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Bro is out there making memes in whatsapp lmao


You got me there lmaoo


should be using Signal instead


In the UK, WhatsApp is pretty much the defacto messaging app, it's more popular than iMessage and Facebook messenger (even though Facebook owns WhatsApp too). No one bothers using signal and everytime I've tried, no one ends up getting on it to use it as well




It can work and still be stupid. I do it every day.


I mean valve doesn't decide if a game has denuvo, the publisher does. So you should thank squeenix for that one.


Denuvo is the biggest fear I have with being able to play Sparking Zero on the Deck


Same for my decision to get Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance on Switch instead of Steam Deck. Absolutely insane that Atlus put DRM on a SINGLE PLAYER GAME on Steam Deck for whatever reason


DRM has nothing to do with a game being multi or single tho? It's to prevent piracy.


Then why doesn't the Switch, PS4, PS5, and Xbox One version have DRM? You can pirate those games just as easily as the Steam version. The Switch version is arguably pirated more than the PC version too since it has no DRM, and it's easy to dump the files


Because people pirate on PC 90% more than on consoles. Most games on Steam have DRM, you can't play them without Steam, and console games have DRM, they can only be played on those consoles.


Gladly will!


Not directly but there is always backlash if they do. Case in point it always being there with other launchers no matter what. They facilitate a platform that gives customers more rights, and that's the real reason devs wish EGS was more popular. I wish people would finally understand that game devs aren't our friends, we are paying customers and we should never relent in our demands to them.


> devs aren't our friends, The people who run the massive entities above the devs are usually the ones inserting the shittiest practices, but I'm with you otherwise.


Developers are just like us for the most part. They're humans. It's the borderline soulless corporate nature of the executives that usually cause negative results. See: Atari before and after selling to Warner


Backlash in that a handful of whiney gamers on Reddit bitch and moan and nothing actually happens. A lot of games release with Denuvo and it's only removed when publishers decide it's no longer worth the cost.


Because idiots still buy the crap. If there isnt a large and loud enough "we dont buy because denuvo/eac/malware#84357" then they dont notice/care or say "people dont like the game" instead of accepting that they dont get money for their product because of useless malware


This. Anyone buying games while bitching about the malware and unreasonable practices are the problem here, and they deserve the late stage capitalistic hellscape they bend over for… the rest of us (a seemingly minority) do not.


Despite all the bitching about Denuvo absolutely nothing has changed. Still used a bunch of companies and has very little impact on sales.


Who bitched? Couple hundred people? The sales have to be awful and the shitstorm loud and huge but most gamers dont even care about whats happening behind the game, they just buy it, not caring about that their ignorance makes it worse and worse for everyone


"I mean valve doesn't decide if a game has denuvo, the publisher does. So you should thank squeenix for that one." "Not directly but there is always backlash if they do. Case in point it always being there with other launchers no matter what." That's what I've been trying to say. The person I responsded to said there is always a backlash and I said the backlash is a loud minority that has no effect.


Yeah, and thats quite sad. Only way around it is to not buy it if it launches with denuvo but to have it wishlisted and buy when they drop denuvo


We already thank Square by paying the game's price. They're not giving for free haha


> valve doesn't decide if a game has denuvo, the publisher does. This is technically true of course, but I think we should recognize that Valve does have a part to play when it comes to DRM, for example they prominently display the existence and type of third-party DRM on the store page. They don't do this entirely out of altruism (they have their own Steamworks DRM which they'd happily promote instead) but they could just as easily hide that negative detail from the consumer and focus on closing the sale instead, which is something a lot of less scrupulous companies would easily do. They could also make a bigger obstacle out of refunding games due to DRM issues, which they are generally pretty good about. I think it's worth thanking them for not being as shitty as they could be. It's a low bar to pass, granted, but at least they pass it.


Ya, even if you're not buying, make sure to sing their praises. Show publishers that this is the way


And they paid a fortune for these games, not like Valve was doing them a favour lmao


I think they're referring to the Epic Store PC version that originally came out, which had an always-online requirement. I don't think it was Denuvo, but there was some DRM that was specific to EGS, and AFAIK Squeenix did not add it


Squeenix is dead 😭


Yeah steam does have control over that, the same way most games on EGS require it. Steam just isn't scum


Then why do so many of my Steam games have denuvo?


Because the games can require it, but EGS also pushes for it, hence why Kingdom hearts required online for EGS but not steam


So Square fucked over their audience by taking Epic's deal, releasing their game on an inferior platform, and with invasive anti-piracy software. But they eventually gave you a product worth buying, so they're the good guys?


> taking Epic's deal They are ridiculously good deals though. Usually something like paying for tens or hundreds of thousands of copies up front ([Control deal was over $10 million](https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/epic-games-store-paid-8-43-million-for-control-exclusive)), giving 100% revenue for the first few months, and even after that the cut is less than half of what Steam takes. Often that means launching as an Epic exclusive results in the game being profitable even before it has sold a single copy. Fuck Epic and their PC exclusivity bullshit, don't get me wrong, but I can totally understand why publishers and developers take those deals.


Epic is just undercutting the competition to try and get their footing in the market. And they've demonstrated that they won't actually improve their service to do that. Epic exclusivity is just an anti-consumer practice. I hate that devs get punished for bad decisions made by publishers, but I would rather do that than reward publishers for anti-consumer practices. For me, that means not rewarding that behavior with my money, even after the game comes to Steam. If they want my money then they shouldn't take deals that actively hurt my experience.


I buy the game when it comes to Steam because it's cheaper than release price and I want to be included in the calculation when they try to figure out how much they lost by not selling the game to me and others at full price on launch day.


I'll have to look for it, but I seem to remember an article where devs were saying that those deals started losing their appeal because even after the upfront cash, the loss in sales overall for being an EGS exclusive were making it a net loss. I'm clearly biased because I enthusiastically own a steam deck, but I know that I've skipped over quite a few games now because I'm waiting for the Steam launch and by the time it does my interest has passed and I'm on to something else new and shiny.


Some of them no doubt end up being way worse in the long run as they lose steam (he he), but that's often something you could only figure out afterwards, so not taking the upfront guaranteed deal would be a huge gamble. Did Phoenix Point sell fewer copies [because of the $2.25m Epic exclusive deal](https://www.pcgamer.com/phoenix-points-epic-store-exclusivity-deal-is-worth-dollar225-million-says-fig-investor/)? Almost certainly. But did it make less money overall, though, that's harder to say. Even just by making the deal meant it got quite a lot more media coverage and so on...


It has the side effects of alienating their potential fans while deteriorating their game series. Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is a great example, and now Square Enix has states they will stop taking any exclusivity deals from here on and going multiplatforms.


Valve doesn't control whether a game has Denuvo or not. That's 100% on the publisher.


I’m glad Square Enix did. I remember when Tony Hawk came to Steam after the epic contract was up. Activision launched it on Steam with Denuvo. It was a review bomb shit show. It was gone less than two weeks later. Believe me. I’m glad Square Enix realized that


I'm curious as to why this was downvoted?


I stopped asking questions lol


I wish I could, my need to know outweighs my wish for naivety


Reddit is full of Denuvo apologists.


You should thank Valve for one thing: reencoding the movies and cutscenes. They reencoded all videos to work with Proton. The EGS release movies don't work on Linux.


Believe me, I know. I played 1.5 and 2.5 on my Steam Deck through quaked games, emulation, Heroic and remote play. Yes, the quaked games and heroic launcher where the videos would not work. It was a pain. I was graciously able to buy the series on Steam once again yesterday!


Valve employees do appreciate being thanked, though.


Alright I'm gonna drive down there and start thanking them


While you're down there, try and get them to count to 3. See if the rumors are true.


Believe me. This has been one of those franchises on the Steam Deck many of us have been waiting for. Always doubtful of will it work and will it come? It did. Thanks Square Enix. Thank you Valve. Thank you Epic Games. You can shove that three contract or whatever it was up your ass. We finally get to close the damn doors and fight against darkness baby!


Remember to take a shower after you’re done circlejerking


How did you know?


I can't decide if I want to pick these up again. I'm pretty sure this would be the 4th time buying KH 1 and 2 (PS2, PS3, and PS4) and the spinoffs, many of which I haven't played, the second or third time by that logic too. Also, KH1 is so good but some aspects of it are so damn dated. Maybe I'd revisit 2 or one of the spinoffs I never played but I have run out of gas on more than one spinoff game before.


I totally agree. Buying them on PS3, PS4, Epic Games and now this. If it wasn’t for the Steam Deck and cloud saves where I can play on my PC at night and share the screen with my friends on discord, I wouldn’t have. Epic Games was so bad. Emulation is perfectly fine. Buying it on the steam deck was worth it for me. Especially, playing dream drop distance and just steps close to playing 3 for the first time. I am very happy with my purchase. Green Man Gaming is having a very good sale on it! At the end of the day, you have that choice. Guess what. Winter sale at the end of the year might be more appealing


I still wanted to go back and finish the rhythm game! I played a bunch of that. It’s a great series, it’s just a shame that some aspects of the ps2 games haven’t aged quite so gracefully. I’m happy to have them exist on stream in perpetuity though, I could revisit them in the future…


My friend said the same thing. I do recommend buying the copy for Nintendo Switch of Melody of Memory. Dumping it legally into the last build of Yuzu. That’s how I play. 60fps at 1080p docked. Works perfectly. Epic Games version via heroic is a mess and needs tweaking


I watched Batman Begins again just last week. I'm not saying I'll never play it, but Kingdom Hearts has never grabbed my attention. I'm glad that the Steam release has gone so positively though, and always happy to see no Denuvo. Maybe one day I'll try it. Yesterday I saw the Sniper Elite games were on a big discount but they still have Denuvo (4 and 5 at least) so that's still not happening.


Like many said, it’s up to the publisher. After Square Enix recent transition to offer more games on more platforms, this is a step in the right direction. I thank them Totally understand. I have a friend who loves games like this. This franchise never caught his eye.


Oh yeah I know it's a publisher decision. I just wish other publishers knew better.


Second this


Threw down the money for all 2 remakes + KH3 and Remind. I’ve played this series since I was very young, and I’ve been waiting patiently for it to hit Steam. Thank you SE for finally pulling the trigger, and what a way to do it too, no Denuvo? Optimized battery life? They couldn’t have added it to Steam in any better format. Say what you will about SE taking a while to add things, this push to make games available everywhere has been great so far.


Second this!


oh, i didn't even know it came out already. if im familiar with kh 1 and 2 (emulating the ps2), should i just get "2.8 rechapter prologue" and "3 + re mind (dlc)"? like, is there enough story in "2.8 final chapter prologue" and gameplay unique of 1 & 2 to justify $41.39?


If you want to just play 1, 2, and 3; you’re better off just buying 3 If you want the in between like Birth by Sleep and Dream Drop Distance (HD remaster that came on the PS3, PS4 and Epic Games years ago) (HIGHLY RECOMMEND) buy them all If you want to watch the movies in between, go on YouTube. Just buy 3 If you buy them all, Green Man Gaming is selling the steam code for a additional 15 dollars off the already low sale price


Awesome, thank you for that info! might just get the 3rd.


Unreal Engine, DLC and the valve keyblade that was introduced with the launch? Can’t go wrong. Fully playable on Steam Deck


You said thank you by forking over $70.


I could of paid 55 if I went through green man gaming. I didn’t know


I've been playing it on my Steam Deck on and off for months via streaming from my PS5 with a PS+ subscription. It's been glorious.


Can anyone help me out? I’ve never played any Kingdom Hearts game but I’m interested in trying them out since I’ve heard great things. I only see 1.5/2.5 Hd etc. in the store. Are those updated versions of the game or are those their own separate games?


They are basically the updated and improved versions of the originals. They change a few things around such as when you learn certain skills, adding new heartless, changing some of their colors. It also adds a harder difficulty if you end up wanting a really hard game lol.


Each of the games you see on the Steam Store other than 3 is a bundle which includes at least 3 "games", but one of them is always HD cutscenes of a game with some plot summaries to fill the in between parts. "Final Mix" is the subtitle for a rereleased version with extra content compared to the original US/Europe release which was generally exclusive to Japan until these HD remasters came out. 1.5 includes **Kingdom Hearts Final Mix**, **Kingdom Hearts: Re:Chain of Memories** (a remake of the GBA game which takes place directly after KH1 and before KH2), and HD cutscenes and plot summaries of **Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days**. 2.5 includes **Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix**, **Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep Final Mix**, and HD cutscenes and plot summaries of **Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded**. 1.5+2.5 are packaged together, so you have both of the above in just one single package deal. 2.8 includes **Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance HD** (originally on 3DS, basically takes place more or less right after 2), **Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth By Sleep: A Fragmentary Passage** (different from KH: Birth By Sleep, yes), and HD cutscenes/basic plot summaries of some of **Kingdom Hearts Unchained X/Union X** (mobile game). 3 is just Kingdom Hearts 3, which also has the Re:Mind DLC packed in.


Upvote just for using one of my favorite Batman movies alone. But yeah the steam deck is a great device.


Meanwhile Bethesda be....doing what they do best


What have the been doing? Lol I played some of Starfield. It was okay. Space exploration games like No Man’s Sky and others haven’t really been on my radar. We got a new Doom coming which looks amazing!


True lol. Their newer update for fallout 4 made it unplayable on my deck. It crashes in like less than 20 minutes every time.


I’m sorry to hear that. Like what many said in the thread. Valve just sells the product. They don’t control how it runs. They seem to try. After Square Enix about two weeks ago stated they wanted to start finding ways for everyone to play their games, this with the Kingdom Heart franchise is a good sign I hate that shit. Ubisoft and EA are on my shit post with the Steam Deck. I have to legally emulate my Ubisoft titles because it doesn’t work. EA thanks to the anti cheat throws it out the window. I want to buy your game. Here is a platform to do it. They said. Nah. Maybe next time lol


Starfield isn't a space exploration game. It's an FPS with a space backdrop.


Despite how much I despise these movies in retrospect for killing the superhero movie genre, I will allow myself to laugh at it just this once. This is honestly perfect for how I will feel when I have the money to get the games. Hopefully before they go off sale.


Is this how poor people make memes? lol


I just bought this franchise for the fourth time. I can’t afford to make a meme. You know that lol


Memes from Whatsapp convos haha


Guilty as charged lol


Bro the saves on this steam deck are incredible. Works better than my $2000 pc


So it doesn't use that BS launcher the Epic version does?


I mean I can’t explain to this day the reason for the bugs we experienced on the Epic Games store. I can say on the 3090 paired with a 12900k and Steam Deck OLED, it’s been flawless so far. I have struggled on my legion go between Bazzite and Windows 11. That’s been a mixed reaction. Same for the Asus Ally


Lol, I love this.


I try to please the masses


I try to please the masses