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Who thought framing a three story house w/ trusses and not sheathing a single floor was a good idea? I'm not even sure how you would plumb up the walls in that situation. Obviously a hack job.


Yeah I'm not going anywhere in or on that structure even in good weather. Fortunately I'm gone before anything goes above ground. At least with residential. And at first I thought "how could that be the surveyors fault?" But that hasn't stopped anyone from blaming us before.


Right? I don’t know much about residential construction but even if this was gonna be a brick house, the wood framing is the majority of the structure, no? So this shit was gonna fall anyway


Even if it's going to be brick, it still gets plywood/osb sheeting over the framing, and vapor barrier over that.


There's probably not even a surveyor on that job


Agreed, having worked for a builder they get a lot placement plan with an offset from a corner or boundary side which they tape out to place their first corner for the slab. I've only ever done slab setouts on acreage for free standing houses.


Which is funny because on small lots you have to be more careful about building setbacks but on acreage you should just be able to slap it up anywhere with the right elevation on the pad


They usually know what the setbacks are and any easements or other restrictions are plotted by the drafter in the office. You'd have to be a bit of a Muppet to F up an offset from the boundary on a small lot, although I'm sure it's been done. Acreage, especially with undulating terrain is a bit harder to run a tape, etc. There may also be additional consideration for drainage and future construction such as sheds. Should subdivision be on the cards in the future, you wouldn't want to snooker yourself with a building in the wrong place.


It’s a joke. Its always the surveyors fault lmao


True that. Gotta have broad shoulders as a surveyor. Get blamed for everything


Besides, sure you can blame it on the labor framing it up, a lot of liability to pass around.


I was a young land use planner in a small county and was in charge of administrative variances. I could do up to 10% in side and rear setbacks to accommodate various lot problems that aren't found until construction (septic tank placement, soil problems, etc.). We had a builder come in with applications for administrative variances on five lots in a row. Their new framer, barely on the job for a week, was told to mark the property line and they measured all the houses from that line. They had all the foundations poured and utilities installed when the building inspector discovered the problem and issued a stop work order. No, I didn't give admin variances for the lots and the board of appeals didn't grant variances, either.


They will find one to blame


Then they’ll hire one to blame.


Yea you’re right, we would have already seen photos of this prior to the great collapse making fun of it. If they don’t know how to frame and cross brace a floor properly before moving to the next, they probably think a surveyor is someone with a clip board going door to door taking a survey for family feud.


Someone had to stake out the foundation atleast


No they don’t. I see house built all the time without staking it out. Unless the house needs to be placed for some specific reason it’s not impossible to a good contractor. No need to stake most houses just going in a arbitrary place that doesn’t have to be precise


I am in the Houston area, and plenty of houses are layed out from the property corners by the form crew. They may need a form survey and mid elevation certificate before they are allowed to pour the foundation.


Literally every single house I’ve seen built has been built off of an envelope set by surveyors.


Probably 20% of the homes in my area have surveyors involved in the foundation layout process.


Wow, that’s interesting and kind of shocking. Here in San Antonio i have not seen one that hasn’t had envelope stakes


And you attend or are involved with every house being built? People layout houses without surveyors all the time.


I worked with a guy who use to build homes in Arizona and he was shocked that people hired surveyors to stake out the house and pin footers. He said keeps us in business tho right lol.


I can drive by then and see the stakes. I live in one of the fastest growing cities in the US. Honestly i don’t think my entire corridor is allowed to set a commercially selling home with out the foundation being set via engineering There’s really no need to start your content off with snarky intent


Just a guess here but... The audacity to think that you have knowledge of how every slab was laid out in San Antonio is most likely what is landing you the snarky replies.


“Every single house I’ve seen” vs “every single house in the city”. Big difference. You’re putting words in my mouth i did not say. Man Reddit is full of know nothing know it alls that just want to spread their misinterpretation of everything.


Why would that matter in this case? It wouldn’t.


Guys it’s a joke. Remember surveyors are last to know, first to blame.


I always forget that too many Surveyors can't understand humor.


That’s what happens when your column lines are out by 0.01


You’ll have that on these bigger jobs


Next time I bet that builder nails the shear panels on at each floor before going up. Also that was a lot of wind and you can see the shithouse blow over before the house goes.


I think it would be a total long shot to somehow put the blame on the surveyor for this mishap.






Someone will probably try though :-)


Since when do surveyors build homes? lol 😂


That house isn't sheated. No wonder it collapsed.


looks like carpentry to me... hardly a surveying problem....


Hurricane clamps.


Did they make it out of Popsicle sticks?


TIL houses aren't braced in Texas


Ones I built in the 90s were. Central Texas hill country


Literal house of cards


Matchsticks, surely?


“I told ya. I told ya”


Blame the surveyor for everything...that is how all contractors start out their blame.


Well it's in the next lot over now, so the surveyor is definitely at fault


It’s certainly not the PM’s fault!


Surveyors install sheer walls?


I feel worse for the guy in the shitter lol


It has to be the surveyor's fault. The house ended up on the neighbor's lot!