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Getting real tired of the delusional, invasive weirdos that are the Gaylors. The weirdest as in funny-weird though is the one where she's going to marry Travis Kelce and birth the antichrist. I like that one!


Did you see Ed Kelce’s response to one of those anti-Christ articles? He responded “that’s my boy!” 😂


Omg great minds haha


Ed Kelce is a hero


Haha! Thanks for the reminder! What a classic response!


Perfection lol


Hahahahha that’s so funny


>the delusional, invasive weirdos that are the Gaylors. This. It's some q-anon level shit.


I feel kind of bad, because they have some beautifully researched dissertations that “connect the dots” but Taylor’s idea of an Easter Egg is the word **Us** written on a book in Fortnight. They are literally waiting for the second coming of Christ in Taylor Swift form.


any time I see half the theories on TikTok, I think back to when the ME! Music video came out and she said the album title was somewhere in the video. The internet was making up all kinds of obscure things based on various imagery and scenes in the video, when it was quite literally written in a giant neon sign.


Or the baby chicks in the video and it’s like “look you guys! The *Dixie Chicks*!! They’re on the album!”


Exactly this. It’d be one thing if they were like “Oh maybe Taylor is queer, that’d be cool!” (which as a queer person, I agree, it would be cool) but the paragraphs upon paragraphs of why she HAS to be queer and saying her relationships were all beards is SO invasive and creepy


Its also extremely bi-phobic. Like, even if she WAS queer, why does she HAVE to a closeted lesbian?


To be fair, I think a lot of Gaylors consider her being bi as a more likely possibility than her being a lesbian


and yet, travis is a “beard” and the majority of their interpretations about her music revolves around her being closeted. most of them do not actually believe she’s bi, otherwise there wouldn’t be much a conversation to be had or speculation about some grand “comingoutlor” plan.


I tried to be a gaylor who thinks taylor is at least bi and some of her songs seem sapphic (to me, a gay), but it's impossible. You literally can't question any theories, if you want to engage in a discussion about it the thread is locked and people call you mean/rude for disagreeing. They constantly accuse people of homophobia if you disagree with a take. I'm sure there is some homophobia involved with some people who disagree with some of their wild theories...but I am also like....."hey soooo you know people don't think y'all are delulu because you think taylor might be queer....they think you are delulu because you read into outfits random celebs wear at events that have zero to do with taylor" My interest in gayloring waned the moment people started speculating that Halsey's post about being diagnosed with Lupus somehow means taylor is gay. My interest in gayloring COMPLETELY evaporated when someone posted about Taylor secretly dating Gracie Abrams and a comment disagreeing got locked.


There was something recently where someone was arguing with their whole chest that Paul McCartney was going to come out with Taylor at her 100th show…


Just like every fan isn’t a deranged stalker, every Gaylor doesn’t assume all her relationships are beards or fake. We’re just queer and identify with queer themes in her music and needed a safe place to explore them.


I think there's a huge difference between identifying with her music and assigning a whole sexuality to her her though.


queer fans of taylor who do not engage in the weird deranged speculation are NOT gaylors babe (coming from a queer swiftie) gaylors are specifically the fans that think shes hiding some elaborate coming out plan to shock the world/is married to k*rlie with 2 kids. the rest of us are simply queer swifties and theres still lots of us we just get lumped in by gaylors and cishet ppl alike


Gaylorism is specifically about thinking Taylor is gay / bi. In the past couple years as the idea she is being forced to stay in the closet gets more and more insane it’s shifted to also include just queer readings of her art but it was never that


So? There are some theories here that would sound crazy to an outsider but it’s fun to clown. The fact that only the gay theories are seen as “insane” is very telling.


There’s a huge difference between “all of Taylor’s boyfriends are fake arranged pr relationships and she’s lying in all her songs” and “I think five holes in the fence means she’s doing a countdown”.


Yeah those don’t exist lol……… gaylors are exclusively weird people who are genuinely convinced she is gay and have the craziest conspiracy theories about her sexuality. As a queer woman myself who can see queer themes in her music here and there (ivy sounds gay as hell to me), why associate yourself with people like that? Go on twitter and look through the accounts of gaylors and ask if you wanna label yourself one lol


Yikes, thanks for the perfect example of why the other sub exists in the first place. It’s sad we’re trying to prove the majority of TS fans are good people and welp here you are.


Literally q-anon. All the talk of “the plan”.


*The plan?!* This is news to me. What is the plan, if you don’t mind elaborating?


The latest one I read is that it’s actually both Taylor AND Travis coming out together in the near future. It used to be funny but it’s getting scary IMO, it’s concerning how angry and unhinged they’ve been lately.


Yeah and just like any stereotypical cult they keep pushing the date back. “She’s gonna come out in the Midnights album, well she didn’t so now it’ll be at the Grammys, well she didn’t so surely it’ll be during the Eras Tour, she didn’t again but surely in TTPD somewhere…” And the “evidence” always requires convoluted mathematical operations with dates and obscurely themed “national holidays” lmao


I’m guessing a coming out plan?


I just really don’t understand why are they so obsessed with this? I don’t want to assume anything, but I have seen that a lot of them are also members of the lgbt community, so why would they obsess over insisting someone come out of the closet, when I imagine they can empathize on the hardships of doing so. Why insist their “fav” artist go through this hardship if she clearly doesn’t want to? I l guess they want more representation but it’s very invasive and weird to me they have all this lore and confirmation bias made from their own theories and easter eggs for something that is very personal imo. I also don’t understand why they say they “actually listen to the lyrics” but then So High School comes out and then their lore doesn’t apply to that song? Weird.


as a queer woman, I think many of these fans have some insecurities about liking taylor’s music and so need to convince themselves that she’s actually writing about being closeted. you often hear them say that these songs would be boring if they were about some man. which is strange to me! it kind of implies that straight women or heterosexual relationships are shallow and lack in depth or interest. even if that were true, taylor could pull emotional depth out of a stone; that’s a reflection of her skill, not the other way around.


Honestly, I do think a lot of her songs are indeed more interesting with a queer interpretation, but the thing is... that’s it, an _interpretation_. I know she’s straight. That doesn’t stop me from listening to ivy or cowboy like me or Dress or Guilty as Sin? or anything else through a sapphic lens. That’s the beauty of media; it can resonate with you in a certain way even if it wasn’t the creator’s intention. I don’t get why people are so obsessed with speculating about her being queer herself.


I also interpret a lot of her songs thru a queer lens. ivy will always be sapphic to me even if she comes out and says it’s about matty healy. but that has nothing to do with her sexuality. and, because this what gaylors always say: no, it’s not appropriation for a straight person to make art that *could* be interpreted thru a queer lens. people have been interpreting art thru a queer lens for decades, like literally there are famously queer interpretations of greek mythology


EXACTLY. I’m queer, and i relate to all of her songs through a queer lens because of it. But I can acknowledge that’s not the way Taylor wrote the song regardless of how the song resonates with me.


I’m also LGBTQ+, and it’s honestly so odd how some other LGBTQ+ swifties are gaylors. They’re really trying to push her out of the closet, when, like you said, they should be able to understand what that can do to someone. And of course there’s nothing wrong with interpreting her songs as queer, I do that too when I apply her lyrics to my own LGBTQ+ experiences. But when they go from there and project onto her that she’s also queer? That’s going too far. And they have literally no solid proof that she’s queer, either. I’ve seen their theories and their “evidence” and it’s so fabricated, it’s sad. The mental gymnastics that they do…


The thing is they have so much representation in female popstars, there’s more mainstream lgbt ones than not right now.


i don't think this is necessarily correct, however i think these people are just looking for representation in the wrong place and they want to feel closer to taylor. i'm a lesbian and i relate to a lot of her music, but that doesn't make me think or want her to be queer


Their theories never apply if it means Taylor is anything less than bisexual. Many insist she's straight lesbian and every single man she's ever dated is a beard and has signed an NDA.


There is such a big difference between saying "gold rush? That song is kinda gay" and believing Taylor herself is gay. I think Taylor wants us to tie our own meanings to her songs, but not to her life.


Bingo! There are lots of emotional themes that come up in her music that can certainly be interpreted through a queer lens by queer fans and I think it's great when people are able to take someone else's art and find their own meaning in it that applies to their personal journey. But being able to identify queer themes in her music does NOT mean *she* is gay (or bi or anything else that she does not openly identify as). Very few of Taylor's real life experiences are remotely relatable to me, yet I find her music incredibly relatable anyways because I do take her lyrics and apply the emotional themes to my own experiences.


The latest one I’ve seen from Gaylors is that she was trying to show us that dating Travis is a PR move by having him in the ICDIWABH set because that song is about “faking it”. I was like ??? maybe she just wanted to include her boyfriend in a cute part of the show?


The worst is that storywise it makes sense he would be there. I had dinner telling me Taylor put him as a clown and that was a sign she doesn't take him seriously. Like ????? He appears before the icdiwabh and he literally brings her back to life after her "death" on the previous relationship. Which is much probably what Taylor felt, not just the story she told on stage. There are very little moments he could be there that would fit. It also is basically the only break we have on the whole show with Taylor on stage. Edit: also, to say someone who has been sl*t shamed her whole career - and has been quite open about how it was so bad to her - is actually dating for PR is insane. And disrespectful.


Stripping away any symbolism, logistically that was the best place to put Travis in the show. It’s all just improv and showmanship, there isn’t any complex choreo for Travis to have to learn and practice in between his own professional obligations. His part is literally : “okay get on the platform, go pick of Taylor and bring her to the couch, have Kam and Jan do their usual quick change stuff while you hype up the crowd. Here’s a fan and a makeup brush for you to use on Taylor. Okay go do your thing big guy”


I've seen them argue if they were "real," he would have come out during a romantic moment instead, like walk the stage with her during Enchanted. But that makes no sense because then it becomes about *them* and not just Taylor. He was just on stage as a "backup dancer" and if you didn't know who he was, the show would be exactly the same as it always is! It just made sense to put him there without taking attention away from her.


Omg yes, thanks for saying this. I’ve seen so many Gaylors and others who don’t like Travis, Tay, and their relationship for whatever reason say that and I’m like it’s literally the best time for him to make a fun cameo?? In addition to not taking the spotlight from Taylor, as you said, it also makes sense when thinking about the stage mechanics. Every other guest has made appearances during pauses in the show (i.e. surprise songs, before All Too Well with Phoebe, Haim at the beginning of the evermore set, etc.) like how would Travis even be able to come on stage appropriately for So High School or Lover or any other romantic if you’re using their logic when they’re literally sandwiched between other songs and/or there would be no meaningful role for Travis. Like what you seriously think Taylor would just have him sit there alongside her?? Nah, Tay’s priority is putting on a great and meaningful show for her fans. If she’s going to bring someone on, it’s going to have a purpose. It’s been driving me nuts to hear that take!!!


Travis literally confirmed this was his role under Kam’s (her dancer) Instagram post about him 😭 “…having fun bringing Tay back to life on stage…” it’s symbolic and so sweet I can’t believe people are trying to make it nefarious


Bro. They have taken the weirdest turn lately, especially since Travis has been around. So strange


Im gay and i absolutely cant stand Gaylors!!! They are intrusive, inconsiderate, and toxic. Taylor has always been obviously straight, and “outing” anyone has never been cute.


I liked Ed Kelce’s comment on the Antichrist one 🤣 “That’s my boy!”


https://preview.redd.it/6z6v5l9i859d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a883c622a50cfa1c1b0e77eb8cd6b7ba04a329e 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


It’s the Gaylors for me and it’s not even close. Taylor being a happy relationship with a seemingly normal, nice man has literally opened fire hose on the insanity. I never knew a happy couple could cause people’s brains to melt to goo before.


It's probably because TNT (lol) are more out in public than Taylor was with Joe, cause at that time I assume they could just pretend they weren't really dating/they were each other's beard or whatever.


Ha! Yep. I can't believe some of the crap people think about her! Giving birth to the anti-Christ is top of the crazy list.


truly bizarre behavior when there's plenty of bi and lesbian women in the music industry for them to worship. why does it have to be this blatantly straight woman that they've all rallied around? like there's a possibility she's queer in some capacity, but if she does come out, it will be on her own terms and not because someone on the internet finally cracked some code that doesn't exist.


And then they cry homophobia when called out. Are there some homophobic people in the fandom? Absolutely, and they should be called out for that. However, the majority of the Gaylor criticism that I see isn’t coming from a place of homophobia. It’s coming from a place of logic, because Gaylors tend to twist everything into something that it’s not. I’m a lesbian and I constantly get tired of the conspiracy theories and dogging everybody in Taylor’s life who don’t fit into the narrative they’ve created for her.


I have seen some of the crazy hoops they jump through and it’s…truly insane. And invasive. I know it’s pretty common on Reddit to parrot that standoms are unwell and crazy, but that behavior over there is truly crazy. And any time Taylor seems to bring attention to Gaylor claims by denying the rumors, suddenly she’s “homophobic.” When the NYT wrote that article about her sexuality and Tree spoke up against it as a “close source to Taylor Swift” in a CNN article, Gaylors were up in arms like “Taylor going this far out of her way to dismantle the rumors is so homophobic!” Even if she *was* a closeted queer woman (which would be absolutely fine if that turned out to be true)…she clearly doesn’t want to be “out” right now. So idk why that group tries sooo hard to out her.


Why are these people so obsessed with trying to out someone, it seems very wrong.


I’m not a Gaylor in the strictest sense, but that sub has some thoughtful analyses on queer interpretations of her lyrics. Frankly, that sub has picked up on things way faster than the main sub and some “mainstream fans” (e.g., the connection between Cornelia Street and Maroon, which most Swifties connected only after she performed that mashup as a surprise song recently) and it’s interesting to read those theories. As a straight person, I enjoy reading queer interpretations of her songs and seeing how queer fans relate to those lyrics. I couldn’t care less if Taylor was straight, lesbian, bisexual, or some other flavor of queer, and I don’t like speculating on muses (I don’t even like speculating on her male muses, like saying “this song is about Harry/Joe/Travis”). I do think it’s not impossible for someone (or anyone, rather) to be queer. However she identifies, however, is her prerogative and she might label it or she might not; personally, I don’t care. But I definitely am interested in queer history and reading about how some people interpret her lyrics through a queer lens.


She wore the same yellow shoes in date night with Travis after the London show that she wore while directing the ‘You Need To Calm Down’ music video. Therefore she is gay because of this and the color yellow. What? Delusional. It’s called fashion and the shoes went perfectly with the outfit. That’s one when I finally had to start blocking. Oh and People wrote about it and Tree planted it.


They've been clamoring for Gaylor for so long they literally manifested Chappell Roan


??? Or Chappell Roan is just a lesbian who blew up for being talented?


I mean. If they want a talented solo woman singer/songwriter/performer from middle America who has taken the music world absolutely by storm and who is also an out lesbian, she is Right There.


"All her songs sounds the same"


"All she does is write about being in love and breaking up" So you are not familiar with her or her work but wanna comment anyway, got it


But even if she did, why would this even be a thing to be upset about?


They don't even realize they are complimenting her with that one cus it'd be damn hard to be her level of successful if her whole catalog was nothing but love/break-up songs


Ahh it's so annoying. When men write about their exes it doesn't seem to bother anyone... But when Taylor does (which is not all of her songs...) it's suddenly a problem Like haters you need to calm down ...


Sir Paul Fucking McCartney himself, OF THE GODDAMN BEATLES, a band almost universally recognized as being the greatest of all time, has a song about how much he loves writing silly little love songs. a HIT song. Love/heartbreak have been a driving force behind art since the beginning of artist expression. Why all of a sudden is a bad thing that Taylor uses those UNIVERSAL EXPERIENCES as her muse? Drives me nuts


meanwhile men can rap about drugs, sex, and getting girls 24/7 🙄


Yup, "The Man", which was on the radio, is definitely about being in love or breaking up. Never heard a better love song.


Ironically many of her hits aren’t love songs. You Need To Calm Down, Me!, The Man, Look What You Made Me Do, Anti-Hero, Shake It Off, Karma, Blank Space, Bad Blood, 22, Mean, Long Live…. I mean it’s actually kind of ridiculous that people still say that.


They'll simultaneously claim that she only writes break-up songs but then also say she doesn't actually write her songs it's just the men in the room. Double misogyny.


Omg I hate this one. I was with my cousin and said we’re playing Taylor swift in the car and he said no thanks I’m so tired of hearing her cry about another guy 🙄


People are obsessed with being uneducated


This is hilariously wrong even if you only look at the singles. White Horse and Shake It Off do not sound similar at all. I don't know how this got traction.


Yes cause Shake It Off, Vigilante Shit and Epiphany are the same for sure ☠️


This one makes me so mad! Listen to the words people! She tells a story like no other.


My colleague said this to me the other day and o laughed in her face


People who put all the Swifties in the same bucket - like girl, I don't associate with Gaylors and twitters Swifites


I tried to make the point the other day, she has *millions* of fans from all over the world. Different countries, cultures, opinions, ages, genders, how can you make a blanket statement. It's not surprising some of them act deranged, it's a numbers game. The more fans you have, proportionally the more weirdos.


No no no apparently only white women are fans of taylor. Someone told me that, to me. the irony is that I am not a woman, am not american, and definitely aint white.


same ugh it’s so annoying to get stereotyped 😞


Especially since twitter stans in general are toxic and annoying. It has never been a swift specific thing. All twitter is these days is just various teenage stans sending death threats to each other while politicians and brands attempt to post memes to show how hip and cool they are


Oh my god this. I got asked if I ever sent Jake gyllenhaall a death threat. Am like - I am not even on Instagram and also wtf 😶. This was the first thing someone asked me when I told them I liked Taylor's music. What even.


Ugh I hate this, we are like 100M people, there’s A LOT of diversity, ways of thinking, ages, nationalities, cultures, etc. If there’s any radical social commentary is probably less than 1% of the fans doing it.. so frustrating.


I’m a twitter swiftie just so I can interact with others and see Taylor content, but *oh my god* twitter stan culture is the most toxic thing I’ve ever seen. Just an absolute cesspool of unnecessary toxicity because everyone thinks only their favorite artist should be able to succeed. Additionally, twitter stan “debates” instantly devolve into misogyny, homophobia, fatphobia, basically every form of bigotry you can think of. Swifties are some of the sweetest, most inclusive people I’ve ever met, but if you just go off of what you see on twitter then you’d think we’re fucking lunatics.


People genually cannot wrap their minds around the number and the diversity of Swifties.


That she’s with Travis Kelce because of his Super Bowl bonus check.


LMAO what 😭 she’s a billionaire


I can't believe how many unhinged people STILL believe they are PR. Why would either of them need more PR when they are both at the top of their respective games? Especially Taylor, who was already selling out stadiums on a record-breaking tour and getting ever more popular all before news broke of her and Travis dating. And now a year in, they've both spend so much time and effort to see each other across the world, but they are still somehow performing. A little logic never hurt anyone.


It's certainly a lot more believable that Travis would be in it for PR simply based on who has gained the most from the relationship... But I still don't buy it. If this were true, give that man a fucking Oscar because he is the best actor in the world.


You too the words right out of my mouth. If he's acting he needs to retire and start an acting career immediately.


Exactly, the man was already appearing in multiple commercials and had a very successful gig hosting SNL before he started dating Taylor. He was doing just fine making a name for himself without her help. But you know what? at this point, they have given me so much entertainment watching this real life rom com play out over the last year that i wouldn't even be upset if they were playing the long con. I'm eating it up and i am not mad.


My favorite was the right-wing nutjob claim that she’s with Kelce so that she can have a bigger platform when she endorses Biden for president, thereby “rigging” the election. Like…. she doesn’t need the additional “exposure” to the tiny handful of NFL/Chiefs fans who *weren’t* previously fans of hers before she started dating Kelce and have now become Swifties….. 😂 She already had arguably the biggest platform/reach of anyone on the planet 🤷🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ Not to mention even if she *did* endorse Biden that hardly qualifies as rigging an election… 🙄 Could she influence voters? Sure. But there’s nothing illegal or unethical about that.


They don't realise how unknown NFL is outside of the USA. I watch NFL because I like the sport but it's absolutely not mainstream. Even Tom Brady, the GOAT of the NFL, is more famous as the ex-husband of Gisèle Bündchen than an NFL legend.


This lol. One of my brothers tried to say that to me, I burst out laughing. She's a singer at the top of her game, already worth 3x him, and only going to get bigger as her career continues. He's an amazing football player (apparently, I'm not a sport person) but he's also approaching the end of those days at 37; 5 years max, when he's done playing he can coach, or other things, but the big money will end. History shows tons of pro players who went broke quick once they stopped playing. But SHE is the gold digger?!? Also, not saying i think he is either, but I can make that argument. Travis management team has been making moves for years to transition him into Hollywood (reality shows, red carpet events). Having him end up w the biggest singer of the past 10 years worldwide is a gift to them. Genuinely, tho, I don't see that being the case here. And God, I want Taylor to get her happy ending. She deserves it.


The lip-syncing one is gaining traction from major hate subs. It's just...not true. She has backing vocalists, but her mic is obviously on at all times, and there are variations in the way she sings at each show.


I think it’s also okay if she does lip sync during some parts of some songs because of the choreography or just trying to maintain her voice. Like it’s really not that big of a deal if she lip synced like 10% of her 3.5 hour concert.


It is okay if she needs to do that, but as far as we've seen, she doesn't at this point in the tour.


I haven’t talked about this anywhere because I really don’t care about it, but to make a point of comparison here—did anyone notice how much usher didn’t even lip sync, just straight up had a vocal track running for the Super Bowl halftime show? I mean. Idgaf. He was doing a lot of active work and probably isn’t used to that level of activity. I thought the show was fun as hell. But I think of that whenever I see people throw shade at Taylor. I didn’t see any shade about Usher, but I also don’t frequent places where Usher is the main topic, I guess. 😂


This take kills me…. Like the vocals are layered on some songs. It’s not physically possible for her to do both parts at the same time


As a Swiftie and a Kpop fan, these discussions about singing live get so exhausting. It's even a banned topic on some subs because of how tired and vicious the topic is.


I think she does lip sync a little of her shows to give her voice a break. But definitely not the majority of the show or close to it! I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that considering how long of a show it is and how she needs to protect her voice for songs like don’t blame me


Most recently - that the fire video with Gracie was staged to make her look relatable. Like what?? Why would she do something so extreme to try to seem relatable lol.. and we all know our girl cannot act 😅 also it happened months ago and she wasn’t even the one to post it! Just such a ridiculous claim lol


I don’t so much think it was staged to make her relatable but I’m confused why her fire alarm didn’t go off unless she turned it off for some reason lol


The explanation there is that they turned it off. They knew the source, size and location of the very small fire so it was not necessary to let the alarm keep going. Fire alarms are annoying as fuck and once you know about the fire they no longer serve a purpose. It takes like 10 seconds to turn it off.


It didn't look like it was producing much smoke, which makes sense because it was a candle, so it wouldn't have triggered a smoke detector and I'm not sure it would have caused enough heat for a heat detector to go off.


It was a candle, they are designed to burn clean and not give off smoke (that’s just my guess)


The Damon Albarn take: thinking Taylor Swift doesn't write her own songs when this is easily discredited in a seven-minute Wikipedia or Genius search. This phrase has been used to describe "the worst takes ever". The "She almost died in a hedge maze or corn maze" urban legend. Veracity is questionable.


It really bothers me way more than it should, how people *refuse* to believe that she writes her own songs, and they bend over backwards to explain how "obvious" it is, but *no one does this* to male artists. I've *never* seen someone make those claims about, say, Michael Jackson, David Bowie, or Elton John.


People act like this about Mariah Carey too. It's so obviously sexism but they claim we're the crazy ones for acknowledging it


Yep! Any woman who is known for having a lot of talent.


Some people can't or don't want to accept her talent. She's amazing, beautiful and talented beyond reason! I love her.


Elton John doesn't write his own music by himself, he works closely with Bernie Taupin and Elton is vocal about it being a songwriting partnership. Bowie worked with a lot of writers but was always considered the primary writer. Michael pretty much wrote everything himself, famously unable to write music he would essentially sing the music and have musicians play it for him. These aren't claims, it's what is known by those particular artists.


Taylor has collaborators too; that's not what I mean. I mean that people refuse to acknowledge that she writes *at all*. They claim she just "takes credit" for songs written by other people.


What's baffling also is Albarn's logic: he said co-writing doesn't count as real writing, then immediately afterwards praised Billie Eilish, who \*\*\*co-writes\*\*\* all of her songs. WTF.


I think it's because Billie's aesthetic is not very "girly" most of the time, which automatically makes her more authentic and respectable to men. Taylor wears pink and sings pop songs about being in love so she must be a talentless airhead.


YES. I have been saying this for years. Same with Dua Lipa, she gives off this "cool girl" vibe that makes her palatable to men.


I was mad about the “she doesn’t write her own song” thing until like, two sentences later he said “you know who’s great, Billie Eilish and Finneas!” 😆 At that point it was just funny. Like Damon what are you doing?!?!


It's so easily disproven, her songwriting credits are in her CD booklets, available to look up in the streaming services, ... But we truly live in a post factual world where people will believe OBJECTIVE LIES because they prefer them over the truth, nothing new there. Shout-out to all the covid-deaths that used to be living humans who refused to get vaccinated.


Not only that but so many artists have done interviews talking about co-writing songs with her. If the lie has been kept up this long, that’s pretty impressive and why would so many people be in on it?


Wait what the heck is the hedge maze one?! lol I don’t think I’ve ever heard that one! Edit: oh wait… is it bc of Guilty as Sin? Lolll


There was an urban legend that Taylor Swift almost died in a corn maze or hedge maze. This predates Guilty as Sin and is not an orgasm joke. I think this urban legend is false.


wait I’ve been in ts fandom since 2012 and never heard about that one I need more context 😭 where does it come from?


Came here to write this very thing, though I've never heard of Damon Albarn. I've met people who were absolutely convinced she had a ghost writer or several ghost writers and didn't write a thing herself. And all of her success just so happened to have been planned and made possible by some very influential people. While Taylor did have a good start to her career (simply by having parents that were financially well off and supported her heavily) and there are probably several people involved in her success (as it is the case with all big musicians), it is irritating to believe she herself did nothing for her success. The way she deals with her fans alone is outstanding. And her music does obviously resonate with MANY people.


That she has no belly button.


My all-time favourite


Girl must have hatched from an Easter egg.


That she’s not a girl’s girl


Like she literally lured paparazzi to her while another woman moved into her house during a divorce. If that doesn't scream "girl's girl", I don't know what does.


She literally put Sophie up in an apartment and everything. She’s the definition of a girls girl


She can’t win. She got criticized for having a big group of girlfriends and then got criticized when she tightened that circle. The people that know her in real life constantly say how generous and kind she is. On the US leg of the eras tour, her openers were smaller female artists. she has multiple life long friends, some famous some not. To me honestly Taylor is THE girl’s girl. Being a girl’s girl doesn’t mean you can’t be competitive or ambitious.


I still don't understand the criticism for having a group of friends. I was pretty young in the 1989 era so maybe I missed something, but why were people attacking her for having friends? This is a genuine question.


If I remember correctly, people were criticizing/accusing her of only hanging out with supermodel types. I wasn’t following her very closely at that point in time, but I do remember some talk around that area.


Yup. I literally saw a comment on a TikTok about Taylor and Lorde last night that said "Taylor has gone through about 50 best friends that she doesn't talk to anymore lolol" Damned if she does, damned if she doesn't.


The most unhinged one was that Biden would somehow rig the Super Bowl (how????) so that the Chiefs would win, so that Taylor would then endorse Biden for president. The most hilarious part is that this "logic" assumes Taylor was leaning towards endorsing Trump so needed a Super Bowl win to change her mind??? Like wtf 😆😂🤣


This along with gaylors also being convinced of some giant NFL conspiracy is one of my all-time favourite examples of horseshoe theory 🤣


i loved how Biden's response to that when asked was "Where are you getting this information? That's classified" followed by laughing.


I think Biden tweeted “Just as planned” or something like that when the Chiefs won.


That all swifties are insane. No ma'am.. the sane swifties don't condone the behavior of the insane swifties. 


That she’s Satanic and sold her soul for fame.


My aunt genuinely thinks she is a witch 😭


If she's a witch that only makes her cooler lol


Every time I see someone claim she casts spells on her audience to make them like her music, I just burst out laughing. She does put narcotics in all her songs though 😂


im on some Chinese (specifying this cuz thats the only place ive read this and they are so loud) social media and SO MANY PPL believe this. They use all the religious references from her songs, music videos and even the most random shit as proof (eg the stars do u like dem drawings). And these opinions are POPULAR there. It’s just so absurd. And then one of the very popular posts is convinced that she (as a satanist) has infiltrated the US government and business world and used her evil influence to make Trump lose the 2020 election ☠️


The only weird lies I've heard were from my parents believing fake stories. 😂 When Taylor and Travis were first together my mom told me how odd it was because Taylor also has a cat named Travis. My dad told me that he read that at her 100th show she announced, "That's it! I'm done!" and canceled the rest of the tour.


not the cat named travis 💀


>My dad told me that he read that at her 100th show she announced, "That's it! I'm done!" and canceled the rest of the tour. I saw a bunch a clickbait articles after that show that claimed something like *Taylor Swift Makes Announcement Ending The Eras Tour*, and it was really just that she mentioned that the tour would end in December, exactly as planned. He probably saw something like that and never actually read the article. To be fair, when I saw *Travis Kelce Joins Girlfriend Taylor Swift On The Eras Tour Stage* I 100% thought it was clickbait, lol. Then I clicked through and was like, holy shit, I gotta get over to the Taylor sub, everyone must be losing their minds. If I hadn't seen clips with my own eyes I think I would still have a hard time believing they actually did that.


I found this one weird cus it's just such a blatant lie; That she can't sing, can't dance, is objectively bad at song-writing as well as playing instruments and doesn't engage with her audience. I saw it in a sub that's supposed to be about neutral commentary but some of the members were just lying about her


The funny thing there is, if that were true, are all the millions of people who have paid thousands of dollars to watch her perform just lying? Or maybe there’s such a thing as different taste? Hav people forgotten this (yes) I don’t think even Taylor would say anyone is going to her concert because of her dancing skills, but why anyone would think that means she doesn’t put on an amazing show is, unclear to me


It's fine if you think she's just an OK singer and is severely over-rated but actually bad and can't do all of the above? You don't get to where she is with filling stadiums every weekend if you are bad at all those things. It doesn't work. You might as well say it about Michael Jackson or Elvis or The Beetles


No I think “bad” is going too far for sure. But “just ok” dancer is fair. And “good” singer is fair — though I and obv lots of people really like her voice and I am not personally into “virtuoso” singers in pop. And “good” guitar or piano player is also fair for that matter. But she is a *great* performer, and excellent at connecting to her audience. In fact, that is the most underrated aspect of her concerts probably. And her songwriting abilities are very impressive, though I think she is less likely to be criticized for that.


I always think it’s bizarre when people say she isn’t talented and her songs aren’t good. Like there are certain things you can criticize her about, that’s not one of them.


It's one thing to not like her music, but to say she's untalented is just wrong. There are plenty of artists whose music I don't care for, but I can still recognize that they have talent.


The commitment people have to the can’t sing one is fucking incredible. They’ll be commenting on an insta video of her literally doing something AMAZING (most recent I watched was a performance of WANGBT that looked like it was during 1989 era hair style) vocally and they’re like “she can’t sing”. Like. Sir. You are drunk. Go to bed. I know they’re trolls, but they go to such lengths—like claiming she’s using auto tune DURING HER LIVE SHOWS. Oh! And one of my favorites the other day was when I realized some people think that the vocoder effect (think intro to “delicate”) IS auto tune. Just straight up false nonsense. 🤦🏻‍♀️


faux moi sub was saying she’s not a philanthropist and that she’s a women hater 😒 they make it so any taylor related post is “verified b list” & can’t comment unless verified and then if you ask to be verified, they won’t accept you if you’re apart of any taylor sub 😒


Oh they HATE her over there. It's just an echo chamber of bullshit.


it’s vile


Almost as vile as the charli sub after charli failed to reach #1 in the UK


And they make EVERYTHING about Taylor. They're starting to hate Sabrina Carpenter too because she opened for Taylor and somehow related it to the fact that she's white??


I honestly don’t know why anyone bothers with that sub. It’s embarrassing.


the double standards are CRAZY there lol


that she wrote an extremely long and popular marauders/wolfstar fanfic back in 2017-18. it's more of a theory/inside joke than a lie, but it is still extremely funny.


This goes under funny ones like the rumour she reviewed a zodiac tapestry on Amazon that's the funniest one


The Gaylors take this one.


Especially now when there are artists like Chappell who are actually queer musicians doing Taylor Swift level pop. It’s no longer just an issue of lack of representation.


I agree. With how supportive Taylor is of the LGBT+ community, it seems wild that people think she would stay in the closet.


that she’s not supportive of other artists. she’s constantly lifting up her peers


Fauxmoi saying she's a war criminal?


I hate that I can't tell if you're exaggerating or not. That sub is something else.


I'm not exaggerating lol.


Which war crime are they accusing her of?


Taking something incredibly important and watering it down to diss a celebrity. Brilliant.


I think that’s a bot sub that sad lonely people have latched onto


I mean the stuff about blocking other artists out of pettiness is special. Like she owes them a defining career moment because...? 


“She tried to block **** #1 spot!!” She’s doing her job?


That’s Becky, she died from weed


OP asked about lies. I see no lie there.


The whole, Taylor and Travis getting together is part of a deep state conspiracy (?) to … idk win votes for Biden maybe? I can’t remember the details, I just remember boggling that there was some survey where lots of people answered that they thought this was likely.


That all swifties are girls/women. I know plenty of male swifties, and no, not all of them are gay contrary to another stereotype! That all she writes about is her exes. That she has ghost writers (you just know they say this with no prior research and just assume it)


People saying that she’s talentless when she’s almost 20 years into her career and somehow still on top of the music world. It takes an incredible amount of talent, discipline, and work for a phenomenon like this to happen.




That she only writes songs for 12-16 year old girls. As a straight male over 50, I can relate in some way to most of her songs.


The Gaylor conspiracies, to believe this theory means you are convinced your FAVORITE artist is lying to you repeatedly on all of her songs, in her “pr” relationships, and basically her whole life.


That she wasn't worth taking seriously as an artist until Folklore. As if Blank Space wasn't a masterpiece, and Dear John and even Our Song were amazing for when she wrote them.


That she’s a man (??) I’ve seen so many posts and comments claiming that Taylor is a man. Like, come on.


omg yes i swear many men comment on female celebs posts calling them “he” and “him”. especially since taylor has abs for constantly working out many men have been calling her a man like????


That the only platonic female friend she has is Abigail. That’s a pretty messed up thing to even think.


That Travis is just for the PR... 😑 You have to be real blind to not see how in love they are.


love the one that she started dating travis kelce to birth the antichrist


That she hunts men for sport.


That one theory about her being the reincarnation of a cult leader who kinda looked like her. It's just dumb.


“All her songs sound the same” yes Shake It Off, Epiphany, and Vigilant Shit are basically the same for sure 🙄


That Scooter Braun was somehow the victim in the TV situation.🫢


That she wrote a book called Argylle. She was the Elle Conway. No, it was a shoddy book designed as a tie in to the film and it was awwwfullllllll. Couldn’t finish it.


That all swifties are white and she makes music that minorities can’t relate to. ???????????


Taylor adjacent, but apparently according to the Gaylors, Travis is queer too.


The Gaylor stuff is next level shit , it's invasive and weird and becomes particularly cruel when they villainise her parents especially Scott for doing nothing except help his daughter achieve her dreams.


Everything that takes away the credit she deserves for her creations. "She doesn't sing live" "She doesn't write her own songs." "She doesn't actually direct anything, they just pretend she does."