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Feel free to downvote me, but you’re 16 and should just enjoy the trip with your dad instead of worrying about bringing a 2 gram dab pen for a short vacation.


it’s for 3 weeks but I get your angle


Ahh okay, that makes more sense. I started smoking weed at 17 so I’m not here to judge you. Have a great trip, regardless :)


thank you :)


Ma’am this is stoner engineering we’re not here to help you get away with compounded crimes.


lol funny, but I feel like every stoner has had this issue once summer vacation come


Speak for yourself some of us are at a respectable age where weed pens weren’t even a thing to carry on an airplane when we were 16. Like good luck to you I’m just not going to help a minor commit a federal felony under her dad’s nose nor offer up any of my connections to sell to a minor.


TSA doesn’t care about vape pens. As long as you don’t pack it in your suitcase ( since it has a battery) they won’t stop you. I’ve flown at least a dozen times in the past 3 years for work and I always take my vape pens with me, in my carry on when I go through security.


So LAX is a completely different airport because "LAX’s official stance, as of January 2018, allows passengers over 21 to carry up to 28.5 grams of marijuana and 8 grams of concentrated marijuana. This makes the airport a unique place where state law actually holds some sway. But note, the liberal policy halts the moment you reach TSA." I've taken the max amount allowed by LAX to leave to come back to DC. But you're not 21. So I wouldn't risk it. Just enjoy the trip with your dad. I've done this many times but I don't suggest it. https://www.flylax.com/lax-marijuana-policy


Thank youu


I will say that if you get caught, because you're underage and traveling with your father, they may decide the blame lies with him for allowing you to have it. This is why I wouldn't risk it. If you do, I take mine through my carry on luggage so I know where everything is.


It’s still federally illegal to possess, which means it’s illegal to take through the airport. It’s low chances that it will be confiscated, but is it worth the risk of dealing with TSA or potentially being arrested in an airport? I think not, but most people here will disagree.


I flew through Chicago Midway 6mo with a pen in my bag and didn’t have an issue.


really? where did you put yours and are you a minor also?


No, I’m of legal age. As for where, I put it in a pencil case with a bunch of other pens and such. They look rather similar to pens under x-ray, and it’s a bit better if you separate the cart from the battery. Keep in mind this is a felony still, as it is carrying narcotics across state lines.


Ty for the honest feedback


If you get caught, just tell them it’s your older sibling’s bag, act surprised, and just go “oh shit I didn’t realize that’s where they hid their pen, just throw that thing away” If you act bummed about losing it, your parents are def getting a phone call.


I always recommend living by the “don’t break more than one law at a time” guidance.


You’ll be fine as long as you put your makeup bag/pen in your carry on bag. TSA doesn’t care about weed. Just Don’t put it in your checked bag. Also, don’t even bother with finding a plug in Chicago area. Just take a couple extra carts in the makeup bag.


Some of you are terrible. Lol. If you are checking a bag just secure it in your toiletries or put it in a rx bottle. If you’re carrying on don’t even worry about. I fly with my flower weed and vape pen 3-4 times a month and go to LAX and Burbank frequently. If they bust you just play stupid and say “just throw it out”. They will not waste a second on this triviality. The people freaking you out don’t fly. Probably not at all. TSA does not care about yer drugs at all. Period. The only thing I’ve ever been busted for is a water bottle. Like everything though, be discreet. Hide it and don’t leave anything in plain sight.


dude thank youuu


Do not buy anything from any “plugs” you could get robbed or killed from fentanyl. I’m not even joking. If you’re really desperate here ask a barista at a coffee shop for some weed. Everyone has weed here it is like LA. Honestly I would gather your strength and tell your Dad you smoke and then maybe you two could smoke together in Chicago. Weed is legal recreationally here and there are dispensaries just like LA. No one will bug you about your vape at LAX or Ohare. They are looking for bad things. Not fun things like vapes. Good luck OP! Have fun!


Just pack it tight in your clothes. I never travel without mine

