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Anyone else agree that it should come down but have very low expectations for how things will turn out?


It's ok to have high expectations. But if you do, understand making/advocating for a better place is a lunch pail job. It doesn't end when this project is over.


Yeah, expecting Erie Boulevard #2. If it ends up being even less walkable than it is now, it won't be surprising at all.


God, Erie Blvd sucks. Total stroad


Erie has a dedicated bike path and sidewalks on both sides. It's pretty walkable/rideable. I think the issue is there needs to be some focus on connecting more of the surrounding areas and neighborhoods to those paths.


Functionally it’s okay, but it’s just not pleasant due to the buildings being built for the car.


Yeah, I agree - many of the businesses are just not places you'd ride a bike or walk to. I've been thinking that along with bike paths being built, part of the money should go towards incentivizing businesses to install either bike lockers (more targeted towards commuters), or at the very least well placed bike racks.


We are a college town. The best thing we could do is create a walkable, livable district but I'm so afraid that once businesses start contributing concerns about access we are going to end up with more of what we already have - traffic lights and streets, just more concrete.


Not a college town. 90% of people in the city go about their day-to-day without thinking about the university. It’s just another school to us.


You’re a fool if you don’t think that Syracuse is a college town. It’s like the kind of thing a resentful Syracuse resident says because they’re checked out of reality and filled with hate


Syracuse is definitely not a college town. it has a good college scene yes, but to most residents in the city and surrounding suburbs. It’s just another school like u/Xcution- stated.


Most of the people in this sub aren’t actually from Syracuse so I get why you wouldn’t understand. Crazy how you attach hate to what I said, that’s asinine. Please reexamine both our comments and explain to me what’s so hateful? I admit that I may have been undermining its importance when I said it’s just another school, but in the eyes of many in the city it really is.


Syracuse is obviously just another school, it’s a school for rich kids to party. My gripe isn’t with that comment, it is absolutely idiotic to say Syracuse isn’t a college town.


How is that a hateful thing to say? There’re enough people who lead lives detached from what’s going on in the university. If Syracuse is a college town then so is every city in the country of comparable size.


Does every city in the country this size have a university named after it that drives regional sports engagement? Because, yeah, if they do they are also a college town.


Oh so it boils down to the fact that the college is named after the city. I think you’re confused about what defines a college town. A population dominating a city and having multiple establishments throughout that cater to students is something I’m not convinced exists outside of the campus area.


No, it absolutely does not boil down to that


It’s the 2nd largest employer in the city besides upstate. Factoring in the large student population as well as the name recognition from its major sports programs, we are absolutely a college town. Literally what else can you think of that we would be? We’re not a manufacturing city, steel city, salt city, tech city.. we have Syracuse University and a couple hospitals, and that’s about it.


The draw-up’s look insane, actually. If Syracuse looked even remotely similar I’d be happy


[Direct link to the "Vision Plan" PDF](https://www.syr.gov/files/sharedassets/public/v/1/2-departments/engineering/documents/syr-vision-plan.pdf)


Thank you, I hate .com for blocking something that’s the public’s right to know behind their paywall. As if they created it.


I get it with actual content they are wholly producing themselves, but when the story is just a summary of readily available public information it does seem odd to lock it behind a paywall.


Agreed, if they make it, then require subscriptions. But this, restaurant inspections etc should be free to know without having to google it on our own to find an answer.


I hope they plan to add more sidewalks, bike lanes, and more public transportation with much more stops and later/earlier hours. I used to ride buses and trains a lot, so I hate to it when cities have shitty public transportation. I know first hand how much many people depend on it. Edit to add that the vision plan looks really nice. Hopefully it comes to fruition.


Agree but wanted to say that Cities don’t typically provide buses and trains those are regional or state run things.


I see that now, thanks. Does the city not have any say at all?


No, but there is a process going on from one of the regional bodies to redo public transit that was asking for input recently. Can’t remember the name it’s all acronyms, Syracuse metro transit or something like that.


Thanks for the info.


If only half of the planned things happen, it's still going to be a big improvement.


Wow those illustrations look so beautiful. I really hope Syracuse gets the face lift it deserves.


those people live in a comic book. I doordash in the city and that is a fictional interpretation of the people in the city that will inhabit that area. I see more red lights, more traffic stagnation in an area I already dread getting stuck in, with its potholes, red lights, and roads in need of paving.


Well I mean, this is a direct project to try and fix those things lol. The goal is less slums, more pride in the housing available, better roads and better flowing traffic. And increased walkability.




Some very promising and exciting visions. I've seen amateur plans with just as much or more thought put into them, but I think this is well done and the visuals are nice. I like the rerouting of the inner harbor streets. Not sure if I would agree with turning Harrison/Adams into two way streets. Keeping them one-ways is more car/traffic friendly. The project as a whole is extremely pedestrian/bike friendly, but keeping these 1 way would appease the naysayers that think traffic will be an issue. I think Water St should be completely pedestrianized. One of the more important parts I will be focused on is the transformation of the pioneer homes. This plan seems fine, it's great they plan on keeping as much of the current tree canopy as possible, but I worry the homes will come up short. They will likely be built cheaply like they were in the '50s, or gentrified and price gouged. Whether they do townhomes or apartments (I think townhomes would be better), they should be built so that people from all walks of life and income will be proud to live there. There's no reason they can't look [something like this](https://imgur.com/a/quuQYRN). And hopefully something is done so that current residents are not displaced or outpriced from living here. Maybe some rent-to-own contracts for current residents and 15th ward descendants? Imagine that!


Agree with you on this, converting water st to a linear park is a no brainer. The street is low volume and converting it to a linear park enhances safety for peds/bikes on the EST. It also helps coordinate the signals on Erie Blvd given the distance between the two streets is so narrow. This is a win for all modes of transportation. Also, I agree with converting one ways to two ways. Seems like a car/traffic friendly move. Parallel one way streets working in tandem move traffic similar to how a two way street would but with less turning conflicts and simplifying vehicle movements for peds. One ways are also slightly more flexible in design. A two lane, one way street could be converted to say one travel lane and a two way protected bike path (or a dedicated bus lane once brt routes are online). Two way streets just dont have this flexibility since two standard travel lanes are guaranteed to eat up 22' worth of pavement.


I wanna new skyscraper somewhere. Syracuse needs something new in the skyline.


You can tell boomers United on the wants for the new grid system. Who tf still roller skates?


It's coming back into style again. Usher just roller skated at the Super Bowl halftime show.


I see you don’t pay much attention to current events. Roller skating has come back in style in the last few years and is a huge deal again, actually.