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Have you watched the show?


Yes but it's been more than 20 years since I watched from front and back so my memory's a bit fuzzy on some details...


Moros (Merlin) did exactly what you described and the others stopped him


Ha yeah I think I remember that, his laboratory wasn't shielded against Ascendeds or something like that?


He conducted his research in a dimension that even ascended cannot see, but when he was finished, they stopped him. However, the Ancient they sent to stop him, Ganos Lal, she grew sympathetic to his goals, so she put him in stasis, so that it would be possible to find him and ask for his knowledge.


Alright..! I get it now, it makes more sense, thank you a bunch!


Yeah, this is addressed in detail. Descended ancients are allowed to use anything they could have learned from the plane they descend to. If they try to use fancy powers or use knowledge they gained as an ascended being, they get "punished." Anubis explains all this to Daniel in season 8.


I see... Thanks for the reply. Though when you say knowledge they gained as an Ascended being, does that also apply to informations about X events and/or Y people? Because I seem to remember a tidbit about Daniel having visions of Teal'c and Bra'tac on some prison planet, does this has anything to do with that?


Daniel and Oma Desala cheated a little, he was allowed to keep some ascended knowledge when he descended but it was buried deep in his subconscious. I forget what exactly he retained. It's explained that Anubis was allowed to use whatever knowledge he would have normally been able to obtain as a Goa'uld. I take this to mean he retained a lot of information he didn't know before his ascension but could have learned, and only had the genuine secrets of ascended beings/the ancients removed (the sangraal, atlantis, etc).


Yeah, I don't believe they specifically stated the difference, but I got the impression that Anubis was able to retain more information because he was Oma's punishment, while Daniel was the one punished with his descension.


I thought Daniel's descent was his choice.


Anubis wasn't fully descended though.


True, that might have played into it. And may I say how much pissed off I am they decided to release Anubis on the lower plane to punish Oma while condemning countless innocents, with the Wraiths on top of that they really dropped the ball, made me ashamed of them.


Ah that explains much...


There is an episode with the Ori that specifically references this. In it, the ascended being that descended chose to come back as a child in order to retain as much information as possible. I think he slowly lost his memory. There isn't a punishment per say, BUT the biological brain can't retain nearly enough of the knowledge.


Do you mean Adria?


No, Orlin


But wait, wasn't Orlin way before the Ori in the show?


The first appearance of Orlin he was as an adult in season 5’s ‘Ascension.’ He was also in season 9’s ‘The Fourth Horseman’ episode as a child.


Huh, alright then. Thank you!