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Where on Facebook can I watch this episode. I’ve found it in the past but can’t today


I don't know where to ask this question. How do I think Robyn reacted to Janelle and Kody being intimate?


Please add comments. I was overjoyed!


The pecks and six pack comment. BARF!!!


Looking forward to the next season being ONLY about the sister wives and being true to its name.


Jen and meri wearing the same pair of jeans at the inn is pretty cute


Kody seriously thought months would pass by from Thanksgiving to Valentines day and he could show up to lunch to find Jenelle "panting" like a dog, begging to be in the family again er what?


i mean... thats what meri did 🤷‍♀️


In what world is Kody the resource for Jenelle when SHE gave hundreds of thousands of dollars to put Kody and Robber up in that mansion?? She was the money maker wife just about her whole marriage, played mom and dad too her kids, figured things out in her own as an independent woman, where again did she take advantage of Kody as a resource?? His sperm is about all I'm coming up with.


For a guy who "hates" Christine and "never found her attractive", he sure af can't stop talking about her to anyone who knows her! I was begging Jenelle to tell him to stfu about Christine, but she handled him like a boss.


Sorry I hit downvote accidentally. I corrected it


This! He can't keep Christine's name out of his mouth! Every time Janelle talks about HER relationship with him, he finds a way to bring up Christine.


I keep thinking the same thing. Is it that he actually really did love her or cannot believe that she was the one who left him


It’s status. She is a from w very prominent polygamist family. And she left him. He felt empowered to treat all his wives like crap and just assumed they’d stay with him. Such a narcissist.


I LOVE how clearly TLC is trolling K&R now!!!


Me too! They didn't miss ONE chance to put K or R back to back with whichever wife they were trying to disparage in their confessionals😂 I love how Jenelle and Christine have nothing to hide, don't give 2 effs, and tell it like it happened. Every single story K/R told to "prove" how great Kody was instantly was fact checked in real time!!😂😂😂 this is the primary enjoyment I'm getting out of the show now!


The floodgates have opened




I'm still reeling from Christine openly admitting to everyone in the room that Kody didn't find her attractive. Kody had sexual relations with Christine often enough to conceive a total of *SIX CHILDREN* !!! So if Kody genuinely found Christine that unattractive, then how did these multiple conceptions occur?


I wonder when the light bulb will go on (or already went on) for her that Cody did find her attractive and said those things for Robyn's benefit?


It's what he tells her (and probably Robyn) so he can feel better about not being a good husband. Everything he does is some kind of ass\*nine grumpery. The bad part is Christine couldn't quite see that, and regardless, what he wrote was so hurtful, I can't believe ANY of these women stayed with him. I can't believe it was even published. Didn't ANYONE see that what he put in that book was the most disgusting thing a man can say about his spouse? And he thinks he's "hot"... Nope, he's just f'ing crazy.


I LOVE that's she's talking about it so openly and taking its power for herself. She is KILLING IT right now


Did anyone notice how, when Janelle mentioned that he hadn’t called Savannah, it had been 6 weeks, and he never even called her to say Merry Christmas, Kody blanked for a sec and you could see the whirling dervish inside his skull working overtime to come up with a semi-legit excuse. Then, in his confessional, he threw out some irrelevant BS about not having a “convenient environment” since Janelle wants to stay separated. What about BEFORE this, you numbskull?? And can’t you bring her to your house? Can’t you take her out to eat? Can’t you use the freaking phone?! Aaagh the insanity…


He actually stuttered and then they cut to him on the couch giving his explanation that Janelle and Christine kept him from his kids by not letting him in their houses. Bull shit! He didn’t even know that Janelle wanted to stay separated until that lunch. He stuttered because he didn’t think he’d get called out on his shitty behavior.


Yes! I saw that! He had zero reason for that. I think he literally forgot she existed. Father of the year.


Janelle threw him off with that one. Which is so deeply disturbing, that he hadn’t even realized that he’d been caught in a dick move for the ages


Omg we saw him short circuit in real time....


That was awesome


I noticed he started and stopped 3 times like he was going to defend it somehow and actually zipped his narcissistic lips without finishing an actual word. I still can't believe he didn't take accountability for that .


Honestly I actually thought “good on Kody for knowing that thats inexcusable and not saying Savannah could’ve called him” and then he immediately made me hate him again in the talking head. Typical.


I can think of 100 convenient environments: the mall, McDonald’s, a park, his and robins house, driving around, a beach, a mountain hike, cayote pass


Yeah or even just the phone. A simple phone call.


All I can say is, if the producers and interviewer in the Tell-All (or whatever it’s called) do not come fully prepared to ask Kody ALL the tough questions, play back the proof, and NAIL him on the zillion times he deflects and projects, we ought to BOYCOTT.


I absolutely want a REAL interviewer this time. Take him to task already!! Where is a shady combo of Oprah and Andy Cohen?? Maybe it's time to start filling up TLC's twitter/x with suggestions.


I was disappointed in Janelle for not demanding an answer to why he ignored Savannah for six weeks and didn’t call her on Christmas. I wouldn’t have let that one go.


I don’t think she did. She left his ass.


I think she handled it perfectly - she just stated it as fact "you didn't even reach out to Savannah for 6 weeks." She didn't ask why...because there is no excuse in the world good enough to ignore your child at Christmas.


I legit don't understand how he forgot gabes bday and to call savanna on Xmas. Omg. However , as a mother i would have texted his stupid ass the following: Gabes bday: hey, reminder it's your son, Gabe , remember him? His bday Savannah : hey, call your MINOR daughter as it's xmas If Robyn really cared, she would have told him or create a calendar with all birthdays. It's just so damn simple.


The action of txt to remind him is easy enough. But reminding your partner to be a parent EVERY time it’s a holiday or a birthday is not a mother’s job. That takes planning and mental energy that needs to be shared. He doesn’t even try.


A lot of Kody’s ranting to other people is really for his own ears. He’s basically talking to himself and the purpose is to reaffirm his view of reality. He doesn’t actually talk to other people and he definitely doesn’t listen.


Trying to justify to himself how he can be such a shitty partner and parent.


Kody’s [incorrectly used] Word of the Day: “transmute.”


It was also used in scenes with Nathan, as well as their ironically favorite word hubris.🤮




I threw up in my mouth .. does he even read this sub? My vagina slams shut whem he talks .. blech.


What the HECK was that?! I know he's full of himself, but even that seemed like a stretch for him. I'm still confused how the hell Kody could get that out of anything Jenelle said. It being staged might be the only explanation. Especially with Christine describing her ideal man that was bald and tattooed, maybe tlc was trying to draw a sneaky line to that.


Him going on and on as is SHE used HIM!??? WTH?? Bro


In Kody's eyes, his wives are there to stroke his ego and bow down to this douche who donated his sperm to make all of these children. He demands loyalty, & respect but doesn't return it to the women who bore him these beautiful children. I don't think any God would open their doors to this gaslighting narcissist who has chosen to ignore his kids and their pain, along with his wives, unless, of course, your name is Robyn...Knock off the tears Robyn, no one is buying your pathetic act.


Kody . . . it is about money. "Was I just a resource for you?" Of course! Because marriage isn't just about giving flowers to your wife on Valentine's Day. It's about managing your money and assets so you can live comfortably into old age and hopefully have a little but leftover to give to your kids. THAT is true love. What an emotionally immature asshole. I don't know how four women ended up with this manchild. Heavens to Betsy.


See this actually made me think if he’s starting to call out Robyn’s bullshit. He can’t voice it because she holds the cards, but I wonder if he’s realizing she played him like a fiddle for her own security


a cult is why....


Savannah is not an adult. She’s still a child, so Kody should pay attention to her just the same as he pays attention to Robyn’s little kids


And Truly. He treated her as if she and Sol weren’t a yr a part. Less than that, she was born in April 2009 and he was born Oct 2010.


April 2009 to October 2010 is a year and a half. However, Truely was born in April 2010, while Solomon was born in October 2011 (which is still 1.5 years apart). According to the show narrative, Robyn and Kody were spiritually married in May 2010.


That means K &R were getting down and dirty before marriage.


No. Sol was born 17 months after they were married.


Yr math is wrong, if dates are correct.


Yes, that would make Truely 18 months older.


Kody has zero empathy


Kody is incapable of taking accountability for anything. He is beyond help.


I just physically ill when I hear this man’s voice at this point. It’s too much.


Same and he gets wayyyyyyy too much screen time for my stomach to handle it.


Kody feels rejection from a wife he doesn’t love or care about. Imagine the rejection his children feel.


he would have to care about anyone accept himself for a few mins to comprehend any hurt he has caused anyone else, which he seem incapable of...


Hey Kody you have kids. It’s not about you and your needs.


Omg! When he was saying he’d see Savanah if he was at Janelle’s! Like…dude… so you only care about your children when it’s convenient and they’re brought to you?! Ugh I wanted to slap him.


I was like 🤯 He literally said the entire issue. If you would’ve been at all the homes… this wouldn’t happening. Then he tries to bring up covid again lmao.


He has earlier stated Robyn makes it convenient for him to be at her home 🤯🤯


Kody has no manners. He wants Janelle to stand up to hug him feels so wrong on so many levels.


He should have asked if he could hug her. Then lean over to seated Janelle for same.


I felt so bad for JANELLE . He wouldn't shut about Christine. The look on her face...you know she wanted to say, can we talk about us? This is about US. NOTHING to do with Christine!!!


Tbh I think she was just over it. Her face seemed to say “Ugh, this shit again”


She should have set ground rules. No covid talk,. No Christine talk. No Robyn talk. Only her, him, and their kids.


I feel like Kody always takes ground rules as a personal attack.


Yes… unless tgey are HIS rules, for which he expects blind loyalty, full compliance and unearned respect.


Has somebody got link as to where to watch it


discovery +


You can find it on HBOMax or TLC.


As a poet, I’m BEGGING Kody to stop “sprouting” and calling it poetry. So cringe.


As not a poet, same.


What does “sprouting poetry” even mean, when was he doing that for Janelle? Is this another one of his “getting their pencil wet” metaphors?? Because, if so🤮🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮


No more pencils. No more books. No more Kody's dirty looks!


nice! lol


In my head I imagine him wandering around after her shouting “how do I love thee…” then stopping because he doesn’t have any more to “sprout”. Ugh.


Just a quick poll. Is there anyone on this sub who thinks Kody is hot? Hands???? Thought not.


I wish I was as delusional as Kody is about his appearance.


No. Never found him physically attractive in the least. He’s not ugly but he is not attractive to me. He looked goofy and dorky when he was younger (physically) and now he looks like he can’t accept his age so he looks ridiculous. Then add his personality and you have got a real dud. Just get past his obvious love bombing and he has nothing to give. JMO


100% accurate. His personality just completely takes over and everything else is just null and void.


Instead of untangling their relationship how about untangling his curly locks😂🤣


Awful personality which makes it hard to judge his appearance, but for his age, when he wore the man bun and didn’t hide his balding as much, he looked good for his age.


When he was younger he appeared to be bubbly fun which made him attractive. It might always have been a mask but he now appears ugly on the inside which shows on his face.


He looks nice looking for 50. Minus his hair. He’s not sloppy and saggy looking or morbidly obese, he has tight skin, doesn’t have a patchy unkempt beard. I actually rather men have appropriate grey and age gracefully then be someone like Wayne Newton who is old as shit with dark ass hair lol


His reliance on his “metrosexual fashion is hysterical he can make some bucks selling his jeggings!!


I don't know why you got downvoted. I think he's attractive looks wise it's just his personality that sucks LOL


I think that he objectively doesn’t look bad for someone in their 50s. I think his attitude/anger has really morphed his face, he honestly looks scary to me. He walks around looking like he’s about to punch something or someone.


Like Dorian Grey, there's likely a room in Kody and Robyn's mcmansion that we have never seen, is a big portrait ( and it would have to be big to satisfy this asshole) of Kody where all of that ugly and mean goes....


Used to be. He’d look moderately attractive if it wasn’t for his personality


He was handsome when he was younger... before the perm. If he embraced his real hair (shorter cut, no perm) and stopped acting like an entire bag of tools, he'd be better than average.


I cant get past that rag mop on his head.


I can't get past his big mouth...lol


Objectively, he’s not bad for his age. But his personality ruins it.


He sure thinks he is. Thinking Janelle is hot after his pecs and his abs. 😂 Does he not realize we can see he has a belly? He’s really insane!


Was waiting for someone to comment on this--he is so full of himself.


Men like this are so misguided on what fuels attraction. My husband has had every type of body build over our marriage and I’ve been into him through all of it. He’s kind and supportive and he’s never spoken to me or our child in anger. I’ll always be into him while that’s how he treats us.


The most hilarious part of that episode is as he says the line about his pecs and abs, he caresses himself🤢🤮🙄, does he actually not realize how laughable he is?


Robyn talking about Valentines Day being a hard day 🙄


She probably has Valentine’s Day gifts from Kody for every year they’ve been together


She competes for the most victimized. O meri didn’t see him enough? Well me too and mine is worse! O Christmas as newly divorced people? O but my Christmas was tragic and heartbreaking O Valentine’s Day as last wife standing? I’m so sad that I can’t enjoy my lame ass prize of a husband. Shut the fuck up robyn. No one should feel bad for you


Dammit! I fell asleep and now I can't find the episode again.


I was surprised to see Kody actually act like he likes Janelle. Maybe he does: she always put up with his shit, expect very little from him and I guess they are good in the bedroom


That Mexican restaurant sure is serving the tea this season


no tea for Kody, just hot water LOL (I know what you meant by tea, was just making a joke at Kody's expense)


His reaction to the cold water at the table was hysterical--what a sissy--it was too cold outside for him to drink cold lemon water....I so dislike him.


If it spills on him he might melt.


Dont forget the lemon. In hot weather he gets extra lemons to make his cheapo lemonade.


Don't forget the lemons.


BFF Jen’s murder for hire joke was hilarious. She is so quirky! NOT!!


Was it supposed to be a joke about the fact she owned a pest control company?


Afterwards she said Meri hired her because she worked in pest control. So she was hired to terminate something like rodents. She was trying to make a joke like she was a murder for hire but it was for pest control and I think her joke didn't land properly.


I wasn’t sure where she was going with that one and then she started laughing. This isn’t the show for that kind of humor but I guess she said she was gonna get her 15 seconds of fame by any means necessary lol.


Ikr. This show is full of possible DV and straight up up DV and that joke was too out of pocket for me. That lady is nuts.


I dusagree. But if she is, look who was driving the car!


What domestic violence do we see? Ive never seen or heard about Kody putting paws on the wives.


Domestic violence is not just physical. He is verbally and emotionally abusive with all of them. That scene of he and Janelle arguing was terrifying to me. I really thought he might hit her.


I thought so also. I thought if there were no cameras he might have.....


I don’t believe for one second he’s physically or verbally abusive, let alone putting paws on them. Is he emotionally abusive yea. But I haven’t heard them say, even with Christine sharing shit, that he was verbally abusive. 100% emotionally abusive


So, telling your wife that you are disgusted by her, and NEVER found her attractive, IN A FREAKING BOOK published for the WORLD to see,..... That's emotionally abusive. Telling EVERYONE that your wife is the Teflon Queen, and then telling her she LIES when you know she didn't? That's verbally abusive. Kody is out and out abusive. Everything he does puts these women down in so many ways. What about how he treated Meri?


Watch that last fight with Janelle. There, verbal abuse.


How do you think emotional abuse happens? … Like it just falls out of the sky? It happens through WORDS (verbal) and actions. I think he is or could potentially be physically abusive.


Tony is so cringe get him outta here!!


Agreed. So tired of him going out of his way to make the women around him feel uncomfortable. He's a grown man with a daughter.


He always looks like you have to hold your nose when we walks pass. Like his walk pass air stinks lol


You know his sit down air is foul


Yes! The sit down air. Pew


Kody is too dumb to realize that you can’t be “hot” if you don’t care about your children.


HAvE I ALwaYs BEeN A ReSOuRse foR YOU?


Wild considering meri and him lived off of janelle in the beginning




Have I always been a uterus?


Who said that? Janelle?


Kody. Kody freaking said that to Janelle. It must be backwards day.


WTF?! I finally found it again (Amazon is screwing up, and I feel like I need to use FBI hacking skills to find it again.)


It feels so mens-rightsish and also MGTOW.


Yeah, Janelle just wants Kody for his pecs, his abs, and his money 😳


Maybe in the next meeting with Janelle he will remember to bring his pecs and abs with him.


What about his rigitoni hair???


It's funny to see him try to hide his baldness/deciding hairline with the two top curls.




Almost threw up in my mouth a little when he said that! 🤢


I lmao literally! 🤣 That was the funniest thing he'd ever said.


My people that are just tuning in to Janelle and Kody sitting down to dinner... I'm here with you


Kody doesn't know what gaslighting is.


Kody’s definition of gaslighting= when people hold me accountable for my behavior


His now word of the day (transmute) must have come from his mentor Nate. Lol


I guarantee you that Christine taught him that word during their split-up (she had been his victim of it for years) and now he has a new word to throw around. Sadly, he doesn’t realize that he is claiming to be the victim of it; while doing it to Janelle (about their kids apology tour that he demanded and then tried to take back) Kody, we are watching, do you think we don’t see?


So, I'm no Kody fan, but I believe in giving credit where it is due. He has said time & again that he took that back. That doesn't mean he's claiming he didn't say it, but realized that he was wrong about it & changed it to just wanting to have a conversation with them about it instead of wanting an apology, but Janelle won't let it go no matter how many times he's tried to tell her that. He was a jerk for saying it in the first place, but it's on Janelle that she's continuing to let that come between them (him and her and the kids.)


Yes, bc he said it wjichvmeans he thought it. That's the thing about hurting ppl and taking it back and even apologizing - the other person is not obligated to forgive and of they do, they aren't obligated to forget. They are able to learn and adjust how they deal with someone.


Makingg him culpable ???


Kody claiming that his and Janelle's previous separations were because Janelle had problems with her sister wives and had nothing to do with him is just flipping delusional. How can a person be so arrogant and clueless, at the same time?!


Narcissism is how. It’s crazy to watch.


…..Jenelle DID leave the first time over issues with Meri.


Isn’t it the job of the husband to help sort those things out? I bet he stepped back and was like “nah y’all do whatever I’m just a dude”


It is. I'm watching the one on ones when Christine left right now. Robyn spent her interview crying - using it as a mechanism to not answer questions other than blaming the others. Then Cody says about how Robyn and kids had to obey rules to fit in but "for some reason, the other families did not have to obey those rules" - look in the mirror. If you're the head of the family, that's your responsibility to make it work as a leader.


Instead, it seems like he pitted them against each other to get whatever he wanted at the time.


✨Just Narcissist Things✨


Janelle has said she left over relationship with Meri and unable to live in same house. It was addressed in their book and mentioned on show. The rest of the family moved at one point without Janelle who was living separately out of state. Janelle said she did not move because she was in college


Kody really thinks he’s hot stuff. 😂


Actually, over the years Janelle and even the other wives have inferred that she really is physically hot for him. I think most people believed the prevailing opinion they were just best friends but it actually seems they had the most physical intimacy passion other than he and Robyn and maybe more.


Omg he has known Jenelle for how many years and thinks that’s what keeps her there….his weaselly body??


Right!!!??…like how many other viewers were actually traumatized by the episode where kody goes down to his underwear to swim in the “lake” 🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️


Never. Mention. This. Again.




Oh. Those two curls. Its like they’re springing out of his rotting brain for dear life


He looks like a bad potato.


🏆. Gives a whole new look at Mr. Potato Head. 😂😂


OMG why would he bring Janelle to the same restaurant he had his last conversation with Christine!? 🤦‍♀️


….because they’re filming a show and only allowed a few public spaces to film in….


Maybe the Italian restaurant would work better for him


Flagstaff is notorious for not letting people film. The Italian and Mexican restaurant are owned by the same people and likely are basically the only place who will let them film


Salsa Brava may let them film there for publicity and they probably have a "party room" where Kody has less chance of being exposed to anything. I saw on a Facebook thread that the owner of this restaurant also owns Fat Olives (which Gwen has mentioned is Kody's favorite place to go). Both restaurants have been on Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives and even have "what Guy ate" on the menus. So they possibly have some kind of deal with the network.


I want to know if it was a production safety decision after his outburst at Janelle’s apartment. It felt really close to getting physical. Janelle was shook.


Interesting idea… but with camera people there at the apartment just a few feet away, wouldn’t that stop Kody from getting physical?


Nope. People can be unpredictable creatures.


>I want to know if it was a production safety decision after his outburst at Janelle’s apartment. It felt really close to getting physical. I'd bet you're right.


I agree with this.


Is salsa brava the only restaurant in flagstaff?


Most places in flagstaff won’t let people film


Probably the only one desperate enough to put up with his nonsense and allowing him to film in there.