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is this low settings vs ultra settings post?


at this point they would hype up any game other than tarkov.


Crash Team Racing is the superior extraction shooter


W take


*Nostalgic memory noises*


Ps1 or ps2 version though????


I was poor, I only had the demo version hidden in the Spyro 2 game


Skill issue Jk šŸ˜


But have you considered the following? Hm hm hm hmmmm *Stomp, clap* Hm hm hm hmmmmmmmm


They kind of need a competitor at this point, though.


Indeed, competition usually means a better product for the consumer.


Crazy part is it is actually better..


Arena breakout does look better than tarkov though, and runs better at least for me. It's not a better game by any stretch of the imagination, and it is an obvious clone of tarkov, but I'm having fun so far. Why not give my $0 to the glorious Chinese communist party who will probably try to scam me instead of giving my $0 to the glorious USSR who already tried to scam me?


Better looking, better performance, almost a 1:1 clone gameplay wise. The only major thing I noticed it lacking was the rpg aspect of leveling skills, but that's not a big deal imo.


I never liked the soft skills anyway, I'm a pmc not a civilian. I shouldn't have "level 1" endurance and recoil control


Exactly. That and it makes it difficult for casuals to compete against sweaties




1200+ raids to get max strength/endurance. 95% of the player base will never reach that. Once again, good idea with terrible implementation.


The gunplay in Arena looks light years behind Tarkov. Not saying it's a bad game, but that is a major component of what makes Tarkov so good


Iā€™m going to play arena. But the gameplay looks like a cheap knockoff and you can tell isnā€™t going to feel as satisfying. QoL stuff with the stash and inventory system looks really great.


I highly doubt Arena simulates ballistics like Tarkov does. It's amazing how much of an improvement a 3 minute wait to get into a game makes though. I'd rather play Arena for this point alone.


by light years you mean one wipe? Because Tarkov recoil was kinda trash until the recent recoil changes


It's also way earlier in development, though. But yes, from what I've seen of it? It's like if someone made PUBG into a Tarkov clone.


good point lets go all the way. ive already gambled my life savings on mah jong while downloading this masterpiece!


I think better looking depends on your tastes, for me Tarkov looks grim and that fits the theme of an abandoned post-war city. ABI looks super bright and saturated like I'm back playing Sanhok in PUBG, I don't like it but that's just personal opinion


It's tarkov for dads it's just a little faster and streamlined but that's not a bad thing. It does some things better mainly quality of life but isn't a better game I just want competition and to make a statement if bsg keeps this shit up we leave


Well since tarkov is mostly unplayable at high for most people


Im just saying that showing half of reserve on low settings and comparing it to some small courtyard on high is just disingenuous. There are good reasons to not like tarkov so there is no need for these tricks.


100% it's just a click bait image


The low settings on arena isn't even bad at all


For me none other extraction shooter came close to the feeling tarkov gives me while playing


People are just looking for anything to shit over nika (understandably) but we have to accept that Tarkov and itā€™s immersivness is very hard to emulate.


Yup. Like bsg sucks huge cock for sure. Nikita is a POS. But nothing beats tarkov. This temu tarkov is a total joke


I said Temu Tarkov this morning on Glorious E stream šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ fits perfectly


Yeah when it releases itā€™s gonna be even more p2w than tsrkov


I hate this stupid rhetoric that Tarkov needs to be 100% bad because the devs are POSā€™s. I dgaf, there are MANY things to praise the game over, mentioning them doesnā€™t all of a sudden make you a BSG fanboy or whatever. This petty high school shit is straight-up pathetic; for an already miserably pathetic gaming community.


in the past few weeks Iā€™ve realized that a lot of the tarkov players are really hurt like traumatized for real which is unhealthy considering its just a game. they are going through stages like if their close one just died. its surreal


Watch out I said that and got downvoted by the cry babies lmao


For me personally, the whole unheard drama was more of a straw that broke the camels back. Tarkov has been real problematic for a while now. It has terrible ai, terrible tasks, and a huge cheating problem. Of course nothing can replace Tarkov, but Iā€™m hoping a little competition will push them to work on Tarkov harder and fix some of the issues weā€™ve been dealing with for years.


Welcome to the hive mind of an average Tarkov ā€œfanā€. These people are so jaded by BSG (granted a lot of people are and rightfully so) that they vindictively want the game to die so they can feel good about it. Theyā€™re actively circle jerking themselves about other games that ā€œwill kill Tarkovā€.


GZW is more immersive, but EFT still has more thrilling gunplay. For now...


Yea tarkov got really lucky that its just so fucking good. I wouldnt have dealt with everything if it wasnt


Itā€™s not luck lmao


Yeah they know for a fucking fact what they are doing, they are amazing at making you feel you are in the action




Whats also hard to emulate is the amount of technical problems tarkov has, which arena breakout seems to lack ig? You need a special talent to leave a bug be for 8 years Yeah I get it, you are deemed to have technical problems when you're making a game as immersive as tarkov, but I also dont blame the players who flock to arena


ABI is a "finished" product that won't have 10+ new mechanics in works (though BSG is not really fast with pushing these mechanics out it's still in the plans) so they CAN spend all the time bugfixing a complete product. Tarkov is still yet to even have the most important part of the game i.e. Story and the escape from Tarkov itself. After that is added and the game is in release the era of optimisations and bugfixes will come.


I may be a little uneducated on this matter, but tarkov seems to only want to follow the normal path of a game, but given the nature of this project it's really hard to do so, I mean they have more than 8 Years in development and they are still in beta, ive seen a lot of people talking about how this game wont come out of beta


Dota 2 is also technically still in beta, but anyway, what do you mean by "normal path for a game", i didn't really get that part. And to the it will never be released, it's a common statement, but right now we're closer to release than ever before, so i trust bsg will in due time deliver a good product


Fair enough What I meant by normal path is, you know, alpha>beta>release It just seems like tarkov will always stay in beta But then again, we will have to wait to see who's view is right


I highly doubt itā€™s hard to emulate or reproduce. There is just no real financial incentive.


Nothing scream immersions more than a new player having a second monitor open all the time to know what the f is going on in the game, not seeing anything cause of poor lighting and having a bad storyline that nobody remember because its not important. I also really feel the immersion when i inject myself with 3-4 different stim every time i start a raid to counter the effect of bleeding, stamina, broken bone and weight so i can run with 60-70kg of stuff while having 2 broken legs. The best immersion tho is when i hunt bosses, letting them running into a door i closed so i can shoot their head glitching through it. Top tier immersion imma tell you what.


Any other game more immersive than Tarkov then?


personally i hardly feel immersion in any FPS despise loving FPS. Have you took the time to read tarkov quest and the lore about the merchant and boss? It's pretty f lame and generic. The game have some good thrill moment because of the win/lose factor and decision you have to make to either win or lose but i don't find it immersive for many, many reason. That's why i named some of those reason, not to compare it to another game or saying this and this is more immersive than tarkov.




Hard to emulate? Bruh, Tarkov tries to emulate Stalkerā€™s immersion for 9 years and still canā€™t


I'm running Swift One right now and it's like a horror game


Agreed. The frustration with audio, Desync and cheaters is a feeling Iā€™ve never had in other games.


ABI is like tarkov for timmies, that being said the game is fun. [Bigfry](https://youtu.be/MqJk-BrpepM?si=5214E9kzpWdvl_DB) did a pretty good video on it. Although i don't agree with all that's said. He makes some really good points.


Ads and name make it sound and look like a mobile game.


arena breakout did start out as a mobile game iirc


Yea, it was a mobile game first. Now it has a PC build. It is not a port


i agree but after years (7) in development is it ok to fight with cheaters, bad servers and 10 minutes of queue for a 20 minute game? it gets booring really fast, also this unique feeling the game has is after years of development. The engine even if still beautifull is going to get outdated very fast.


Well theres been like a whole 2 or 3 that have actually released to the public and been playable before just this month basically, and I can see why you felt that way about them lol.


I get why people are mad at Tarkov and seek other games that gill the void. My problem specifically is with Arena Breakout, nothing but a Tencent corporate reversed ingeneered game that I have no respect for. The assets are being clearly modeled straight off Tarkov. This is no better than those cheap League mobile knock offs that popped up a couple years ago. It only has the Unreal sheen that keeps it nice and shiny but thats about it. There's plenty of good games that can be some form of Tarkov competitors and are far more worth it. Be mad at the recent EfT sitiation all you want but don't support this blatant bullshit. Play Grayzone, or Hunt, or support Road to Vostok, or anything but this crap


I think because while BSG fumbled with their marketing, this whole wipe's patches and updates has been the best they every put out in a long while. From recoil, sound, movement, and tasks. There are fewer real people to play with and more rage cheaters trying to get the game to sunset because they are mad.


It's also in the middle of the patch, where people usually start to falloff and with 33% already playing PvE, the rage hacking would be more noticeable since well there's less players overall but cheaters have no intentions of leaving the game or playing pve because they get money from selling PVP stuff


yea, that makes sense. I honest forgot that its been that long that its almost end of wipe.


I played the game a couple of days ago and went back to playing other games. It feels like it has no soul. That could change I guess but I have my doubts.


Rich asshole steals from another rich asshole. Who cares.


I agree with all your points. But recommending Grayzone makes me drop all respect. That game is 100% classic tarkov anger cash grab. Super wonky, incredibly unfinished yet released on market


I will say this may be on me, I haven't looked into Grayzone enough yet, only heard some good things, at least better than Arena Breakout, but I could be wrong, I'll look more into it tomorrow when I get the time. Sidenote, the best Tarkov competitors are literally the NOT "Tarkov killers". I swear each week I see a new thumbnail with some undercooked gameplay hyped up by a youtuber and called a "new tarkov killer just dropped" or similar.


Good on ya bro for reacting positively. People and posters needs to be aware of the predatory dangers of Grayzone.


i think asset flip is a bit much cause all the items in both games are 1:1ā€™s of real life items soooā€¦ itā€™s more an IP theft than a asset model theft imo


Initially I thought too they might've just copied all the items and attachements one for one, which was still shity reverse ingeneering but at least it wasn't wholy ripping game assets but copying them, but new info shows that they've ripped the models and the textures - wire frames on models are a perfect match and so are (woodgrain) textures


Oh is that the next Tarkov killer ? šŸ¤”






IĀ“m cringing so hard. ppl really trying to convince that a tencent mobile game looks better than tarkov lmfao. deliberately comparing a low quality picture with a high quality one. stop playin xijinping


Lmao bro ABI looks so much better than Tarkov and itā€™s not close. Tarkov made 8 years ago on Unity vs a brand new game on UE4. Tarkov doesnā€™t look bad but ABI runs and looks way better.


Hard disagree. No where near the level of detail


Itā€™s not a mobile game. Cope harder that your $250 dead game is getting shit on by a Chinese carbon copy


Arena breakout can be played pc and stuff?


There is a sequel called Arena Breakout: Infinite that is in beta on PC right now


Itā€™s ftp? Cool, how big is the game?




Is it on steam?


Yes but itā€™s in closed beta


How does one play it?


You can get beta keys through twitch drops and from random selection on their website or discord. Otherwise we'll have to wait till it's out of Beta like the old days


The beta sign up unfortunately ended, you canā€™t get keys from drops anymore


They are likely to start up another round given the "unexpected" popularity. Keep yourself updated with news and I'm sure another one will pop soon enough


jokes on you big boi, i have the 35 eur standard edition šŸ˜‚


No different than soyjack memes tbh


It's not the players thought they have to run one on low and can run the other on high. Jokes it does look much better than Tarkov on PC.


i can agree that tarkov has a feeling that is still unmatched but saying that tarkov look better than arena... you must be blind...


BSG made 1 big mess - eeew, p2w ABI is literally p2w - eh, whatever


its the horde mentality. if they introduce next week Mario Breakout Mushroom infinite they will hype it up. the teens will calm down after they manage to controll their emotions. you know how puberty works


Fax, puberty makes it's work


First, its not a mobile game, second, tarkov does looks like shit while also running at 60 fps. Go play spt and you'll see


It *is* a mobile game. It was just released in beta for the PC version. I have it installed on my phone right now.


Tbf they built this version with a different engine than the mobile game so they did have to mostly build it from scratch for thr pc version so isn't really a port but more like a remake for pc


Oh yeah, not saying itā€™s a port, it definitely isnā€™t. But it was absolutely a mobile game first and that dude is flat out wrong, lmao.


Even to pc version looks kinda stiff and mobile gamy but I haven't tried it. Does any of you know how it feels to play?


like PUBG, mostly. but it looks great, I get better performance on it than I ever did on tarkov. It feels like SPT performance but it's multiplayer


The game runs better online than it does on in spt... It doesn't have to simulate a single AI like it does in game... Thats all server side and then the server just tells the client where they are and what they are doing


There's no way I'd play tarkov on those settings lol. Yall are making shit up to stay relevant. I get the hype because of what's going on but... taking a low quality picture and making it out to be how it is, is crazy. You work like the media


Most likely its a tencent employee I am guessing


Ok but I can run arena breakout infinite maxed out and get 300fps Tarkov I get 50fps at low settings AB is a better game. Sorry bud. Tarkov sucks shit


Nah bro ABI is not better game. That's such a cope statement. It got garbage AI, worse looting, Maps for me look better, more believable in Tarkov. Shooting and Recoil in ABI feels so much worse than current Tarkov. I like the vibe and atmosphere of Tarkov much more. Gameplay just feels so much better in EFT.


It literally is better lmao everything you said is the opposite of the truth


Yeah... I literally played Arena Breakout Beta. It's not bad but it's not Better than Tarkov. Not even close.


Majority plays tarkov on low settings just to get 70 fps. You sound like an elistist that paid 2000$ in pc upgrades just for a game lmao


Have you even looked at the recommended requirements for arena breakout?


Have you seen the recommended requirements for tarkov? These doesn't matter if the optimization is crap


My point is both games require similar specs. The recommended specs for ABI arent cheap either. A 6800XT is the 3080 equivalent. The specs ABI lists are basically what I use to run tarkov in 2k and I get consistent 60 fps not on minimum settings. Youā€™re going off about the performance in tarkov for lower spec PCs but itā€™s the same deal in ABI. The game doesnā€™t even run for many people if they have under a 2060.


Ngl enjoyed the gameplay quite a bit more than Tarkov. However, yesterday I learned that theyā€™ve shoehorned the full scummy p2w, subscription, multiple premium currencies, payed limited time boosters, etc mobile monetization model into their pc game. And it 100% killed any amount of excitement I had for the game. I refuse to support that shitty mobile game monetization model coming to pc games. Fuck that.


Lmao, what did you expect from tencent?


Not a whole lot but Holly shit


They also have to monetize it one way or another since itā€™s a F2P game. Itā€™s aimed at casual players, not us sweaties.


Ya I know. I just hate the mobile model and donā€™t really want to support games trying to move that model into the pc gaming space. My sweat days In gaming are well behind me, I am the casual player, I play modded SPT for tarkov and I play PvE IN GZW. So Iā€™m a little sad that Iā€™ll probably avoid playing this game unless I have loads of friends that push me to play it.


You can play for free and not get the currency. To be fair, Arena Breakout has a very long way to go feel close to what EFT gave me but calling it P2W isn't really the case. You only ever get skins and premium safety cases (2x3). No matter how many in game currency you buy in AB, no matter how many t6 armor, thermal, and ammo you bring, you will still die to a rat with low ass gear that will leg you every single time.


I don't agree that it's pay to win you just pay for the feeling of security, but even that isn't guaranteed,I'll admit I've bought into it alot I've got the membership, a case subscription etc, but none of that guarantees a win at all you can still get spawn tapped by thermals or leg metad even if you buy the best gear, or have the best case all it does is give you small qol benefits but it doesn't win the game for you in any way same goes for the battlepass it's just gear and cosmetics


Im disappointed with the small maps and mobile game look of arena. It does not immerse me at all.


I just hope this lights a fire under bsg's ass and they take tarkov to the next level.


Exactly, also hope they adopt the countless QOL features in Arena


I'm wondering, so far from ABI i've heard and seen there's not really that much stuff that wasn't in Tarkov already or that would go against the gameplay perspective of BSG (i.e. map that tracks your position) So my question is what are the QOL ABI has over Tarkov?


Just a few things ive seen:: 1. Teammates gear that gets extracted gets mailed to them. No more having to bring in kits and no RMT because stuff gets sent back. 2. Stats are better communicated. For example headphones show % increase of hearing, player debuffs show numeric decreases, etc... 3. You can pack mags by right click -> load ammo type. Much better than dragging. 4. You can fold backpacks to take less space.


5. drag item onto another item to swap the items 6. flea market UI is 10 times better (and you get 12 slots) 7. item values are visible in game when inspecting them, no guessing necessary for new players 8. total loot value extracted is displayed at the end of a raid 9. selling a gun on the flea automatically disassembles it and sells the parts individually, so you no longer have to fork over half your net worth to get a rear sight for your gun




Not if you have rat scanner or tarkov-market open. Have never met a new player who just guessed loot values, they all use an external tool anyway


god this sub fucking sucks


You guys are just coping if you think arena breakout is going to surpass Tarkov, I'm not happy with what's going on with Tarkov but you can buy gear in Arena breakout like let's be real here.


I like arena breakout mobile but it doesn't have the thrill of Tarkov. Also all the loot items suck balls so nobody with any money loots anything other than equipment and guns


Hard pass on mobile ports


It's not really a direct port, but tbh it's not as in depth as tarkov


Itā€™s not a port moron


Cry about it, rube


Actually this is the new PC version called Arena Breakout Infinite


Sidegrade. If we consider future potential Greyzone definitely could be an upgradeĀ 


Idk, what's worse Russia or China?


China, Eastern European games are the bomb


Not to hate on them but looting systems in Arena Breakout and GrayZone are actually so clunky and cheap looking... I really don't see myself perma abandoning Tarkov for this games until they improve that.


The game is trash


Idk the mobile game is pretty okay


I wonder how many bots were utilized to make posts like these on here and Twitter. Game looks OK, they had good inspiration to work from on a clean slate without 8 years of spaghetti coding slowing them down. How they implement microtransactions and combat cheaters will determine how long the game stays relevant


I am actually enjoying the beta, not sure if I am going to play release. ThebstoriesnI heard about the incoming p2w is a turn off


At this point they just need to hire a dev company to take over and Nikita just give his concepts and direction. Itā€™s seems like too much to handle


Vomit noises. Hell nah tarkov on ultra looks way better I play on a qd Oled so lemme tell you boy you donā€™t know shiiit.


Support free to play in the future you shall own nothing and be happy!


Or pay 150 dollars for an edition of a game that the devs will continue to attempt to alter the features of.


Yeah you have to buy the most expensive addition or elseā€¦ I defo didnā€™t play 4 wipes on standard then eod now unheardā€¦


Why are you acting like paying for a game means you ā€œownā€ it anymore than a free game? They shut down paid games all the time.


I agree free to play is much more fair and good who cares about the business model of free to play and how some idiots think itā€™s scummy and manipulativeā€¦


I wonder if the rumor tencent ripped off BSG code for arena


Idk about that but when arena first came out on mobile it was tarkov maps on a smaller scale. They kept the sound and animations for a lot of things and just changed small things about them.


I saw a streamer named onepeg have a little video on YouTube showing some of the coding from arena breakout has names like ā€œkillaā€ and other Russian names found in tarkov used


Yea I saw that too. if its true or not, idk. But what I do know from what I saw was a lot of similarities, so it could be true to a point.


the game is a clear and obvious ripoff of tarkov, but IMO they deserve it and I'm enjoying the gameplay so far


yea, I'm not knocking it. It looks pretty fun, but its more for casual gamers, rather than the hardcore gamers that BSG is trying to attract. I firmly believe once the honeymoon phase is over, they will be back to tarkov or GZW. Shit maybe even the mod. The game is everything they hated about the market scandal that bsg fumbled, but all the QOL things that make the game too easy. I also see a couple of suspect players on day one as well.


Could be the case where BSG gave licensing to tencent to make tarkov mobile but it never ended up getting too far into development and then tencent used that to create arena breakout. It would explain why the variable names are the same for consistency across both games. They still wouldn't be able to use unity c# code in unreal engine. Completely different libraries, packages and framework. I literally analyze old c# code and reimplement it in c++ for a living. It requires so much work.


Lmao anyone playing AB will be back on Tarkov in 2 weeks


So you're saying abi is like homelander got it


trying to say a game operated by tencent is an upgrade is the meme lol (not to mention the intentional blur of the tarkov image lmao)


Yeah no, it took me just a few seconds of looking at their gameplay to figure, not even they could emulate the feeling of tarkov gunplay and just second to second movement. Battlestate is God awful, but they made something truly unique in their weapon/gear detail and sound/animation work that no one can yet compete with. Arena is pretty watered down compared to tarkov in all aspects, but maybe in a few years it could compete.


Anything to make BSG sweat. They take 2 years to release a single map. It's actually terrible. A large percentage if not majority of their profits have come from hackers rebuying the game after ban waves. They took to long to fully develop the game and now they're broke. We should be on Tarkov 3 by now.


Almost 5 pixels


Tarkov memes arent it, ignoring this whole community


I'll give Arena Breakout a chance and play with friends for a bit. But if the feel of the game is too arcadey movement wise it might not be a main stay, unless the gunplay is decent and will overcome other aspects. Tarkovs movement and feel is unique compared to other games in the genre.


So funny to see a great game be squandered by greed and horrid representation. Meanwhile the majority of those with a brain are enjoying what tarkov was meant to be with SPT and now (thanks to the brainless version) Fika and SIT are openly discussed and supported by Reddit.


China number 7


I wonder how much money Tencent gave the mayor streamers these days. Marketing money goes brrrrrrrrrrr


ABI is fun but letā€™s be honest, itā€™s not a scratch on tarkov


It would be great if relations between China and Russia broke down because of a Chinese EFT knockoff.


Owned by tencent.


ABI is for all the players that are too low skilled to keep up with tarkov just wait for the cheaters to flood that game too im sure itā€™ll be so much fun with all the subscriptions and lack of actual development vision just as you said its a cheap knock off. They even have a state of the art engine in ABI and still have 2010 cod movement physics.


China is far better at making tech than Russia so.


See Tarkov has a Warthunder complex. It thinks its untouchable in a market thats easily reproduced whereas warthunder is pretty much untouchable in tbe current state its in because of the sheer scale and fidelity of the game. nothing comes close.


escape from beijing


tarkov got too big for its britches, yall forgetting this a multiplayer overhaul mod for stalker practically šŸ’€šŸ’€


China number one(1) Thereā€™s no original china ideas around since gunpowderā€¦




Only 1 of them will cost $500 though


Only one of them are worth 500$, yes you are indeed correctšŸ‘


Tarkov will always be king and you bandwagoners will be back


Im gonna try it, but cheaters are gonna be a much bigger problem there than in Tarkov since its f2p. I hear there are already some in the closed beta lmao


250 dollar dlc *cough cough* I mean feature


BSG to Tencent, just equally bad.


Man, arena breakout just feels so shitty as for right now. Recoil is the same on all guns, bullets have no drop, the whole game is mobile-grade. Thereā€™s also no loot at all, sometimes you get full backpack but itā€™s not even worth the ammo you spent. Iā€™m going to play it again in maybe half a year minimum when they will update it


Major downgrade


Chinese mobile shooter game huehue Seriously, it's unimaginably shit


That Game is Dog Shit tryied it Its def Not a tarkov killer


Says someone who sucks at Tarkov. Arena breakout is for the Tarkov fans that canā€™t Tarkov correctly so they need their hands held.


The game play looks like shit. And I don't trust China. I didn't really trust Russia either, but i made an exception. I will NEVER trust China...


At sucking


Guys just try hunt Showdown. Cool unused setting and Sound that is to die for


I know they made the game smoother. But I would love it if they decided to re-upgrade the visuals back to how nice it used to look


Bsg may be greedy, but atleast they didn't steal code from another game like Arena Breakout Infinite