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Ok I’m kind of getting tired of this show. Episode after episode of the same thing.


I get tired of watching Robyn cry over the problems she created. 🙄 she takes no responsibility for her actions and neither does the greasy one


I just think it's. ridiculous and hilarious that Robin just can't comprehend how the family all broke apart, like she is so baffled and confused by it all!!😝🙄 does she think we are all a bunch of idiots??? I would be laughing my arse off if i was Meri.😂😂


Robyn calling everyone else cheap and inauthentic for celebrating holidays not at her home after DIVORCE is so fucked up. So apparently no one is able to move on and enjoy their life unless Robyn is involved…… the jab at the end towards the kids really showed how spiteful she is.


I’m LOVING Christine being so open and just saying what we’ve all thought for years and hearing Meri and Janelle start to come out too has been so good to watch. Robyn is just ugh…. As so many others have said. I wish they’d drop her and Kody 😂


Poor Savannah. This is total bullshit what he's doing to his own kids.




Did anyone notice how Robyn disregards Meri’s son by addressing him as her?


Ummm no


This was filmed before Leon came out (is that the right term?)


“I haven’t had the emotional fortitude to be able to reach out.” “And the phone goes both ways. The kids can always call me.” You absolute tool bag


I’m confused, was Leon at Christmas?


Really? What makes you think they were at Robyn’s? There’s no mention nor any visual of that.


Did they just ask Meri and Robyn to sit outside so Robyn can ramble? She’s literally just saying the same stuff over and over and she barely seems interested.


It’s so tone deaf of Robin to complain to meri. She was complaining of Kody not being at her house back in Vegas as much and meri is just like …yeah. Read the room Robyn. Meri is an outcast in her own marriage.


Seriously. Meri has been putting up with Robyn's shit like a champ this season.


Low key cannot wait for the episode where Meri tells them she’s done lol


Janelle is insane for not having a firm “no” about getting back together with Kody. He literally completely ignored your daughter for absolutely no reason on Christmas.


I'm loving the teaser for next week, Kody's face "really, you want to stay separated?" His ego 📉


How can Robyn seriously say kody was hardly at her house with a straight face? SHE told him her kids can't be without kody for more than 2 days! Obviously she got more time.


This episode was painful to watch!! I don't think I have ever been so absolutely disgusted by 2 people I've never ever met! It takes every ounce of self-control I have to not scream and yell every single time Robyn or Kody are talking. I want to say that I can't watch it anymore, but after this many years, I feel like I owe it to myself to watch their misery. I hate them both, and I have never hated anyone before!


It’s hard to watch them mistreat the kids for me.


you can tell Meri is sooooo over Robyn calling her over to talk about the SAME THING time and time again




Same, lol. I wish Janelle and Christine could be friends with Meri now.


Loving the blunt honesty from Christine this season, can't wait to see meri hop on that train more. Robyn is delusional, like truly truly delusional. She believes everything she says, believes he doesn't spend time there, and it's the complete opposite of reality. Truly think she's fubared her kids to be unable to survive in the world without her and her narratives too. Hell yes she's an untrustworthy bitch!!!


Also them saying Kody is different and not who they know.... red pilled maga woman hating manosphere internet circles will do that. He is fully deep in it, he looks like a different person, zero light behind the eyes. Victim mentality even when it's all his doing. Honestly if any straight women have husbands in those kinds of circles, this is a glimpse of what is to come. They actively rot mens brains. Turn them into angry, violent, hateful loose cannons.


Omgggg Robyn and her tears over the nucleus and broken family. Bitch YOU BROKE IT!!! What's her address I just wanna talk lol


She keeps asking “What happened?…..what went wrong?…..I don’t understand what happened!!! We’re you guys this bad before I got here?!” Please bitch you just want someone to say, oh Robyn it’s not your fault.


Like another commenter said, she doesn't really want to know. She just wants to be hyped up and assured that it's not because of her. Whether that's true or not, its what she wants to hear. That's exactly why she doesn't ask Christine or Janelle. She's basically fishing for compliments.


Weird Robyn was talking about Christine with Meri and not janelle …. A current relationship on the verge


Robyn claims to not understand how on earth Christine “just gave up” on the marriage. Three guesses what Robyn would do if Kody told her there would be no more intimacy?? Not for a second would she put up with that, or with Kody’s rationale of, “lots of couples live like that, Meri’s been doing it for a long time.” Plus, Robyn already left and divorced one husband! She of ALL people should get it. But nope. She is so self-centered it makes one’s head spin.


Robyn's ex divorced HER! Not the other way around.


Christine went in and I'm here for it !


I loved when she said. "Hmmm, which wife had a great relationship with Robyn from the beginning? Oh, yeah - Meri. And where did that get her? Kody is full of (bleep)!"




Loving it! Hope Meri and Janelle open up more, too!!


Robyn wanting to know what happened is absolutely mind blowing. It’s none of your goddamn business what happened


As if we did not see the truth all these years. Robyn and her kids never were on a plg family because she made sure of that. All the traditions stopped, family stopped. You did this R& K . Show us more OG3 & their kids enough of those grifters.


I think Robyn said that she didn’t get enough time with Kody because she knew how ridiculous it was and she WANTED a reaction from Meri. That way she could play the victim. Robyn does this a lot she baits the wives into reacting so she can label them the problem . Very very narcissistic and evil in my opinion


All their “testing” each other. And for what? Even Kody’s test. Then what? So Christine stopped complaining, and you what? Threw it in her face? Punished everyone else? Punished Christine? Can this show be cancelled already? It’s not even fun to hate watch.


Then stop watching. I want to see Christine, Janelle and Meri as they move on and get married to good people.


Then make that a show of its own. Meri is hard to watch. Delusional. But take kody and Robyn off the show. That will hit them where it hurts. Let them have each other. And know no one is interested in them or their children.


When Meri said her relationship with Kody was really up and down all I could think of was the emotional cycle of abuse. https://psychcentral.com/health/cycle-of-abuse


It's not hard to imagine this was modeled to Kody by his father - this is what Kody sees as how relationships are!


This is an awesome explanation. Sounds like Kody’s pattern not just with Meri, but with Janelle and Christine too. The fact that the incident needn’t be a physical blowup but can be also be more subtle forms, like manipulation, gaslighting, dismissiveness, etc. Bingo. This is Kody through and through.


Thanks for sharing! This is a really interesting read. And when you look at in context of Meri explaining her relationship, yikes. Kody is just so toxic.


Meri in interviews her face looks like she’s had something done her skin is a lot more full and tight. Maybe it’s just happiness lmao


Botox and probably a little bit of filler. I can tell when it’s fresh and when it’s settled.


Her straighter, smoother hair is also a huge improvement. A very good look for her!


Her eyes seem smaller to me in the couch interviews.


Typical filler face effects


This episode made it abundantly clear that Robyn is the mistress. She has the same relationship with the family that a homewrecker who later marries the guy has. We already knew that… but now we can really see it.


Yea, she always calls the og kids, kodys kids. Never our kids!


Robyn and Meri outside again, but at Meri's place this time. At least Meri had the brains to put the fire on.


Paying Sobyn back for freezing her ass off! She should have ran in the house and offered Sobyn one of her tacky MLM coats 😂


Heartbreaking that Savannah stating Kody hasn’t called since her birthday


He is clueless. He has said in past episodes his feelings for the mothers carry over to her kids. And he really doesn't seem to see anything wrong with that. He needs therapy. He is definitely a narc.


I can’t even imagine how hard this must be for poor sweet Savannah… esp the fact that it’s public. I also felt like she was hurt as her mom and Christine talked about a move to SLC. On top of all the hurt from Kody ignoring her existence, I hope she wasn’t feeling guilty for holding her mom back (while she finishes high school). I know her mom and Christine would never intend that and have Savannah’s best interest at heart. Still, it’s just so much emotional baggage being stacked on this young girl’s shoulders.


Thought Robyn was supposed to be the best communicator in the family..according to Kody!


Looked like Meri was annoyed that Robyn did not tell her Ysabel was over. Robyn just glossed over it.


Not her fault though, as usual.


I really dont understand what she means by this though..how is it "out of her control"? Like it was a simple gathering at HER house, you been calling Meri for everything else...why couldn't you inform her that the girls were coming? You know she isn't in contact with anyone else..I'm sooo confused at her statement that "its not my decision"? Like wtf is she talking about?


It seems to be mostly the older kids - particularly Maddie and Mykelti - who dislike Meri. I don't know that Ysabel or Truely have issues with her. Meri specifically mention she did not know Ysabel was in town which leads me to believe Ysable is one who is OK with Meri. So I have two theories: 1. Robyn did not want Meri there because maybe Y and T would be warmer/more comfortable with Meri. 2. She knows Mykelti has issues with Meri and excluded Meri for Mykelti's sake because Mykelti is the only OG kid Robyn likes. Either way it was a passive-aggressive move to let it "slip" to Meri that 3 of Christine's girls came for after Xmas


It's everyone's job but Robyn and Kody to maintain relationships. I think Kody should have told her, but when he didn't, Robyn should have invited her. It's definitely not Christine's place to.


Exactly. She knows damn well Kody never communicates with Meri, nor does Christine. So saying she ‘thought Meri knew” is such BS! It was up to Robyn to call and tell Meri to come over to see Truley, Ysabel and Mykelti. But she purposely ignored Meri. Robyn was just being selfish. Again. And then lying about it. Again.


I think Mykelti has some big issues with Meri. This one really might not have been Robyn's call.


Robyn really went off on a tangent didn’t she? Special recipes! Xmas Rennals! I thought she was going to pass out from rage.


Haha maybe kody complained about missing all those special holiday foods from before, now he just gets crepes.


They're like French burritos, y'all!! 😄


“My kids struggled sooooo bad without Kody” then why’d you move them into a polygamist family with 3 other wives? Your kids should have expected to see “daddy” every 4th day and that was it. You can’t have it both ways “we came cap in hand, I told my kids to respect this family” while also crying “my kids miss their daddy too and need him”


And she claims she never minded Kody being gone, they were fine. She was just twiddling her thumbs and getting to know God during that time like the other wives should have done. And Kody was gone SO MUCH. Rilly, she timed it.


Meanwhile, the camera pans to Savannah, sitting all alone in a tiny apartment. But it’s all about YOUR KIDS


Also why did she work so hard to push their birth father out of their lives?? He could have taken them on the days Kody was gone, in order to relieve some of that burden!!!!!


I watched a video that broke down the adoption on Facebook. It deep dives into this.


That wasn’t possible or probably woulda been worth it. He lived thousands of miles away in a different state, because why, the Browns made an unnecessary move to Vegas that wasn’t needed. They were also still hundreds of miles from their dad when they moved to Utah in s1. The juice ain’t worth the squeeze having him come to Vegas and get them for 3 days only on a weekday. If they lived in the same city or vicinity as DJ , then yea but that man stood no chance as a coparent, he was immediately alienated and pretended he never existed


He was! Didn’t you see the doctored up family portrait?!?


….yea I saw the picture 🙄 Saw it when it originally aired


“Robyn had an office and spot in the garage for me so I was there. But even though I was there all the time I wasn’t with ROBYN all the time” KODY!!!!! You were at her home morning and afternoon “working” then sauntered over to Christine or Janelles for dinner and sleep and then hopped right back to Robyn’s every morning. THIS IS NOT FAIR AND EQUITABLE TIME Do him and Robyn have brain damage from the dust collecting on all the tchotchkes in the McMansion my god!


Probably just dinner, I bet he avoided the actual sleeping over whenever he could.


Christines library would've worked as an office space. I'm sure she would've been all for him using it. The excuses are soooo lame at this point. I think we all are not going to stop until we hear them admit it. HE FAVORED ROBYN. END OF STORY.


Yes! But its not just that he favored robyn. He basically left his family for robyn.


I would be happy if they just admitted to the favoring, thats all. Admit to SOMETHING


Meanwhile, mykelti's delusions come from snorting setting powder.


He finally says that he wasn’t equal with his time but he’s still deluded into thinking that it should have been enough


Meri stop! She is trolling us now. Unless it’s a rill dillbreaker….


Ok, here we go. Robyn: my kids struggled and complained that he wasn’t around. Welcome to plural marriage? He isn’t supposed to be there every night, in their world. I’m defending a lifestyle that would not be for me but SHE CHOSE. This was not fair to the original Brown kids that she came into the marriage thinking her kids deserved more time than them with their own dad.


Yes! I knew he was spending more time with them when in s14 she said her youngest would ask where Dad is. Why? They wouldn’t be asking that if they were on a fair schedule. That told me they were used to Kody being there more, which is not in any way their fault. They were accustomed to a schedule that was fine for them but left the others out, all because of Robyn and Kody.


Their real dad is in Montana. Maybe she should have tried harder and “ went to counseling” like she feels Christine should do😌


Yup. Id love to ask her, her thought process with that


Oh, I’m so sad she missed out on the great relationship Christine was offering! She knew what she was doing. Boo hoo. Those poor overworked eyebrows. Someone get a tissue for Robyn’s dry tears.


Why was Meri not invited to second Christmas? She looked so hurt by that and it would have given her an opportunity to see the other kids.


"there's not much communication" -Robyn, the person who didn't communicate with her supposed bestie Meri


Nothing will ever be Donkey’s fault. As though she has no way of communicating the obvious.


Sometimes she talks about things that she did like they are nebulous things that just happened to her, as if it was a force of nature, not something that she did.




That was beyond cruel of Robyn.


Yep. She knew darn well that Ysabel & Meri were close. CryBrows is so jealous of all the OG kids liking Meri (& Janelle & Christine) more than her.


CryBrows 💀😂


And she couldn’t talk shit in front of Christine’s girls to Meri so….


Yeah, the show narrative is that Meri is on the outs with everyone - yet we see her and Logan and Hunter on social media (when Logan is hardly EVER on SM) and Meri in the front pew of Logan's wedding with his mom, and her celebrating Gwen and Bea, and Savanah giving her a big hug when they met up at the B&B. I think for some of the kids, Meri's place has been the refuge to be quiet at times and to be a kid.


Meri was also stability and they knew her their whole life. For better or worse the 3 of the wives were in it for the family, not just Kody. Robyn wanted Kody. She could care less about the 13 Brown kids.


Wowwwww Robyn way to throw a temper tantrum!


Did anyone else hear Meri say, “picture” correct at 8:57?!?




Robyn knew who was coming to her house. Robyn chose not to tell or invite Meri. Then Robyn plays the victim.


"Oh I had no control"....im sorry I have used that as a cop-out a time or 2 myself. What it really means is "I didnt even think to invite you".


She stated in the last episode that she put gifts aside for her kids so they'd have more to open when Truely, Mykelti, and Ysabel came over. She was not blindsided by this. Also, as if Kody would actually speak to/plan anything with his kids? It was 100% planned by Robyn and Mykelti. She is such a f\*cking liar.




Wow. Robyn. Just… wow. She’s insufferable. Truly. Evolve, girl, EVOLVE. ETA: huuuuuuge problem for Krobyn, they cannot see the individuals in the family for who they are. They want them to be who they think they should be, instead of allowing each person to just be their fucking selves. And how much of a self-centered, ego maniac does one have to be to think that aaaaaall the kids (many of whom never lived in flagstaff) would come back to flagstaff? The nucleus? I think Meri was saying something very different than what Robyn heard… ETA ETA: I just realized why I felt so much more strongly negatively about Robyn (usually, I can muster some compassion and pity—she’s clearly an unhappy person): she has no empathy. Not true empathy: she’s spent the last few seasons seasons being like “I don’t understand” about every single complaint the other wives had and why Christine left. Tonight, she let out a full pity party and it’s like: oh damn, she really doesn’t care at all, does she? Not if it doesn’t lead to her dream fahhhhhmily. The selfishness is astounding.


I agree that I’m usually able to muster some level of compassion for Robyn, even if she’s in a hell of her own making but it’s becoming harder and harder the longer she refuses to self reflect. She needs some deep and serious therapy to work through her childhood trauma of being the second or secret family or whatever they were. She was desperate to be “picked” as the favorite in a plyg family and unfortunately her need and accompanying behavior has brutally torn apart what she says she wanted and frankly created trauma for a LOT of those kids, her own included.


Narcissists are devoid of empathy. Kody and Robyn are narcissists.


Yeah Robyn is a self-important mess. When you explain things to someone over and over and over again and they still don’t understand, it’s because they don’t want to. They’re not trying to understand. They’re trying to blame.


Yeah, their nucleus would more likely be a place where the majority felt comfortable, like a Christine’s or a Janelle’s…


The real nucleus is the adult kids! Those kids were all raised together and that who they view as their family. They sought each other out to share a Christmas tradition together. Janelle and Christine have created a lovely relationship now, which makes it even easier for the kids to remain a big unit. Kody has his chance to lead the crew, be the hero grandpa and covered with attention. He tossed it aside, chose one family and with that he tossed away being the leader. He isn’t the center at all and is lashing out through silence and dumping all his attention on the other kids. I’m sure it hurts the og kids feeling, but not nearly as much as he thinks it does. His loss is soooo much bigger than their because they all still have each other.


The missing missing reasons


Robyn's self-pity about what went wrong made me realize how she worked (pretty much from day one) to restructure the family to meet her needs and expectations. She wasn't interested in adapting to the established family norms and traditions. Instead, she expected the entire family to change into what she wanted it to be. Robyn will never get an answer to her question of why the family blew apart because she can't see that she is the one who caused it to happen.


I totally agree that she won’t ever understand. She dismisses every explanation because it involves her part in it, and then she says “it doesn’t make sense!” Of course it doesn’t make sense when you’re excluding all the information you’re getting.


True. She was NOT interested in adapting to the existing family norms/traditions. The OG wives had a rule about PDA in front of each other, but Robyn wanted to change that back in the Valentine's day episode. No PDA in front of each other made them get along easier.


I just rewatched that episode yesterday, Robyn definitely did not care about that rule. She even commented that she saw nothing wrong for thanking her husband with a kiss for her Valentines Day flowers that Kody gave each wife. Robyn was the only one who did that..


That Christmas story that Christine told about Kody and Meri, was just straight up awful. IDGAF about the Catfish situation anymore, that man treated Meri like absolute trash, and from the beginning to boot. The only reason they were mad at her about it and that she was "unsafe" was because she told "Sam" all their dirty secrets they didn't want out. They are all trash humans.


Huge red flag there, right? This is how he's fine treating someone he supposedly loves and made a life-long commitment to. He's fine treating loved ones like they don't matter. Total foreshadowing of how he ended up treating them and the kids!


Yes! Meri was the weak link and was preyed upon. It was all about keeping the cash flowing. Polygamy is all about resources and having Meri on the outs created more resources for the other wives which is why Christine and Janelle further ostracized her.


Yes. Meri would never have been susceptible to an online romance if Kody had not treated her like trash. It’s not fair to push someone away, and then when they look elsewhere, to play the victim card. Kody loves that it gave him the perfect excuse to OPENLY vote her off the island.


Yeah... I have issues with Christine and Janelle right now. They were ok with and wanted to work on their marriages with a human who was treating another human that way. WHY?


Because polygamy is a pyramid scheme. Meri was at the bottom in their down line. They wanted to keep her there (lest they be at the bottom). When Robyn came in, Christine and Janelle were moved into the down line position and they didn’t like it.


That ties in with the comments about 'basement wife' (or cellar wife?) Literally and figuratively put at the bottom out of sight and mind.


The Christmas story with Christine is just like the dirt bikes. He does the same thing to his children. I had a dad like this, he’d rarely give gifts but only to one or two people he favored at the time. It was always something big too that no one ever wanted.


How many special recipes you make eh? Someone seems pretty upset that Christine's rolls are so popular.


Christine’s rolls must be the bomb. I hope she passive-aggressively cooks them every holiday😂


Its Genilles recipe you know that pisses Robyn off even more


OMG Robyn put on her resting porch face during that weird tantrum. Literally no tears escaped those eyes. 😒


Omg your flair!!! 😂😂😂


Came here to say that!


… “or beautiful houses you rent!” Or “ all the get togethers they have”.. I don’t care!!!!” Robyn even outed Meri’s child as “Meri’s “daughter”. Robyn doesn’t give a shit about anyone and is only upset that her cash cow died. Wait til Meri tells her she is out also! Bahaha! Omg we won’t be able to count the fake tears!! Too many fake tears to count!.


Slghtly unrelated, but I really hate how the past is always referenced to "Christine" and "Janelle's" kids, never Meri. I understand she only has one, but her one was a a true OG and very much a part of the family, very close with the siblinds and was watched by Christine and provided for by Janelle just as much as any of the other kids. Why do they do this? Like Meri or not, that just feels so disingenuous and mean. But then I try to make myself feel better by thinking its just reduced for simplicity, or that its a matter of using the plural 'children" because Meri just has one. Idk..if I were Meri I'd be suicidal. 30 years for what.


To be fair, this talking head was probably filmed before Leo transitioned and some filmed this year.


Lol she wasn’t hiding it there. I first read that as Meri is *out* and I was like yaaaas….


Every conversation that Robyn and Kody have with Meri is to manipulate her. I want to smack some sense into Meri to SNAP OUT OF IT!!!


Meri sees it for what it is. If you listen closely to Meri she’s actually being sarcastic to Robyn. Meri says “It takes everyone’s effort and caring” and Robyn just ignores the backhanded compliment and doesn’t see that Meri was referring to her. Has robyn in the last 11 years ever admitted to doing anything wrong? Has she ever had insight into herself? Nope!


This season I am noticing that twist in Meri’s words a little. I hope it’s real!


I hope u/survivingpod saw MerBear’s Oregon gas station sweatshirt 🤞🤞


Sobbin robyn in full effect 🤮


Wiping away so many imaginary tears!


Love how divorcee Robyn always says, "I would take his butt to counseling" or " what was the dillbreaker?!" Well ma'am, what was YOUR dill breaker


I want to know, but am afraid maybe it was physical abuse. If it was I am sure they wouldn’t say anything due to liability if it wasn’t documented with the authorities, or because her oldest children could be hurt by that revelation. Other than abuse, I don’t know what her e reasoning was for the divorce unless it wasn’t her choice and he left her.


Cackling over the mental image of a pickle being snapped in half


This always gets me, too. She’s divorced, yet she seems to think anyone ELSE who separates didn’t even try.




Rules for thee…


Robyn's storyline of God will provide a rental was so Janelle would give her the money for her big house


“I just want a rental! with 5 bedrooms and a bowling alley!!”.


Yup! That entire episode was nothing but Robyn saying over and over how this was a bad idea let's not do it I don't want to buy. But it was all a set up to "show" how much she didn't want it. Pfft.


Yeah I do NOT believe Robyn’s version of events here. And I can total imagine Janelle, the most reasonable rational wife simply calling her up and being like “Let’s talk..” and Robyn making it a huge thing. I really cannot wrap my head around Janelle’s continued commitment to the marriage because of her faith. Maybe because I am not religious… but it pains me to see her trapped financially with these dough brains. She deserves a fiscally responsible spouse who loves camping and a big fat 401K they invested wisely in over the years so when they retire they can get a cabin with enough space for grandkids to visit and go fly fishing and travel the country in the RV.


I think there's a way she can have separate money and still stay in the marriage, such as it is. Robyn doesn't contribute any cash to jeanelle...


Explain to me why Robyn thinks that her house should be the nucleus of the family? And if she was referring to Flagstaff in general - no one wanted to move there. Why would they be keen on coming back to a place that they were forced to move to? But even more than that, they got their "cheap Christmas" airbnb IN FLAGSTAFF. So actually they did make Flagg the nucleus, Kody decided not to be a part of that Christmas, They even tried to include all parents and all children in a Christmas gift exchange. Who blew that up? SOBYN ROBYN BROWN


She had the opportunity to make it feel like that by supporting Meri's offer to host Christmas Eve, as she had done for YEARS.


I think she *did* want the family. But she arrived to that family too late. They had older kids, they were established. She wanted to recreate those home videos she is not in. She wants the past but she came in too late and the others were like, dude that's not what we do. She wanted special stories and memories. All the rewatch stuff with the kids and them telling funny stories. Watch her. She is miserable and wants to throw a tantrum. She wants to be the nucleolus so she can create those memories. But it was too late for her from the start.


Not just her coming in late, but I'll put forth she doesn't have the personality conducive to building those types of moments and memories. She doesn't have nucleus ability.


Fair point. To me, and I may be wrong but I felt like she did seem eager and want to be a part of this unit, in like s1-3, but I can’t respect the fact she was okay with having more time with Kody when she knew that wasn’t fair or allowed.


She could have joined in and fit herself into their existing traditions. There were still plenty of young kids and the older ones were also accepting of hers.


By saying she expects her house to be the nucleus, she's admitting/demanding/revealing that Kody will spend his time at her house only.


Exactly! Doesn't that show she considers herself a heas wife??


She tells on herself SO MUCH, it’s insane.


Anyone else notice Meri rolling her eyes when Robyn was saying she didn’t understand why everyone thought Kody was spending more time with her and at her house?