• By -


You can vote for biden and still be a leftist... its a Inevitability that either trump or biden becomes president at this point and well i hate them both i know trump is worse. So either you can not vote which i wont shame you for or you can vote and participate electorally


Additionally knowing the harm it will cause minority groups. Being a leftist always involves minimizing harm and stopping fascism and when given the opportunity, we must stop fascism and minimize harm. It will be 1000 times easier to organize under Biden than trump.


>It will be 1000 times easier to organize under Biden than trump. [LMAO](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/biden-signs-bill-block-us-railroad-strike-2022-12-02/) [LMAO redux](https://truthout.org/articles/police-are-sending-student-protesters-to-the-er-campus-cops-wont-keep-us-safe/)


Google project 2025


Shhhhhh. He'd rather burn down the system than admit he's wrong.


[I did](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalMemes/comments/1dpit06/the_dems_will_help_them_pass_most_of_it_anyway/)


do you genuinely think trump would do better in either of these scenarios


No one is asking you to vote for Trump, they're only asking you to hold Biden responsible for his crimes, which Republicans refuse to do to Trump. Don't mirror Trump supporters.


when did i say not to hold biden accountable for his warcrimes????? did you hallucinate that


When did OP say to vote for Trump? Typical fascist, every accusation an admittance


i never said you said to vote for trump though, wtf are you talking about im an anarchist


You implied OP was asking people to vote for Trump, you said "and Trump would do better?" No one believes Trump will do better, fascist. You are using shitty propoganda, fascist. You're lying about being an anarchist, they don't support genocide, fascist.


when did i ever support genocide, because i support biden being tried and jailed for his crimes im just pragmatic enough to realise that.1 trump will continue the genocide and embolden netanyahu because theyre both alt right. 2 trump will make things worse in the US because he'll embolden the alt right there and pass their laws


Possibly. Trump was anti-russia at the start of his presidency. But obviously that's not the point.


youre right, thats not even close to relevent so why bring it up?


Wow you're right. Trump's previous handling of a contentious foreign policy issue has no relevance to Trump's future handling of a contentious foreign policy issue.


You are aware he ended up getting what those striking workers wanted, right?


The down votes are mind boggling


Google project 2025


Hence the OP meme lol




And it's a question that changes depending on where you are - the choice of voting for Biden, for someone else, or not voting at all, is different if you live in a state where your vote could affect the outcome or if you live in one where your vote doesn't. I've settled on advocacy of voting rather than not, whether you're voting Biden or third party, because being counted matters. Biden's going to win my state regardless of how I vote, so I'll be voting for someone else, but the calculus is different for people in different places.


Many leftists will vote for Biden. [In fact Democrats count on it](https://www.counterpunch.org/2020/03/10/nowhere-else-to-go/). The point of the meme is that a subreddit titled "star wars lefty memes" is now crawling with centrist neoliberals who attack actual leftist memes.


Actual leftists don't put in all of this footwork for fascists or use patented lefty™ spins of MAGA talking points, I almost prefer dealing with MAGA dumb fucks over you "actual leftists" because at least they are upfront with their support of the installation of a christo-fascist government and desire to genocide the LGBTQ+.


The left is notoriously polyvalent and heterodox - it's why we can't organize well. For you it's a lot easier: repeat what Democrats say and flatly deny any contradictory evidence. I'm envious in a way. It must be so stress-free.


You’re spare parts aren’t you, bud?


Spare parts for what? A sex machine? bam pwned checkmate athiest


Literally every single thing that you have posted in this subreddit has been rebranded MAGA talking points, I have not seen you state a single unique thought or actual leftist opinion, just doomer bullshit of "BiDeN bAd" and "bUt GeNoCiDe" ignoring that your **ONLY** other viable option not only brazenly supports that genocide, but also wants to institute genocide in the US. You do not think of actual solutions to anything and instead just endlessly parrot what has been spoon fed to you by others, so tell me what sounds more stress-free and easy "we have tried nothing and are all out of ideas but Biden bad", or "how do we play our hand in the game that the capitalists stacked against us in order to improve life for the normal person?"


You don't understand my frame on politics at all. Look, imagine you got home one day and your house is on fire. A big red fire. You call 911, grab a bucket and starting throwing water on the fire. The neighbors join in. The firemen arrive - all in blue - dismount, and immediately form a circle around the burning house to stop you getting through with water. Then the fire chief begins scolding you. He says throwing water is rude and a breach of the norms. He says the fire has some good ideas and you need to compromise with it. He says actually fire does some good things like heat homes and you're naive for not appreciating that. He says you should stay out of firefighting and let the experts handle it. By now flames have consumed half your house. Your entire neighborhood is now begging the fire chief to do something. He sighs, rolls his eyes, and throws a single bucket of water onto your lawn. You tell him that's not enough to stop the fire, and all the firemen begin yelling you're ungrateful and don't understand firefighting and nothing is ever good enough for you. In that scenario, which needs to be dealt with first in order to save your house: the fire, or the firemen?


So what are you advocating for in this analogy? By dealing with the firemen, does that mean not voting for Biden, voting for Trump, voting for RFK, or just not voting at all? Id love nothing more for Biden to be out of the picture but short of death, I highly doubt that happens by November and frankly im not sure who they could even tap to win in that scenario. So what would you suggest people who feel like you actually do to push forward leftist policies this coming election?


And how does that play out if trump wins? You wouldn’t even have a neighborhood left. Or do you think trump would let you put out the fire?


Biden is bad and Genocide is a disqualifier. Pointing these things out doesn't mean we support Trump. Go fk yourself and your liberal bullsh\*t.


Actual leftists don't accuse leftists expressing pretty baseline leftist critiques of electoralism of putting in legwork for fascists.


Actual leftists don't non-stop regurgitate talking points created by fascists to generate apathy in leftists in order for fascists to wrest control and institute fascist policies of extermination.


Biden's a fascist and you're working to normalize genocide.


I’ll have you know there’s only one real leftist, and I’m her. And my views are utterly incomprehensible!


Opposing Biden and pointing out his genocide isn't MAGA talking points, you piece of sh\*t.




Say it louder for the centrist libs in the back…and front…and everywhere else in this sub


Or you can vote for trump and hope he accelerates the collapse of america




Heres the take Trump is catastrophic for global warming amd planet and that matters to everybody around the world


>You can vote for biden and still be a leftist In 2020, yes. In 2024, while the motherfucker is committing an actual genocide, then no, you really can not


Trump would genocide even harder after turning America into an actual fascist state


This right here. Trump and his ilk literally want to genocide LGBTQ+ people. Why else are they trying to conflate being gay with pedophilia?


Strangely enough, the fact that Trump is very slightly worse doesn't excuse Biden supporting a genocide, nor his damn near 50-year track record of being a right-wing trash monster.


I don't completely agree with OPs point, but comments like that one do give him credibility. I'm voting for Biden, but people who pretend like it's fine when Biden do it definitely aren't leftists.


Slightly Trump is way worse


Bruh, they literally agree on like 99% of US policy. Edit: a cartoon is worth several thousand words: https://www.reddit.com/r/CommunismMemes/s/S4qWHLEzP5


> a cartoon is worth several thousand words: Nice


I think literally trying to gut all rights and turn America into a fascist is worse by a lot Our only options are corporate evil in the democrats or christofascistic evil in the republicans


>I think literally trying to gut all rights and turn America into a fascist is worse by a lot So you believe Republican campaign promises? They have no more intention of implementing that than the Dems ever had of implementing public health care or any climate policy more aggressive than "fondle Wall St bamkers' balls until they agree to a tiny reduction in greenhouse emissions"


[project 2025 exists](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025#:~:text=Established%20in%202022%2C%20the%20project,of%20the%20next%20Republican%20president.)


Of the last 5 genuinely terrible ideas from the Heritage Foundation that have become Federal Law, what percentage was passed by/signed by Republican legislatures/Presidents? Hint: it's lower than you would think.


What is stopping Project 2025 from becoming Project 2029 if Biden wins?


The Heritage Institute isn’t going to magically evaporate if we foil Project 2025, you goober, you silly person. They’ll just start writing Project 2029. That’s what they’ve been doing since Reagan with zero public pushback from Democrats, and all y’all just now learning about the Mandate For Leadership and acting like it’s new or unique is making me lose my goddamn mind. It’s not new, they’ve always been evil, thank you for waking up and facing reality. Now stop pretending history started yesterday, and please get with the program.


Women lost abortion rights under Biden. Asylum seekers are being punished harder by Biden. Biden expanded fracking beyond the industry's wildest dreams. Rights are being gutted now.


We are deeply fucked


Now you're getting it. And we're deeply fucked whether the ruling class uses the left hand puppet or the right hand puppet to announce their fuckery for the next 4 years.


Yes, you are. Because you keep voting for people who are doing the fucking


Trump literally appointed the justices that struck down Roe v. Wade. A second Trump term means a Christofascist Supreme Court for the next 30 years.


I call this one "born-yesterdayism". Why yes, republicans did appoint those judges - after Democrats let their nomination be stolen without a fight. After 50 years of democrats refusing to safely codify abortion rights because keeping them vulnerable juices donations. After decades of warm bipartisan compromise and legislation that always - *always* - drags policy to the right. Then SCOTUS banned abortion and the pro-life president did nothing but complain mildly on twitter. History matters. Trump's base is still mad about NAFTA, but you probably don't even know what that is because it hasn't been in the news cycle over the past 24 hours.


And Biden will do nothing to change that. Obama didn't, and he at least was in possession of all of his faculties.


I'm going to steal this


Please, comrade, expropriate away


>actual fascist state Whose homework did the Nazis copy, again? Which country were they emulating?


This reads like satire and I'm sad that it isn't. How low is our bar lol


Liberals: “When they go low, we go lower”


"But the other guy would genocide "EVEN HARDER" is legit something I'd say to highlight how dumb "blue no matter who" bullshit is. It's actually reality now.


>No baby don't leave. I know I beat you daily but your new boyfriend will beat you even more Abuser logic


We literally only have two options is the difference


Only if you let it


It's a two party system , there is literally only two options that do anything aside from dividing the vote


It is not. Other parties and candidates exist. 2 party system is a lie to manufacture your consent to keep you voting against your interests. 2 party system is only 2 party system as long as you don't break the cycle.


RFK Jr. - Anti-vax nutjob Jill Stein - Literal Russian asset I don't even know or care who's on the Libertarian ticket. None of the other parties are viable.


Why even bring up rfk Jr or the libertarians in a leftist sub like that's something anybody on the left would ever suggest? https://votesocialist2024.com/


This lib doesn't even know about Claudia and Korina.


Cool, so don't vote for any of them and help break the illusion of a popular mandate.


[Here we go again](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalMemes/comments/1doom65/but_trump_would_do_bidens_fascism_even_harder/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Imagine linking to your own post where you got absolutely ratio'd Lmao


Yikes. That's how it's going to be, isn't it? Liberals will spend the whole year immersed in pro-Biden social media, and if he loses we'll get Russiagate 2.0 because they can't believe internet points [don't represent reality.](https://www.reuters.com/graphics/USA-BIDEN/POLL/nmopagnqapa/)


Not true. There is opting for a revolution


Is the means of ending the genocide by electoral means in the room with us right now?


Google project 2025


I'm aware of it. It's not much different than the republican platform in the last decade anyway.


Its VERY different since its actually organized. Thats not a reason to not vote.


Yes you can. Between a fascist and a liberal, a leftist elects the liberal.


Good luck to you voting for a genocider and an actual literal segregationist then


Good luck to you making it easier for a christo-fascist to win and implement Project 2025 then


Tell me you've never read a word of theory without telling me...


Theory is great but real life consequences are more important.


Yep, that's what I said, but you keep repeating it. The real life consequences of any political action tend to be exactly what theory predicts. And voting for Liberals always goes badly. There's not an upside to Biden. Damn near everything you think is going to happen under Trump is already happening under Biden, and there is no democracy in the US to save.


The squad didn't shrink under Trump.


The Squad literally just shrunk Bowman lost his primary.


And who’s president right now?


Right. That was sort of my point.


I thought we were avoiding election posts…


OP likes to sit right on the edge of that rule. 


No one is being told how to vote


Voting posts


The purity tests fucking suck. Vote or don't vote, ***but what else are you doing to help?***


Ah yes, the screeching about "purity tests". Kind of exposes you as a liberal, mate. As it seems its you piece of sh\*t liberals who quiver at the thought of having actual values and principles. Genocide can't even shake you free from that partisan loyalty teet, ya piece of sh\*t.


The fact that I'm a leftist is why I'll do what I need to do to keep a fascist out of office.


[Not like this you won't](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E248p-pXIAUZw7P.png)


Oh no, it's a bullshit visual metaphor! Anyway.


Why is is bullshit?


For one thing because it's just not true. I remember when the 1994 crime bill passed (signed by Clinton and written by Biden), now the same dude is rescheduling marijuana, incarceration rates have been dropping for the last 20 years, we're not directly fighting a foreign war for the first time in 20 years, etc. Obviously it's still a rightwing government, but it's definitely become more moderate over the course my lifetime, largely because of the election of Democrats. Now the far right reactionaries are, well, reacting and a bunch of shitty "leftist" posers think we should just abstain and let them take over. Fuck off. And if that basic premise isn't true then the whole logic of the meme falls apart. It's just the mechanical version of depicting your opponent as the soy wojack.


The old "you hippies are never satisfied" bit. Hey great! Some mild cannabis reforms that don't even legalize weed. Very bold - for the 90s. Not "directly" fighting? Thank you mr president for using proxies to do horrific violence on my behalf and with my tax dollars. What have Dems done for prison populations? Mention the private prison industry and Democratic politicians hide, because they've done nothing to dismantle the nationwide network of for-profit slave labor camps. That's what leftists get for voting Democrat. Meanwhile, what do reactionaries get? NAFTA, ACA, abortion outlawed, strikebusting, Gaza genocide, ukraine nazis armed to the teeth, thousands of small derugulations, privatizations, and government downsizes. The ratchet doesn't mean the left gets nothing at all. It means we get small symbolic gestures while the right gets power.


One thing I do like about the ratchet metaphor is that it does make it clear why your argument is stupid. Letting Republicans win is just turning the ratchet harder, lol.


More moderate? Its been accelerating to the point where Biden is carrying out an open genocide and you're just shrugging and rolling your moribund eyes at it.


In a more modern issue, I remember voting for Biden because Trumps border wall / policy was idiotic and horrible on the humanitarian front. Now Biden has completed parts of that wall, and has now taken many of the policies that Trump initially had


I can only answer for myself and my view on it but a big reason we keep moving to the right abd never the left comes down to 2 main things **1)** The republcians keep winning. If the republcians are in power, and they keep asking the dems to move to the right to work with them, and the dems keep doing it, then we are going to move to the right. They will continue to put in far right laws for just about everything. Is this in defense of the dems? No. Still not a fan of them. But we can pick so many topics where it is almsot always the Republicans. You can go back over the last decade and look at so many bills and how they were voted on, and you will find a ton where the dems voted one way, and the Republicans voted the other. Or we can look at things like Roe. Should the dems have done something to put it in law? Yes. At least have made an attempt. But would it be gone if Trump lost? How many democrats are trying to get rid of it? Same sex marriage? That's on the chopping block. I'm gay, and I am sure more democrats don't give two shits about us than they let on. But at least in not caring that means they wouldn't get rid of it. If we simply stop going back and forth, then the Republicans can't move us to the right anymore. **2)** More people need to focus on local government. Now the Roe has been over turned, there are places that tried to get rid of abortions. Then people finally started voting local, and got it back. Same sex marriage started with the states. A number of years that pushed it to federal. I'm not holding my breath any time soon, but the dems occasionally talk about legalizing marijuana. We got to them talking about it by states legalizing it. Some places have even legalized free lunches for students. If we want more left leaning policies, we need to focus on there just as much, if not more than the presidency. At this point voting Biden, to me, is just trying to buy time. The Republicans have decided to dig themselves deeper and deeper, and their following has gotten smaller with younger people, and the older people are getting old. Many are have died from Covid. Many more will die of old age. Years ago I heard someone say society progresses with each funeral, and I am just trying to hold onto that idea. Because what else is there? Your image said the Republicans pull us further right. So we just have them win and let us go further right? Then let them win again and go further right? Just keep repeating that. Im sorry, but as a member of the queer community, I don't feel like sitting down and praying that things will change for the better. If Trump wins, that's it. That's our community gone. That's me, friends, family members, neighbors, dead. "But then it will be project 2027!" And I will vote then. And the. As more and more Republicans die out and more and more young people become more and more progressive and radicalized and push for things, then we can start to see change. It's not gonna be quick. I don't know if I will be alive if it happens. Even ignoring the fact that we might all die because of global warming anyways. We aren't gonna get to the left any time soon. So I agree with the basic message of the image, to an extent. But the mentality that it's spreading of just let the Republicans win? No.


They're both facisists at this point. You can't do all the shit Biden has pulled and still get the title 'liberal' and, therefore, be *very slightly* not as bad.


I mean, if you just ignore any actual definition of words maybe. Doing all the shit Biden has done is exactly why he gets the title of liberal. If you think "liberal" is a compliment, it's not, it's just not as bad as a fascist.


Blue state privilege at its finest.


Lmao I’m in a red state in no danger of flipping and I stand fully with that commenter. If democrats want my vote they can’t run a genocider.


your shooting your own foot and bragging about it, embarrasing


Yeah, it’s not like Biden-approved weapons are shooting literal gazan children into tiny pieces while you smugly proclaim idioms. Embarrassing, indeed. You’re right I should hand my vote to whichever genocide is done under my preferred color.


no you should vote for the less genocidal option, trumps made it clear he wants to turn gaza into a parking lot while biden is just regular flavour genocidal


I mean if that’s your single issue, it should be pretty clear which of the two options is better. Not that you should be happy about picking the shinier turd, but the crux is to either vote for the better option or be the better option.


Nah, you're a liberal, not a leftist.


This is boring. I’m bored now.


Then unsubscribe


"Ok, so if you consider tactical voting, we can prevent some-" "LIIIIIIB! LIBY LIB LIBERAL!" "What? No, I just think it would make things harder if we-" "SO YOU ADMIT IT!!!!" - Part of this sub right now. Response to the comment below; Voting to prevent escelation of one, and preventing several more occuring, is not normalizing it. Normalizing it, is standing by, and smugly doing nothing. Which is what you advocate for.


That's quite different to what actually happens: swarms of liberals descending on anyone who even hints at not voting.


There's no we here if you're voting to normalize genocide.


I genuinely don't think I've ever seen anybody on this sub say anything more positive about Biden than that he's better than Trump. I obviously can't speak for anyone else, but as far as I'm concerned, if you don't wanna vote for Biden, that's fine *if* you don't kid yourself that abstention is meaningful political praxis: Biden losing the election won't push the democratic party to the left, and Trump will be as eager a supporter of Israel's genocide as Biden ever was while being *even fucking worse* on every domestic issue under the sun.


"What da hell, that guy who's on the left is voting for the leftmost viable option????" Edit: extreme political illiteracy below, view at your own risk


Biden is further to the right of Reagan and Trump and always has been.


Is this sub being brigaded by actual Leftists? Based.


POV: This is your twelfth “This sub now” post you’ve seen


And I have more on the boil. The cantina one will be a knockout.


It is literally all this person posts.


I think the disconnect that happens in this sub is that we have people a bunch of people who like Star Wars, but on one side we have liberals and on the other side we have progressives, socialists, and communists. And the liberals have adopted the thinking that because they don’t want to melt women, migrants, and members of the LGBTQ+ community they are now “leftists.” It’s like the Star Wars prequel fans vs the Andor fans. Edit: an “and”


That's the fundamental function of liberalism. It gives people an excuse to be aesthetically leftist but functionally conservative.




OP, you're getting slammed but I support you and gave you an upvote. Keep up the good fight, some of us are actually leftists and refuse to support genocide.


[It's the majority.](https://www.reuters.com/graphics/USA-BIDEN/POLL/nmopagnqapa/) [Libs done shoot themselves in the foot](https://www.reddit.com/r/alltheleft/comments/1dbkl1i/the_absolute_state_of_default_subs/)


Damn dude we get it lol you've been doing this every day now. Is that activism to you or something?


Isn't there a no elections posts ban on this sub?


I love all the gatekeeping in this sub. /s I'd like to share a story I'm sure no one will care about. In June of 2020 people were pissed about George Floyd and police brutality. So I went and marched at a rally in my tiny ass town. The rally was put together by some Socialist party group. Maybe 1,00 people came out. I was like whatever. But before the march the organizers went up and took turns bashing the system, 45, and went on ad nauseum. At when they opened the mic I wish I would have gotten up and said this: It doesn't matter what color of the political rainbow you are. If you see wrong, that means we have something in common. You don't have to be a communist to see what's wrong.


Did someone in a Biden hat shit on your doorstep or something? All you seem to do is complain about theoretical libs. 


I have literally never seen a Biden hat. I know *one* person with a single Biden mug.


Don't worry according to OP every single person here is Leslie Knope. 


And according to them Leslie Knope is a fascist


If you're not a leftist you're a liberal. If you're a liberal you're a fascist. *Anyone who doesn't believe exactly what I believe is evil.*


Love too downplay genocide. It's a fun thing that leftists love to do!


I'm pointing out that all OP does is complain about biden "Supporters" . 


If you're a Biden *supporter*, you're a genocide *supporter*. I'd personally be thrilled people were only complaining about me if I were a vocal supporter of genocide.


I don't think anyone here is a biden supporter. I think at best some of us are voting for him reluctantly and focusing on other things to do more directly


There are literally dozens of liberals in this thread alone attempting to browbeat actual leftists into voting for a genocidaire.


For real. I’m sitting here NOT being a vocal supporter of genocide and the libs are focusing more fire on me than their supposed enemy.


Not yet, but it's not election season.


Its star wars lefty memes not star wars shit lib memes


Your association with who you vote for meaningfully reflecting your personal identity is telling.


Yes, if you vote for the man carrying out a genocide, you are condoning and owning that genocide.


Where did I do that?


I'm fine if some of y'all vote for Biden just please stop talking about it.


Hate to break it to you, but a leftist vote abstained is a vote for Trump. I know you won't listen to a stranger on the internet and will probably respond to this comment with some pithy quip and a link, but I can't just scroll past this one. It is killing me. How can you not understand that the movement to abstain will get Trump elected. How can you not understand what is at stake.