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Ask her about it. But it is standard in the therapy field to call fifty minutes of face to face time a therapy "hour." Sometimes called the fifty minute hour. The therapist uses the ten minutes between clients to return phone calls, go to the bathroom, write up notes, etc.


While this is true, ending therapy 15 to 20 minutes early is not a 50 minute hour.


50 minutes = therapy hour.


But 20 mins early is crazy, I think that should be communicated early on


50 mins of therapy + 10 mins of administrative tasks (writing session notes in your file, invoicing/financial, setting up next appointments in the calendar, etc.) It’s okay to end at like 47, 48 or 49 minutes, but definitely not at 40. You can say that you think there’s still about 10 mins left, and you’d like to take the last few minutes to talk about/focus on ___.


Does she bill your insurance? Whether she bills you directly or your insurance, do you know what CPT code she is using? If it is 90834, that is for 38-52 minutes, usually clinicians do 45 or 50 though. If she is billing for 90837 it has to be 53+ minutes. Ask her about it to understand what’s going on.


Second this.


I came here to say this


The therapeutic hour (as defined by insurance codes) is now 45 minutes.


oh weird okay? i was unaware of this honestly. it makes sense i guess though? but she doesn’t even run my insurance so?


All of my sessions are 50 mins. That’s my therapeutic hour, and it is outlined in my paperwork. Check yours and see if the therapist sets this expectation in informed consent. If we are at a natural stop at 48 mins, the. Sure, I’ll end there. I wouldn’t end more than a couple of mins early based on a natural place to end unless the client requested. Private pay stays super firm on this. I can get paid more by insurance if I must go over the 52 min mark, but I try to keep everyone right at 50. The price reflects that. Hope you get clarification from your therapist.


That being said she shouldn’t be quitting 20 minutes early. Sounds like a good thing to discuss with her and see what you think about how she handles it.


Bring it up to them....


Yep mine are 45 minutes and I didn't know for months why they were so short until I asked one day. He's late often so it makes it even shorter which can get frustrating




Paperwork, documentation, scheduling etc. are all included in the hour, making talking time roughly 50 minutes. It is standard practice.


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