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If it has to be in the city, it has to be Recess. If you're up for a little roadtrip, go to Gimme! down in Ithaca. (I'm sure you can find Gimme! in the city somewhere... maybe Wegmans?) Thank me later. For a few different reasons, I'd avoid Cafe Kubal.


I’m curious, what are your reasons ? I’m not a huge fan either.


I went to get an espresso, and the barista didn't know how to do it. Had to ask a coworker- and it came out terrible


I also do not recommend cafe Kubal. The employees don’t get any training on the actual science of the beans. And I can’t speak for the roastery, but the cafes are not clean at all.




Absolutely SkyTop. Right now they have the #1, #4, and #7 coffees from the Cup of Excellence Mexico competition available in small quantities in addition to single origin beans from Ethiopia, Peru, Colombia, etc. The owner's husband is a certified Q grader, and serves on the international jury for Cup of Excellence pretty regularly (he was on the [Mexico jury](https://allianceforcoffeeexcellence.org/mexico-2022/)) so they get access to some really special stuff. Their head roaster is also super knowledgable and a great person to talk to about coffee. There's a lot of great coffee in the area but SkyTop is a step above.


Well this seems like the place to go out of all these recommendations. I’ll have to check it out soon, thanks for the info.


SkyTop is easily one of the best roasters in the country, in my opinion. They have a wide range of origins and roasts, and do a great job of all of them.


This is the way


Kind Coffee!!


This is a very good answer


This guy knows his stuff.


Peaks is the best in Syracuse imo, I only use their single origins for my espresso. The Ethiopia Uraga is my personal favorite.


Never been there. I’ll give them a try, thanks.


If you don't mind a ride, Milk House Roastery in Marcellus is good. It's small, and they are only open serving pour over on the weekend, but you can order online and pick up beans anytime.


I've bought from them 3 or 4 times, and their beans are great! Great to give as gifts too.


I went there for the first time not too long ago and was really impressed. Some of the best coffee I’ve had in the area.


If I remember right, Doug from The Kind Coffee sells beans. I also forget whether or not they were roasted. I'd definitely try there first.


There are a lot of pretty good coffees in Syracuse but Doug is wayyy above the competition


If you're looking for black drip coffee, Kind is the best in town, IMO


For beans I tend to be a SkyTop fan, followed by Recess and Salt City. All of the above I'd highly recommend.


Don’t sleep on Smith’s restaurant supply on Erie Blvd.


For me, it's either Salt City or Finger Lakes.


Recess Austin’s blend in espresso grind had been my go to for about two years. $89 per 5 lb bag but it last me about a month.


How many shots are you drinking a day lol?


4-6 and my wife has two lol


I'm a big fan of Peaks and Salt City Coffee.


Salt City and Recess have my favorite Espresso blends.


Salt City us my current fav. The Mexican or Costa Rican


Hot Coffee to Go on West Fayette. Maybe also called Kind?


Yes it’s called kind coffee - they just have a big to go sign out front


While Kind coffee beans are great, the owner is absolutely crazy. Not in a bad, scary way. I recommend anyone that enjoys coffee just walk in and have a conversion with him, it will be worth your time.


Sure, I recommend going to the original location of Salt City Coffee, not Salt City Market if you're looking for the best quality and freshest coffee in the area.


Everything already mentioned is just ok coffee for me. I think Skytop is the best followed by Salt City. Peaks was good years ago and then they switched roasters. I tend to avoid Kubal and Freedom as I’m not a fan.


I’ll give Skytop a try, thanks. Kubal is definitely overrated.


Kubal is trash lol. Skytop is definitely all about a quality bean. I’m a brat about my espresso. All I drink are cortado’s or espresso tonics. Report back after you give it a try.


Haha same. I recently upgraded my setup so I’m eager to find something quality and local. I’ll let you know how it goes.


Recess coffee. You can get it at Wegmans and most other grocery chains around here. The first time I had it was at Phoebe's Restaurant on E. Genesee St. Sooooo delicious! And the food there is great too.


They think it gives it flavor but they over burn their beans. You'd want a more light roast for espresso.


You want the beans? I got the beans. ![gif](giphy|3ohhwgwna4JqKDaBFu)


One I haven’t seen mentioned yet, I usually pick up their beans from the regional market, is Tug Hill Artisan Roasters and also a second for Milk House


I like Salt City bc it is close to where I work.


Where do you all buy these? Especially Skytop?


SkyTop is also available at a few shops around the area including Green Planet Grocery on the west side


I don’t really buy coffee beans, but my boss and assistant are both absolutely OBSESSED with Kind Coffee!


Of the roasters in the area, Skytop, Peaks, and Salt City are the only ones you should look at. The quality of the beans + quality of the roast are consistently good so they won’t destroy you espresso machine and grinder the way oily, crappy beans would. With that said, Skytop by an absolute mile. If you’re drinking espresso, I highly recommend the Columbia Finca Santa Maria (I’ll get a 2lb bag every couple weeks to make it more cost friendly). Also everyone that works there, especially the owners, are some of the nicest people ever so you can always have a convo about what you should try. You will also notice how they don’t have any espresso blends, which says a lot about the quality of beans they use. Typically roasters will use a blend to overshadow any lower quality beans used. If you feel like changing things up, their drips are a bit more affordable than milk based drinks and honestly opened my up to what good coffee really tastes like. Not astringent, so easy to drink, and leaves an awesome after taste in your mouth even once you’re done, the way a good wine does.


I appreciate the detailed response. After looking up a lot of these places it definitely seems like Skytop is the way to go. I’ll be checking them out soon, thanks a lot.


I really like finger lakes coffee


Never bought any, but they have a whole wall of different kinds of beans. Flavor combinations my small mind couldn't even process.


Salt City Coffee Roasters is good, Freedom of Espresso also good, but their beans are pricy. Cafe Kubal is also a popular option.


So rules of thumb, at a good roaster you'll see a variety of roasts and geographies (light, medium, & dark). And like produce, the more specific they are with where the coffee is coming from, the more likely it is they are taking care in sourcing quality product. And the more likely it is their roasters are adjusting to find the ideal ways to roast said beans, which can differ even year to year (like wine). The more beans can be batched from a region or a country, the less variability and more profitable (usually). But these are just suggestive. Sometimes you'll find a roast at a place that breaks all of these and it just does it for you.


My wife swears by recess coffee, kubal is her back up option. Edit for spelling




I buy Kubal too. Not sure why so much hate but curious as to why. They have good beans.


I do not buy kubal, too pricey, but the best cup of coffee i ever had. Pulp fiction good


I wait for the sales and have the 25% off card so it actually makes it in expensive if you buy in the largest size bean bag they have. It think it’s 5lb so I’ll get 10lbs at a time which comes out to like $70-85 or something like that.


Kind Coffee on Fayette, hands down the best beans in Syracuse.