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You will often seen that kind of test pattern if it's trying to play a video file that uses a codec that isn't supported by Proton. I've seen this happen in other games that play pre-rendered videos in the background on the title screen. The first thing I'd do is try using ProtonUp to install the latest version of Proton-GE and see if that fixes it; if not, go look up the game on ProtonDB and see if anybody else can recommend a fix for the issue.


This is the right answer. Fixed by using proton GE


+1, GE fixed it for me; this was even the case using a modded main menu which replaced the video file (changes the audio to Into Free, of course)


I wad about to say could be proton version related.


Happens in resident evil 7, in weird ways like the reflection in mirrors or external environment on the inside car cutscenes. Like you said proton tweaks fix it


I've seen it in RE8 as well, with the projector in the Beneviento house


That worked just fine for me, Proton Experimental version, played through it 3-4 weeks ago.


Happens in re4 remake too, proton-ge fixed it


By default people should just be using Proton-GE with all Japanese games. They're just consistently weird like this under regular proton due to the seemingly different standards with video codecs.


Exactly this, fixed it for me - and sorted a few other games also (eg. Batman: Arkham Asylum)


What can fix this issue is also using WineTricks if you're using Wine and go install DLL or components, then select "all codecs"


Yeah, I’ve had the same issue in Escape the Backrooms


Thank you! Been driving me nuts trying to figure out what this actually was out of project 06 just didn’t have an intro vid.


Dragons Dogma Peace Walker


It’s not a glitch. It’s Pride Month


Hell yeah we turned the dragons, gay agenda complete.


Drag-queens Dogma edition


Turn the freakin dragons gay!


Pride flag to celebrate the LGBTQSMPTE


For those downvoting, this is [SMPTE](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SMPTE_color_bars). It's a solid joke, and y'all are dunces.




Use Proton GE, then never touch official Proton again unless necessary (like needing a really old version).


windows media foundation. licensing. use proton-ge, it includes them.


Have you checked protonDB.com? Or searched this sub?


Nope, downloaded the game and started without touching anything


Do some Googling. This is a well-known and easily fixed issue with this game on Steam Deck. And this sub gets asked about it pretty much daily.


I swear this issue comes up more and more lately. A quick search of the sub would've turned up the answer.


Why is this downvoted? Pressing Install and then Play without touching anything is how it's supposed to work.


It's more the, if it doesn't work, I'm not going to do any research to find any info, I'm just going to ask. It's nice when a little effort is put into a problem.


Look at the title, OP didn't even know if there was a problem to fix in the first place. Besides, not everyone knows what to do when something goes wrong and asking in /r/steamdeck is a very reasonable thing to do. Protondb is a community project, there's no reason someone outside the community would even know of its existence. Everyone hears about it for the first time at some point, it makes no sense to downvote someone as they were hearing about protondb/proton-GE for the first time.


if they are a PC gamer I’d agree with you, but Valve does market this as a console like experience. I have plenty of friends who are only on console and would have no idea how to keyword this problem properly if they are new to tinkering with PC bs, and likely it will just take you to a Reddit thread. I think it’s perfectly fine to ask the SteamDeck Reddit. It’s one of the less toxic reddits but I think downvoting a perfectly decent question is pretty dumb when the community should be supporting new users.


Where did Valve ever say the SD was a console like experience? I've not seen that anywhere from Valve, in-fact [in interviews](https://www.theverge.com/23499215/valve-steam-deck-interview-late-2022) they even said they stay away from talk like that. I've seen random Youtubers say crap like that, and they're wrong. The SD is not a console and it never will be. They have always said it's a handheld PC.


Literally look at the Steam Deck page in Steam. Edit: Even in the article that you linked, they did not explicitly say the Steam Deck is not a console. This is the quote I assume you’re referring to in the article; “The Steam Deck may never be “stable” like a traditional console “I don’t think you should expect that,” says Griffais. “Stable in terms of having a great experience for people? Yeah, absolutely. But I think we are always going to be pushing updates as long as there’s people playing.” For updates, the team is primarily working off two big lists, says Yang: “things we want to fix, and things we still want to make.” “The bug list grows as more people get Steam Deck and we get more feedback about things — and the feature list kind of stays the same size because as we add features, we get more features we want to add based on our own experience and what we’re hearing from customers,” he says.”


I'm going to say this as bluntly as possible and I wish someone would pin this to the top of every SD article and page. The SD is never going to be a console, ever. Because it's not a console and the entire pipeline doesn't operate like a console ecosystem. They may get to or finally finish designing toward a "console-like" experience one day, but they'll never get to the "console" experience, ever. Don't ever expect it, because it's **never** going to happen. This fact is regardless of how you perceive marketing or where on the "console-like" (not a standardized word or term) spectrum the software currently falls before the next update makes it fall someplace else in that spectrum.


Valve literally calls it a “console-like user experience.” That’s factual. It is on the Steam Deck page on Steam and on the Steam Deck website. That is not me perceiving anything, it is literally stated on the product page, that you’re too proud to even look at apparently. The article you linked does not quote anyone saying “we (Valve and its employees) stay away from talk like that”, in reference to calling the SD a “console”, which they don’t, or a “console-like user experience”, which Valve does, in their marketing. No one here, in this thread at least, is saying the Steam Deck is strictly a console. Most everyone is fully understanding that the device is a handheld computer. It is a console-like experience, in the sense that you install a compatible game and just play it. It is a console-like experience, in the sense that you open the store page and browse games compatible with the device. By most, if not all, intents and purposes the Steam Deck is a console-like user experience. Updates to the software are not going to go the opposite direction of that. It’s a simple, user friendly UI just LIKE a console. Hence the “console-LIKE user experience” statement Valve themselves use.


> It is a console-like experience, in the sense that you install a compatible game and just play it. It is a console-like experience, in the sense that you open the store page and browse games compatible with the device. None of this is true or consistent and never has been, you're adding definitions to a term that isn't defined by anyone, and hasn't been said by anyone at Valve. Even their verified system isn't consistent. Game patches and SD patches are often breaking verified games, and there are thousands of "unsupported" titles that work better than many verified games. Again, you're taking an, at best, marketing term and adding your own little definition to it with your own little expectations that no one has officially said or declared or talked about. It's about as "console-like" as far as it has a controller input scheme and a menu that can be navigated with a controller, and that should be the end of the expectations.


If something doesn't work the way it's supposed to work, you shouldn't immediately become helpless. This is a learned behavior and people need to unlearn it. Stop being passive, actively seek out answers.




Valve markets it as a “console-like user experience”, so I disagree on it not just being a pickup-and-play experience. Tinkering is not part of the expected process.


Yep, that's also why they have the playable feature. Granted, that needs to be updated more often. Anything marked as unplayable or not supported is most likely able to play with tinkering.


Peace walker reference


Hi u/MattiaDiChiara, you can [click here to search for your question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/search/?q=This game runs wonderfully.. but this glitch?) If you don't find an answer there, don't worry - your post has NOT been removed and hopefully someone will be along soon to help with an answer! **If you find an answer, please leave a comment on your post with the answer for others!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SteamDeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They've implemented emergency broadcasts into the game. Totally normal.


Lmao I’ve been playing on deck and hit with the same graphical bug. Thankfully it doesn’t affect the actual gameplay at all just the main menu


Had a similar issue with the cutscenes in One Piece Pirate Warriors 3, running the game through Proton GE did the trick as others have suggested!


That happened to me too but it's fine once you get into the game


Does the same for me as well but works perfectly after you cross this screen.


My Tony hawks does this right at the start loading. Then never again.


Ohhh I am getting the same thing with megaman zero collection main menu, didn't bother looking for a fix I thought it was part of the esthetic


See…this is why I didn’t buy the “Premi un Comando” version. I’ll keep my panties on, thank you.


When I got this playing Lost Planet Extreme Condition, I fixed it by running with proton experimental


Did you have any issues with it crashing? I could barely get past the intro before it would crash and it did it consistently.


I have the same issue with Trailmakers


This just means your not using ProtonGE.


I have the same problem with "I Hate Running Backwards" 😅


I have the same problem with "I Hate Running Backwards" 😅


Looks fkn cool tho xD


I’ve had the exact same glitch. But after finding that it doesn’t seem to affect anything else, I just left it be.


I think it's an issue with DRM or something (maybe HDMI DRM) or codecs, I got the same "issue" when capturing a game that's supposed to be protected against it through RenderDoc. It might be related to DXVK, that's not an issue as long as the cinematics are done in-engine.


It happens to me when I try to play Dark Arisin. It's only the menu though so I don't care all that much.


I started playing it yesterday and I thought that’s the original intro 😅🤦🏻‍♂️


100% try the ProtonUP install and use ProtonGE. Any of the recent builds should do the trick. Had this issue with Fuser, and that solved it.


It is likely the cause of its unverified status, indicating a potential inability to make it functional at times. Given that it is Capcom, this outcome is not unexpected.


Switch from proton you are using to a proton ge from Golden.


OH! The weekly round of "video codecs don't work and I can't be bothered to google anything before immediately posting that my SD is broken" weeee!


Happened to me when I downloaded "legally" dmc4. No videos would play. But then when I bought it on steam it worked fine.


That is because the steam shader cache contains a converted version of the video that is compatible (one of the reasons shader cache can become so large)


Says Runs "wonderfully" in title But in post states it's bearable at 720p.. that's not running wonderful. It runs badly in cities


It's obviously a possesed creepypasta version. Soon you will start seeing a decayed dragon that will start speaking to you about before times and how it craves to get out before charging at you.


Try proton experimental


That usually gives the colored bars as well. I'm running Jedi Fallen Order through EA and it does this on Experimental, but works fine on Proton-GE


GE 9-5 is also my go to for most things that don't work with experimental


Feel free to use the search feature on this sub or Google as this specific question for this specific game has been asked many times.


Yet, by looking at your account you ask questions in subs that were already answered by previous post.


Feel free to scroll past the post if it doesn't interest you


SMT Nocturne did the same thing to me as well


Wait that's a glitch?? I thought that's what they chosem looked kinda cool to me. Haha