• By -


Oof that’s frustrating


I had this happen to one of my grails a few years back, spent £60 and it arrived in half. Luckily someone saw it and sold me a copy for even cheaper. I feel your pain, hopefully you get another copy :)


🥲 the pain I felt through the screen I’m so sorry 🫶🏼


God do you people have anything other than Taylor Swift in your brains. At least she uses yall money to go out on a private jet. Y'all are here fighting the "haters" with your lives over a screen. Yikes.


Do you go into other fandom subs and shit on them?


joke’s on you. you’re stupid enough to engage on taylor swift subreddits and is turning your algorithm into her. i think taylor’s on your brain fr


Why are you on a Taylor sub if you hate her so much? Nothing better to do?


The sub gets recommended to people who hate her


I didn't know there were Taylor's rules about saying and doing what I want lol.


Do you see what fucking sub you’re in? Do you people have anything better in your lives than constant shitting on Taylor, like it’s not a cute personality trait pookie. It’s funny really how much you people are pressed over someone’s interests, touch grass


Thank you for proving my point in less than 5 min. It's genuinely hilarious.


Ah i see, you’re one of those accounts that think it’s cool to make people mad, get a life lol that’s hilarious and sad


No it's fucking funny. I don't associate with this account, there's no skin off my bones. It is hilarious to see people rage over a keyboard like you. Keep typing, please. Edit: the angry angry fan blocked me. Also you can't spell. Nice edits.


Taylor swift decide to make a new record: Hundreds of million people are happy, buy records, boost economy etc. You decide to troll in a sub: 10 people laugh at you This is the difference between a useful person and some who failed in life and needs a hug with some hopeful words from mama to grow up a bit more


How is Taylor swift useful 😂


I already explained above but in more detail a few reasons: - As a huge number of people like, buy and listen to her music. Therefore she creates a lot of jobs. People building the stages or pressing vinyl records, etc. - additionally she creates cash flow, for example record shops are pretty happy with all the extra vinyl records she sells. They earn money on them. There are articles that the Eras tour boost the local economy. - she is a fighter on artist rights. In the short run it looks she only gets more money but long term other artists benefit too (but swift also get this amount per stream/owns her masters so I want this too)


Lolololol youre joking right?


Do you think I am wrong somewhere? Please explain, I look from an objective point of view. If you like her music is a matter of personal taste.


Really describes you as a person, pathetic and jobless


their bio is “made you mad?” classic rage bait account. dedicated their entire profile to pissing people off lol




This is made in a vinyl pressing plant, it would probably go nowhere near taylor or her team for distribution. As far as I'm aware aswell this was a RSD press right?


She didn't buy this off her store she bought it xsecibd hand' her vinyls are never made cheaply atleast when you compare it to everyone else's vinyl also every vinyl can shatter its the material not the quality


let me guess, u don't own any other records?


It’s a sign, go listen to good music


You people sound like bots, go touch grass


Music is subjective. If this person likes it then it's good music to them.


don’t like tswift, but this is absolutely the way. don’t be a dick, let people like what they like right


your concerning amount of downvotes is a sign, go talk your shit somewhere else


You could pick this up instead https://preview.redd.it/kvroi5oam09d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dccb007025817558b8a90e04a5817b563a3d5efd


Imaging shit talking Taylor Swift by admitting you like the Foo Fighters. Lmao. Pop is pop, dude.


What the fuck?


Talk about actual trash music…


Do you have all 47 versions mine only comes in 1 😢


Good for you, you want a cookie or what?


I'm sorry about your vinyl and I'm sorry the incels found your post ♥️


“You’re an incel if you don’t like TS” ☠️


Why even go and comment on a Taylor Swift subreddit if you don't like her? It's the dumbest thing a person can do if they don't want to see Taylor Swift related shit.


So you agree then that people are incels if they don’t like TS, or if they go into a subreddit that doesn’t align with their taste? Or are you just dodging the point


If you go to a subreddit dedicated to a person you don't like just to add negativity, you waste your time and need better hobbies. 😂


There's a difference between not liking her and being blatantly rude to someone for liking her. You're more than welcome to not listen to her. You're not welcome at all to come into a reddit specifically for Swifties and be an asshole. Grow up and do better.


Well it’s the internet so anything goes. Also, maybe the subreddit could go private to protect all the vulnerable swifties from having to hear their messiah sucks 😂


Can I ask, genuinely, why do you do that? What are you gaining?


Why do I do what?


Why do you come on someone else's subreddit and become rude? What's the point? Seems like a miserable life.


It’s rude to say that the subreddit should be private so all you special snowflakes have a safe space free from those of us that mock Taylor? I think it’s actually helpful to give suggestions like that


You know what I mean and you're moving the goal post. "so all you special snowflakes have a safe space" is rude. I imagine you're probably under the age of 18 and think you're cool, but you're not. If you're a woman, learn to be a girls girl. It's not cute to mock others for what they like. I hope you get help.


LOL definitely well over 18. I won’t be a girls girl for twits that worship a fake feminist 😂


Grandma, the audacity to act out and be an a\*\*\*\*\*\* isn’t a privilege granted by the power of the internet. You can choose to be a nice person here and address the vulnerabilities of people with grace and humility, or can go back to the hole you came from. ![gif](giphy|jy9tv7OsDi1aM)


LOL go cry that I spoke ill about Taylor 😂


I don’t actually care if you speak ill about anyone. Not my problem that you’re cracked in the head. At least you amuse yourself. 🫶🏻


It’s the internet, if you don’t like it then scroll. I could do the same but I find it rather amusing how swifties get upset. Thanks for being part of my joke 😘


People use the internet as an excuse to dump their insecurities on others rather than going to therapy. 


LOL speaking ill about Taylor isn’t due to not going to therapy 😂😂😂


The comments did not disappoint!! Sorry about the record, glad to hear you got it refunded…


I didn’t even know it was sick !


I like u/wetthrcbbingpussy 's rec, i would send it to the vinyls store with the crosleys to solder the grail back together


Is that even possible?




Is it water damaged? What is your system currently and do you have access to a VPI or sonic cleaner? Your current setup is the more important question


Unfortunately no, my setup is really basic. AT-LP60X and Edifier speakers. Wasn’t water damaged either


Then what’s the issue? If you get it cleaned and whatnot it’s not even gonna warp your system it could play just fine If I’m blind and missing something lmk


It's cracked g


I am blind thank you 🤦‍♀️ I’m Glad you got a refund


Hey I posted this on vinyljerk for the numerous funny solutions people had posited here and because being a vinyl collector makes us uniquely susceptible to laughing at other people’s bad luck as a way to compensate for all the times we too have been burned by “dicks on Discogs” and/or the vengeful USPS driver. That being said, apologies for the animals who escaped their vinyljerk pens and came here just to ridicule and be otherwise insulting towards OP directly. That shit is uncalled for and completely unnecessary. Everybody has their thing and enjoys the hobby their own way and shouldn’t be ridiculed for sharing their hard break and asking how to make it right (although OP should absolutely not take any of the advice to “fix” this problem…did one of you earnestly suggest glue?) As long as we can all agree that Crosley turntables are trash and always fodder for ridicule, then we can all take solace knowing that we’re obsessing about the same pretty plastic discs and arguing about which ones we like the most and which ones sound marginally better than others. We are all equally irritating to everyone who doesn’t engage in our hobby EXACTLY the same way we do and we’re all probably equally disappointing to our parents.


If you’re sincere about this apology, I assume you deleted the original post? Edit: of course you didn’t. Need that sweet internet karma from the sick and always terribly original TSwift burnzzz


You got me dead to rights. I sell off my Reddit likes so I can afford to buy more vinyl. How else am I going to afford to buy enough to build a fort out of all the variants of Peter Frampton Comes Alive?


I don’t see why other people going out of their way to be assholes would be massahwhal’s fault or reason to remove the post tbh I mean, don’t get me wrong, fuck those guys that came on to this post to be assholes, but that’s gonna happen on any major community on Reddit with how big the site is nowadays.


Why keep a post up if it’s directing a bunch of people to harass our subreddit? Either you are bothered by that behavior and want to put a stop to it (deleting the post) or you care about keeping your internet points (insincere apology).


I get your point, I just don’t agree. It was a funny post that fit the context of the other sub. I don’t think it should be deleted because the worst kind of people (which is the major minority) think it’s funny to bully others. It sucks that there are people like that but I’m not sure we should be pandering to those people. It also sucks that there doesn’t seem(?) to be any mods on this subreddit to keep it a tame place from those kinds of people. For what it’s worth, I don’t think we’re going to change each other’s minds. I think the apology was genuine, it’s just overkill to stop the delete the post and stop it from being viewable from the vast majority of people who have no ill intent.


Bravo, thank you for this. Well said!!


You’re real for this one


ignore the fat retards from vinyljerk they dont speak for the rest of us


fuck you. you shouldn't be able to represent swifties


sanest swiftie


Ah yes the r slur so classy. Fuck off.


me? 🥺


Yes you. You’re trash if you use that term. Clearly you don’t give a shit tho.


That sounds like something a retard would say


no wonder why people hate you


Do they? All my retarded homies love me.


im gonna piss on you


“I’ll take *more things a retard would say* for $200, Alex.”


i will jerk on your vinyl


Ignore all the jerks in here. Assuming you have t gone out and bought another one, you can actually heat your cracked vinyls up and then put pressure on them to fix them. A hairdryer usually works fine, but if the crack is serious enough like this one then you can put it in the oven on really low heat. Also you’ll probably need to get a different stylus to accommodate. I recommend the Clearaudio Goldfinger Statement v2 MC Cartridge 0.9mV. It has really good sound imo. I put it on my suitcase Crosley and everything sounds so much cleaner.


I hated this comment until I got to the cartridge recommendation. Bravo.


You are trolling. If not tell me how to switch the pre amplifier on a Crosley cruiser to MC input?


Assuming you went through all the trouble I described above to restore your record, you’ll want it to sound great too. Cruisers don’t give you the option to switch from MM to MC like some fancier externals, so you’d need to perform some surgery or get a technologically inferior grail spinner.


op, this will not work!! your disc is broken beyond repair i’m afraid, but do NOT try this technique on any record that might be playable as you will just destroy it completely


It definitely can, I had the same issue as OP on my favorite Herb Alpert disc and it worked just fine. Like I said though, I think getting the stylus is a big part of the reason why it worked.


melting your disc will destroy the micro grooves. they do sell disc flattening machines that can give mixed results, that use heat, but i would proceed with caution and not without a machine


This isn’t true, you’re just buying into propaganda being pushed by Big Vinyl. It’s much easier to DIY the fix, not to mention cheaper.


lol, i’m slow and you’re trolling but be nice to the newbies


New VinyJerk copypasta


This is the dumbest fucking advice I've ever heard.


“Perform surgery or get a technologically inferior grail spinner (in reference to a Crowley).” They be jerking dawg


At least it wasn’t real music


then why are you creeping on the subreddit you fucking perv






this is literally my biggest fear😭😭😭


good. no one deserves to hear this crap


Can y'all at least be original, or are y'all trying to come for her crown of useless variations of the same shit lol


“Her crown” you are all so cringey Honest question tho: do you really find depth and art in the pop industry’s most overproduced and commercial music? The way i see it, girls treating her like a goddess is nothing more than y’all falling for BIG budget marketing and capitalistic mass manipulation. I’m a musician and her “art” is offensive to most of us cause it’s just not art, it’s money.


I don't truly think she has a crown to come for and said it more as a joke. I'll get attacked by other fans for saying it, but her music does lack depth and artistry. The vast majority of pop music does. If I'm seeking it out, it's because I don't want to think about what I'm listening to. It's just fun to sing along to in the car. In her earlier years, I believed she had the potential to develop herself into a performer with those characteristics, but she made the choice not to do so. Nowadays, she just has some yes-men producers put some backing track to a rambling diary entry she refuses to edit down and expects people to eat it up. I'm pretty sure the only reason I still stick around is childhood nostalgia. Saying what she produces is art would be like me going up to my friends in the visual art space with an AI generated image and saying I am now an artist too. Midnights winning AOTY was a slap in the face to people who actually put effort into the music they make.


Thanks for the candid reply. I fully agree


then why are you here on this subreddit dipshit?


Y are u on every hate comment u loser get a hobby u dork 😭


i had time in between sessions with your mom


This was actually posted on the Vinyl subreddit making fun of you guys, but i thought i’d come here directly since being hated by swifties is a privilege


beg behaviour ew


Your disgust honors and flatters me


god that’s even more embarrassing 🤣


the vinyl subreddit: where we all love vinyl so much we’ll kill at the opportunity to see someone else’s collection broken. you’re a piece of shit dude. do something with your life


They came here from the vinyl CIRCLEJERK subreddit. You know how circlejerks often attract the worse people cause they can disguise their bullshit as jokes


Wow I’m gonna go burn all my Taylor Swift CDs now, I think you have truly showed me the light random Reddit user 🙏 😱


i'm glad for you and proud of you s/


woah dude you really showed us…on a taylor swift subreddit


No one deserves to hear your crap, you’re on TS subreddit, how big of a lowlife sad idiot do you have to be to go out of your way and shit on someones post about them being sad their 300€ product broke? That’s sad and crappy


My nigga you spent what on that boring ass album? 😭😂


300€ 😳


300 euro is crazy for the McDonalds of records, but sad for your lose hopefully you can get it replaced theirs like a billion out there


I’m still not really following on why everyone is saying there are billions of copies to buy lol, it’s a RSD exclusive, 115,000 copies were made, 40,000 for worldwide which makes it even harder for me to find. US got other 75,000. I did already buy a replacement, but that’s not the point of the post lol. The point is being sad because of what happened lol.


It’s just the people from r/vinyljerk “owning” you in an uninformed way because they’re more obsessed with hating Taylor records than we are with liking them.


You’re so right 🫶


Here's a sneak peek of /r/vinyljerk using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/vinyljerk/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Outjerked by a fucking porn](https://v.redd.it/8i0r0cdm5ekb1) | [155 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/vinyljerk/comments/161mblb/outjerked_by_a_fucking_porn/) \#2: [Completionist becomes 1st person in the world to collect all king gizzard albums](https://i.redd.it/63uforqshr8b1.jpg) | [109 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/vinyljerk/comments/14l9q14/completionist_becomes_1st_person_in_the_world_to/) \#3: [If anyone is wondering what it's like to work at a record store](https://i.redd.it/42q2iimm032b1.jpg) | [92 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/vinyljerk/comments/13rszri/if_anyone_is_wondering_what_its_like_to_work_at_a/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


This sucks. I saw your comment saying you got a refund, so that’s good. Are they letting you keep it? If you’re a collector, maybe you could glue it and use it in a display? I don’t think it can be salvaged for playing.


It definitely can’t be played and they’re letting me keep it, but i probably will glue it and use it in a display, thank you for your suggestion!! I didn’t think of that.


Good luck. And definitely don’t try to fix it and play it. You could damage your stylus.


Thank you, i unfortunately did try playing it even before learning all of that and making this post, but thankfully nothing broke (for now lol).


Anyone hating is dumb. I don't like Taylor swift but regardless of the artist, if you pay money for something it's reasonable to be disappointed if it comes broken. I'd understand if op posted something dumb but making fun of them is unnecessary...


to anyone on this sub hating and saying they are selling this vinyl for $10 please tell me where i’d love to take it off your sight




It’s so freaking funny to me that people pile into a celeb-specific sub just to be hateful. Like, are we supposed to be impressed with your mighty wit? Will your opinion among millions be the one to make EVERYONE hate the beloved pop star? It is so much easier to simply shut up. Haters are so boring.


Why are you focused on *the haters*? Better yet, why are you using the term haters as a grown adult? This sucks for op and got cross posted to a sub where people clown eachother over vinyl mishaps, we’re all adults and take it in stride. Nobody is a victim here


Why are you policing the words a grown adult uses on the internet? Why do you care at all? What I was commenting on was actually how boring and unimaginative and low-wit being a hater is, but please continue to tone police women, that is definitely not old, boring, or uncreative. 😂


Because acting like a child and a perma-victim over very normal and very tame internet discourse makes us all look dumb babe


And policing strangers on the internet makes you look like a HATER, babe 😂 fare thee ever so well, I have some coffee and unbroken vinyls to enjoy.


Sanctimonious and exhausting, just grow up


Enjoy the last word, babe. Hope your day gets better.


Yeah not like the swifties go to celebrate-specific subs to post hateful shit about anyone else!! How dare anyone do it to them! Horrors


My post was cross-posted to r/vinyljerk for some reason so that’s where they’re crawling from lol, but your point stands


Came here from r/vinyljerk to tell you to listen to SWANS


No thanks, thanks for the suggestion tho :)


Not gonna hate on your taste, that would be wrong. But you should listen to Swans. You might not like it, but they’re great as well.


Thanks for being cool :D I will give them a try, been kind of needing new songs to be obsessed with


The other guy was being cool though…


How was i not


You were being pretty passive aggressive


I’m amazed by how you can guess from one sentence i was being passive agressive. Even if i was, who’s to judge since that whole subreddit is constantly shitting on me and my post for no reason at all. 🤷‍♂️


Bro they grilling you over on vinyl jerk


Out of sight, out of mind


Seriously though I've seen these things in stacks going for like £10 each, I'm sure you could get a new one if you wanted


Seen where, i can’t find anything under 200€ on Discogs or eBay


The record stores in my area are discounting all Taylor swift records by 20% because no one buys them


Record shops I been too. They produced so many they're relatively findable


The edition you see in the store is the standard recording edition. This one is a rare acoustic edition of the album. Only a few made and sold on Record Store Day!


Plus OP isn't in the states and that's where the majority of this pressing was sold. Outside of the US, there were only 40k total sold. So it's probably even harder for them to find for a decent price.


Damn these 40k presses are worth more than my collection that consists of mostly 500 or less limited presses, or mostly only pressed to 100 copies.


Yeah unfortunately because of how popular she is her stuff is usually priced by how much you can get and not how much they should actually be worth. Some certain albums or pressings sold a lot of copies but are priced as if there were only 100 copies. It's gotten especially bad since Midnights but I'm seeing more people refusing to buy from resellers because of it. So hopefully the prices will go down as people stop buying.


Yeah that's supply and demand innit, just mad that there's over 100k copies and it's considered a "rarity".


My fault


No worries! 👍


As someone here in passing from vinyljerk, I’m genuinely curious how many of those here from the same are giving the “I saw it for x price” advice without this information. Bc I’m pretty sure it’s most of them.


Aren't they two a penny though? They must be like lint now. I feel sorry for charity shops in years to come.


Bro they sell for around $200 consistently and are definitely not common, I would be insanely surprised to see this anywhere near a charity shop


Bruh who is buying one record for 200 dollars


Depends on the record tbh, I wouldn’t pay that much for any TS album but there’s some genuinely hard to find items I would fork over $200 for if it was well preserved


not at the moment because it's still pretty new give it like 10-20 years, they'll be there


Her older RSD albums all go for consistently above $1,000, just because you don’t like it don’t mean it’s not valuable, what complete garbage


where did i say i didn't like it lol besides, it's just what happens with music. it's popular, then one day it becomes less popular and ends up in charity shops. nothing to do with Taylor it's just the nature of the beast. you can find valuable things going cheap in charity shops if the shop doesn't realise what they have. i got a £30 CD for £2 at a charity shop, it's just what happens


This is a specific recording session that was part of a limited release. You are talking about just Folklore as a vinyl. This is specifically the long pond studio recording.


Better heart than ears from listening to that crap.


get out of this sub you stupid wanker


Like what Kam said on London N3 for WANEGBT lmao


Make me you tasteless piece of human garbage.


what’s your taste if it’s so good. I’m hoping to learn bc I think my taste is pretty good, but maybe it’s not if I can enjoy a Taylor Swift album. Or maybe you’re a fucking coward who can’t listen to pop music bc you have to be different and have just as narrow and shallow of a taste as the “tasteless” swfities. If you can’t listen to Merzbow followed by Taylor or Swans or the Residents and then like Dua Lipa or Sabrina Carpenter you simply don’t get to comment on people’s taste.


Bro probably 13 and listening to MGK or XXXtenction






Try to get a refund!! Thats so fucked ):


Did get it! :)




Solder a record back together? Looooool


I think only Taylor’s tears can fix the record :’)


Is this a fellow r/vinyljerk user? Because this has to be a troll comment.


This persons whole personality is Taylor Swift you won’t be able to joke or reason with them




You can’t get defensive when someone calls out your logic after you recommend “soldering” a vinyl record back together 😭


And esp not with a screen name like that!


Yeah that's not a thing. No way to undo damage done to a record.


had a weird dream where someone broke mine and i used a hair straightener. last resort thing tho


>last resort thing tho Try it and report back pls


Please send pics of your new and improved hair straightener and vinyl


shhh don’t tell them