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When I first got a Fitbit, I struggled to get 5000 steps per day. I was mainly walking around the house (teleworking at that point), trying to get 250 steps per hour to satisfy my Fitbit. But that got kind of boring, so I started walking up and down the street a few times every day. And then around the whole neighborhood. Eventually, I got up to 10,000 steps per day and I've exceeded that every day for over 3 years. Now my minimum goal is 15,000 and I average over 20,000. Anyway, I do spend a lot of time walking. I also count the steps that register from cardio workouts (Zumba classes and treadmill). If I don't want to walk outside, I do YouTube video (Leslie Sansone Walk at Home). I get up insanely early to work out first thing in the morning and I always get 10,000 steps BEFORE I go to work. I hate getting up early, but I love the peace of mind knowing that I already got my 10,000 steps. And then I walk a lot throughout the day. I park a few blocks from my office. I work in a huge office complex and every time I go to the bathroom, I go to one on a different floor and/or building. It all adds up.


I have started getting up 45 mins before the alarm is supposed to go off, and take the dogs for a big walk. It is sooo nice to already have a lot of steps in when the day hasn't even started, and it also gives me so much motivation to do well for the rest of the day.


I think working out first thing in the morning is a game-changer. I went many years without exercising at all, and when I started exercising, I did it after work, but I hated that because I was tired after work and didn't feel like working out, and I wanted to work out before dinner, but I was hungry after work. Getting it out of the way first thing in the morning made a huge difference. It reminds me of the budgeting concept of paying yourself first -- invest the time first thing in the morning and you don't even miss it at the end of the day.


As a retired senior citizen, it is MUCH easier for me to go on hour long walks. I've always said, for me, it is way easier for me to achieve fitness goals, as my time was my own. When I was working, I tried to acquire my steps in increments. For example, walking to the bus, walking at lunch weather permitting, and after work. I totally understand the difficulty while you are working. Perhaps with children, and/or an SO, you can incorporate them into your after work schedule. For myself, time away from home and food, helped me to include more steps and exercise. I hope you found this helpful. Please keep us posted.


I was 350+ in 2022, I’m down about 160lbs. For the last 2 years I have been walking. I started slow. 10mins. Every week I added time. I’m up to about 10k steps a day. For me it’s 5 miles. Take under 2 hours. I do a 4 mile walk at 4-5am. And another mile at lunch. Every week I started adding time to build up to it.


I’m 455# now and do 8-10k a day. I do one longer (like an hour) a day, and 2-3 shorter (15 min) walks a day. Beyond that I try to add steps everywhere. When going to the bathroom, walk around the house. Park at the back of the lot. If I have 5 minutes here or there, go for a walk. In days when I have a big opening, I’ll go for a 2-3 hour walk. But I’ll do that on paths that have benches and stuff. I find once I walk about 1.5 miles, I need a little break


I do the elliptical. This way I'm not putting weight on my knees, and I can push myself really hard. One session is like \~4-6k steps, and while I know they're not "steps" I figure that's a lot better than only doing 1-2k a day from my daily life.


Last Aug-Oct I was averaging under 3k steps a day. I would go to work, walk 5 mins to sit at my desk most of the day, go home and then watch TV. Now I'm up to 9k, working towards 10k. I got a new job where I walk 15-20 mins from the parking lot to my desk. That's about 4k steps altogether. The cafeteria has an ice machine that I like, so I go there twice a day plus with bathroom breaks, that's another 2k steps. Then after work I do some more walking, usually inside grocery stores or at the mall, because I think exercise machines are boring. I can get 2-3k more steps that way. I just had to work up to this, I didn't start making all these changes all at once.


A thousand steps is about a 10 minute walk for me--of course your mileage will vary depending on your stats. For me it's also roughly the equivalent of walking around a city block three times. You could walk around the block once before leaving for work, once after dinner, and once around the office or something at lunch. Or if you spend most of your time at home you could walk around the block after every meal. As a teacher I usually get about five to six thousand in the normal course of a day. Since that's technically not sedentary, on any given day I can either be okay with it or round out the numbers with a walk in the evening. If it's too dark when I get home I will literally put on an audiobook and pace around my basement. When I have the time, that is. Summers are easier.


I found this really helpful- yesterday in my lunch break I walked the city block.


I have worked up to getting an average of one thousand steps per day. I have started making sure I leave the house once a day and I am actually going to the grocery store instead of getting my groceries delivered. I like hearing everyone’s success stories. It makes me think that my next goal of reaching 2000 steps will be manageable.


2k steps, let’s go! That’s my current goal to achieve every day for the rest of this month. Yesterday I did 2300 and I definitely feel it today. Gonna keep pushing and trying to move as much as possible though!


It is inspirational to hear about someone who is just a little more advanced than me. I hit just over 2000 yesterday for the first time since I have been keeping track. It is do-able. Your way of counting a minimum instead of an average is a good way to go.


I made a discord we can share our progress if you like https://discord.gg/JzWBDHBW




If you can have your doctor send you to PT I have done this hip abductions and clamshells and others and it does help after time for me the pain is not gone but it is easier than before.


Hi, recently got to 9-10k steps consistently. Live in the UK and work an office job. I arrive to work early and then go round the block just a quick 10 minutes, at lunch I do 25-30 minutes and then in the evening I do from 20-40 minutes depending on how many steps I need to reach my goal. Usually depends how much I haven’t moved from my desk that day! I find that doing it in 3 is much more achievable and doesn’t feel so daunting, esp after a long day of work! I started by doing 6k and have worked my way up to where I am now over the last 8 weeks.


I made a discord if you want to join it. https://discord.gg/JzWBDHBW


When I taught in person or worked camps I was able to hit this no problem. But since moving to a work from home teaching job I have drastically stopped moving. Which actually resulting in a pulmonary embolism. So now I'm extremely motivated to try to get 10K steps each day just to be moving more consistently to improve my health (actually found out a lot more was going on while being treated for the PE). What I'm doing is I looked at what I was averaging and set my week 1 goal slightly higher, so I started with 3000 steps when I realized that might have been low since I'm feeling a lot better I changed the goal to 3500. Now each week I'm going to look at what I averaged from the week before and add about 700 more steps to that until I reach averaging 10K each day. This way it's slow and steady getting back up to 10K because right now that seems so out of reach for me. As far as time I just do a lot of pacing around the house. If my wife and I are watching TV together in the evening, I will get up and pace during commercials to help get more steps. I also will go out and walk around the neighborhood, a lap is about 1000 steps. If I don't feel safe (still recovering from 2 pretty rough hospital trips last month) walking the entire neighborhood, I pace on the sidewalk nearest my house.


I made a discord, let’s share our steps each day for support and encouragement https://discord.gg/JzWBDHBW


I’ve been upping my incidental exercise. So things like cleaning the house, or hanging up the washing etc. I saw a Bariatric dr once Whiston’s me that all movement is helpful, and even walking to the letterbox is good for me. All the little steps add up. I was told to do micro exercises, things like just getting up and walking to the front door, or some stretches or even sitting and wiggling my legs like I’m swimming. It all helps.


I tried this today after reading everyone’s comments and it worked great. I ended the day on a little over 5k steps, I had to do a phone call meeting so I walked around my neighborhood while in the meeting and got almost 1800 steps, the rest was just walking round my house


I have a Fitbit and I can’t get in 10,000 without walking for almost an hour. I go on walks during my lunch break and just walk around the downtown loop and then back to my office. If I don’t feel up to an hour I just do about 35-40 minutes and make it back. At the end of the day it’s usually over 8,000 even with my office walking. I sit at a desk most of the day. I’d like to get up to 15,000 at least once. Also if I exercise that day the steps get counting, especially if I do cardio. I do aim for 10,000 and anything over is just a bonus.


10k steps for me is about 5 miles and without an incline i can do that in 90 min (at this point). i like doing early morning hikes so i tend to get going at 6:30am but you can also incorporate it into your evenings. or you can do 60min in morning and 30min in evening. depending on your pace that may not be 10k steps right now but eventually you will work up to it. good luck! you can do it :)


I made it to 12k in April, and then I spent May in and out of the hospital, and am back down to like 1500 steps.


I try to get 5000 by the time lunch is over. And it's usually not too hard. Walking to the bus stop, helping out my toddlers. Parking away from the store. Going on walks just because. A 5 min walk is better than a 0 min walk


I used my lunch to go for a walk around the big city block today, I hit my goal by 4.30pm!


Great work!!


My goal is set to 3,000 and I do my best to meet it everyday. Some easier than others. If I do meet it, sometimes I push for 3,500 or even 4,000 if I'm able. I don't always leave the house for it, so I'll just do loops around my living room while I have a video or something playing. I have trouble walking for long periods so I try not to do it all at once.


hey so I walk around 13000-16000 steps daily. im currently a student on summer vacation who does not go to any institution. first of all i just play basketball in the morning, that racks up around 4000-5000 steps and that too only in around 30mins. then I run around 2-3 miles in the evening, takes me around 17-18mins but combined with rest and other workouts i end up working out for around 45 minutes. that mostly takes me to about 12500-13000 and the rest is just normal walking around the house. for context, i am 16 and i was 200 lbs at 13. now I am around 155, hope to get lower. this definitely helped.