• By -


Quite literally anytime Binary Sunset plays. It's such an emotional piece of music.


Binary Sunset and Across the Stars are the only 2 pieces of music that are guaranteed to give me chills every time


Andor made me cry during the eye of aldoni and the I can't swim moment


Yeah, eyes got moist there. Also when the people of Ferrix rebel in the end. 


I'll die on this hill, but Ferrix rebelled because they kicked the droid over. It's the first time Star Wars has treated a droid like it's an actual person. They stay with it while it's mourning and they throw hands when it's disrespected. I want more of that from Star Wars.


When you realise Nemik using the last ounce of life left in him to tell Cassian to ‘climb!’ as they’re escaping Aldhani parallels the scene from Rogue One when K2SO says the same thing to Cassian and Jyn right before he gets shot to pieces protecting them. Shatters me something shocking


Also, "Nobody is listening!" vs "Do you think anybody is listening?"


And then there’s: “Tell [my mother] I’ll be back soon. I’m thinking of her and she’ll proud of me” Literally just before being told she’s died Vs “Jyn, your father would be proud of you” … all while on the beach with a golden light on the horizon. 😭


Why would you tell me this... Also thanks but still 😭


“Tell him…I love him more than anything he could ever do wrong.”


I would absolutely barrage this with upvotes if I could. My wife and I had to pause the show when they hit us with that.


Andor has a few moments that hit hard, but for me it was absolutely Marva when she says back to Cassian - "That's just love. Nothing you can do about that."


Yes, especially knowing it’s in response to his “ I won’t have peace. I’ll be worried about you all the time.” It’s almost like proof that he loves her, which might be why she smiles at him even while shedding a tear. Almost as if to say – now you know what it feels like for me, always worrying about you. So moving. In fact, that entire scene is just… something else.


“I can’t swim” was a nasty dirty trick and I hate it every time I rewatch it. They had no right making me feel so much


Oh my gosh just the way he says it with a little chuckle of disbelief.


Great delivery, just the dark irony of "of course this is my fate."


He knew he was never getting out, for me the disbelief is that he made it that far


It really echos a line in Luthen’s speech, “I burn my life to make a sunrise that I know I'll never see.”


I can’t help but draw a parallel to “the operative” in serenity >”I'm not going to live there. There's no place for me there... any more than there is for you. Malcolm... I'm a monster.What I do is evil. I have no illusions about it, but it must be done.”


Andy Serkis is a gem.


He is, my precious.


“I don’t want to be alone. I want M-m-Maarva.”


Or when B2 basically pretends to need charging with Brasso so he doesn't have to leave and says "Or you could... stay." Giving voice to a pet who has lost its owner is a perfect comparison.


Yes! And the way he then kind of runs over to Brasso because he’s so happy 🥺 Damnit, even when he says “ I am glad you’re back!” and even just the closed caption: “ *mechanical whimper*” Heart-crushing.


I ugly sobbed during that.


Agreed. It was weird it was like seeing a dog sad after their owner passes.


The whole atmosphere of that scene just nails what it feels like to be in a house where someone just died. How did they film a closeup of an inanimate object (B2 prop) and make it look absolutely despondent?


Lump in the throat multiple times during Andor S1


Cassian saying “and you always come through” to him right at the end got me


These (and a few other scenes) are why I tell everyone who will listen to me that Andor is, in my opinion, the best entry in Star Wars film/TV out there.


There's honestly zero contest. An actual miracle this show got made.


Yep. It's fine in terms of Star Wars but incredible television by itself. Throw that level of acting/plot/visuals into any setting and it's gonna be fire.


There's so many moments throughout the show that has made me all sorts of teary eyed, even on multiple rewatches. But the one that absolutely gutted me without warning was: "Tell him, he knows everything he needs to know and feels everything he needs to feel. And when the day comes and those two pull together, he will be an unstoppable force for good." 


I was trying to get my wife into that show and she said she didn't feel anything during that scene. The divorce will be finalized next week.


Ahsoka standing in front of the clone graves and the epilogue scene of Vader finding her abandoned saber


[Burying the Dead](https://youtu.be/FXGmxQ7Bzzw?si=bmzwToNqmw_s725f) That song always makes me cry. It’s an ending of a great show. But more than that, it’s an ending for The Clones. Sure, there are still stories and survivors, but The Clone Wars was ABOUT the Clones as much as it was about Ahsoka or Anakin. Saying goodbye to The Clones was as hard as watching Fives go, Heavy, and all the rest.


filoni knows how to pull at heartstrings -- this is probably my favourite moment in all the SW animated series -- closely followed by when ahsoka leaves the jedi after being accused ~~by~~ *but eventually exonerated


That moment where it slowly pans over to Jesse’s helmet in the middle and you realize this is the end of a huge part of your childhood


For me the tears start when it’s her and Rex just staring at each other and realizing what’s about to happen


*”This ship is going down, and those men MY BROTHERS are willing to DIE and take YOU, ME and everyone onboard with them!” Ahsoka removes his helmet and a single tear slides down “You’re a good soldier Rex, so is everyone of those men down there, they may be willing to die, but I AM NOT going to be the one to kill them”* STRAIGHT UP WATERWORKS EVERY SINGLE TIME


This mentality was such a jedi move. It really makes me put Ahsoka up with Qui-gon or obi as 'most jedi'. To me, obi-wan had some corrupted views of the jedi's role in the clone wars at times. I guess Ahsoka did, too, and they both found their way again (eventually) after order 66.


I love it when Jedi push the attachments rule but still manage to be “good” Jedi. Same with Kanan when he and the crew went to rescue Hera. Acknowledge the attachment and how it can be a potential weakness, then do what needs to be done.


Stuff like this is why im trying to get my girlfriend into more star wars stuff beyond the mainline movies. She didn’t even know the animated stuff existed. Im planning to follow one of those nonfiller lists for clone wars cause it’s just too long if you don’t skip filler.


Just make sure you keep Maul in there! A few of the guides skip over him since he isn’t all that integral for most of the plot, but I think him and Savage are really good Best of luck getting your girlfriend into it; I’ve converted my girlfriend from someone who has seen the six movies, but now she can name all of the saber forms, owns a lightsaber from SWTOR, and cries when Ahsoka and Rex talk as the Venator goes to light speed, just before Order 66


Need any maul episodes because the best part of season 7 includes him. Def not skipping his eps.


Yeah, that scene is a gut punch. My kids were openly weeping.


Just rewatched this episode like an hour ago. This scene, and when Ahsoka takes Rex's helmet off and a tear falls down his cheek, has me crying so much.


Luke standing infront of Vaders burning suit in ROTJ


“I’ve got to save you” “You already have, Luke” The best lines in ROTJ


‘You were right about me.’


"Tell your sister you were right." 😭


For me it's right before that, Vader's line "You were right about me, tell your sister you were right."


Afterwards, when I walked out of the theater, knowing that Star Wars was over, possibly forever. I was 10 years old, and Star Wars was my life at the time.


Same age and I remember it the same exact way. It *was* the end as far as we knew. And you're right, Star Wars was everything for us from 1977 on. The toys, the games, everything. We didn't play Cowboys and Indians or Cops and Robbers, we played Star Wars. Our bikes were speeder bikes, sticks were light sabers. It was an awesome time and it was coming to an end. Luke watching his Father's body burn, a mirror scene to Luke and the twin suns, the beginning and the end of a journey.


This. Every time


Kanans death was hard. But the moment his eyes went blue as the force allowed him one last look at his family broke me.


When hera and chop are staring out and chop grabs heras hand, just thinking about it I'm tearing up.




This is the one for us, too. My wife and I both cried. We still talk about it from time to time.


Kanan Jarrus Jedi knight. The best of them. I think we all cried there.


I'm a grown man who's lost plenty of family over the years and that scene hurt just as hard as a real death for me. I was off my game for the whole week after that episode and then kept being reminded of it every week until the show ended haha


that whole scene where he's being extra nice to a very stoned Hera because he already knows what's going to happen...


This was without a doubt the only scene that made me cry. Combined with Ezra then needing to accept his death in the world between worlds and it was all waterworks. There’s a lot of good emotional moments, the only other moment that got me close was Anakin burning on the shore of mustafar and obi wan telling him he loved him but even then I knew it was coming so it didn’t strike me that hard.


Cassian to Jyn on the beach on Scarif at the end of Rogue One: "Your father would be proud of you."


Yes! Especially when the Andor series makes me now think that he’s remembering his own failed attempt to get a message to his mother that she could be proud of him :(


Agree with the Scarif scene them just looking and holding each other waiting for the end but knowing they are dying for good cause gets me every time. And then 2 minutes later we get one of the greatest Star Wars scenes with Darth Vader


God I wish I could experience the last 2 minutes for the firsr time again. I had it slightly spoiled because I saw hype online regarding Vader in the movie but as it was clearly wrapping up I didnt understand the excitement. My god was that an amazing way to end a film.


Dang, all these comments about Rogue One/Andor scenes giving me chills. I can hear the music as he says that, leading to the rebels receiving the transmission and being (almost) stopped by Vader.


The end of Rebels. Rex and Ahsoka standing in the ashes of Order 66. "When have we ever followed orders?" And a throw back to the OT when the ewok is killed.


Final season of Clone Wars, but yes.


I think what he was saying is both the end of rebels and the scene where Rex and Ashoka are in the ashes as in 2 different scenes.


> And a throw back to the OT when the ewok is killed. And his buddy tries to get him to get up, and he don't.


Only happy tears in the Mandalorian season two finale


That reveal was perfect. I had the realization the minute the paint on the X-Wing was visible, took my kids longer until he was mowing through all the troopers but definitely was perfect.


As soon as Bo-Katan said "*One* X-Wing?!" I was like "Awwwww *shit,* here we gooooo!!"




“It’s Kylo Ren!” My ex-son


Likewise. I was laughing with joy and crying simultaneously. Totally beyond my control, the nostalgia was too much. It was perfect! Mando giving up Grogu after really pulls on the heart strings too.






Every time I rewatch it too


This one for sure is emotional, the music, Mando's last little nod to Grogu. Everything.


I’m sorry Anakin, for all of it - kenobi


Kenobi show for all its faults had really touching moments. Tala's death, Kenobi coming to peace during the fight with Vader, Owen finally allowing Kenobi to meet Luke and Qui-Gon appearing.


Qui-Gon appearing at the end after Liam Neeson repeatedly saying he wouldn’t do Star Wars again because his character was dead really got me.


Well, they decided his character isn’t completely dead in TCW, so what Neeson was saying isn’t true anymore. Even if they had done flashbacks, I’m sure Neeson would’ve been on board to do something.


The good parts definitely outweigh the bad for me in Kenobi.


I thought Obi Won telling Leia about her parents was amazing. Such a sweet moment.


Also the scene where Obi-Wan tells Leia about her mother and father.


Honestly Mando saying goodbye to Grogu at the end of Mando 2 The impact has really been lessened since the undid it instantly. But it’s still a great moment and even a great series finale in a way


>**You were my brother, Anakin!** **I loved you!** every single time I watch it.


*I am not your failure, Obi-Wan. You didn’t kill Anakin Skywalker. I did.* That scene always gets me. Kenobi being in visible anguish at the monster that the boy he practically raised grew up to become. I was kind of “meh” on Kenobi show as a whole, but that final confrontation with Vader made the whole thing.


I agree about the show and the scene, but I think it was Obi-wan choking out "I'm sorry, Anakin.. for all of it..." That got me in particular. Woof.


After I watched that show, I watched/ read some behind the scenes stuff and made it so much more powerful. When the color (whether red or blue) was shown on anakin/ Vader and it determined who was talking was such a good decision. Then the slow build up of music as well


I love how since the PT, there’s been moments in expanded media that show Anakin/Vader’s conflict, but he *always* chooses the decision Vader would make rather than the one Anakin would make. Namely when facing Ahsoka and Obi-wan. I really love that the aren’t compromising in how important the moment was that Anakin chose Luke over Palpatine


This scene gets me every time too! The way his voice goes between Vader and Anakin kills me.


The way the voice changes from Hayden to James Earl Jones and back is so cool!


I still can't believe Ewan is married to live-action Hera Syndulla aka Ramona Flowers.


This scene does what so many other movies and shows fail to do. You really feel it


I think the biggest part of it for me is that it is an admission from Obi-wan that he has an attachment to Anakin and it shows in his face and his voice that the attachment pains him. We were constantly force fed the fact attachments are bad mkay from the Jedi council but those two did become so close as to bond and actually care for each other. Personally I feel that if Anakin wasn't so blinded by rage and pain he would see that Obi-wan had the same feelings as he does and that's huge.


Andor, if I don’t exclude it: -Past / present sequence end of episode 3 - That’s just love” scene between Cassian and Maarva - B2EMO “ I don’t want to be alone, I want M-M-Maarva” - “I can’t swim” - Cassian being told of Maarva’s passing just after trying to get a message through that she could be proud of him - Several times in the finale… Cassian remembering Clem,; “ tell him I love him more than anything he could ever do wrong”; , Maarva’s eulogy and the ending (especially with B2EMO). Sobs.


To me, "I can't swim" was triumphant. He knew it was a water based facility. The reveal was that his one way out was always freedom through death (and maybe saving some others along the way).


I agree. And I don’t cry at Maarva’s eulogy speech because it is sad – but because it’s so inspiring. To be honest, the Nemik’s manifesto scene can also make me well up for that same reason. The music plays a big part too - Nicholas Britell’s score is so good.


Agreed. Maarva's speech was awesome.


“I can’t swim” was an all time gut punch TV moment. That episode absolutely deserved the Emmy nomination and should’ve won it. 


All of these, plus; Nemik’s manifesto, and ‘wasn’t she great?’


“Wasn’t she great?” - oh God yes. Understated emotion gets me every time. And Cassian restraining his shocked grief in front of Melshi when he gets the news is ten times more moving than bursting into tears.


I said it in another thread. I saw the "tell him I love him more than anything he could ever do wrong". When I saw that scene, my mother had died two months earlier, and although I think my mom wouldn't have cared, some of my family got pissed off with me due to a problem with the eulogy, during the burial. In that scene I bawled my eyes out. Still has that effect on me.


*virtual hug*. I honestly can’t think of a more beautiful thing to say to a child. Forgiveness not just for what is done, but for what could ever be done in the future.


"That's just love" is such a poignant and universal line and it works on me every time. Genius.


This show is amazing. One of, if not the best pieces of star wars and one of my favorite shows altogether


Galen’s holo message to Jyn always gets me. Edit: More recently I’d add Maarva’s funeral to the list.


“I try to think of you only in the moments when I am strong, because the pain of not having you with me. your mother, our family, the pain of that loss is so overwhelming I risk failing even now. It’s just so hard not to think of you “


Just two really talented performers really elevating something that 9 times out of 10 is just a plot dump scene.


I really hope that somewhere in the galaxy Galen gets the hero recognition he deserves.


It’s especially beautiful in contrast to the earlier scene with Saw. Saw tries to pull on their emotional connection and appeal to Jyn to join the rebellion and she doesn’t care at all. Then she watches the message from Galen - her real father, who she hasn’t seen in a decade - and she completely breaks down. It’s just heart-wrenching.


That one made me cry like the first 3 times I watched. And I get chills watching it. It’s like the real emotional scene between the two because they won’t really get it when they actually see each other


“I won’t leave you… not this time.”


No no... right before that, when here "Ahsoka." in Anakin's and Vader's voice at the same time.


Then you will die


Kanan in “Jedi Night”


You could almost hear Hera’s scream in the musical score when Kanan finally lets go.. my man went out like a straight up G.. RIP.


As if that wasn't enough, Filoni made us watch that shit again in "World Between Worlds". I was a sober in both episodes.


When Ezra sees the Loth-Wolf off in the distance at the end of the episode and says "Goodbye Kanan" and Kanan's theme plays into the credits That bit gets me every time


I was messed up for a bit after watching this episode. Kanan hit me hard.


I'm 40, have seen ROTJ hundreds of times. Every single time when Luke yells "Father, please! Help me!"..."FATHER!" and Anakin hoists the Emperor in the air to throw him into the reactor core I shed tears. Hell, I'm getting misty eyed just writing this. https://youtu.be/zowCujXok4c?si=N45EEZyvb_Ku8kk0


ROTJ here too, but I slept at that one. I cried when Wicket was grieving the death of Teebo after the AT-ST mercilessly gunned them down. I got my revenge ~30 years later during Ewok Hunt in Battlefront 2.


In The Clone Wars during the Umbaran arc. Rex realizing that the clones are killing each other is devastating


Especially painful is Waxer’s death there. You can see the decal on his helmet of the little Twi’lek that called him and Boil “nera” = brother Waxer dying to his nera was so cruel


Don't remember really crying, but order 66 scene in clone wars final season was pretty sad


I cried. The buildup and then the scene after the crash was too much for me. Took me a few days to process that


And our realization that Ahsoka's bond with Anakin was so strong that she could feel his anguish across the galaxy. That's heartbreaking.


Rex trying so badly to resist the order, hands shaking...realizing in a moment that Fives was right


Should probably have to exclude Andor for me as there are at least seven scenes in that that make me cry. Rogue One – beach scene. Back when I was 13 – the Ewok losing his friend, and Vader’s pyre.


Yeah, the Ewok losing his buddy wrecked little kid me.


that sad Ewok sigh 😔


The end scene in Rouge One, on the beach, gets me every single time. I’ve probably watched it 10ish times and sobbed every time.


The music is absolutely phenomenal during the entire sequence and it's one of the most gorgeous scenes in the saga. The death star appearing at 1:26 and again at 2:08 is incredible [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CjnHnC4HETo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CjnHnC4HETo)


I am one with the force and the force is with me. I am one with the force and the force is with me. I am one with the force and the force is with me. I am one with the force and the force is with me.


“Hope” in Rogue One right after Carrie Fisher passed away.


I saw Rogue One on opening day before Carrie passed and was all smiles during that ending. I went back a few weeks later to rewatch in theatres after she had passed and was an absolute crying mess at that bit.


The whole sequence, the music and dialogue of Yoda and Luke on Dagobah when the X-Wing sinks and Yoda lifts it out. Everything about it is wonderful.


RoTJ when that Ewok tried to wake up his dead buddy.


When R2 shows Luke the original Leia holo to him in TLJ.


Death of k2so. Chokes me up every time


This one here gets me too. They did a great job of making you care about 1 off characters that you already knew the ending of.


Kinda piggybacking off of someone else's response about Chewbacca. The scene when he hears about Leia's passing. Gets me every time. A close second is Obi-Wan's speech to Anakin is Revenge.


Seeing the little trinket anakin made for padme as a child buried with her. The best parts of that romance were absolutely the non verbal ones. Luke begging foe his father to help him and Vaders clear distress. Then his death and funeral


Oh, a ton of them. Fives's death, Tech's death, Hardcase's death, pretty much any clone's death. All of TCW finale. Luke's reaction to Anakin's death, Qui-Gon's death, Kanan's death, Satine's death and Obi-Wan's reaction. Obi-Wan telling little Leia the qualities she shares with her parents. Han appearing to Ben Solo, Ben's death. I could keep going...


Yes to Obi-Wan telling little Leia! I wasn’t expecting to tear up at that the first time I watched it.


When Han says “I know” in response to Kylo Ren when he is having the force vision of his dad in episode IX. One of the instances of good writing in Star Wars.


Tech’s Death, and Omega’s goodbye with Hunter


I was looking for someone to say these two.😭 also crosshairs, “clone force 99 died with tech.” The way I tell you I burst into tears, it felt like it was officially “over” in a way and that…was a lot.


Anakin's funeral. The music, the poignant imagery, the lack of dialogue. The knowledge that in the end, he passed in peace as his old self and Luke holds that solitary vigil for him out of love. That scene is what cinema is all about. Powerful emotions.


The scene in the Clone Wars show where Ahsoka leaves the Jedi Order (like when she runs out of the Temple and then Anakin tries to talk her out of leaving). Also the scene where she sees the Clone Troopers’ graves and then after that when Darth Vader picks up her discarded lightsaber. And then ofc the scene in Kenobi where Obi-Wan confronts Darth Vader and Darth Vader’s like “you didn’t kill Anakin - I did”


I don't think anything in any of the movies made me cry. Sometimes I cry more easily in TV because the amount of time spent watching deepens the emotional investment. That said only two shows did this for me: Andor and one moment in The Mandalorian. Andor: The climax of the prison break when all the prisoners are running and climbing chanting "One Way Out". When the people of Ferrix start the uprising against the Empire. When B2EMO is sad Cassian is leaving again and Cassian tells him "and you always come through". The Mandalorian: I'm probably in the minority in that Luke did nothing for me, but when Din Djarin lifted his helmet so Grogu could see his face, I lost it. The thing is I don't know it would have the same impact on rewatch as Boba Fett and Season 3 ended up undercutting the emotional stakes of the scene. But the first time around it completely did a number on me.


GAAAH yes, Din's small smile when Grogu touches his face... Full marks to the puppeteers and Pedro Pascal for performing that so well.


The Rogue One ending.


Luke returning in mandalorian. kanan in Jedi night.


"I can't swim"


Binary Sunset if I’m in the right mood A kid stuck in a tiny hometown, wishing he could get out but knowing deep down he’ll carve out the same meager existence as his family. Set to the best piece of music in the series.


1) Revenge of the Sith "Where is Padme? Is she safe? Is she alright?" 2) Rebels S4E10, on the second watch I started crying from the very first second. 3) Andor, the B2EMO wanting Maarva back.


Luke showing up at the end of Mando season 2. Tears of joy.


"In loving memory of our princess, Carrie Fisher".


Din taking his helmet off for Grogu


Order 66 got me emotional everytime. And Han Solo's death. Not because of Han actually, but seeing Chewbacca devastated 🥺


Luke & Leia’s reunion on Crait got me in theaters. “No one’s ever really gone.”


That hit particularly hard given Carrie Fisher’s recent passing.


Yeah when Obi Wan says to Vader “*I’m sorry…for everything.*” I was bawling my eyes out dude


“When have we ever followed orders?” or maybe the scene where Crosshair is begging for Mayday’s life


Luke becoming one with the Force at the end of Last Jedi. Galen’s message to Jyn. Chirrut’s death. K2SO’s final stand. Dooku mourning Qui-Gon at the tree. The score in particular elevates the scene.


Seeing a completely empty Tipoca City on Kamino before it gets fucking destroyed really hurt.


Marva's posthumous speech made me shed a tear iirc. Either way it was deeply moving to me.


When Obi-Wan watches Anakin in pain and suffering after the duel. Every word hits in that scene. I actually cried because I was already having a bad day, it was probably my 3rd rewatch of the movie when it happened.


In Rouge one when Jyn Erso is in the meeting with the rebel command deciding whether or not to attack scariff. The speech she gives gets me bitch crying every time


Tell him I love him more than anything he could ever do wrong.


- Luke's return in Mando. - "I can't swim"


"When have we ever followed orders"


End of the Clone Wars final season when Vader picks up one of the buried lightsabers.


Lot of great scenes listed here already. That’s what’s so great about *Star Wars*—it pulls on your heartstrings. In one moment you’re on the edge of your seat filled with tension, in another you’re jumping for joy, and in yet another tears are welling up. I’m certain I shed a tear (and hide it) several times watching any movie or show, and beyond the obvious—when a beloved character dies, a first display of love, or a belated recognition moving forward the relationship arc of strained characters—now I’ll watch and be triggered by something as simple as a Tooka doll or a knowing plaintive moment in the score.


Kanan. And Tech’s moment. “..When did we ever follow orders?”


Chewbacca’s howl of sadness when he knew Han was dead.


In Obi-Wan when Uncle Owen says "Do you want to meet him?" Obi-Wan goes to Luke and says "Hello There", I blubbed.


Kanans last stand for sure. Best jedi ever.


Embarrassingly, the end of Rise. After the cluster of sequels, I just wanted one last look at where it all began to end it. So when that was the final shot, I got misty.


The trailer music almost had me crying


“Remember, my dear Obi-Wan. I loved you always. I always will…” -Satine Kryze final words to Obi-Wan. Still gets me teary to this day.


Han Solo’s death in TFA. Even though it was signposted from the outset, he was my favourite scoundrel.


-K2SO got me like a gut punch. I was not expecting that at all. -B2EMO when he wanted Maarva. Literally just thinking about it makes my heart start to hurt, because it's such a true statement on grief. That's all you want and you can't have it. -Not so much on rewatch, but I cried when Leia died in theatres. That was more for Carrie than it was for Leia though. -Kanan.


Rey in Rise of Skywalker as she lies defeated by Palpatine and returns to her meditation, "Be with me." Then the jedi voices. "Rise." Her moment of faith in the force and the follow through hearing all of those jedi voicee was amazing and brings me to tears.


Rogue One at the end when it becomes clear they have to sacrifice themselves to get the job done


Obi Wan Kenobi. When Anakin calls out for kenobi while his helmet was damaged. I could feel the helplessness turn into rage


Tales of the Jedi. “Let’s hope that training pays off”


Fives' death


When Ahsoka returns to see Rex and the 501st in the final season of the clone wars. She is so surprised that they still salute her even after leaving the order. "Loyalty means everything to the clones" Then the doors open and the entire unit has painted their helmets to look like Ahsoka. It was happy. It was sad. It was fantastic.


Clone Wars s7e11 - Shattered “Find him.. Fives.. Find him, Fives!!!” as Anakin’s Dark Deed’s crescendos and Rex shoot to kill his best friend after fighting it for as long as he could Rebels s2 finale - Twilight of the Apprentice “I won’t leave you, not this time” my goodness, Ahsoka wanted so badly to save her former master. At the time this was canon considered the **ONE** moment Anakin resurfaced instead of being Darth Vader (prior to Luke). It’s beyond tragic and just beautiful Rebels s4e10 - Jedi Night Kanan. Everything Kanan. The music as well takes this scene to another level There have been other moments that made me tear up, but those 3 moments had me reaching for multiple tissues because I just couldn’t stop crying


"I Know What I Have to Do But I Don't Know If I Have the Strength To Do It" That acting and dialogue between Han and Ben in TFA is soo good. When Han’s pleading to help him and then the betrayal… ugh got me tearing up. Then to have that scene repeated in TROS is thematically pleasing


I don’t know why but the episode “Shattered” from The Clone Wars gets me every single time. Palps broadcasts Order 66. Knowing it runs in conjunction with Episode III, we all knew exactly what was going to happen. You see Rex **truly** struggling to resist it. His pupils dilate slightly, His blasters are shaking, and all he could utter to Ahsoka after telling her to stay back was, “Find Fives” all of this with the climax of *Anakin’s Dark Deeds* crescendoing in the background. It’s intimate and raw, suspenseful and deep. The entire Siege of Mandalore arc is my favorite of the entire franchise but I think that I get so emotional watching it is because at that very moment, Ahsoka’s world came crashing down and vanished.


Obi-Wan and Vader's dialog in episode six of the Obi-Wan Kenobi series. The hologram message to Jyn from her father in Rogue One.


Order 66 always gets me, it’s just such a horrifying idea