• By -


Just tell him to fly to Kashyyyk and inform Yoda about Sidious' identity personally. Would be kind of understandable not to want to do this via holo if you just found out the chancellor is the Sith and you've actually been deceived for a decade.


I like this idea. Yoda needs the backup, gets Anakin off planet. Even better is if you say "Evacuate Senator Amidala with you. We know Sideous has been behind a couple of assassination attempts on her." Because Padme is probably the only one who can talk Skyguy out of doing something stupid, because he's fixated on her, and because if you get BOTH of them out of the way, you clear up any interference.


That would have been ideal, but it also would have required Mace to be more aware of Padme and Anakin's relationship than he is ever shown to be. I'm pretty sure Padme isn't among the first ten things that come to his mind in that moment. If he thought that far ahead, he'd immediatly have sent out a signal ordering all Jedi to return home or in the very least take precautions against a betrayal by Palpatine-loyalists in the GRA.


Feels like Mace’s cold treatment and dismissiveness of Anakin made him unaware of their relationship. Obi-Wan and Ahsoka straight up knew and Yoda’s implied to have known. If Mace spent more time with Anakin instead of being cold and dismissive, he would've probably known too.


>Feels like Mace’s cold treatment and dismissiveness of Anakin made him unaware of their relationship I genuinely think the entire order knew he was into her. They just didn't know they were married.


Sex is fine and its okay to have good friends even as a jedi. Marriage is a full on attachment and wouldn’t be favorable with the council


"The council permits you to smash, but you MUST return her to the streets afterward" - Mace Windu


And i think this is the reason why ki-adi mundi was a sociopath to his family. The council only allowed him to marry since male species of his kind are very rare, not because of love and whatnot


I have always thought that Mace was cold and dismissive towards anakin because he didn’t believe he was the one to fulfill the prophecy. I don’t think he ever wanted to see him trained and it seems he was reluctant to agree to letting kenobi take him as his padawan.


He wasn't even cold or dismissive. He was wary and didn't suck up to Anakin. And he was right to be wary it turns out.


Agreed. People put some blame on Mace and Yoda, but they weren’t mean or cruel towards Anakin; they just weren’t “supportive enough”. If that’s all it took for Anakin to turn, then he was always too vulnerable to be in that position. Look at what Obi-Wan endured and still never touched the darkness. Yoda and Mace were always right. They weren’t complicit in the creation of Vader.


If Obi-wan and Padme weren't enough for Anakin to stay good, I don't think anyone else treating him differently would have made any difference.


100%, plus Ahsoka, even though she’s essentially a retcon to the original story of his fall from the prequels. Bad stuff happens to people and becoming a genocidal tyrant isn’t exactly a healthy coping mechanism. I don’t understand Vader apologists. It suggests anyone who loses loved ones/isn’t sucked up to by superiors is justified in inflicting suffering on the innocent masses


I mean, look at how differently Anakin acts as a child in the Phantom Menace and then how he behaves in Attack of the Clones after spending years in the Jedi's care. Obviously Palpatine's been grooming him over those years as well, but I don't you take a child that wants nothing more than to help people and turn him into someone who revenge murders a whole village and then laments the lack of authoritarian power in the Republic and don't lay at least part of the blame over how he was raised at the Jedi's feet.


I think your point can be better explained by George's weird directing decisions than anything the Jedi "did."


Yeah, the Jedi still followed a moral code and definitely didn’t promote revenge, spite, or anything like that. It seems like Lucas sought to float the notion that the ingredients for Anakin becoming Vader were there from his personality, world view, and life experience outside of the Jedi Order. Ahsoka’s developmental years were spent fighting a terrible, bloody, unjust war as part of the same order. She was framed and, in her mind, betrayed by the Order. She experienced horrible loss and suffering and remained a good person. Most Jedi we see were raised in the Order and have some of the best character/moral code of anyone we see. Yoda and Mace recognizes that Anakin had the potential to turn evil when faced with the same circumstances under which most Jedi remained good people. Not promoting him fast enough didn’t make that a self-fulfilling prophecy. He was always a danger.


I mean, all it took feels disingenuous. Palpatine literally played the long game for years and years to build up to turn him, also Anakin is literally 22 in Rots. I don't blame Mace or Yoda, Anakin is obviously at fault he did the bad thing, but it is more nuanced than that, and Yoda and Mace could have done more to help him. Really though, I think more blame could be placed on them for failing to deal with the Sith threat, than for not supporting Anakin.


It's a weird give give and take on that. Mace was wary of nine year old Anakin (like a lot of people in the order) which Made Anakin act up. Anakin acted up meaning mace didn't trust him. neither of them seriously talked about their respective issues with each other so both just kept doing things that proved they couldn't be trusted to the other. it left a vacuum for Palpatine to expolit.


Yep. "Dangerous to put those two together". Mace was aware of something


Obi-Wan and Ahsoka aren’t the best examples; they were his companions so they spent intimate time around him. And Yoda is Yoda. Wouldn’t be surprised if the Force gossiped with him about it lol I think a better example would be someone like Plo Koon, who’s demonstrated to have a cognizance of others around him. And even he didn’t pick up on Padakin, so I don’t know if Mace not seeing this is the fault of his character


Evidence of Mace Windu being cold and dismissive to Anakin?


I mean, when they put him on the council, Mace is the one to slap him down straight away. Constantly calling him "Young Skywalker" and demeaning to him. As if he is a child who needs a bottle. Instead of being mature about what's up and bringing Anakin into the bigger picture. Something that is suggested by Obi Wan but once again, good old Mace Windu slaps it down. Says that Anakin can't be trusted and isn't mature enough. When Anakin is first brought into the chamber by Qui Gon, the main one that wants to cast him out and refuse to train him? Mace again. Looks down on him, scoffs when it's suggested he could be 'the one' (bit of jealousy by Mace there) and refuses Qui Gons request. Even when Anakin tells him about Sideous, he gives him a backhanded compliment. 'if it's true, you'll have earned my trust'. As if years fighting together means nothing to him and confirming to Anakin that Mace thinks he hasn't been trustworthy the last 10 years.


Mace was a d*ck, but nothing he felt about Anakin was exactly incorrect. It was kind of a self fulfilling prophecy. Anakin was emotional and irrational, but the jedi council did little to help him by constantly belittling him and dismissing him.


Trying to teach him more patience. They all knew there was a dark cloud hanging over Anakin's head. They all sensed his fears. The war kept them from spending more time with him which was 100% part of Palpatine's plan. The war was a distraction for his hostile takeover of the Republic


>As if he is a child who needs a bottle I mean he was, crying about not getting the rank. True jedi indeed lol


Is consistently belittling those you think aren't meeting your standards the Jedi way?


So, for starters, most of what you listed are times when Windu was speaking on behalf of the entire council. All that about jealousy you literally just made up and isn't supported at all by the films or the acting. You just have a hate boner. And when Windu tells Anakin he will have gained his trust, he was talking to Anakin like he's an adult. That was not an insult.


i think like most of the jedi, mace was getting antsy as the war was nearing it's end and probably wasnt thinking clearly. I never got the impression he was singling out anakin he just didn't know what to do next as the darkside is clouding the councils vision. Anakin isnt a shatterpoint, he's THE shatterpoint so mace is doing what he thinks is necessary to protect the chosen one. he praised anakin's skills in ep 2 and at the end of shatterpoint fully believes anakin is the chosen one.


Though, the gained his trust but has got to sting, Anakin says he knows they don't trust him, but he could probably rationalise that away as him being pessimistic. For Mace to say it that only now, after fighting in the war for years, risking life and literally losing limb for the betterment of the republic, he still wasn't being trusted, has got to hurt. And crucially it's a really pivotal moment for Anakin, he's questioning turning in Palpatine, who's always been kind and helpful, sure he's probably realised it was part of his plan by now, but that still gives him a more favourable outlook on him than Mace. Way I see it, literally any other Jedi beats Palpatine and Anakin is less likely to turn on them, Obi-wan almost definitely not, Yoda maybe but still not as likely. Mace is the Jedi Anakin clashed with most.


Eh even if he was completely unaware of their romantic involvement, he knew they'd spent a lot of time together over the course of the war, and that he was constantly acting as her bodyguard. Not only that, but Padme was a key figure in the Republic Senate, and the face of the anti-war movement. She was going to be vital to any attempts to wind down the war and negotiate peace treaties.


Anakin probably would have brought Padme on his own if he was ordered to go to Yoda. He knows she can handle herself, Jar Jar is on call to play backup senator, and they both would probably want one last adventure together before the kids arrive.


Honestly I think that would of solved it


> that would of solved Did you mean to say "would have"? Explanation: You probably meant to say could've/should've/would've which sounds like 'of' but is actually short for 'have'. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


God i fucking hate the nickname skyguy.. Makes my blood boil


Would be an awesome what if... with anakin seeing with his own eyes the order 66 being carried out and fighting to save jedi rather than killing them.


I mean order 66 probably wouldn't happen then, cause Anakin wouldn't be there to stop Windu and he would just kill Palpatine


Palpatine likely had a backup plan. Maybe a recording that would go out to all the clone commanders in the event of his untimely death. Operation Cinder was pretty much the same idea, but for destroying the old Empire and preparing the way to rebuild it.


I imagine the OpCin order for his death during the Clone Wars would have been for all clone units to defect to the Separatists and destroy the Republic/Jedi. Force the jedi to wage war for a long time. 


Palpatine wouldn't just sit around waiting in that case, Anakin's fall had to happen either pretty much immediatly after he revealed himself to him. If he got wind that Anakin was leaving - and he would - he'd likely try one last time to turn him back, and if that doesn't work initiate order 66 right then and there.


Ki-Adi Mundi also would have appreciated the additional support against the Droid Attack on the Wookiees.


That’s pretty good because even if he contemplated the offer on the way to Yoda, that would’ve given Mace more than enough time to end Palpatine for good


This is pretty much the most valid take I’ve ever seen on what should have been done differently with Star Wars in order for a “light side what if”


Now this is a what if story I’d love to watch


This. Maybe send him to Obi-wan since he knows Anakin better and can reign in him




I like this idea as well. Seems sound.


Go to Padme and protect her. Do NOT leave her side. Send instructions to Padme to sit on him if necessary.


>Send instructions to Padme to sit on him if necessary. That’s kinda what got him in this mess in the first place though…


If he's told to protect Padme FROM the Chancellor and his agents, with a reminder that the Sith have made all these attempts to kill her since Episode I, he won't be thinking "Rescue the Sith Lord that's been trying to kill my wife for the last 13 years."


I was more or less making a dirty joke…


Wait a minute...is Anakin...dumb?


Aren’t they all kinda Himbo’s to some degree or other? Anakin Obiwan Quigon Dooku Yoda They are a long line of hotties who are truly dumbasses at times.


Obi-Wan’s pretty intelligent, and we don’t even really know enough about Qui-Gon to determine if he’s a himbo or not.


"But Anakin, how will me riding your wrinkle stick save the Republic? I don't understand..."


Did Mace Windu know about Anakin and Padme though?


Pretty sure everyone did. They just didn't know about the marriage. Jedi are known for doing the friends with benefits thing.


I much prefer the novel. Anakin basically collapses infront of Mace because he's in such distress over what Palpatine told him. Mace considers bringing him along because of the prophecy but ultimately decides not to. He was much more empathetic and likeable in Legends


The novelization was absolutely spectacular in showing the tragedy and steady downfall of everyone involved. Sidious played them like a golden fiddle.


Clone Wars did Mace dirty


I will forever dislike filoni for how mace is perceived lately


I don't even understand why people hate Windu and think he's mean or unlikeable. Anakin being a shit head is not Windu's fault. And Windu was following the rules of the Jedi Order when he refused to give Anakin the title. It's like the fanbase is full of entitled manchildren that relate to Anakin and don't like being told no by anyone


I think Tales of the Jedi does a decent job of showing how rigid and unyielding he is when it comes to following rules. He’s not intentionally being a dick. He’s just following orders to the letter.


Well yeah. As he should. That's fair. Especially as leader of the Jedi, he can't be bending rules willy nilly and giving people preferential treatment. But the idea that Mace Windu is so mean to Anakin comes him where? I never really understood. Is it just the scene where Windu denies him the rank of master because Windu only became aggressive in tone when Anakin threw a tantrum. A tantrum Anakin wasn't justified in throwing. Anakin has no right to demand the title of Master. The counsel. didn't promote him. The Chancellor wanting him to be his spy on the counsel. That's it. Windu was making an exception for Anakin to sit on the counsel before he had the rank necessary and I think Obi Wan was right, it is an honor to be given that opportunity which would have really made him a shoe in for promotion in the near future. Up until Anakin reacted the way he did, Windu made no effort to put Anakin down or anything.


Putting him on the council broke a rule but for their political benefit. Anakin saw the hypocrisy and it their downfall. They were happy to use him but not acknowledge his power. In that way they were the same as palpatine, it's what made the transition to Vader very easy. Just a change of hands of him as a weapon.


In this scenario, Palpatine was using Anakin as a spy so if Anakin is upset with being used, he should be mad at Palpatine.


its because filoni has him be the mean guy who says no to the likeable heroes.


Task Anakin with secretly recalling every master to Coruscant and then if he can't get into contact with Obi Wan, Ahsoka or Yoda, send him on a personal mission to retrieve them in order to get him out of the picture before making your move.


I think this is the best option. It's unlikely that any move would have stopped him from running back ti help but this solution means that the Masters are on their way back. Even an hours heads up would have saved plenty of jedi and halted Palpatines long term plans.


Mace: a Sith Lord, are you sure? Anakin: I'm positive Mace: mother f*****. arm up, let's kill this bitch


Instead he proceeded to disarm and get disarmed over the next few hours of his life


At least mace didn’t literally stand still like the chumps he brought with This movie is full of so much dumb stuff lol


I still think they never should have given Palpatine a lightsaber. He should've turned the Jedi against each other with illusions or something and had most of them kill each other. That would've also had the added benefit of painting a way better picture to trick Anakin into thinking the Jedi are trying to assassinate him. Anakin showing up and seeing what looks like the Jedi turning on each other and Windu about to kill an apparently unarmed and non-threatening Palpatine would've made it \*way\* easier to buy Anakin deciding to turn on him. But then I also think the next move should've been to send Anakin to Mustafar directly and have Palpatine lead the attack on the Jedi temple. That way it's still plausible that Anakin could convince himself he's on the good side, and then his true fall happens when Obi-Wan shows up and he kills Padme after thinking she betrayed him.


you should check out some of the stuff planned before lucas decided Ian McDiarmid should be in the scene


Give him some card, glitter and some glue paste, tell him it's yodas birthday soon and as the newest council member it's his job to make the card, which is a super important council task and might get him a promotion to master if he does a great job


Honestly, with the level of intelligence everybody displays in this episode, this fits perfectly.


Macramace? Papier Macé? I'll get my coat...


Make him go get a calamari pizza and he'll be bogged down with accusations of racism


Told him to assemble all of the most open critics of Palpatine in the Senate and get them off world. Say it is for their protection as a Sith in charge of the Senate would be a massive threat to their safety at that stage in the Clone Wars. As Padmé is one of those senators, Anakin would do so without hesitation.


bring Anakin with to arrest him. mf in fact bring whatever jedi are available, considering how easily Kit Fisto and the others were wasted in the first 3 seconds. they need all the help they can get


When Anakin did show up he saw Windu standing over a"defenseless" old man, and Palpatine played into that. Anakin being there from the beginning and watching Palpatine slice up 3 Jedi might have changed the outcome entirely.


Funny enough, he originally was there the whole time. If you’ll notice, Palpatine in several shots is holding Anakin’s lightsaber handle with the blade rotoscoped red. And in the DVD documentary, you can see during principal photography Anakin following behind Mace and Palpatine, just observing the duel. Cut and changed, obviously. But it would have been interesting to know and see how that would have changed his mindset originally.


Can't blame Kit Palpy hit him with the sick 720 corkscrew


Let's try spinning, that's a good trick.


Bring literally every single Jedi in the temple. If Anakin does turn then there ain’t no way he can beat 800+ Jedi. He’s powerful but without clone backup bro doesn’t stand a chance


If you bring every Jedi and make a huge scene, the only options they have are to either attempt to arrest Palpatine (who isn’t gonna pull his saber in against the entire template) and attempt to make grounds to arrest him, or go against their code and kill him on sight. Either way, without proper evidence that Palatine was a Sith Lord AND orchestrated the war, the Jedi effectively commit treason and order 66 would likely be initiated. The Jedi then likely detained on mass to become Inquisitors, experiments etc. or die morally bankrupt.


Plus the rest of the galaxy doesn't know anything about this religious BS the Jedi are on about. Imagine someone killed the POTUS because he was the enemy some obscure cult of telekinetic warriors.


And then every Jedi is arrested for a coup


Maybe unpopular opinion, but he should have brought Anakin to arrest Palpatine. As is, Anakin walks in while Palpatine looks helpless. If he saw the whole fight, he might not fall for the ruse.


In the original version of the fight, Anakin was there the whole time. Palpatine even stole his lightsaber so he could fight Mace and the other masters so there's a chance that wouldn't have worked.


I think that shows how improbable Anakin would've fallen for Palpatine's ruse... The "helpless" Chancellor not only can defend himself, but can strike down Jedi *masters* with someone else's lightsaber


They even filmed parts of that scenario, you can pause the fight at multiple points and see that Palpatine is using Anakin’s lightsaber hilt, but to hide it they made the blade red.


I don't think Anakin was that naive. It was that Mace was going to kill him period. Anakin wanted him arrested so he could still get the information about saving Padme that Palpatine had tempted him with earlier.


Yeah it has nothing to do with it being an unarmed prisoner. Sure that’s what he says because it’s all he can really say to Mace without revealing too much but really he needs Palpatine alive so that he can help him save Padme


I think him coming along, but staying back would've been the best and most immediate option, considering many Jedi were in the trenches of the final battles. Try to keep Anakin away from the action and just stay right outside Palpatine's office. He'd still likely interfere in some way, but it's the best option I think they had at that time.


I think this is an opinion that only makes sense in retrospect. Why would you bring someone who is conflicted to arrest someone they are conflicted about?


I suspect Mace would have respected Anakin as a warrior, even if there was tension at times.


Give him the Star Wars equivalent of a Vulcan neck pinch and knock him out. Part of why Anakin was so erratic was he was sleep-deprived af because he was avoiding sleep due to his nightmares.


So basically hit him with a shatterpoint. Got it


Maybe controversial, but I think there was a chance for Mace to completely undermine Palpatine's efforts to turn Anakin here by trusting him and taking him along to arrest Palpatine.


Anakin was never one to really listen and follow orders. His vision of Padme bothered him so much, if sent somewhere else, detained or given another task to keep him occupied, in the end he would have convinced himself Palpatine is in danger, he needs him and made a detour to go to his aid. If security, guards or other Jedi were stopping him, he would have gone around or through them to get to Palpatine.


He should have ordered him to go to a training room and work out his emotions, or to check on his Clones. Literally anything to hold his focus rather than just sit in a room


Anakin was a top-tier ass-kicker - Mace should have taken Anakin with him to arrest the Chancellor.


Honestly, he should have distracted Anakin by giving him some menial task.


"Go count the grains of sand on Tatooine"


“Contact Obi-Wan and tell him what’s happened.” Now Sidious is dead and the galaxy is saved.


"Mop the council floors"


"Well done, Anakin. I'll see you knighted for this. Actually, I'll do it now. Master Skywalker."


Should have sent him to the other side of the planet.


Tbf, it almost worked. If Anakin had spent a few more minutes thinking about it, Palpatine would have died right in his own office. His plan needed Anakin to either come with Windu or show up before the fight ended. Palpatine had a lot of clusterfucks in his plans that just ended up working out. Like the opening battle of Episode 3. He was trying to leave so he could do more bad guy stuff without having to tiptoe, but Anakin and Obi-Wan got back from their last campaign early


Beyond Anakin's orders specifically, Mace probably should've conferred with Anakin, spread the information around, or really done something less rash beyond just rushing into the situation and trying to take it down right away by himself. Palpatine I think was relying on Mace to act impulsively. Where Anakin was concerned, one of Palpatine's biggest weapons was that everyone was always keeping him in the dark, allowing Palpatine to always fill in the story himself. Mace making Anakin part of the plan might have alleviated that.




Wasn't that because Palpatine had called for a special session of congress and the Jedi suspected he was trying to seize power? Windu was in a time crunch




Actually my timeline might be off. I think palpatine called that session AFTER operation knightfall. In which case, I'd say Windu was way too hasty in going after palpatine and they should have strategized with the counsel first


Windu was already on his way to see the Chancellor when Anakin told him the news. They’d just received word that Obi-Wan had killed Grievous and in their eyes basically ended the war (as Palpatine had said post-rescue, “the senate will vote to continue the war as long as grievous is alive”). Having now succeeded in ending the threat of Grievous, Mace was now going to force the Chancellor to give up his emergency powers and end the war. Then discovering that the Chancellor is a Sith Lord, he then realises that the situation has become a lot worse and the Chancellor must be taken out because this war will not end unless he is. He’s on a time crunch because he knows that the end of the war is near and “we must act quickly if the Jedi order are to survive”.


Anakin is sent there by Windu to assess palpatine's reaction. It's possible if Palpatine suggested the end of the war and relinquishing power, Windu wouldn't have any reason to go there in a confrontational manner. I don't think we have the detail to know but Anakin's news of him being a Sirh Lord probably completely changed the tone in which Windu goes to the Chancellor's office. Windu otherwise might have gone to meet and discuss plans for the end of the war and steps for organizing that


Wasn’t Anakin sent there to inform the Chancellor that Obi-Wan had found and engaged General Grievous? He was to gauge his reaction to that news and in the time it took for Anakin to return, Obi-Wan had killed Grievous. The biggest issue that Mace doesn’t wait for this answer before mobilising. He hears this answer once he has mobilised and is basically leaving.


Oh yeah you're right about the timeline. But mobilize is doing a lot of lifting here. These are high ranking generals during war time. Aren't we assuming they were always going to go arrest palpatine when it could have otherwise been a meeting between the commander in chief and top generals about a huge development in the war?


Yeah I suppose that’s true. I think it’s an assumption based on the previous discussion when they send Anakin to inform Palpatine of Obi-Wan engaging grievous where Ki-Adi-Mundi says “If he doesn’t give up his emergency powers then he must be removed from office.”. I think it’s implied that Windu suspects that Palpatine (or at least the Sith Lord controlling his actions as I think at this point they suspect that the Sith Lord is someone close to the Chancellor but that may just be in the novel I can’t remember). I suppose it’s most likely that Mace is intending for a discussion but being prepared for the very likely scenario that it would turn into more than that, i.e. that he will have to remove Palpatine from office himself.


Yes and I agree but the thing that triggers them from a friendly visit to a confrontational one is the news that he's a sith lord. They were prepared to go either way on that.


I always liked this scene. A long awaited moment of respect from this disapproving authoritative figure, only for it to go completely the opposite way soon after


Based on information available to Mace Put Anakin in charge of organizing an evacuation of the Jedi temple. If Mace fails Palestine will lash out in revenge, if they succeed he might have some sort of contingency. Have him contact friendly senators to help, specifically Bail, Amidala, Binks, and Mothma. Anakin needs to fill them in on everything and get them to organize an emergency session of the Senate.


Why would you evacuate the Jedi Temple? With only the knowledge they had?


How would darth sidious, otherwise known as the senate, attack the jedi temple? It is protected with a lot of clones and jedi.


I would expect a bomb, maybe explosive, maybe gas, if he's managed to go this long without detection right under our noses I'd assume he has some creative contingency plan(s). Unfortunately I know nothing about the chips, so a lot of Jedi are going to die unless Palestine had to personally give the order.


Anakin should’ve just not been a dummy


“Anakin, Go and make sure the Younglings are safe”


Younglings jokes aside, he was actually pretty decent with kids in canon. Not great but Ahsoka turned out alright


Prepare the temple in case there's an attack. Protect the younglings.


I'd think a much better idea would be Anakin informing the rest of the council and bail organa palpatine's true identity, and persuade the galactic senate to execute order 65 on palpatine


He should have told him to do push-ups until he returned with the caveat that he would be granted the title of Master


I would have had him go to the leadership of the 2000 Senators that petitioned for the Chancellor to give up his emergency powers and inform them of the actions of the Jedi and their reasoning, as well as ask for their support. A, it is canon that Anakin's relationship with Padmé was an open secret, and this would basically be Mace Windu telling Anakin to go be with his wife as clandestinely as possible. B, this would show the Jedi attempting to actually act within the government, and show that they weren't just taking power for themselves. C, it would mean that, even if Mace failed, a significant faction of the government would be aware of Palpatine's treachery.


He should’ve instructed Anakin to comfort the padawans while Mace opened up a cold hard can of whoop ass on Sith grand papa Palps.


"Yo if you're right we will make you a master"


["It's fair!"](https://youtu.be/1o0vxBwgTuo?si=dnHcYd8TAY9ANBIt)


Lmao this was worth the watch thank you


Is this the scene with the cgi dubbing?


I still will never understand why mace just didn’t bring more Jedi, like obviously because palp can’t be defeated but like still I feel like there needs to be a really good explain to why he didn’t bring all the Jedi at the temple to fight a Sith Lord


“Arrogance. Too sure of themselves they are; a flaw more and more common in Jedi. Even with the older, more experienced ones.” - Yoda in ATOC. I think this sums it up best. Mace Windu believed that 4 Jedi masters would be more than enough for one Sith Lord. He was wrong and he paid for it dearly.


If this really was the man behind the war that has torn apart the galaxy, orchestrating it from both sides, then I think they should've brought a good plenty more Jedi. It would stop Anakin from trying to potentially interfere, and likely be too much for Palpatine to handle.


The whole order knows Palpatine has had an interest in Anakin since he got there. We see this in the Obi-wan and Anakin comic. Red flags should be going off in Mace head realizing that Palp was probably grooming Anakin for the last 13 years. Knowing that get as many masters as you can spare to keep an eye on Anakin. Who knows what Palpatine has been telling him?


Just to think the galaxy wouldn’t have gone to shit when it did If windu didn’t go visit palps. Then again palps coulda been like “aright grievous and the seps are dead, execute order 66”


He should have said go get the senate guard and the media. Stupid fuck walked right into a trap making it look like a religious sect led coup.


Windu and the Jedi did what they swore not to and what they had no skills in:politics. They should have pressed a vote of no confidence through Padmé and other politicians. By acting on behalf of the Senate, even though in good will, they did technically commit treason, then. They did not have the hard evidence to connect Sidious to Palps other than Anakins testimony. What they should've done is send out a diplomat: Yoda or Kenobi to negotiate a peace treaty with the remaining Separatists, offering amnesty if they testified against Sidious which people like Gunray would have. Also not leave Anakin alone ,send him after Kenobi or Yoda, a person he trusts


At any point if any of them had been like anakin brother what do you need and done it he would've never turned


Mace should have brought anakin along.


Don’t tell him that you are going to kill palpatine at the moment pretend to wait for more Jedi.


Just order him off planet


honestly anything else would have been better, even going along with Mace and the others. Actually seeing Palpatine's display of power as he killed the other Jedi masters may have pulled him into the fight


“You’ve earned my trust, let’s go take this Sith Motherfuckah”


With what Mace knew, he absolutely made the right decision. He has no idea that Palpatine made Anakin an offer. All he knows is 1) Anakin and Palpatine are fairly close, and thus Anakin would likely be conflicted during a confrontation and 2) Anakin has just informed me that Palpatine is the Sith Lord, which means he can be trusted There's no reason for Mace to think ordering Anakin to stay away would have any negative outcomes at all


> There's no reason for Mace to think ordering Anakin to stay away would have any negative outcomes at all Except for the fact Anakin is constantly conflicted and doesn't know who to side with, and as a result could decide he wants to help Palpatine after turning him in. You, like Mace, missed that extremely obvious potentiality.


Wouldn't that issue be heightened if Anakin were to come along? And I didn't miss that obvious potentially: I said it right there "thus Anakin would be conflicted in a confrontation" The *only* way to avoid this conflict is to keep Anakin distant from the confrontation. And obviously a split-decond decision is going to result in Mace telling Anakin to go somewhere and stay put, he's not going to be able to come up woth some reason to send Anakin off world on the fly, especially not when he doesn't know the whole picture


Nothing, he never trusted anakin so telling him to wait would've been the ultimate test to see if anakin really is loyal to the jedi, not to palpatine


Should have sent him on a mission to Naboo or something. Then after he hit light speed should have went to confront Palpatine


I think that anakin would have found a way to come back no matter what.


should've just told him to go chill with cin drallig or shaak ti and smoke a few with them


Ready the Temple for defense against the Sith. Impress upon him that a Sith Chancellor is proof that all the pain and suffering they experienced for the past three years is on Palpatine. Hell bring him along so that Palpatine is forced to fight Anakin too.


As a child I was confused why he just left him there alone. I expected a coke guards or another Jedi to hang out with Anakin. I also thought it was weird that the Jedi (except mace) sent their junior varsity squad to arguably the most important thing the order has ever done.


I'm not saying it would have fixed everything, but he should have brought Anakin with. "Hold back and watch. I may need back up." If Anakin saw Palpatine attack tornado into and kill two Jedi he probably wouldn't have fallen for his shit. "Come with us! Let's see what the Chancellor has to say for himself." If Anakin was part of the crew instead though, that would be an interesting scene to play out. Could go either way.


fly to the outer rim to see if their toilets flush the same way... seriously though, it would need to be something to play to his ego of being major importance, i'd say return to the jedi temple and individually contact the members of the council via secure coms, alert them of the situation then depending on how much windu knew about Anakins relationship with Amidala he could be charged with protecting senators this would put him with padme and padme would calm him


Should have sent him with Obi Wan to take care of Grevious.


He should have told him to do the hokie pokie


"Skywalker, just take it easy for a few hours and the coucil will assemble to listen to your full thesis"


It's not like Mace Windu knew about the offer. Sometimes....sometimes the good guys lose and it's never one big thing they did wrong. Sometimes, even they are just in a fucked situation I don't like how the fandom became so obsessed with blaming and hating the Jedi as if that was the message of the films


Mace made the right choice. Anakin was too close to the situation and emotionally compromised to have done any good. The novelization does a better job of showing this


Go help Obi-Wan


"Go take care of those annoying younglings for me."


Mace was kinda dumb for telling him to go wait lol but I get it at the same time


Draw him out someplace public


Mace should have killed Anakin. He is too dangerous to be left alive.


Alert The Senate via Jedi-Sympathizing Senators such as Bail, Padme, or Chuchi so The Senate is aware of what's going on, allowing them to immediately begin countering Palpatine's influence. This could have very easily avoided Order 66 and allowed Anakin to be in Padme's presence to help balance out his actions if he does face Palpatine. Likely wouldn't change the fates of the Council Members who accompanied Mace, but it could go either way with how that fight ends.


have him work worth the temple guards to lock down the temple with everyone inside. Have him organise evacuating senators like Padme and Bail who Sidious would likely target. Have him warn Jedi who are out of temple range. All of the above. Anything that would have given him something to focus on other than his fears about Padme dying.


He should have sent him to kenobi’s aid. He would have left immediately and that would have been that. But windy would have failed regardless.


tell him he can go to Kenobi and take Padme with him. He needs distraction


There’s nothing he could’ve have done about it, Anakin knew Mace was going to kill Palpatine which is the reason he had that moment in the temple. Had he been order to do something else that thought would just cloud his judgment regardless and the outcome would be the same.


Windu told him to do exactly what he needed to do. Anakin was the problem.


Anakin stans will never admit that. Little Ani was a poor little victim and everybody in the whole world failed him and that’s why he just *had* to kill everyone he ever cared about including his wife who he was supposedly trying to save. Free will? Accountability for his actions? Not for the Chosen One.


I've seen way too many people *on this subreddit* sincerely say they would have killed all the Tusken children too if their mom died. There are some legit monsters stanning Anakin.


The people saying Mace should’ve sent Anakin to Padme are probably misremembering that Anakin and Padme’s marriage was secret. Marriage was forbidden by the Jedi, if they found out, Anakin probably would’ve been defrocked on the spot. If Mace did sense Anakin’s anxiety over something, I think he should have sent Anakin to inform the Jedi council members personally of Palpatine’s identity, this is the kind of thing that shouldn’t be trusted to hyperspace communication. He lets Anakin feel like he’s helping, informs the rest of the Jedi council of the situation with Palpatine, and gets Anakin off Coruscant in the event he decides to do something stupid.


Mace didn't really trust Anakin. I don't believe he was 100% convinced Palpatine was a sith Lord when Anakin told him. He even said that if Anakin was right, he would have gained Mace's trust. Mace merely recognized that Anakin could be telling the truth and took what he thought was appropriate precautions. However I dont think Mace would have wanted Anakin to go around telling people Palpatine is a sith Lord if that were ultimately untrue.


It seems like every other padawan or junior jedi will, at the drop of a hat, blindly listen to and believe in a sith lord against their masters' advice.