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I feel so bad for Carly. She probably has a lot of mixed feelings on Cate and Tyler, but at 18 she will lose the excuse that it’s her parent’s decision whether she sees them. I bet just the thought of them contacting her when she turns 18 causes so much anxiety for her.


Exactly. My daughter doesn’t like spending time with her dad but isn’t comfortable saying that so I let her blame me. When he asks her to come to something last minute, if she doesn’t want to go she knows she can say we have plans even if we don’t. I assume they’re doing the same. They’re protecting her.


This is the way. Good job being a great mom ♥️


That was so sweet, thank you ♥️


This is admirable. I haven't yet got there with my son but I know the day is coming when he asks if he really has to go sleep at his dad's for the whole weekend. I will be following your example and blaming it on myself. I've kind of done it for the past few years, whenever he asks for extra days but I always feel so bad about it. I need to stop feeling bad about it though.


It’s such a hard place to be in. I want her to be comfortable with him, and have a home with him but he hasn’t provided that for her. You never know if you’re making the right decision or not, I wish we weren’t in this position at all, I’m sorry you can relate ♥️


Yes you do, you sound like a brilliant mama🥰🙏🏻💐


Good on you mumma 💜💜 all that matters is the comfort of the child! And you never stop being your mother’s child, even after 18. Teresa is Carly’s mother period.


I totally agree. I hope B&T make sure she has access to therapy before that point so she can work on setting boundaries once she’s older.


Poor Carly, I can just imagine the fortitude she's going to need to maintain whatever boundaries she sets. I can already imagine C & T doing everything they can to recapture the experience of "parenting."


It’s getting closer and closer to Carly turning 18 and I hope there are sane friends and family around them telling them to back the fuck up and cool their heels. Carly isn’t their kid and they can’t just break the door down and demand a relationship


Not to mention the crazy Stans she might have to deal with. They really did her a disservice exploiting her on MTV.


That would be kind of awesome if Carly had therapy to prepare her for that point. That would probably freak Tyler and Cate out to see a well adjusted 18 year old Carly utilizing boundaries.


It would mean being given contact info to her. I dont believe the agency will just hand that out. That would be up to Carly to reach out and give them her contact info.


They already have their phone number and address. When Dawn asked if they were still sending cards or whatever in regards to her birthday they said they don't really keep up with it, only contact them about visits.They seem to only put on the birthday show for the cameras.


I thought anything they were sending was through the agency? They had to drop off with Dawn?


That was for like the 1st year or so, after that they had direct contact.


And as an adult she can rightfully tell them To fuck off and stop talking about her parents and her. Then they can’t use The excuse of her adoptive parents won’t let them see her. They need to hear it from Carly’s own mouth to back tf off


Then they'll just say B&T have brainwashed her and turned her against them. They're delusional. It'd be fine if it was just them but they've got 3 other little girls. Who knows what they're telling them about Carly.


Can you imagine how hard that’d be for a kid who just turned 18 and has grown up with their nonsense hanging over her head her entire life tho?? She shouldn’t have to tell them to fuck off, they should just quit acting like selfish teenagers and putting her in a bad position bc of their short-sightedness


Then they'll make post on social media about how Carly doesn't love them bc she doesn't want to spend time with them.


I wonder what their response would be if 20 yo Carly tell them in 5 yrs to shut the fuck up and leave her family alone. Most likely they’ll say B&T brainwashed her


These assholes will surely try to show up on her college campus with all three of their kids and try to find her, asking her to spend time with her sisters, why won’t she come visit Michigan. Carly may need to take a restraining order out on them at 18


Never even thought of this. How sad.


Can’t wait for her to turn 18 and tell them from her mouth she legit wants nothing to do with them (c&t)


I feel like it’s damned if she does, damned if she doesn’t. She does because she feels obligated, even if she doesn’t want to. Or she doesn’t, and then C&T put her on blast for not wanting to. Ugh what a hard spot to be in.


Cate,Tyler, and the fans don't realize this happened before social media became so toxic. Even if they agreed to "annual visits". It all changed after their fans went intp real life to harass them. Cate and Tyler obviously see the comments their fans make. They don't get that a minor child may want privacy and that the visits are emotionally tasking for her..


Also to add, even the show wasn’t set when the adoption happened. It was supposed to be a one off documentary, nobody could have predicted what it would have become, or what social media would add to the mix. They are just waiting for the day she turns 18 thinking she’s going to come running to them, but haven’t braced themselves that this might not be the case.


Carly isn't going to rush to her white trash birth family when she's 18. Just imagine what that homecoming would be. Wanna smoke a doob with us? Here's some beer if you want it. Coke? We're out of it right now, but Butch will come by soon and he'll have some. Ohhhh! You meant the kind of Coke you drink! Nah, that shit ain't gonna be here.


My mom cut my dad completely out of my life when I was 6. I can literally play that day back like a movie. I had never heard anything good about him from my mom but I still wanted to make that opinion myself. Right after I turned 18 I sought after him and found him after not that long. Turns out, him and his entire family are total white trash, trailer park people that are missing more teeth than they have in their mouth. I really only see him on my kids' birthdays. He was the very first person to RSVP for my wedding and didn't show up (not that I cared). He also wanted to see me for Easter in the time between my engagement and wedding. We had dinner at Hardee's and he spent pretty much the whole time trying to convince me that I didn't want to get married. He had never even met my, now husband. So now I just basically leave that door open, if he wants to come around that's on him, but I never walk through it


My parents made the decision when I was 2 or 3 if they wouldn't tolerate friends who behaved the way 1 side of the behaved why did they tolerate it from family. So I didn't grow up with much of that family. As an adult I have a relationship with some of that side of the family. In fact 1 of them was the very 1st Happy Mother's Day text I got today even before my kids lol. The difference being she's sober and has been a long time. C&T & family are still toxic.


Are you my wife? She had such a similar situation with her dad. He said he would come to our wedding and he didn’t show up. He calls her and leaves her long voicemails about once a year to tell her happy birthday (he never actually remembers when her birthday is so he always gets the day wrong… sometimes even the month wrong), and one time he commented on a picture of ME (we’re both women) she had posted on her Facebook and said “my daughter is so beautiful. No he wasn’t referring to me as his daughter in an affectionate “you’re my daughter now too” kind of way. He had never met me nor knew what I looked like, he just genuinely didn’t know what my wife looks like well enough to recognize that the picture was not of her. She has dark brown hair and brown eyes and I’m blonde and blue eyed.


And the show coming back after Amber went to "gel" .


I'm in a similar situation to B&T and I know my daughter is secure in who she is and her place in our unusual little family. However even she has wonderings about why her biological parents got it together for her littlest sibs and not her and her little brother I have raised. My kids haven't had to see their biological parents in articles on the Internet, pictures of their wedding on magazines, on TV ads, etc. not to mention the whole OF and actual content on the show. Even if she doesn't watch the show her peers may and their parents likely have. I feel for Carly and B&T so much.


This show has done one thing very well and that is granting a bunch of kids making bad decisions the gift of entitlement. They took children from (mostly) broken and dysfunctional families going through traumatic pregnancies and gave them money, screen time and platforms. These children have turned into adults that have no ability to operate as regular adults. So MTV replicated dysfunction parading as improvement and profited off adding more kids and compounding the trauma.


This is so well said.


Thank you!


this sums it all up!! nicely said


Cate and Tyler need to move on. Cate needs to stop texting Theresa and accept that when/ if CARLY wants contact she or B&T will initiate it. I worry the reason they are desperate for a relationship with Carly is to assuage their own guilt, which is a heavy (and unfair)burden to place on any child or even young adult. They need to take responsibility for their own trauma surrounding the adoption, and stop deflecting their anger onto B&T, and Carly by extension.


I agree. She has every right to grieve. No right to include B,T & C in her hate. They are doing what’s best for their daughter right now. She should use her energy to work with legislation to implement laws that prevent teenagers from being taken advantage of in the adoption process.


I think it's also important to note that B&T are very involved in their church, I believe B is running some religious charity organization. I wouldn't know if it is the case for the particular church B&T are involved in, but having grown up in a similar one, and having gone to religious schools such environments tend to be very judgemental, and keeping up appearances is very important. I can only imagine how embarrassing OF, among all of the other things must be for Carly. The way she was brought up and her values due to that are probably so different to C&T. Not putting any judgment on either, but I remember once T said that he couldn't keep up conversation with B&T, I'm going to make an assumption that it might be his problem soon with Carly


Seriously. They have to know that if cate was quietly working as a teacher and Tyler was quietly working for an electric company, shit would be different. They can’t really be as stupid as they seem to think we all are


They stole their infant from them and then have been looking down on them since they were 15 years old. It's ridiculous to take their side.


Honestly the adoption being open was the worst thing for everyone involved. It’s given two people that mentally haven’t grown past 16 thoughts of a perfect future that will never come to be. They still feel like Carly belongs to them and they’re just waiting out the clock until she turns 18 and “comes home”. Aside from some “she’s adjusting well and happy” they shouldn’t have had all the connections and updates they had. They’re not mature enough for an open adoption 


I always feel TERRIBLE when I think about the open adoption process and everything C&T had to go through at such young age. But it's Carly that matters. It matters how she feels. C&T's sick ass fans think once Carly's 18 she'll run back to them and that Brannanantreesa are the bad guys for keeping their daughter away from C&T. But what C&T don't realise is, it's possible that Carly is actively refusing to meet them and just wants to live her life like a normal teenager. Giving your kid up for adoption is just as traumatic as being the kid in question. It's confusing, and them being on a reality TV show just makes it even worse. At one point you gotta protect your own peace or make your parents do it for you


They fail to realize how toxic they are .


I’m adopted so I really feel for Carly as well as B&T in this. My birth mother would always make me super uncomfortable when I would see/ talk to her and I could really see Catelynn and Tyler doing the same thing. They seem to want to see Carly not for her benefit but for theirs (my opinion based on them always bringing things back to themselves rather than what’s best for Carly). I feel like they probably put a lot of pressure on her whether they mean to or not and that can be so much for a *child* to handle. I have seen people comment that Catelynn sent Carly a letter and supplies so that they could start writing letters back and forth and Carly never took her up on it. My birth mother also had access to contact me directly (I really hope any contact C&T have with Carly is monitored by B&T because mine wasn’t) and it really was too much to handle for a young person. I really feel like people just need to leave B,T and Carly alone. It makes me so sad to see people hate on them so much because if that was my parents that randos on the internet were judging based on like 45 minutes total of screen time I would be hurt and upset and probably really mad. A lot of what we see is from C&Ts perspective. B&T don’t speak out when they’re bashed which I’m sure is hard but I also think it’s the right thing to do because hateful bored people on the internet would come for them really for no good reason, and C&T would probably freak out even though they’re apparently allowed to say whatever they want. For Carly’s sake I wish C&T would keep their opinions to themselves. Also that scrapbook scene was absolutely horrible. I would be so hurt to see my birth parents valuing putting together a half assed scrap book instead of spending time with me on the few days they actually get to see me. I think that shows a lot about what they really “love”(as Catelynn said in her insta post). 45 minutes feels like forever to a 10 year old. Starting off the visit with a big disappointment like that is probably off putting to say the least. And the fact that Dawn could already sense they were not going to be on time and had to prompt them like toddlers also shows a lot about them, to me anyway.


They are gross. I wouldn’t even want them as an aunt and uncle. With all of the things you mentioned and then thinking this is okay — something’s wrong with you. That goat wants a different kind of carrot, Vaedalumareinanovalee. 🍆 # girldad https://preview.redd.it/dsgxmj83k00d1.jpeg?width=647&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=498f71a39ce2138da3ef6163634de5b25009d7ae


GROSS. That looks like a lot of effort was put into enhancing his junk.


At least crop Nova out.


Ew! Why can I see the ridge


Fucking gross.


They’re fricking disgusting!


My wife is one of four girls and we’ve discussed how there are men who are a #GirlDad and then men who are dads of girls. I agree with her that for the most part GirlDads are men who use their daughters as a brag as if they have some kinda of superiority yet are still misogynistic. #GirlDad is like an online persona to get cool points and popularity. Dads of girls are men who truly stand behind their daughters, recognize inequality and speak up for the rights of women and generally raise strong women who know their worth and value. Tyler absolutely is a #GirlDad in my eyes.


That is vile


Holy shit they mocked B&T for being infertile? And yet they still sit there, acting all shocked that Carly & co. want nothing to do with them??????


THEY DID?!!! How? How disgusting.


Has OF been their longest endeavor? 😄 how long did Catelynn's brow business last? It's not in her Instagram bio anymore.


Probably a month, till she realized she would need to get out of bed before noon. Even on family reunion Tyler said hes the one that gets up with the kids in the morning and gets the fed and ready for school. Cate just sleeps in.


How does Tyler manage?! He must be so busy between Tierra Reign, his numerous duties as Poet Laureate of Michigan, designing giant Batman tattoos and male lingerie purchasing


They are 100% their own worst enemies. If they could just keep their traps shut, I absolutely believe B&T would be more open, and Carly as well. She’s at an age to have input, and if I were in her situation, I would t want my personal life splashed all over the internet any more than it already is.


Shout out to B&T for keeping quiet all this time and not speaking ill of C&T and going to the press to say their side of the story.


Because actual mature adults don't use social media as a diary I don't even use social media at all now it's so immature and pointless life is for living not documenting for other people's approval or arguing with strangers like C&T do


The personal stuff people talk about on their social media is crazy, some of it I would take to the grave. I’ve stopped using Facebook because it’s just so asinine to me now, and only use instagram for just picture taking.


It's insane how dependent some people are on it to the point it consumes them I live far away from family so we have a private WhatsApp group for updates and pictures etc


That’s a smart idea, I worry about the kids whose pictures are all over the internet, there are some sickos out there.


I'm glad for that.


They are so selfish that they can't even stop to think about how Carly might feel. She's a 15 year old adopted child, whose birth parents not only stayed together, but went on to parent 3 more children. She absolutely will feel some type of way about this, and C&T need to let her work through her feelings without them shitting all over her parents  


The comments I see on tiktok are so fucking annoying. They act as if they’re the ones who personally gave Carly up too. I’m so tired of B&T being treated as temporary babysitters. They are her parents. She is theirs. There’s a reason they gave her up. So she could be raised by people who were ready to be parents. They need to let the “what if” GO.


I think that the show has impacted Carly negatively. Catelyn and Tyler probably would have normal jobs (and probably would have broken up after high school). They wouldn't try to use B&T (or Carly) for a storyline. Money does corrupt people. In the case of C&T (people I liked and rooted for in the early seasons), it's made them entitled and stagnant.


What'd they say to mock B and T's fertility??


Something like "We gave you the kid you couldn't have"


The face I just made, the way my body recoiled...


I mean, that's what happened. If you use adoption to solve your fertility issues, someone else is giving you the kids you couldn't have. I don't think adoption should be used as a solution to infertility, but clearly a lot of people do use it that way.


I think it was more how he said it, rather than the words themselves


C&T remind me of my parents the more I get to actually see wtf is actually going (with counseling). To have manipulative parents stinks It causes mental health issues It can lead to substance abuse issues and many other things that can really ruin one’s life B&T are doing the right thing


I am a full grown adult of no relation and I didn’t want to see all that shit.


When Carly turns 18 I don’t put it past MTV to try and have a “reunion” episode with C&T


They’re delusional if they don’t think they’ve done anything to complicate this situation. Staying on tv and continually bringing up the adoption to stay relevant, and speaking poorly about the APs publicly has probably been a very difficult thing for this child to navigate as she’s gotten older. Then throw in the OF, and the decision to promote it on their very public platform and the same platform they use to speak about her and about the adoption was way over the top. It has come down to $ being more important. As much as I feel for them when it comes to the way the adoption happened, the way they’ve behaved since has been super problematic and I’m sure very tough for the APs to navigate. I don’t even feel comfortable typing out her name or any identifying info about her. She didn’t choose any of this. The fact that the internet thinks they even have a say in whom she belongs to is so wild to me. Ppl need to just leave her alone and Catelynn and Tyler haven’t allowed the APs to just carry on and raise her in peace. They *need* this story line to stay relevant.


It is so cringeworthy to see C&T break those boundaries because you can just see how it backfires on them. I remember one example was 5+ years ago I think, Teresa didn’t want phone calls/texts on camera so Cate would talk to her on the phone in the other room, and then come back and tell the cameras everything. Then Teresa clarified that no, the conversations are private period. And Tyler handles all of it even worse than Cate does. He’s so immature. I think the relationship would be much better if C&T respected that boundary and dropped the adoption storyline from the show entirely and told MTV we just want to talk about our other kids and our lives outside the adoption. But idk if they have the power to do that and they clearly don’t want to


Don’t even get me started on Tyler lol… Tyler makes my blood boil. I believed April when she told Dawn in the hospital that she felt Catelynn only went along with the adoption to please Tyler. I know she was not a good mother, and a toxic person but I think she knew what was up. So for Tyler to make statements on TV, putting down the APs knowing that it could possibly ruin not only his own but Catelynn’s relationship with the APs was disgusting. I saw the look of anguish on her face every time. I’d hoped that by now, she’d see this situation for what it is and at least refrain from speaking negatively about them publicly. She’s misdirecting some of her anger, IMO. Point the finger at Dawn, and Bethany Christian Services for taking advantage of a minor in crisis. Point the finger at Tyler and Kim for backing you in to a corner. Love your first born *more* than you resent her parents.


Heavy on the last sentence. I think Cate could really benefit from non-televised therapy that will help her learn how to love Carly from afar as a bio mom, and not misdirect anger towards B&T, and the therapist could be help her see where B&T are coming from. I totally agree about Tyler. I think his heart is in the right place most of the time but he certainly has poor judgment. And sidenote: This might not be the most woke take, but if I were B&T, seeing what Tyler posts online about his dick would certainly affect my opinion of him.


So B&T have asked them not to post about Carly or themselves (B&T) on social media, and Cate and Tyler proceed to post about it on social media and make OF porn ... and then when they get denied another visit they ... turn around and post it on social media? Their logic makes no sense. Cate and Tyler, if you want to see Carly, then you need to listen to B&T and not mention them or Carly, ever, on social media. EVER. You are NOT her parents. And I'm not even sorry, but I wouldn't let my adopted kid see an OF porn star parent, either. Call it whatever you want: judgemental, intolerant, I don't care at all.


I like how they can sing happy birthday and light candles but not send a birthday card/ letter


If you look on any other social media besides Reddit, the C&T fans all think C will just come running back the minute she turns 18. They think of B&T as some weird babysitters that keep C away for No GoOd ReAsOn. I have a family member who is adopted. They were adopted at birth from very unstable birth parents who both have unstable family. Very much Caitlyn & Tyler except not being teens. Family member was not only offered but almost encouraged to meet their birth parents or birth family, adoption was never hid from them, they have never and would never be kept away and all questions have always been answered (birth family is not strangers so medical/ social/ family history is known and able to be found out). They are almost 30 and has never once asked nor do they want to ever meet their birth parents. Birth father reached out to them once and was clearly mentally unwell in things he was saying, further pushing away their desire to ever meet in person. Some adoptive kids don’t want to be around birth family and THAT’S OKAY. I know I personally would be mortified seeing the things C&T do.


Carly knows who they are and that they love her. If B_T forced her to see them. They would also get hate.


Exactly! Even IF they were making the decision to keep C away from C&T but C wanted to meet them, I honestly think it’s in her best interest to wait a bit. There’s so much drama surrounding C&T, so much they cause or bring upon themselves. You know if C&T got to see C right now they’d do some weirdo things like sneak pics and “accidentally” post them or try and record the whole thing or some other things over the line.


They post about it on their social media. Just enjoy your time and keep it private.


I’d feel awkward in Carly’s situation. Cait and Ty naturally love her as their daughter which could be overwhelming for Carly who doesn’t have that same maternal bond. She doesn’t see them as her parents and hasn’t been around them enough to build a bond or relationship. They also have nothing positive to say about the adoption or B&T. They’re Carly’s parents and I’m sure she doesn’t appreciate hearing her bio parents trashing her actual parents. The whole situation should be kept private, not broadcasted on national television.


People sometimes become their parents. Their parents are all trash. They are trash. They are just becoming who they always would have with or without mtv


I'm honestly surprised they aren't worse all things considered.


i could almost look past the roach or grandma & mom smoking, but the OF really threw me off. I JUST COULD NEVER LOOK AT MY PARENTS 😭


I understand that the adoption agency they used was shit - and of course I feel for young C&T for having to give up their baby and no one probably told them how the process would accurately work. As a teen mum myself I can’t imagine the pain. But Carly is old enough to make choices on her own, she is being raised by a solid family who have given her a great life. The fact is C&T have done some trashy stuff over the years, and I don’t see it really lining up with Carly and her families values. From what I’ve seen of every time C&T see Carly, I feel like it would be incredibly overwhelming for her. The last one, C&T dragged along every man and their dog - including her drunk mother. I can’t imagine how that would have felt for Carly. Dawn tried to subtly warning them about it but they decided to do it anyway, just staggered. B&T have done their best to shield Carly, they don’t strike me as the type to purposely withhold her unless they were concerned about Carly. I feel like C&T are holding onto a fantasy, even when Carly turns 18 I feel like they still won’t get what they want and they will just blame B&T. Imagine being Carly and seeing your Bio parents trash your parents - the ones who loved you and made sure you were safe and had a great life. It would make you really not want anything to do with them. Going onto social media to let loose is a way to put another nail in their coffin. Trust me - my mother does the same and now I don’t talk to her.


Just cause C&T live their life in public on all platforms , TV, and OF …..doesn’t mean everyone else wants to !! Do the right thing , put Carly’s life first, and STFU and leave her alone .


If they were more private and didn’t broadcast their business to the entire world, I think they would have a better relationship with Carly. Brandon and Theresa are allowed to set boundaries and I don’t think they are maliciously and selfishly keeping Carly from knowing where she came from. I think they just want to protect Carly and keep things private. I can understand that. There is a lot of dysfunction in C + T’s lives.


I think whatever happened last time with April’s drinking was the last straw for Carly and her parents. Cate likely thinks it was unfortunate but not a huge deal because that behavior is so normalized in her psyche, but to a family who is not used to addict behavior, it required them to draw an absolute boundary. Why Cate risked everything once again so April could have access to her after all (or ever gave up a child she didn’t want to to make her boyfriend happy in the first place) is beyond me


This makes perfect sense. Cate and Tyler have cut April out of their lives but I'm surprised it took them this long to do it.




C&T can't contact her if they don't have phone numbers and e-mail addresses. I wouldn't count on Carly sharing that information with them.


When did they mock B&T for being infertile?


This is the truth. Just bc they got out of the trailer park and built a big, new home and drive new SUV’s/trucks… they are still trashy as hell. U can take the girl (and boy) out the trailer park but u can’t take the trailer park out the girl (and boy)! I feel like aside from make their mtv money they have done NOTHING to further themselves emotionally, mentally, educationally. No higher education… no SUCCESSFUL /smart business investments or decisions. A failed clothing line. I’m sure they have no REAL savings ie: college funds, cushy savings, retirement funds etc. If MTV stopped paying the bills within 5 years their lives would look drastically different. They could’ve went to college, good colleges. Bills completely paid, childcare paid all they would have had to do was focus on school. But nope. They launch Tyler’s OF 🤦‍♀️ like guys what’s the BIG picture here?? They will end up right where they started bc they are exactly the same people they were when this started. They way then publicly trash B&T… awful. Do they not consider Carly LOVES them, they’re the only parents she knows and it seems they have done everything to secure a good/safe/healthy life and future for her. She would be hurt by them being attacked by some immature 30 something’s who are stuck at 16.


I don't agree. Adoption is predatory, these two rich Christians preyed upon two poor, uneducated teenagers and trafficked their infant from them and then when they realized now those teens have money, more power, and different (better) views than them they decided no more visits with their biological daughter. Screw B&T. C&T are probably worried everyday about the cult religious brainwashing their daughter is getting from those two every day and I don't blame them. I hope to God Carly has two brain cells and rejects it when she's 18


LOL They may not be poor money-wise, but they are still uneducated teenagers who have done jack shit with their lives. Together they have the attention span of an infant gnat. And that money is going to be gone, baby, gone about 2 minutes after the show ends. Power? Exactly what power do you think C&T have? B&T are doing what good parents do: protecting their child.