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I like this style. Its clean, simple, and distinguishes the models well. It also reminds me of the 80s style.


Red Group, Gold Group, All Fighters, Follow Me!


Told ya they'd do it




Rogue leader here. Wings, report in.


Rogue 5, reporting in!


Stay on target! Red Ten reporting in. Red Seven reporting in. Red Three reporting in. Red Six reporting in. Red Nine reporting in. Red two reporting in. Red Eleven reporting in. Then Luke reports in as red five. Wedge is red two. Red squadron is killed right down to the two of them before the death star I is destroyed. Luke goes as rogue leader on Hoth but there's no reporting in bit. So death star trench run Luke just replied to future on hoth Luke. By the time the reporting in bit is run again in Jedi, Gold Leader Lando is leading the charge - the leaders of red, gray and green report in before wedge, red leader, calls for the foils. Why is this important? This is the best setup joke for... the OH NOES finale moment of the movie that comes next. After the S-Foils comment, Ackbar chimes in with a Force be with us. Cut to Lando and Nien nunb (not to be confused with ten numb, b wing pilot for blue five), who are realizing that Palps has got them this time. "We've got to be able to get some kind of a reading on that shield, up or down - Well... how could they be jamming us if they don't know if we're coming?!" Ba Dum Tiss. Then everyone goes full nav tokens for max powerslides to avoid hitting the shield. So ackbar goes, "Take evasive action! Green Group, stick close to holding sector MV-7," then the other guy says, "Admiral, we have enemy ships in sector 47." [I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQljzQ_FpUE)[t's a trap](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wk-6DPrcMv4)[.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cJBt9-W2dQ) Next time, we'll talk about death star beams, magnitudes, and giving more time just as Artoo explodes. We might just take a few of you with us.


What a word smith z


Big Red Standing by!




Red button standing by!


Simply Red standing by!


Little Red Riding Hood standing by!


Looks great! I personally put a nuln wash over my squadrons afterward to give them that dirty, beat-up rebel look that I love.


They look awesome! Is that the Ghost that I see?? Hera would be proud!


Yup! It's a joint operation!


Nice job, it's amazing what a bit of colour does


Oh damn, I almost have the exact same paint job on my fleet. Can’t forget Poe Dameron, right on!


Hello there


General Kenobi!


You are a bold one


Nicely done! I just finished painting my first squadron of TIEs. Can't imagine how long all of those Rebels took you.


Thanks! Rebels took way less time than tie fighters. all the little trim and edge painting on imperials takes forever. I'm gonna post imperials here in a little while.