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Plot twist they both stealing from the same assets store


Hey wanna do something funny... Message some of the companies that have their products in tarkov and ask them if they gave BSG the licence... And then you know who the original thiefs are 😁


Watching Russian and Chinese people steal from each other is hilarious lol


as is tradition


Usually from the west though. This development I’m a fan of.


I have watched the entire video and, while some are really similar, some it doesn't seems to me, like the Fal. Might be wrong but... they are the same weapon. That's the way to reload it. I am not sure but to me it doesn't seems 100% copied. More like similar work? Maybe?


mfs really mad they didn’t invent a new way to reload a fucking gun. Like you guys do realize these are real guns, right? Ofc they’re gonna reload the same


have you seen reload animations across videogames? They can be different. These are literally identical down to the exact movements.


Wrong, on one of them, I don’t have to pay $250 to have fun


Only 2.50 a month for a case, then 4.99 for a better gun, then 2.99 for enough money to buy a gun, then another 2.99 because you died and need more in game currency. See where this is going


You don't have too pay 250 for tarkovs ither. Stop being a baby troll and let it go.


I notice differences between every single reload, some even being significantly different, such as the SA58. Their are similarities, of course, to their real life counterparts.


some are not similar, but others like the aks are.


yes. These animations are different. I literally cannot see what you mean by identical. Some are pretty damn similar but that’s because they’re both tactical games dealing with real weapons


bro no one is going to care, they are too busy hating on tarkov. Yeah their most recent monetization scheme is dumb as shit, but you have to remember 90% of the internet have the mind of a child, so to them they just hate the whole thing, they are unable to separate out positive and negative attributes. They are literally supporting some trash stolen asset game from china that prob has 99x the flaws of tarkov because they are blinded by hate.


It undisputably has fewer problems and is very well received right now. I do think plagiarism is wrong, but it's BSG... I hate them and pray for their downfall with every new release SPT on top, baby!


The same has been said for every tarkov competitor yet, i give it one month


Fair, who knows what will happen when ABI is full release.


And what are you blinded by?


Usually bright lights, darkness, vision obscurity or opacity due to fog, and eye wounds would prob do it


Good one


Delusional ^


Scam company gets scammed. Karma is a bitch.


A classic observation of hubris meeting it's victim. BSG asked for all of this the second it decided scamming is the way. Which wassssss *checks notes* August 4th, 2016.


Was that when EOD came out?


Enjoy AB monthly subscriptions for your cases and gear!


who said I'm playing AB? Let alone paying for it


Enjoy letting Nikita release his seed on your forehead for nothing in return


both use real guns. there is only so much you can do to reload a gun


Should we even care? Tarkov has had it good for too long, constantly miss treating the player base. (Have no sense of reality from a players perspective, i mean only recently did bsg add changes because of a long sit down with Pestily but up to that point so out of touch. I was so amazed they even swung that way)


ABI is on Unreal, isn’t it? I’m not a game developer, simply dabbled in modding in my day— wouldn’t it be difficult if not impossible to steal the animations between engines like this? I wouldn’t be surprised if they tried to imitate Tarkov reloads but I’m skeptic they were straight up copy pasted


It's actually pretty easy to do. Takes some fiddling with the mesh after import to UE. But at the core of it most assets can be swapped between most modern engines pretty simply. It's time consuming to fiddle with various quirks engine to engine and it depends on exact what your swapping around. Something's have plugins that make it basically one click some don't. But it would be trivial for them to just yoink all the animations, meshes, textures, ect from tarkov slap it into unreal spend a bit of time fixing the quirks. Would save a fuck load of time over doing it from scratch.




Yes but it doesn't fit the narrative of the hive mind or something like that


But the best part of it all is that they didn't just steal the animations. They even copied the poor and unrealistic recoil system from EfT before Patch 0.14.


yeah lol i noticed that too. Looks just like old tarkov recoil.


You’re right! They should come up with completely new ways of loading those


Breakout needs that recoil update


chinese repro always being outdated as per usual


yeah, garbo company.


I'm supposed to be upset about one company stealing from another company that steals?


If anyone says arena blackout is good is so blue lol. It looks so clunky, arcade like, terrible sounds, 99% mobile lol. It’s a joke. Any streamer liking it is clearly getting paid too


I'll wait til I have my hands on it, but yeah, I do agree it leans more arcady, but I wouldn't say it's shit.


Shameless? You think they are shameless? They wouldn't go trying to sell off a 500$ DLC and take away benefits from players who spent 250$ while making carbon copy images for DLCs if they were shameless. They're greedy fucks


they are tencent. of course they would.


didn't care enough to fact check but I've heard that BSG worked with the dev of Arena breakout on a Tarkov Mobile game that was scrap. I wouldn't be surprised if Arena breakout devs had a safety net where if the project is cancel they could still develop the project at their own expense. If ever you are less lazy than me and have found more info feel free to update me lol


I think the real question with all these stealing from BSG posts is if it’s so easy to steal and make in unreal 4 why hasn’t BSG done it? Either they are too lazy or thought they would be the only extraction shooter on the market forever and could do what they want with their player base.


Fuck tarkov


I'm sorry you feel that way..


It's China.....I'm not sure what you expected......


Now post a PUBG and Arma comparison


I mean… there’s a proper way to reload a weapon so why are you upset that the games that are intending to show accurate usage are using the similar animation?


Sorry, should AB pay 250 dollars for each animation?


How are we still ignorant of assets?


I was going to say the same. Especially after BSG just put a direct Unity asset knife in the $250 package lol. Why would it be shocking to find out that they used asset store animations too, or that another company wouldn’t find the same or similar assets on another major game engine’s asset store?


You can actually just basically yoink most unity animations,meshes, scripts ect and just import them straight into unreal5. Things like the fbx files will need some fiddling after import to make them work right. But it would save you a literal fuck load of time over doing it from scratch. And while your fixing it you can adjust things pretty easy. There are plenty of ai assisted tools now that can also convert scripts and coding between the two engines. Again will need some human work after the fact to tidy it up. But you save fucking insane amounts of time. It's far easier to just steal everything, import it, and then start from 80% and just fix it up.


No, they didnt, and this has been disproven.


Yeah, I only just learned about that this morning actually. Still feels weird to me since I don't know all the details of it. I haven't looked into it deeply, just saw that Onepeg mentioned "it's been disproven multiple times" in a video I saw this morning. Sounded like they looked at a unity asset and then copied it stylistically? Idk. It's whatever to me, personally lol.


How else should you do this? unrealistically or what? There is only one right way to load and fire a gun correctly..


tell that to counter strike, call of duty, battlefield, and every other shooter with different looking reloads. Theres a difference between “properly reloading a gun” and straight up copy and pasting animations.


Look man plagiarism is not cool and they’re obviously trying to beat tarkov by being a free alternative and capitalizing on the recent bullshit they pulled, but… I don’t give a shit anymore cause I have more respect for them than BSG after what I seen. Besides, they need a direct competitor. Grey Zone attracts a specific milsim group. The tarkov loop needs a competitor too.


Guys it's OK they paid ÂŁ250 for the unheard edition. In all seriousness though, they are modelled after the same irl guns and most military units will reload them the same way. Unless theres a lawsuit or something concrete that proves its plagiarism, bsg can claim all they like and we shouldn't believe em


I really don’t care how similar they might be, nothing will replace tarkov.


facts, especially not a shitty downgrade from tencent


Gunfire from Breakout looks like garbage, sounds like garbage. Maps color palate is COD Warzone. Movement is floaty. Breakout is a lazy game and will never compete with its F2P/P2W structure. It is obvious. People who can’t see this are coping because BSG hurt their fee-fees by not giving free product.


So much evidence to support straight up stealing ideas/design, etc. I hope/assume bsg are pursuing the avenue of suing these fucks into oblivion. Bsg/Nikita definitely deserve the flack they’ve been getting from recent events and need a hardcore lesson of PR, but straight up stealing the work that has been done must be infuriating and incredibly frustrating


Nah fuck bsg


And which court will support a Russian company?


Great question, but I’ll be surprised if they’ll openly discriminate against them. Ever since the need arose, they’ve been based out of England I believe. Under British law I’m sure they can pursue. However I’d rather them get clapped for their recent move. Edit: lol y’all downvoting me because why exactly? LOL dumb af


Would be convenient for them if they're just British enough to sue Chinese devs but not British enough to be liable under trading standards. Has buyanov retracted his statement yet saying that they did not edit their website to change the descriptions of "unique" items? Or is he still using the Shaggy - "It Wasn't Me" defence?


Idk I’m hoping they get their asses kicked though. That whole move was very illegal. Killed tarkov in one day.


It's 10cent brother, that ain't happening...


Tarkov will forever be the better game


Graphics wise? No. Sound wise? Nope. Atmosphere wise? Yep.


You really wanna white knight for BSG? If the end product is better for consumers, who cares..


Damn they’re identical


i thought maybe bsg was lying about the stolen stuff, now im doubting myself


No. They copied and did MUCH better. Fuck BSG.


Enjoy paying monthly subscription for your safe container


To be fair, that's better monetisation than having a BTR in my ass.


The firing animations look like the $20 procedural animation kit from Unreal Marketplace. Reload anims almost looks like they mixed two kits with anim blends. https://youtu.be/x7AaBinYosw?si=qcylUlKF3Qx8b4BH And https://youtu.be/AmrzD3OnM7E?si=X5dZExzARV_iJwd5 I wouldn't be surprised if Tarkov used anims from unreal or Unity assit store and modified them to begin with. People really need to start realizing that a lot of these games are just asset packs and paid plug-ins. A lot of the ones that aren't are made by people who make anim packs who are commissioned for game studios. Sometimes games, like tarkov, will buy the rights to an existing pack and have it removed from the marketplace, then claim other people are stealing, "their" assets.


From what others have dug through a decent chunk of it is just straight ripped from tarkov. When you export/import from unity to unreal 5 animations and meshes are all there but borked. So you have to fiddle with them to get them working right. I wouldn't be surprised if BSG is using stock/market assets. Then tencent just stole the assets from tarkov and in the process of fixing them post import adjusted them or used other market assets/tools. It's not the first time a tencent game would be caught doing this.


Oh I know. I am developing a game in UE5. There are ways to send anims from platform to platform and ways to rip anims from games directly.


So fucking what?


sorry but you cant copyright animations


are you restarted


I haven’t restarted in a while, trying max my uptime


“After listening to the growing feedback from our community and reviewing the gameplay for ourselves, we are concerned that ‘Fortnite’ may be replicating the experience for which ‘PUBG’ is known.”


you are definitely acoustic