• By -


She looked at her MOM and asked to go to the bathroom. That’s a mother right there, natural bond. You don’t have to birth a child to be the mother. I bet Kristina loves Leah more than Amber.


You can tell that Kristina cherishes Leah for everything she actually is and all of her good attributes whereas Amber “cherishes” Leah for what she thinks she can give her or how she might act. Kristina stays loving her in reality and Amber stays loving her in a hypothetical situation that has to meet her requirements. Fuck that.


So true, Amber is the definition of narc egg donor




Amber only cherishes Leah for a paycheck and it's pathetic


It seemed like throughout that scene Leah kept looking at Kristina. You could tell the four Shirley's felt uncomfortable.


U can tell Kristina was feeling Leah’s energy shift during that convo. She is that baby’s mom


Seconding! I know there are mixed opinions on Kristina - but it’s undeniable that she loves Leah to death and will go full mama bear for her. Leah is her daughter and she is her mother.


Man, when Leah asks both "parents" to stop arguing and Amber goes "Honey, I'm fine"....girl. LEAH isn't fine, stop focusing on yourself. Jesus God Amber.


Yeeeees! Amber seems almost annoyed at Gary for apologizing to Leah, too. She has 0 awareness of Leah's personhood. It's so heartbreaking to watch poor Leah have to deal with this. I hope she knows everyone watching doesn't blame her or think she deserves any of this. I hope she knows we're all rooting for hee and think she's become a good kid despite going through a lot. My heart breaks for kids stuck in bad situations like that.


It did seem Gary tried to restrain himself after realizing Leah was upset, while Amber kept pushing the issue blaming everyone else not being fine. Gary has faults don’t get me wrong, but idk if there was any winning in this situation, I just wish they would have shut Amber down sooner, I get why they couldn’t necessarily, it would have caused her to blow up more and make herself victim, it just sucks that Leah doesn’t get to be the child in this. I can’t wait for Leah to prove Amber wrong in not becoming the hot mess Amber has always been.


Gary definitely saw he got heated and apologised like a responsible person does when they realise someone is upset. Amber wasn’t willing to drop it when Gary did.


"She has 0 awareness of Leah's personhood" God that's so accurate. Leah is just a pawn to Amber. Stop filming the poor girl. No teenager should have her "mother" calling her a dick aired on TV. Gary needs to stop forcing the relationship, stop filming and let his family thrive off-camera.


“I’m fine honey “. Yes Ambo because it’s all about YOU! 🙄


Just gaslights the shit out of poor Leah. No baby, Mommy is alright and since Mommy is all that matters you’re alright too… Now stop crying because I’m fine.


This isn’t any better, but I read Amber’s comment more as ‘you don’t need to worry about my behavior because I haven’t done anything wrong’ Which is also incredibly telling, since it suggests that Amber is aware that her kid is worried about her escalating to a level she’s seen too many times before.


This was my interpretation too. She was trying her hardest to get Gary worked up so she could play the victim and ruin Leah’s birthday. Narcissists always have to ruin special days. “I’m fine Leah, your dad is the one with the attitude” is how I took it.


She hated being called out for being late and also was hurt Leah wasn’t interested in her new boyfriend. She wanted to make a bigger scene and say they made her do it. Gary said sorry to Leah but she had to keep going because she only cares about herself not her daughter.


Yep, just part of the gaslighting


For sure, I've rewatched and I think "fine" can be interpreted a few different ways. Regardless, I think it's Amber just deflecting/brushing off any responsibility for upsetting her daughter.


She did NOT want Amber touching her.


Hell Amber didn’t even seem to want to. She pats Leah the same way I do a cat when I’ve forgotten my anti-histamines


She reacts the way I do when my mother tries to touch me. All the alarm bells start clanging and my body kicks into flight mode


This is small but when Amber puts her arm behind Leah’s back to “comfort” her she is very careful not to actually touch her. Seems like she knows Leah would tell her to stop touching her in that moment. Very telling.




When her sister followed her to the bathroom 😭❤️


Her little hand. You can tell they have a very strong bond.


That made me burst into tears. Poor Leah hasn’t had an easy go of it but she is loved for sure.


I noticed that, too. When I saw Amber put her arm behind Leah I thought, "oh man, if I was upset in this situation there is no way I would want 'mom' to touch me right then."


Yes, especially if my mom just called me a dick on my birthday. Amber was counting on that one camera angle to make her look like she cared with a half-assed gesture.


Yep! And kudos for production for showing the angle that let's us see it was a fake gesture!


Yepp! Gotta love a snarky production crew haha


You know the camera person filming that was thinking "This fake bitch....I'm gonna make sure to note this for the editing crew"


This was the very first thing I noticed!


I noticed that too!


It was so fake you could tell Emilee’s was genuine but Amber was hey I better fake being a good mother for MTV.


Can they stop trying to force Leah into a relationship with her? Amber gets shoehorned into all her stuff and forces Leah to be the emotionally mature one in these situations. It’s beyond unfair, and every encounter with Amber makes Leah more and more parentified


I would say it's 80/20 need it for the show and don't want to be accused of depriving Amber of parenting time. I know Amber would likely never go to court because they aren't following whatever written schedule they have but cover your ass. I'm sure Leah's 18th birthday will result in a couple of blocked numbers and low to no contact with people.


You can tell Gary is pissed at the way Amber is talking to Leah, but instead of saying that and calling Amber out (because everyone’s fucking terrified of her), he can’t control having a pissed off attitude. If he would just be honest and call it out for what it is that would help everyone.


I think Gary and Kristina know better than to get into it with Amber, especially in public. We all know Amber is an unhinged cunt that gets really loud really quick.


Right. You don’t poke the bear when it’s already showing its teeth. It’s easier for everyone if you can just stay composed and back out slowly (aka- ask what time it is and try to have an excuse to leave “homework”).


Agreed. When someone with a personality disorder like her is in that “zone” there is nothing anyone can or can’t say. They are going to be pissed about anything.


Agreed. He takes Ambers bait everytime.


It just sucks bc he tried to gently rush the dinner along and amber latched on to that. It's a lose lose with narcs. The best thing would have been to not invite amber but I'm sure there's some custody thing that requires it. I bet Gary and Kristina still want to accompany Leah to these visits so they can have her back/take ambers backlash


her poor little sister is paying more attention to Leah’s emotions than Amber is.


Her little sister is enjoying every second of that drama. Lmao. Right up to the point she notices her sister crying. Then it was time for cuddles.


She follows the verbal jabs with the dedication of a ref at a world championship ping-pong match.


This broke my heart… I’m glad Leah has Kristina in her life. Leah’s so mature and beautiful - she deserves good things in her life


Heck yes this poor girl is so mature beyond her years and deserves everything in life for dealing with this BS.


Me too, she absolutely does


https://preview.redd.it/i9qne99ss55d1.jpeg?width=1009&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18683b5535192b424d46b2c29ee7c651f3c08d16 This is a textbook step-by-step example of what just happened.


these clips remind me of r/raisedbyborderlines soooo much


ugh she’s such a cunt. that’s the only word i can even think of to describe her. just a grade A, first class cunt. the way she pretends to console that child without even touching her. the way she starts shit for no reason at a child’s birthday. the way she continues engaging with gary instead of following that crying child to the bathroom. (i can’t even call her Leah’s mother, she’s an egg donor at best.) i wish Leah’s parents would just cut Amber off completely. they’re torturing that child by forcing this monster on her.


Cunty couch sloth?? Or cunty water buffalo?? Both have a nice ring to them


But sloths and Buffalo are such nice creatures!


So... Amber WAS late, right? It's not that Gary and fam showed up early because they were hungry? Because if Amber DID show up at 3:15pm, as Gary told her, then why are they still getting dessert at 6pm? The only answer is that Amber was absolutely late. Edit: never mind, I just saw the timestamp from Amber in the car at 4pm, still 15 minutes away.


I think Amber was counting on MTV editing it to make it look like she wasn’t late. She was talking to the audience in that moment, not her family. It’s the same with when she puts her hand behind Leah to “comfort” her. You can clearly see she’s not doing anything, and just expecting the camera angle to make it look like she cares about her daughter


Totally agree with this! She just nonchalantly lied looking dead ass into Gary’s face thinking MTV would Cover her


The fact that she assumes MTV would cover for her is so confusing. Either A) they have actually covered for her in the past, and even with their help she still comes off looking like literally garbage Or B) she’s completely delusional…


Yeah she was for sure late and then she gaslights the fuck out of Gary for it. “What are you even talking about I wasn’t late??” Like bitch what? lol time isn’t a concept dumbass it’s an actual thing


Her whole it is only 6pm and as Gary pointed out before you know it is 7 and the girls still have homework to do because they went for food straight from school and then get settled for the next day.


Clearly someone who has never had to plan for children.


That is what is so bad about her, even people without children like myself know doing stuff with people who have children has to fit a certain routine especially on school nights.


When people don't have kids, it's completely understandable that they wouldn't realize. Amber just proves that she's never been a parent all the time, and she's so removed from it that she doesn't even realize it.


It is so sad, she doesn’t know that with a 15 year old. People not around children it is understandable but they would still get why it is important after being told once. Gary and Kristina have said to Amber several times that they have to keep to a routine on a school night for their children and she ignores it.


I was flabbergasted that she said she wasn’t late while looking dead serious at Gary’s face. She practically was 1 hr late and Kristina even ordered something I’m sure Amber has ordered before for Amber. I agree that she’s so used to lying and MTV covering for her that she word vomits all the time. Not this time.


I loved your commentary (if that was you). For real, I do not get how Amber doesn’t see that she is the problem. “I seriously did not mean to start anything.” But you did! At her birthday dinner!


It was just a screen grab but I agree w her too! Going late to her kids bday and getting pissy when she doesn’t want to play boyfriend of the week with you. Next year, stay home Amber.


“Honey I’m fine, no worries” as your daughter is crying?? This isn’t about you Amber!! Narcissistic through and through


peak narc vibes asking why gary is being sensitive after she’s the one lashing out over trivial shit




Literally. She could have let it go but she wanted him to get upset too.


on one hand i can see gary’s flat behavior as a from of grey rocking amber so as to not escalate, but on the other hand, he could have defended the birthday girl and redirected the attention and conversation back to leah rather than maintaining focus on amber.


Gary and Kristina need to stop coddling and enabling amber. I don’t understand how they put up with the gaslighting and nastiness amber puts them all through, especially Leah. Personally, I wouldn’t want my other little girl anywhere near amber either. They said it was almost six and they’ve been there since three? Hell no I would have got the check and left an hour ago. Gary is really fucked up for forcing this relationship.


Same. Honestly if Kristina were to divorce Gary bc of Amber I bet Leah would still keep the relationship with her. Kids crave safety and stability. She’ll be 18 in a few years and ready to stop playing this game w Amber for Gary’s sake bc that’s what this is.


I feel like that's the real reason she wants Kristina to adopt her 🤐


it’s pathetic, this wasn’t about or for leah. this was for amber.


Exactly. This entire dinner was set up so Amber could play “Mommy” on camera. I’m sure Leah has other fun plans for her birthday and she didn’t want to include her piece of shit abusive ~~mother~~ birth giver. This was for MTV, and Amber is showing us who she really is again.


Her little sister comforting her is so sweet. Poor Leah.


Emiliee shows more maturity in this scene than the adults and she's what 9? First comforting Leah, and then she turns to tap Gary to get him to shut up and after leah asks them to stop.


It’s almost impressive how Amber has ZERO redeeming qualities. There is nothing likeable about her. Trash.


I’m not a big fan of Gary but he does ask if Leah wants to open presents in an attempt to move on. Amber just can’t let it go. I knew Amber was awful and one of the worst moms in the franchise, but seeing her treat Leah like this was so shockingly terrible.


Amber couldn’t let it go she had to keep going and when Gary did snap a bit she acted all shocked. She never thinks of anyone else, she will blame Gary and Leah for this when she created it all.


Notice how she asked her REAL mom to take her to the bathroom?? Which I'm sure amber will just use against her 😞


This might spark a debate but Amber's diagnosed bipolar right? It's not excusing her behavior, this encounter is similar to my encounters with my bipolar love ones. Them subconsciously starting shit then telling me I have the attitude. Then I'm left sitting there pissed like you really can't see how your behavior affects others. It's no easy battle and I feel for Leah and to an extent Gary(very small he definitely eggs Amber on sometimes). I've had a love one ask me why I'm crying after they said some messed up shit so Amber asking why when Gary apologized circled me back to her bipolar diagnosis. Disclaimer: not every diagnosis, behavior, and person is the same but at the end of the day we are all responsible for our own decisions. I hope Leah gets the right help, if she so chooses, apart from her family.


While you’re not wrong there comes a time in life where people should not cater to Amber’s mental illness as it’s toxic for Leah. Leah is the one to be thinking about in all this and Gary needs to step up and say until she (Amber) can learn to control herself and her behavior she won’t be seeing Leah and exposing her to Amber anymore. Period.


I thought she has borderline personality disorder but I could be misremembering.


I thought she was diagnosed with both?


It might have been a bipolar diagnosis that turned into a borderline diagnosis. I've seen that with one of my friends, she's doing amazing after getting help for her borderline diagnosis. While she was doing the best she could with the bipolar disorder diagnosis and treatment it just wasn't what she needed. Also unlike amber she put in the work at therapy to get to the good place she is at.


It certainly wouldn’t surprise me!


My mom had borderline personality disorder and she often did what you described. She could never take accountability for her attitude or behavior, but it was everyone else around her fault. Only a few times it really wasn’t her fault lol.


This is the saddest thing I’ve ever watched. Amber is still the same POS she was from the first seasons of OG.


This was SO sad to watch. Poor Leah. Having Amber as a month must be so difficult. I’m happy she had Kristina


I wish I could hug Leah. If I were there, I would take her hand and walk out with her calmly. This is so unfair to do to any child. I hope she goes NC or very limited contact with Amber once shes 18.


Amber if the whole table is sat with drinks and appetizers you were not “right on time” lmao


She was “right on time” to eat her own meal. Don’t you know that other people don’t exist in Amberland? (Also, realmom Kristina even knows what Amber eats.)


Right, I doubt if you asked Amber what Leah and James always eat she could tell you their favourite foods are.


Amber is a drain on everything. Gary planned a birthday dinner and included Amber - he didn’t have to do that and we don’t see Amber making any plans to celebrate her daughter’s birthday. Then she shows up an hour late, is cruel to Leah, starts a fight with her dad, and makes her cry. On her birthday. Fuck Amber. She is not a mother. She’s a selfish leach. I hope Leah decides to go no contact with her. I also hope Leah is in therapy to help her understand that her mother’s disgraceful behavior is not because of her.


Watching this made me see what life would have been like for Leah if Kristina hadn't come along. Constant fighting between these two. Nothing has changed since Amber smashed Gary's head in the wall; only Leah is older.


Imagine being in your 30s and behaving like this.


Gary’s face when he noticed what he had done 🙁 I feel bad for everyone.


I just know Kristina said the kindest and most reassuring things to her in the bathroom. I am so glad Leah has her 😔


I bet she gave Leah the most comforting motherly hug


Amber is acting out because she’s realizing she no longer has any control. Gary and their daughter are not participating in Amber’s games anymore, and she can’t handle that because it would require her to actually sit with and own her behavior.




Gary was shocked by her behaviour


If he was so shocked he should have gotten Leah out of there and stopped filming immediately instead of catering to Ambo and her tantrums. I don’t know what’s in the contract but this is inexcusable and he had every right to walk Leah right out of there and stop forcing Leah to be around this toxic bitch. He has sole primary custody. It’s time to fight for his daughter and not ambers state of mind. Fuck her. If she’s threatening to unalive herself we’ll tough shit. She knows what buttons to push to get away with everything and I’m sick of it.




Totally agree


Poor Leah. Amber reminds me so much of my own mother. Textbook narcissist parent.


Speaks volumes rhat she doesn't call amber mom when she asked her to stop. And holy fuck when Gary apologizes to Leah and amber gets annoyed at that?! And then acts like she's not the problem when Leah is crying. There was 0 empathy or compassion there. My god, I've never met this kid in my life and I wanted to yell at her dad and egg donor to shut up! and then give her a hug.


Amber is honestly such a piece of i cannot even. I despise her. the way she treats Leah, projects everything onto Leah it's disgusting


The second leah turns 18, I see her going No Contact


I just checked Amber’s instagram on her pinned post is a lot of comments from people who said they had been rooting for her but after that they are unfollowing her and a lot more comments calling her out. Only one or two are defending her I think most people are seeing she is the worst and will never change. I hope she never has a 3rd child because she doesn’t care for Leah and James.


I think the moment that pissed me off the most in this scene is when Gary apologizes to Leah for upsetting her, and Amber says “what are you sorry for?” Such a cunt. Is she so self absorbed she doesn’t notice her daughter turning away fighting tears? Or does she not give a shit?


Exact same shit she was doing over a decade earlier.


“Oh honey im fine” nobody cares amber!!


Phew. My least favorite part of my parents arguing was always when I or one of my siblings would say “can yall stop please” and they would both scream GOD and then just sit there and seethe… it’s always about getting the last word in. I feel so bad for Leah.


This reminds me of the way my parents used to bicker whenever my dad came to spend time with us. I’m glad that Leah was at least able to tell them to stop and let them know she was upset. I would just sit there in silence anxious and upset and no parent ever apologized to me for it. This scene makes me feel really angry and I have issues with my mom to this day because she never took notice of how her bickering with multiple family members affected us. This is likely why I’m not married or have kids yet because I’m spending my adulthood this far healing and unraveling the knotted up threads caused by emotionally immature parents. I don’t want to repeat my childhood.


Amber doesn't even stop to realize what the problem is and starts getting aggressive towards everyone else. The root of the problem is she tried to make her daughter's birthday about her and then got offended because her daughter wasn't receptive to it. Her birthday dinner was not the time or place to bring up her new boyfriend and try to force her to see his picture and connect with him. And if she had an attitude or was sarcastic, maybe don't choose to call her out for it at dinner on camera. She should have pulled her aside later and told her how it made her feel and maybe she would find that her feelings were also hurt. Gary probably shouldn't have escalated things knowing how reactive Amber is but he was looking out for his daughter's feelings. I'm so glad she trusts and confides in Kristina in those situations.


what aryuu tawhlkin about


Off topic but god Amber has the ugliest hair I think I've ever seen on any person. The hair, the glasses, the suspenders, she looks like a litteral circus clown


It’s the messiness that’s getting to me. There is tousled, beachy waves, then there is this. It’s verging on unkempt. Hey, we all have bad hair days, that’s what messy buns and hats are for.


Her hair looks like the hair that's left on the floor of a salon after like 3 different people get their hair cut lmao


Emily comforting Leah omg 😣


I wish kristina would rip her stupid glasses off her face and backhand her.


Gary is looking great btw


Towards the end of this clip, Amber puts her hand behind Leah as if she is comforting her by putting her hand on her back, but if you look closely she doesn't even touch the kid. She hovers her hand for a few seconds, then twists a piece of Leah's hair, and then takes her hand away. She can't even offer a comforting touch for this poor kid, though I doubt Leah would even want it from her at this point.


amber only cares about the mom she is getting paid pove me wrong.


Gary needs to stop forcing Leah to be around Amber. She is horrible.


Yep. Gary needs to just his own cord w Amber. This hasn’t been for Leah’s benefit for awhile. The poor girl is crying on her birthday


When Leah said “BOTH OF YOU need to stop”, that hit me hard. My parents (mom & stepdad) would do this shit in front of me constantly as a kid, I ultimately ended up leaving home at *14 years old*. Fast forward to being an adult, they’re separated, but we all still get together for holidays. A couple Christmas’s ago turned into a fucking nightmare, my mom ended up leaving after having only arrived in my city 20 mins prior. 20 mins, that’s all it took for shit to hit the fan. My mom ended up driving back to her own city 4 hours away, and Christmas was essentially ruined. My step dad stayed but it wasn’t the same. My grandmother and younger brother were crying. It was a mess. I hadn’t seen either of my parents in over a year and all it took was 20 mins for shit to hit the fan. The fight all started over when the Xmas presents should’ve been unloaded from the car and who would be unloading what. And they both vent to me about their feelings about the other- and it kills me inside. I find myself dissociating around them when they’re in the same room. I just can’t handle it. Like I don’t care who started it, I don’t care who is right, I don’t even care if they’re making VALID points about one another… I just DONT WANT TO HEAR IT. Full stop. Even tho Gary is right about Amber being late, he should’ve dropped it. And Amber should’ve quit trying to gaslight the entire family. They both suck. This scene was triggering to watch, and I can really empathize with Leah. That shit is so dis regulating to your system and puts you into overdrive. There’s a time and place for Gary and Amber to fight about who’s right/wrong- and this ain’t it.


Thank you so much for posting these! OMG Amber needs help. Poor Leah—you RUINED her birthday, Amber, you pig!


Amber is ALWAYS late. After 15 years she should have it figured out by now. She has ZERO respect for other peoples time. Especially her daughter’s. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Rude.


u/Sbg71620 Thank you for this! Also, I could listen to you commentate on all of this!!


You’re welcome! 🫶 The comments were from the OG TikTok poster. I just screen grabbed it for the sub, but I’m w her too!


I don’t understand why Kristina didn’t say anything


I imagine cause she knows how Amber is. She would likely become even more angry and rude (Amber). It was already a bickering moment, and Leah wanted them to stop, so I think she was being safe and supportive for her girls.


She probably didn’t want to be a target again. Amber attacking Kristina also leads to Amber hurting Leah


She’s such a cunt my god


Amber's a straight up monster. No kid, certainly not Leah, deserves this.


This has me here in tears. I'm a mother myself, and I could not even imagine the thought of treating my children the way some of these moms treat theirs. It breaks my entire heart watching her try her best not to cry because she knows it's just going to make the fight more intense. She is so blessed to have Christina in her life. She's truly her guardian angel.


The way her momma and sister went to the bathroom to console her ♥️


Still abusing Gary.


Last I watched these two she was physically abusing him in front of their sweet daughter…not much has changed 😵‍💫


Amber saying to Gary that he just needs to chill out over and over again had my effd up. Like really?? Ughh this whole BDAY DINNER FOR LEAH had me so upset. AMBER THIS IS NOT ABOUT YOU!!! I don't know how Kristina keeps her cool.


This actually made me tear up and I’m 41 years old. I can’t imagine how that poor baby feels. I’m so glad Leah has Kristina.


This hurts to watch. Poor Leah She said dad. Never looked at amber and said mom. That says something. Amber, leave that family alone. You’ve done enough to that sweet baby already. And traumatized Gary and Kristina’s daughter! You’re NOT the mother. Maury spoke.


man i havent watched TM in many years but seeing this clip it's the same 16 year old Amber. Shows up an hour late to her daughters bday. Makes it all about herself and her latest BF. insults her daughter for being too mature not to care about the latest fling and not giving AMBER the attention she wanted. then turns the anger toward Gary b/c she went too far with Leah. LIES about being late and blames everyone else. And then makes it about HER being fine once again while ignoring her crying daughter. then finally gives the fake hand on back b/c deep down she knows her daughter doesn't want her touching her and she doesn't truly know how to console anyway. Crazy how Leah having turned 15 shows so much more maturity. Props to Gary and his wife for raising a decent human being.


“I was right on time” with the tone that says “you’re the unhinged one”


This doesn’t seem staged necessarily but it does seem like Gary is playing it up for the cameras. That isn’t me excusing Amber, she is a damn monster. I think Gary was acting this outraged for show🤷🏻‍♀️


was this outrage? he seemed very nonplussed


For Gary? Yeah that was outrage. It’s been a bit since I’ve actually watched the series but from years ago I never saw Gary react like this when he should have in Leah’s defense.


i hate that this is what defense looks like to him. it’s giving nothing


Hmmm, I am agreeing that this isn’t true outrage but because Gary never speaks up for Leah. The “outrage” here is for show and it’s apparent to me. It’s probably why it comes off as *nothing.*


and that makes it even more pathetic! he can’t even act for a check, let alone his kid


She is so Freaking STUPID


And she asked Kristina to take her to the bathroom…sweet girl💔😔


This show needs to end. These poor kids don’t need this shit broadcasted.


No one is surprised that Leah wants Kristina to adopt her. Amber has no maternal instincts. I truly think Leah will go no contact with Amber and maybe sometime soon.


I love your commentary My thoughts exactly


Jesus, that was sad to watch. I’m happy Leah has Kristina.


I swear these two had a fight in one of the earlier seasons where amber used the same exact script in the same exact order. Gary isn’t perfect but at least he’s matured past who he was decade ago.


I’m glad she has her Dad and Kristina. Amber is toxic and everything is about her!


This makes me want to cry. Poor Leah


I can't imagine why Gary even argues with her. I would just have the dinner and afterwards have a one on one and say "Amber, showing up late was very inconsiderate and your attitude has been really offputting. These actions are the reasons why we dont feel comfortable inviting you to future outings. Im not arguing with you, Im telling you how it is." and then LEAVE. Say nothing else.


Poor Leah 😪 Amber hasn’t changed at all, she’s as selfish and awful as always.


Amber has been trash but Gary needs to check her away from cameras. Amber will always be the victim.


Gary is FIIIIIINE…. I can’t believe how good he looks!


I definitely need more therapy after watching this because my first thought was that that is normal for families to have birthdays,holidays and big events to end with crying,screaming,hitting and throwing things...ugh I feel horrible for Leah


The way Amber talks in a whiny voice makes me so angry. How can anyone stand her?


Dude amber is a fucking narcissistic


Ohh my mom used to slap the shit out of us


Why won’t the lady recording this video pipe tf down?