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Your therapist absolutely wants to hear your success stories!! Most of the time during the day they hear from people who don't utilize what they have learned in previous sessions, (because they just aren't ready). It validated the therapist too, that the treatment plan is working. Congratulations on your hard work btw!


You can definitely ask! I've had my T validate things for me and it's felt amazing


Absolutely. In my case, I have similar experiences of managing to do hard things, and my T has offered compliments without me asking for it, and that has felt very validating to me.


Him telling you that he is proud of you would be validation. It’s completely fine to be proud of yourself and also want to hear someone (especially your therapist) be proud of you. I love when my clients tell me their wins and I typically say “that’s incredible. Do you feel proud of yourself” and if they say yes, I say “great! You should be. That’s something to be very proud of” or if I get the sense they want to hear me tell them I’m proud of them, I’ll just tell them


Once I had a client who came in to session with a list of things he’d learned or achieved from therapy and asked if he could read it to me. I was delighted!


Yes, you absolutely can ask him! I do this sometimes when I did something that doesn't seem like a big deal from the outside, but was hard for me (like making a phone call immediately, that I would procrastinate normally). For me, sometimes it helps to ask in a kind of mocking/joking manner, so I don't feel weird for asking. Other times I just tell my T, that I'm proud of myself and that's when she normally jumps in and says something like: "You can be!" And if she doesn't, I really just ask and she will do it happily.


Oh my goodness, yes please share the good stuff with your therapist too! Validation of your successful application of things you learn in therapy seems like it’s pretty important to becoming resilient in those new behaviors, like it should become easier to do again if you’ve gotten that validation from a trusted person. I’m excited for your success and hope you will feel all the positives from your success. Keep at it!


You can ask anything. We might ask “why do you want my opinion” or the like but please ask anything


Yes you can definitely ask for it.