to the Empire series so no one will like it. And Lucasfilm has to know this.


Cad Bane origin story. Animated, but not in the Clone Wars style (even though it's great).


Not about a character in specific, but a group: the sith, I want a show where each episode shows a different sith master and apprentice, as a way to flesh out the sith as more than just palps and his apprentices, I want to see the sith plot to reclaim their power get rolling, then it ends with plagueis sleeping and the sound of a lightsaber igniting, cut to black.


They should fully canonize the Darth bane trilogy and do like a 6 episode mini series.


In universe docu series by New Republic News detailing how the sith managed to hide and evade the Jedi and Republic for a thousand years. Obviously there would be heavy propaganda.


I want to see more on barriss, like what was her outcome, but especially what made her decide to bomb the temple, along with pong krell, like when did he contact Dooku and decide to choose the dark side? And lastly, Cody, where did he go after he went AWOL in the bad batch? Just so many questions.


Still upset that Barriss didn't end up being an Inquisitor,but then again,I wouldn't wanna be an Inquisitor either,working under the guy who I helped turn to the Dark Side by framing his apprentice.


I won't see her becoming an inquisitor. She bombed the Temple bc she thought Jedis became more violent due to the war.


I mean the Grand Inquisitor became one literally because of Barriss/Ahsoka's trial.


I don’t trust Disney not to fuck up anything with Revan


A Canonical Revan and/or Exile were just bad ideas. The fun of those characters is that no two players of the games had the same take. They were all valid and we could all have fun debating why we played this way or that.


The 'fandom' will turn on any Revan content no matter how good it is, because it will never align with their personal headcanon.


Unless it is exceptionally well written, then that revan would be taken as people's headcanon.


Could've left the last two words off, really.


Dooku. Tales of the Jedi really outline his conflict as well as the flaws of the Jedi council. It would be cool to see more of that


Darth Bane is my number #1 choice! I want to see him destroy the brotherhood of darkness, and start the rule of two. Then probably end the movie with his death by Darth Zannah.


I am desperate for some original SW content at this point. We have got hundreds of hours of content but it's only like 50 years out of the entire SW history. Can we please stop begging for more spinoffs and actually encourage some original stories and a new timeline. Like there is so much opportunity in the old Republic and there won't be anymore annoying nostalgia baiting.


Hot damn you came out guns blazing. All of your suggestions are amazing. Revan would be a great if done as a series. A movie can’t hold that storyline well. A young Palp with Matt Smith would be great




After watching “A Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes,” I’d be intrigued by a Sidious origin film that ends with him killing Plagueis.




Revan is only 1 in those options with no live action atm


shaak ti


I wouldn't mind Darth Revan, but as he appeared in KOTOR 1 where he wasn't some force god. Just a capable military leader, above average intelligence and more skilled than powerful and none of that "BUT THE GREY SIDE IS STRONGER" crap they got obsessed with in KOTOR II even though it made no sense even mechanically in the game. A lot of baggage was put on that character from writers who didn't know how to make him interesting so just made him powerful.


Dr. Aphra. Just have her going off on fun adventures in the Galaxy Far Far Away Indiana Jones style.


This is a solid choice.


I feel like after the Bad Batch Ends and we approach the likely end of Star Wars shows for a while (barring Andor S2, Ahsoka S2, etc), as well as the end of animated Star Wars shows, they could revive the animation style and do just this. Make a new animated show that each season maybe gives a 45 minute episode to one character exploring their story. I'm thinking Tales of the Jedi but instead of 15-20 minute clips that describe a glimpse of origin or character traits we get a full-fledged story for each character.






Exar Kun


Beru Lars. And its a cooking show in the style of julia child making the traditional cuisine of tatooine.


🔥🔥🔥 Fidler MF Sound, dont forget the MF. Genius. @ Disney pay this man/woman/them.


Darth maul, General grievous, Darth revan, Darth talon, Princess leia, & Clone captain Rex.


I want a follow up to Tales of the Jedi, but Tales of the Sith.


General Grievous could be interesting.


Darth Malagus because I used to own his Lego character 


Although a young Palpatine would be interesting, especially if they casted Matt Smith for the role, I would prefer an origin story of the Dark Side of the force in general. Who was the first dark lord? Who was the first Jedi? Idk if this exists elsewhere, but it would be cool to watch an origin story of the Force itself.


Boba Fett....oh wait, nevermind. Seriously though? Some combination of a show featuring a young Han (Alden), a younger Lando (Donald), Chewie, Jabba, Boba (Daniel Logan) The Black Sun, maybe Dash. A show centered around the underworld side of things, with an ensemble cast. The upcoming (maybe) Lando show (or movie) might delve into some of this but I doubt it. Plus, I'd love to see Alden return as Han.


Jacen Syndulla. Tons you can do with the character, plus supporting cast.


Vader post Order 66 hunting the fuckkkk out of Jedi still alive. I know the comics covered it to some degree, but make it rated R and make in violent as can be. Darker than the hallway scene in Rogue One.


Please let Windu die. We can just have a new old gruff character. We do not need to resurrect every character. Maul's character is honestly the most fleshed out character in Star Wars. What more could they add?


Old gruff character... How about who is Lor San Tekka (Max Von Sydow) from TFA? Who is he, why does he know about the map to Luke Skywalker, how does the map get created, why does R2 shut down... I reckon there's a good chance for him to scratch that Old Gruffian itch! :)


Honestly? Phasma. The story behind the birth of the first order should really get explained better if they want the sequels to make sense. And seeing a story unfold from the perspective of a stormtrooper could be an interesting change of pace.


She was CRIMINALLY underused! Loved her character, her concept and everything. I've not got around to reading her book I must admit but Phasma would be a bloody legendary movie or show.


Yeah the same with the knights of ren. I know there are comics or something about them, but star wars is mostly a film franchise unlike marvel. Somehow I doubt they could get Adam driver back for something like that though.


A new character


Windu being the big bad for the Boba show could have been interesting and been a good setup for his own show. If they ever did anything for Revan I know it would just be a limited tv series but him getting his own grand 3 trilogy of movies would be so damn perfect The love interest thing for Palps seems so cliche Sorry George. If they do anything with him please don’t add that


I feel that Windu being the big bad for the Boba show would be a terrible idea. Aside from the small arc in the Clone Wars, they really didn’t interact and Mace was outright dismissive of Boba, so there would be no logical reason for him to get involved. You could argue that Boba is the one who finds out and decides to go after him, but I think that would be insulting to fans and the character. Bringing him back would undermine Anakin turning to Palpatine after what he had done.


Admiral Akbar


Someone new for the love of fuck.


They should make an anakin movie


Every movie is an Anakin movie


Okay a luke skywalker movie


Almost half the franchise is a Luke Skywalker movie




A third of the franchise is an obi wan movie and we already got a spinoff 


Give me a Keanu reeves revan movie


Bro folded


How about new material that doesn’t suck, please


Cmon bro be more specific and give an idea lol


Jannah. Naomi Ackie should get her own show, depicting the events that led up to Jannah and her squad defecting from the FO and how they ended up on Kef Bir.


I’d love the Doctor having their own show! A minor character who really deserves it.


Dr. Gorst?


No. It’s a joke about Matt Smith having played the Doctor…


I’m opposed to the Mace Windu being alive idea not because they couldn’t make a bad ass show around the idea. But because every time you bring back someone from the dead in a franchise, it cheapens any future deaths as everyone thinks “yeah but they’re not really dead.” Or “They’ll be back” So big moments where characters get killed off become cheap, emotionless scenes. Star Wars is already dangerously close to that now.




“There’s always a bigger fish.”


The last picture: Not gonna lie they had us in the first half


Ewwww nty to the morbius guy. He sicked in that and he will sick a Palpatine


I need the darth plagueis and darth sidious movie.


If maul can come back from being hacked...Maxe windu can...lesss goo!




Definitely mace. I mean didn’t they confirm he was still alive


All of them.


It’s so obvious how much fans would love shows like a Palps backstory or several of these listed here but instead we get The Book of Boba Fett.


Tom Hiddleston would be a way better young Palpatine looks-wise


Matt smith is a better actor. Looks aren’t everything


Acting skills are subjective (unless it's Jai Courtney).


Anything to do with TOR or KOTOR would be fire specially stuff to do with Darth Vitiate or Nihilus (mostly because I want to see either one of them eat an entire planet)


Plo Koon I think would be quite interesting, also Mace Windu or Yoda too in my opinion


4 not matt smith 🤢🤮


General Grievous horror show where he infiltrates a medium sized ship by himself and slowly whittled down the crew of clones and 2 Jedi on board


Wish they would pick up on Maul and Kira


I would want a complete redo on clone wars General Grievous. It doesn't make any sense for him to have all those lightsabers if he's too pathetic to even kill padawans. He lost a fight to gungans! George Lucas massacred my boy! Bring back the General Grievous from Genndy Tartakovsky's Clone Wars mini series. Give that guy a show, make him a full fledged jedi hunter, show him actually winning fights against jedi, make him threatening, let him have his Droid body guards that he had specially made and trained personally. I hate that Snidely Whiplash, Wiley Coyote, Tom & Jerry shtick that they shtuck him with in the third movie and the computer animated series. It's disappointing that the legacy of the second coolest character in Star Wars, in my opinion, became that.




How about no character. More shows like this are making star wars products feel stale and samey. Have a show about something else, something unique that isn't just "title character: the show". A live action anthology series like the clone wars is so needed for so many eras.


Willrow Hood.


Maul and grievous Origin story movies. A follow up on Maul after Solo would also be Nice, but I’d prefer the Origin story (based on my Love for the book “the wrath of Maul”) And I’d also love a movie/Show about the years prior to episode 1. That could focus on qui gon, yaddle, windu, dooku and such


Someone new


Just do a Windu survived show already, we all know we want it


Jar Jar Binks, with the evil arch story that he was sith. Almost like Usual Suspects


I know it’s all based in the Empire, but a live action show with Cal Kestis, Merrin, Greez, and other Jedi Fallen Order/Survivor characters. Genuinely the best Star Wars story since the OT.


I maintain that a corporate-political thriller about a rivalry between the Sienaar family (Sienaar Fleet Systems - makers of the TIE fighter) and the people behind Incom (makers of the X-Wing) would be genuine gold. Pitch would be something like, the Sienaar family, always wanting to do good in the Galaxy, built the Jedi Interceptors and created close links with the Galactic Republic. Then the Republic fell, and Sienaar are trapped into these relationships with the now Empire. They enjoy wealth and the trappings but they lose themselves in this relationship. Meanwhile, more unscrupulous people run Incom, and seek to get in any which way they can. But the only people buying are these insurgents. They develop the X-Wing, a killer product, but the Empire doesn't want it as it's more expensive than the old Jedi interceptors, which are now morphing into TIE fighters (could have an action bit here where the Empire impounds these killer fighters, but there is a raid by the Rebels along the lines of a level from Star Wars: Empire at War). So off to the terrorists Incom go. You'd really be sympathising with the Sienaars, that Republic-era generation might've been a very do-good family; it's only the Imperial generation who grew up with the riches that are stuck in that relationship (we meet a Sienaar in Star Wars: Squadrons, flying for the Rebels; she doesn't like her family) The Incom Corporation however I don't recall there being much on; we could really do something interesting with them. It'd come out a bit of a blend of The Social Network and Caprica from BSG if anyone remembers (I really loved the potential of that show) - at least that'd be the aim. And there'd be tensions, somewhat akin to Andor as various moves are made. I think it'd have a lot going for it.


Wow. Thank you for this pitch, im sold for sure.


Palpatine murdered his entire family in cold blood in his youth, there would be no humanization. More like a Little Finger from Game of Thrones rise to power


Imperial Stormtroopers


What type of show/movie would this be?


The adventures of the legendary Glup Shitto!


If we are talking Live Action? A maul or ventures story on Dathomir would be fabulous. Dathomir has some of the best Lore content, including the assault by General Grevious. That civilization is so interesting, and there is definitely a quality story there. Story’s could include Maul, Dooku, Talzin, Ventress and even Merrin.


Hondo ohnaka


Matt smith would be a great young palps.




That last photo looks like Sidious is standing behind Matt Smith, saying “Do it”


Between TCW and Rebels, I think we’ve seen all of Maul we need to see. I don’t think we need yet another show about him. Whomever said Grievous? I’m with you. I’d love to see a show on him and his people and how Dooku chose him.


Young Palpatine. Where you expect it to be an origin story, but it turns out that it's not the Palpatine we know in the movies but instead it's actually Darth Plagious. And the "trajedy" of Plagious is actually the trajedy of Palpatine. Where young Palpatine has his body taken over when he kills Plagious. And it's always been the sith lord Darth Zannah who twisted Bane's rule of two after she killed him and realized that one day it would be her turn to be struck down. Would explain project necromancer when Anakin had to become a cyborg. It explains Palpatine asking Luke to strike him down, the obsession with cloning, and attempting to live forever.


Darth Bane movie trilogy


Jango Fett, Grevious, Sidon Ithano and Bossk.


Yoda. The origins of his race, why they are the way they are, how Yoda became grand master. One of the few mysteries left from the OT.


A Jango Fett show showcasing his past and how he became the best bounty hunter of his time. I would rather have it with Clone Wars animation since it’s less restrictive and looks beautiful! A Genndy Tartakovsky show about Starkiller. Considering 03 Clone Wars was great showcasing overpowered characters, it would be perfect for Starkiller. In terms of story, perhaps it could be a retelling of the Force Unleashed series or something like that.


Dr. Who as a young The Senate would be fuckin' siiiiiiick.




Expanding on the Palpatine books (i think there are 2?) with Plageus would be my first pic without doubt. Maul second.


None of those. I just want new characters in a different era on different planets fighting different threats with different creatures and ships. Keep some staples around or weapons, aliens, planet references etc. The galaxy is infinitely large, I don’t think we need to traipse out the same 20 characters in every single story that’s ever told from here on out.




Saw a really good fan made Maul short today and it made me realize that we neeed a maul series


Why, The good General of course!


I’m feeling creative and original today, maybe a show about Darth Revan, and perhaps he would be played by Keanu Reeves


Galen Marek :(


Revan or Grievous


Luthen Rael - of course his origin would be awesome but I’ll take any time period. Immediate top tier SW character


Assaj Ventress.


Chewbacca deserve it


Klaud series when


Young Palpatine


Rise and fall of Jar Jar Binks


Darth Nihilus, see him eating the life on an entire planet, pulling a star destroyer out of space to escape...


Grievous. The warrior turns general


I think Plo Koon is underrated as a Jedi and I think Pong Krell is underrated as a Sith. I would like to see their back stories and would hope there would be lots of overlap, coming up side by side in Jedi training, getting put on Jedi assignments together, and having different outlooks.


An average stormtrooper.


Maul for his apprentice arc or his crime syndicate arc. Revan for fan service but honestly I wanna see Doug jones play plageus the wise


Dooku Jedi lost into a TV show. Please. Now.


And now I want Matt Smith as young Palpatine. Would make a great political thriller as he navigates his rise through the ranks on Coruscant under the guidance of Darth Plagueis behind the scenes.


A young palpatine show based on the plagius novel would be perfect. To see the development of the sith and the dark underground of the Republic.


Revan, Starkiller and Maul.


You can have a pure evil protagonist if you want just follow along his messed-up psychology.


Why is palpatine with the doctor


Technically wouldn’t be centered around one character but I think an animated limited series for each inquisitor would be super interesting. 10 episodes, 1 for each inquisitor. I’d love to see the Grand Inquisitor’s fall to the dark side, one of Trilla and Cere’s adventures in the last days of the Clone Wars, as well as Seventh Sister, Fifth Brother, and Eigth Brother’s days in the Jedi order.


Anzat species. They drink the soup (brain). Could get a nice horror movie.


Qira. I'm sad that story from *Solo* was relegated to a comicbook that hardly anyone has read.


Neither of those, I would like them to create a brand new Bounty Hunter/Scoundrel Character and do an Epic series around them




THRAWN!!!! thrawn needs to see his sister again ISTFG!!! He hasn't seen her since he was 3! And I just want there to be an animated series of it! He's legit my favorite autistic dumbass


I don’t want them making any shows about any already established characters. They’ve proven that every character they touch they ruin. If they’re gonna make a show, make a whole new cast. If it’s good? I’ll consider it canon for myself. If not? I can simply ignore it.


I wouldn’t mind seeing Windu’s ascent to the head of the Jedi council, similar to Tales of the Jedi. Young Palpatine would be cool, too. Maybe Andor-style where they do 3 episode arcs about important parts of his life.


I’d rather keep Sidious in the shadows. He’s way more effective there. You take the mask off of your phantom. He loses his menace.


Frankly, no one. I'd like to see some new faces for a change


Asaj ventress


Shin Hati


Darth bane . Make the trilogy.