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And there’s the dip. Right on schedule.


It dipped over 10% on a 130k candle. Nice.


You mean I have another chance to pick up a $23 share? IM IN


Jokes on u. I’m getting mine for $21


Jokes on you, I bought more at $28


jokes on you my average is 50🥲


Jokes on you - I don't even remember my average


Jokes on you - what's an average?


Jokes on you, CS doesn’t tell me my avg but forever shares don’t care


I was alreafy wondering when I can buy cheap again lol for DRS etc.




Why are you surprised? It was obvious they wouldn't let this friday's options ITM


Don't mistake my Delight for Surprise. Those weren't our 130k shares..... yet!


10% of 130 is 13. If you add 46 to that, which is how old a 46 year old would be, you get 69. Follow me for more technical analysis tips!


13 + 46 = 59, not 69. Always remember to double-check your answer!


The final 10? Is the friends we made along the way.


Friends and wrinkles. :)


Good thing I just reloaded.


What dip are you referring to? I can’t even buy shares yet because the market isn’t open. Writing this at 7:57 AM eastern time.


Well if you can’t see the chart until market open, you’re in for a surprise in 80 minutes.


Have you heard of the pre-market? Just asking the question don’t want to fight. There is a pre and post market but the volume is usually much lower and options are not available to trade at those times.


Ibkr lets you buy out of hours.


Limit buy order will let you buy premarket got to change the day order to extended hours to buy premarket


I don't recall them ever doing this before ? Why was this released early ?


exactly, wtf would they change their standard operating procedure and offer any guidance?


It’s required by SEC rules in order to file a shelf


What's a shelf?


Shelf Offering - it's a type of registration statement a public company can file (if eligible) to pre-register shares that the company may issue from time to time at their discretion (subject to certain rules and limits on offering amounts). Companies often put these in place just in case, even if they have no intention of issuing shares immediately, so they can "pull them off the shelf" when the need/desire arises. Filing registration statements for new shares is a pain in the ass and takes a long time for the lawyers/company/investment banks to get them prepared and vetted. That's why the shelf is attractive.


That mean they're gonna use MOASS to raise some capital for themselves?


This would make sense, if I’m the executive team as GME and I know the shorts are fucked and MOASS is imminent, I would want to take steps to ensure my company gets something out if this and benefits from the chaos. Especially since they know we support GME but that most people are anticipating MOASS and wont be holding through MOASS and will sell eventually. So it’s important they get something out of this


Well written, interesting, and very useful. Thank you.


This is the sign we should look for according to kittty


Usually if you announce earlier it’s a good sign


Not true whatsoever. They'll announce early normally if something has substantially changed the outlook or for a tactical reason


This. They want to announce early that way on earnings release it doesn't "surprise" shareholders or the market. Either way dip


When is the actual earnings release? Is it next week sometime?


Why are people up voting this? You are wrong


That’s not true at all. Where’s you get that


lol, i saw what i assumed was a hit piece, came here, didnt realize they actually released it themselves … hmmm. yeah, it’s gotta be about that $300M drop in cash on hand, no?


Their loss for the quarter wasnt that big. They bought something worth around $270M.


i would guess that’s the gold nugget in there as well.


Inventory - they did the same in the past quarters. Cash from operations didn’t cover the expenses


Makes sense...didn't check did inventory go up in their filing?


Don't take everything at face value. Good to question it but, you don't think leadership has a plan?


oh, i totally trust in RC, i just kneejerk commented like the regard i am … i didnt believe they had actually announced anything themselves. clearly it’s a something, i’ll go back to just observing, lol.


So the totally not planned dip happens earlier?


to tell us RC spent over 200 million on something perhaps, or to hide something they are about to do from the forms


Don't care. They shorted it more. I'm buying more.


The only thing I can think of is that RC always said to give the bad news early but the good news on time. Maybe we have good news coming later?


PR standard procedure is release bad news on Fridays when people are in a good mood going into the weekend, and good news on Monday when people are grumpy.


It's required in order to do a share offering, they just also filed a [S3 notice with the SEC](https://gamestop.gcs-web.com/node/20481/html) to authorise Gamestop to sell any amount of shares they wish - up to the limit set out in their charter- at any point in the next 3 years. It's listed as a "Large Accelerated Filer" so it was most definitely a bit of a rush job. This could be bad or good, depending on their intent, but without further information it's impossible to know for sure. Gut reaction to a dilution is bad for current shareholders, but with everything DFV is posting it seems that it might be part of the plan? It would allow them to capitalise on a big run without having to file for SEC authorisation to issue shares. It could also kill any run. I wonder what DFV's meme's will be today. If he doesn't love RC again then we're in the shit. If he's calm and on message, then it might ease the worry.


They are just positioning themselves to cash in on the squeeze. They did the same thing during the sneeze to acquire all that cash to start with.


They completed the share offering a while after the smeeze, it wasn't during it


Some time after yes. Share price was around $220 pre split if I remember correctly.


It'd be fine if MOASS is about to start and they want some tendies too.


On the prospectus discussing the sale of 45,000,000 shares — it says that one of the risks associated with this is a **short squeeze.** This is written in there for legal clarification. Bullish if you ask me.


Dude, that disclaimer (possibility of a short squeeze) has been on every quarter's earning's release for a few years now. Means nothing. Just saying. Hold, but don't get all hyped for the statement.


No fighting


So the totally not planned dip happens earlier?


Cash, cash equivalents and marketable securities are expected to be in the range of $1.073 billion to $1.093 billion, compared to $1.310 billion at the close of the prior year fiscal quarter. Actually, its 1.199 from last quarter, so he spent 113 million between the last quarter and now. What did RC buy with 113\* million? Edit: 113 million\*


Valid question


I wonder what I’ll buy with my 217 million.


Whatever it is, may I borrow it?


Of course ill buy 2


Don't let me borrow it, when it comes time to return it I'll fail to deliver probably


Whoops, my werehouse burned down!


Sweet! don't mind me, Just gonna make a few million copies real fast


1 share of gme I presume.


GME floor dot com says 277 million as of my comment


I know what shorts will buy with 217 million


1.3 Billion dollars on hand for a year. Vanguard money market funds were at about 5.2% for the whole year. GME should have made like $50 Million dollars just from interest alone holding onto that cash. They could have used that $50 Million for anything.


They did. That's why Gamestop was "profitiable" for the financial year. Gamestop as a business lost money, but their money made money.


I think that you're misreading it. It says: > Net loss is expected to be in the range of $27 million to $37 million, compared to a net loss of $50.5 million in the prior year fiscal quarter. So they anticipate a loss of $27mm-$37mm for the quarter, compared to **the same quarter last year** where they lost $50.5mm. > Cash, cash equivalents and marketable securities are expected to be in the range of $1.073 billion to $1.093 billion, compared to $1.310 billion at the close of the prior year fiscal quarter. At the close of the quarter they expect cash, cash equivalents, and marketable securities to be $1.073b-1.093b, compared **the same quarter last year** at $1.310 billion. So they've burned through $217mm in the last year, not in the last quarter. If you look at the Q4 2023 results it says: > Cash, cash equivalents and marketable securities were $1.210 billion at the close of the quarter. That indicates that they have spent $117mm-$173mm of that cash in the past quarter, of which $27mm-$37mm would have been operating losses. So the actual "missing number" is more in the range of $90mm-$136mm.


net loss from last years net loss, so they actually lost half of what they lost compared to last year, which means they're doing just fine. and youre also misinterpreting my message, thats exactly what i meant lol. I like that you dug in!


I was just trying to correct the "what did he spend $200+mm" on, but I quoted the rest of it to show the parallels in the language so it was clear that everything was compared to Q1 2023 rather than last Q.. We're all good.


The share buy back from the 10b-something filing we had last week or maybe they bought a small company.


Was there a share buyback


We don't know yet. We'll find out next week


Buys 72M shares at $10 in a buyback, sells 72M shares between $20-$70 after the baby sneeze. That would be truly mad genius company behavior if true.


Its speculated that the run up was caused by a buyback but nothing is confirmed


Calls, lot of calls. And then he announce "other investment" of $2B profit on Sunday.


Who do I call if my erection has lasted more than 4 quarters?


Definitely not the Reddit help number lol


Girls/guys lots of them, depending on what you’re into lol


Shares in another company? Gme is a holding company now


That's got to be the big news right? As this was always going to be a bucket of cold water otherwise. It's seems like pre-emptively letting people know something big has happened.


This is looking at cash between Q1 2023 and Q1 of 2024. When looking at the Q4 statement, they had 1.19B, so only down $100MM from Q4 to now.


It would have to be an asset or paid some cash for a company. Can’t be stock cause that would be a marketable security. Unless it was a buy back which isn’t very likely. Could be a debt payment to the French government but that would be really dumb.


Koss. He bought Koss. The Kansas City Shuffle begins.


I’d love that. I like the company, good fit, tiny float and market cap. A potential win from both a product and stock mechanics standpoint.


And we have again (projected) reduction in COGS. Ryan is keeping his word regarding company spending. Weird to see 217 mil gone, while also starting to close down the fulfilment center. *Must have been the wind*. /s But most possible I think the reduction in cash reserves is because the corresponding revenue is down 😔


has GME ever released preliminary results while RC was the chair?


Nope. Something about not signaling your strategy to the competition. This is some sun tzu move.


Look at us, we are the competition now


The timing of this is so weird


This is all very confusing, but I'm excited!


Just like sex <3


Is this the Kansas City shuffle?


Kitty Cohen shuffle




I keep hearing people say that. What does it mean?


It's from the movie "Lucky number Slevin". It was featured in one of DFVs tweets. Basically it's a move where you pretend to do something so that everyone is looking and meanwhile do something totally different. In the case of the movie murder the deceived person.


That’s my thought too, but Keith can’t know. It would be market manipulation if he knew and if someone told him beforehand. Whether he invested himself and profits, or not. I think it would still be borderline illegal. Sure the hedgies etc do it alle the time and get insider info beforehand but usually this happens behind closed doors and is kept secret - not like on twitter with the world watching


I agree. He probably has no insider knowledge whatsoever. It keeps moral high though which is nice.


If he did know, and hedge funds try to prove that in court by pointing to this 1 meme out of 100, couldn’t he just plausibly deny that that meme was referring to this situation because the rest are not? It’s just a series of memes based on movie clips.


This was my first thought. 


I guess there will be a little bit more to it. Would be lame to call this a kansas city shuffle. The first step is to make your opponent think he is being tricked in a certain way to then do something utterly unexpected. I think we are entering that first face now :)


No, this is just the inciting incident


oh shit oh fuck


GameStop didn’t release preliminary results before. They are now. They know shits about to go down That’s all I need to see.




I concur


This is the dip to buy.


Just made my first CS purchase in ~2yr. +$1k on the company and RCEO I trust.


I just bought more too. It hit $80 in after-market, and $65 during trading. At $20, GME is a bargain.


Its always at a bargain ;)


This is incredibly bullish! They are detailing their plans on how they set off an incredible bear trap. They can sell to whomever they want, at whatever price they want, at any time, without having to predisclose anything to the SEC. They also detail that they authorize the option to allow for creation of dividends and a subscription rights offerings, they spell out how existing shareholders could be paid by either of these programs. If a prime broker needs to buy a few million shares to unwind some of their short positions, GME can negotiate a deal directly benefitting the company’s cash reserves. Or they could offer subscription rights to existing shareholders at a negotiated price. With the proceeds of these sales, they could then issue a dividend to all shareholders, forcing all existing short positions to have the pay the dividend owned on their shares. They could essentially start their own infinite money glitch and bleed the shorts dry. 🤯🤯🤯 17D


This ape reads


What are subscription rights as a shareholder?




Cash rules everything around me


STOP, or theses hands won't be the only diamonds this morning 🤤


lol, would be funny if he GME get a few more billions, and use it to dividend


My man cooking something. Stay zen, trust the process




I did that with the sixers. We got Ben Simmons. The phrase is exhausted on me, but I do trust this process a lot more. Lol


Philly ape 🤝


Same, go birds.


Go Birds.


Go birds 🦅


Tush push us above $34 today


>The phrase is exhausted on me As a Dolphins fan who had to deal with Brian Flores, I understand


[Remember this DFV  tweet everyone, especially now](https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790109766389477525)


Bad news early. Good news on time? Mergers announced next?


Is this out of timing for when they have done it in the past. Seems early but I don’t know that.


They've never ever offered prelim guidance before


[Is this different than this one from 2021?](https://news.gamestop.com/news-releases/news-release-details/gamestop-announces-preliminary-sales-results-first-nine-weeks) Honest question.


RC as a chair has never done it before, he became a chair in June 2021 and this release was just before.


Oh shit yeah! That's how you properly do business.


Cutting net loss in Q1 by ~26% when Net Sales are down ~28% is remarkable. While the sales environment is challenging, they are managing to the bottom line very well. A good sign that they will continue to drive profit growth on the fiscal year.


Well that's a shrinking of the company too. It's managing it properly, but it's also not growing the company. To be fair, that's every business right now in this interest/inflation situation - sales are down across every sector outside tech/mil spending. Belts tightening everywhere. They are able to do that so well on the backs of the shareholder removal of debt, debt kills you when the market shrinks.


My RCEO cooking something. Stay zen, trust the process


Can't upvote this enough. FUD will be strong, but trust leadership.


Yeah, he's been really silent recently too...


My CS purchase goes through today. Im going to trust the process.


They do this just in case it squeezes and they can sell instantly without having to file paperwork. It's a good thing, they are expecting it to squeeze.


I think there's an element of legal protection here - they are being transparent around financials so the SEC can't claim the market has been misled in response to the ongoing volatility. Just my 2 cents.


Exactly what I thought. MOASS ingnites, we hit an absurd price. Trickle in some sales to increase war chest.




#^ Good to call this out. When MOASS is approaching, shills will be out in full force. Time may be now or very soon. This thread smells fishy. Keep your head on a swivel everyone, and relax. In RC we trust.


... "potential future litigation and other legal proceedings; volatility in the value of our investments and securities; concentration of the Company’s investment portfolio into one or few holdings; the recognition of losses in a particular security even if the Company has not sold the security; volatility in the Company’s stock price, including volatility due to potential short squeezes; continued high degrees of media coverage by third parties; the availability and future sales of substantial amounts of the Company’s Class A common stock; " I'm sure it's the same as all the other ones, but this community will definitely let me know if something changed :)


Spicy…I get more shares 🙂


Did they possibly buy/merge with another company for \~$270M? They posted a job position whose main role was to deal with merges and acquisitions not too long ago.


Shit when I saw people saying it’s a strange timing to announce this, all I pictured was the “you met me at a very strange time in my life” scene...


Ooh I got chills


He’s gonna trampoline double bounce this mofo






Let the Man work!!




Interesting timing to drop a prelim report. Wonder why, if their dip machine is broken right now could Gamestop prove it’s all fabricated dips when reports come? Oh well, I trust my board!


Stop crying and buy the dip!! Don’t be that guy who regrets not buying at lower prices. 🟣


I’m buying one more, then i’m all out until next pay. Or if MOASS starts, I’ll just sit and relax. New XXX HODler here


Kansas City Shuffle?


Someone understood the assignment


Why did RC choose to release preliminary results? He’s never done this before. Something is going on… 👀


Deliver bad news early. It’s a short trap.


Weird timing is an understatement.


Eliminate any link to market manipulation before Moass. Absolutely perfect play.


To me guys "zen" is different...relax !


Conveint that this gets released on a Friday morning (have they ever done this before?), with tons of ITM options expiring and how perfectly it drops below Max Pain now. Not saying the two are tied together. Not upset or anything, its just the timing of it all. Why? Why this morning?


Incredibly weird decision overall...






I have seen some accuse GME of basically being a hedge fund. I don’t think of it that way. What is the company’s fiduciary duty to shareholders? Induce a short squeeze so all the stockholders can unload? Or slowly but surely steer the business to long term profitability through the accumulation of capital, and deploying that capital (new business ventures, M&A) to get a return on that capital. RC is 1) an investor and 2) a skilled consumer/retail business operator. Thats his wheelhouse. The company could absolutely use these temporary short squeeze conditions to generate massive amounts of capital, to allow them to pivot the business away from a frankly declining revenue brick and mortar focussed operation. There is nothing wrong with the stores, we would operate them well and profitably as long as they are viable, but long term there needs to be a pivot. If RC uses the squeeze to generate 10s of billions in cash, and they then deploy that cash with return to us shareholders, that works too. Otherwise, the entire operation just boils down to a get rich quick scheme with everybody heading to the exit as soon as possible during the squeeze. We are not a hedge fund.


Is this the sign that DFV wanted us to see?


Could this be a reason for the price drop pre-market and algos picking up on the report? Does any of the numbers strike you interest or is there a big noticeable difference? **On a preliminary basis for the 13-weeks ended May 4, 2024 compared to the 13-weeks ended April 29, 2023:** * Net sales are expected to be in the range of $0.872 billion to $0.892 billion compared to $1.237 billion in the prior year fiscal quarter. * Selling, general and administrative (“SG&A") expenses are expected to be in the range of $290 million to $300 million, compared to $345.7 million in the prior year fiscal quarter. * Net loss is expected to be in the range of $27 million to $37 million, compared to a net loss of $50.5 million in the prior year fiscal quarter. * Cash, cash equivalents and marketable securities are expected to be in the range of $1.073 billion to $1.093 billion, compared to $1.310 billion at the close of the prior year fiscal quarter. taken from the forward looking statement: * volatility in the value of our investments and securities; * concentration of the Company’s investment portfolio into one or few holdings; * the recognition of losses in a particular security even if the Company has not sold the security Which security? I found this quite interesting. * volatility in the Company’s stock price, including volatility due to potential short squeezes * continued high degrees of media coverage by third parties; (no surprises here) * the availability and future sales of substantial amounts of the Company’s Class A common stock Did the last point trigger algos? That's once again the possibility to cash-in on higher prices, which might occur during a real price discovery / MOASS


👆 I smell a Kansas city shuffle. People see what they want to see... As for me, I like the stock.


This is the Harbringer. Mark my words. THIS is how I win.


To be honest.. I like that the price is tanking again. I planned to buy more shares but I’ve to wait until my money transfer is done. Today I’ll get twice the amount of shares for the same price 🤷‍♂️ -> I should have bought at $10.. but to be fair, $20 is a superb price too! Ok, ok.. $30, $40 and even $80 is a steal compared to the price we are heading. I bought the dip because like the stock


What’s going the fuck on guys???


“Don’t interrupt your enemy when he’s making a mistake” - Napolean


They are setting themselves up to do what Tesla did when Tesla squeezed.


Weird timing. This is all weird.




Is this the Mother of All Bear Traps?


At face value the stock just took a giant hit, but I doubt it's the end all be all. I do believe it could be part of an M/A transaction? Stock given to the acquired party? RK said no fighting, so hodl your tits! Besides that, AA and his movie company, is in a MUCH worse place. They CAN'T stay afloat if they don't sell shares. GME can, they DON'T NEED to, unless it's for a higher purpose.


Ngl I could have doubled my money Monday. Been here since the beginning.. I’m fkn tired bro and have a 3 y/o. But honestly it stressed me out when the price was flying up. Are we different breed? I’m now less stressed being in the red 🤣💀


Cutting net loss in Q1 by ~26% when Net Sales are down ~28% is remarkable. While the sales environment is challenging, they are managing to the bottom line very well. A good sign that they will continue to drive profit growth on the fiscal year.


Any news is dip


bear bait. RC and team are cooking something behind the scenes. one can smell it


There are no coincidences


Why released now? Some thing's fishy going on RC wants this to gap down back?


Rc spent 217 million on something recently.


What makes you say RC wants this to gap down?




Drop the shitty news while there’s a bunch of buying pressure and the stock is being pushed down anyways? Throw the bad news out then dazzle with the good news so they can’t spin it?


How often do they do preliminary results? Why don't I remember this happening before? I have been here since 2021


Im just going to thank RC for the dip buy more and keep holding. Thats all.