• By -


Her putting her little hand on Leah’s arm when she was upset and then following her to the bathroom was so wholesome.


It looked like she even said “do you want me to come with you?” And Leah nodded 🥺


Imagine if she said no- poor emilee would be stuck between those two clowns. I'm sure she said yes bc she wants comfort from her family but now I'm wondering if it's partially bc she doesn't wanna leave her little sister with them and their mom not in sight.


That was so sweet. The two sisters have a good bond, and Leah can find a bit of comfort in her sister. Honestly, Amber needs to disappear. TM should pay Gary and Kristina so we never see Amber again. Leah needs to never see amber again. I hope the adoption goes through. Leah is more mature than Amber, and I know from experience that that shit is exhausting, hurtful, and lonely. Leah deserves better and Kristina seems to have if.


I noticed that too, not her saying it but how they seem to connect as sisters.


I noticed that it was so sweet


Just trying to comfort her sister ❤️


The siblings on this show give me hope for these kids. Ain’t no love like sisterly love


I love their relationship based on what’s shown on the show ❤️


So sweet!! 🥹


She’s like “did this bitch just say what I think she said?”


This was very reminiscent of 2011 Gary and Amber. I was waiting for her to flip the table and start beating him up again. Especially when she sarcastically asked, “Gary… ya good?”


she hasn’t changed at all. even though she claims she went to jail AND doesn’t raise her child so that she can become a better person


Actually, she went to GEL.




Because she’s a rill woman


And a damn good mom.


Amber had a very small period when she first got out where she seemed to be putting in effort, holding herself accountable and righting her wrongs. I miss that period. She really turned the fandom towards her again after she got out.


It seems like they had her on the right meds in gel and she was doing well. She was afraid to come back to the show, she thought it would be bad for her mental health. But they talked her into it and here we are. No amber, no show.


I remember that time. I honestly, briefly, thought maybe she learned something in there.


Me too. Especially when Drew did that special where he interviewed her.


This entire clip just goes to show she’d still be beating him up today if they were together, and probably Leah, too.


Yes! I know this is tv but it really seemed like Gary needed to step in when he did to take ambers focus off Leah. I mean she had JUST admitted that she was showing self control with only verbally assaulting her child. You could really see how upset he was. This scene probably resonates so much with people who have parents like amber.


I see what you’re saying but I think that would have escalated things tbh, she has very little self control. That said, the best thing would be to have no involvement with her at all. Poor Leah’s birthday was ruined.


I showed my husband that clip and was like isn’t she the worst?! And he’s like yeah… That’s exactly what your mom does too, and my jaw dropped like holy shit she really does. Walks in, starts fights when she doesn’t get enough attention then cries after when people get mad at her for being a bitch. I talk to her only when forced these days.


You're never obligated to speak to your mom. Family doesn't get a pass to be toxic cuz they're family. My advice would be to cut her off completely. You'll find very quickly how peaceful it is. (I cut my mom off just over 2 years ago and it was so worth it!)


I envy you, I cut her off for months after she ruined my Christmas one year (I didn’t pay enough attention to her) and I still say that was the most peace I’ve had in years. Her whole side of the family starts at me, my sister included, to “just ignore her” because everyone has to walk on eggshells around that narc so I get the blame for rocking the boat. She’d be blocked if it wouldn’t take family holidays away from my kids. To be honest at this point I’m waiting for Satan to just come and claim his bride. JNMIL at least helped me to shine up my spine. Thank you for the encouragement though, I grow stronger by the day and one day may manage to rid myself of her. Side story at my sister’s wedding I told her not everything is about you and she was mad for like a month lmao imagine being irate when told you’re not the star of someone else’s wedding.




I feel somewhat guilty bringing this up because there'll never be any hard evidence to present that backs up his claim, but years ago when the sh*t hit the fan between Amber & Andrew he made an accusation that she once got so frustrated with James while he was still an infant that she "threw" him on the bed when she was in a standing position next to the bed. I remember Andrew said that James caught quite a bit of air when she threw him & that even though a bed is generally speaking a "soft" space, his "landing" was rough & he began hysterically crying. Ugh 😞


God, I hate to even think it but in some alternate reality Gary never left her and just imagine how much worse their lives would be if that happened.


You can tell through Leah's reaction even as a small child she remembers it and it's given her anxiety. My parents did this and I had to go to therapy to work through it and I hope she eventually seeks that and cuts Amber out. That is such damaging behavior.


Yeah amber did more damage in those  thirty minutes than most parents do in a year. It's insane to put your fifteen year old through that and I think that gary and kristina should just cut off contact 


Doesn’t Amber still have parental rights? That’s not how this works


If they avoided the one visit every 4 months that Amber shows up for, do you really think she would get off her ass and take it to court? If she did take it to court, what could Amber possibly say that would make a judge ignore her criminal history and Leah's preferences as a 15 year old?


Right she would just stand up there calling kristina and leah names 


Yes, she would take them to court for the cameras. It doesn’t mean it would work out well for her, but Gary skipping out on visits would be Amber’s way of getting him arrested and getting a storyline. I can’t believe nobody realizes this.


They wouldn’t arrest for that. They would file contempt and in the hearing, he can easily justify withholding visits based off just this one televised interaction. Plus he can say he suspected substance use and is withholding visits until he sees a clean drug screen. It’s going to fall on Gary’s side. And even if it didn’t, he would get a fine or have to forfeit time. He wouldn’t go to jail.


Leah is old enough to say I don’t want to be around her and it’s her choice. My nephew did that as soon as he was 14 and wouldn’t go with his dad anymore or be around him due to this same type of situation.


Just curious if youve ever been through the court system because it doesn't sound like it. In order to withhold visits in most jurisdictions, the reasons have to be a major issue, like safety. Unfortunately, sometimes even that isn't enough. My daughter's therapist had to make a safety plan with her when the court wouldn't stop visits until she came home with actual injuries. I don't know what Gary and ambers agreement is, but he really could potentially get in trouble for withholding visits.


I absolutely have been through it multiple times as a professional and am sorry your local system failed you. He can get in trouble but in this situation and a lot of others, no they won’t because the history, the reason, the evidence, and the impact on the child. This comment specifically was about Gary getting arrested for withholding visit from Amber, which wouldn’t happen given the circumstances.


Exactly. They could pretty easily do it if they wanted to and they’re not fighting for Leah at all.


Leah is old enough it would not be an issue. I have a relative who had had issues with his mother. He didn’t have a bedroom at her house, and stopped spending overnights there due to that when he was about 13-14. He would visit his mom for a few hours a few days a week and then go back to his dad’s in the evenings. He stopped visiting his mom entirely when he was 16, had a license, and was responsible for getting himself where he needed to go. Dad tried talking to him about maintaining his relationship with his mother, and how he needed to see her. He would visit maybe once a month, but only when his dad insisted he go over there. Mom took dad back to court to try to modify visitation based off this issue (parents had 50/50 custody prior to this and they largely made their own arrangements with each other as to time spent with each parents). Court called the teenager in and spoke to him alone, and to this day no one knows what he said. He was told he should make an effort to mend his relationship with his mom, given resources on how to begin doing that, and they laid out times he *should* visit (based around his school/sports/work schedules), he was also told the judge would not force him to visit a place at which he felt uncomfortable or had to endure listening to people bash his dad and his (meaning the child’s) life choices and plans for the future. Mom and dad were told the same thing. Dad was told to continue to encourage his son to visit his mother (which the dad was already doing), and mom was told that she needed to listen to her son and make some adjustments in how she acted toward him in order to facilitate better communication and thus a better relationship. Leah would likely be in the same boat. A) Amber would have to take Gary back to court for this to be an issue, and b) the court would listen to Leah’s wishes and why she feels the way she does towards her mother. The court won’t hold Gary in contempt when it’s entirely Leah’s decision if she sees Amber, and Leah isn’t being poisoned against her mother. Gary isn’t a perfect parent but no one could ever accuse him of parental alienation!


You're probably right, but not all places will take a minor childs wishes into account unfortunately.


i’m a little late but i went through the same as a child, watching this clip was super triggering. i haven’t worked through this in therapy or anything but i’m thankful you were able to find some peace. my parents also still do this in front of me almost every time i see them … i’m 33 now 😕


Yes, her mean expression reminded me of when she would physically abuse him.


Right then, I think she wanted to do it again!


her saying “you bring out the worst in me” and calling her daughter a dick makes me believe she wanted to do it to leah actually.


She called him a trash bag after they left.


Hoooo, she should talk!


Takes one to know one!


Because they are all interconnected in the core of the roll of bags??


Like when she used to call him a fat piece of shit when she was on drugs. I think she’s back on drugs


 outside of every single jenelle scene, this was the worst thing I've seen on this show. It was clear that they were only doing this weird afternoon birthday lunch to appease amber and now leah has to deal with the sadness from it for no reason. This is why no contact exists!




Right! He stayed calm but she was triiiiggering him, i was scared she was gonna start swinging 


Yes!!! I thought the same.


I would love for her to meet someone who is really from the ghetto.


It was the "Why are you so sensitive today?" that bothered me so much.


I felt the exact same. Absolutely DISGUSTING, she seemingly was desperate to argue and had something to say about everything Gary and Leah said. Fuck her. She would be completely cut off if I were Leah or Gary. Trash ass bitch.


Good catch. That is actually VERY telling. When are we going to kick amber off the show and give her the treatment she deserves?


Drew will probably take up for her in the finale 🙄


“Why do you think Gary was trying to make you so angry?”


"Why do you think Leah likes to make you feel bad"


Oh yeah, that’s better than mine!


I've been in therapy for several years and this isn't *exactly* a bad question. It's great if the person you're asking actually does introspection, takes accountability and works to change their behavior in the future. So like I would say, well I guess he doesn't really try to make me angry but when I'm with him I am because x, y and z. And work out why those things bother me or trigger me. Or if I'm in the wrong for my reaction to the situation. In normal people they're designed for that "Aha! " moment. That won't work with Amber though.


I see your point about it being an introspective question for someone who is really trying to do therapy but imagine what Amber’s answer would be 🤦‍♀️


Dr. Ew will just tell Leah that she needs to be there for her mom. He's a disgrace.


Never. We're all here talking about her stupid ass, and I'm sure this scene will even lead people to actually watch this floundering shit show. MTV would suck the Devil's dick if it made them more money.


I noticed that! She was like “wow! I’m in a movie!” Then the reality of it all sunk in when Leah was so upset. They seem like such sweet sisters.


This is what I thought! This is not normal behavior to Emily. Leah is used to this bullshit & is upsetting to her. Emily is seeing this as a game or a joke. Get Amber's toxicity away from these girls!


Omg I didn't catch that on my first watch! That's kinda funny.


She’s thinking “Wow! I guess we really are on a reality TV show after all!”


Damn those Gary genes are strong!! Emilee and Leah are carbon copies.


Right? I always think Leah looks exactly like Amber until I see Emilee and realize how strongly the favors Gary. There’s no denying she’s both biologically theirs! 🤣


I was going to start the same thing, copy and paste.


She's adorable. 😂


She's flabbergasted haha


It’s like she’s thinking, am I being pranked??


Some people are just beyond therapy


Some people are beyond helping but they also refuse anything said in therapy.


Sometimes therapy is just fueling the flame. We have all seen how everyone tends to tiptoes around her and praises her for any little thing they can instead of calling her out for her bullshit. I’m sure she found a therapist that will also not call her out on her bullshit. She would never choose someone that’s “against her” and real. She wouldn’t be able to handle it, she has too much anger.


As a therapist someone like Amber is … a specialty. Clients that see any prompts for reflection as a betrayal will just stop so you are left trying to gently get them to see their own behaviors. Tbh I won’t take on many with those traits bc I don’t have the patience. Play therapy is much easier lol. DBT therapists are better at it but clients seeking DBT typically have had the realization they’re their biggest obstacle at least.


She's the type to go to therapy and then call the therapist a bitch and how she is wrong about everything. There really is no saving her, she is a toxic soul at her core. 


Like my stepmom with the rehab therapist when the therapist got concerned about the 24 year old junkie she was cheating on my dad with? -oops sorry, tmi, but my stepmom literally said “I don’t like her, she’s mean to me” about her therapist and I can’t believe how common this actually is


Her therapist is a general pediatric therapist. She needs a therapist that specializes in traumatized adults.


WAIT. Amber’s Therapist is a CHILDREN’s therapist?


It was when she was filming her sessions on the show. That was a while ago but regardless she needs a nervous system/trauma therapist.


She’s watching a tennis match lol


Her reaction 😂😂


I cannot stand Amber! Their are no kind word to describe that girl! Yes, girl because she has never matured. I can understand Gary having an attitude. What annoyed me abit though is you kind of expect that from Amber but I thought Gary or Kristina should have spoken up about Amber calling Leah a dick. Who calls their 15 yr old daughter that!? Let alone a mother with an already fractured relationship with her. I feel like Gary’s attitude contributed to that comment but I wish he had spoken up directly said hey, that’s enough, that’s not okay. He the adult and you can see how uncomfortable Leah was.


I wish Kristina would have said something too, but I think she realizes that gary and Amber are going to have to work out their issues among themselves. She can’t be expected to play referee and they should have both shut their mouths and realized how hurt their daughter was. I also think Kristina knows that Amber has a temper and trying to rationalize with her only makes her angrier. Gary should have gray rocked Amber.


I think you are correct. The only thing is there is only so much a person can take, and he was watching his daughter being attacked. He watched the mother of his child be super late for her birthday, and she tried to make it all about Amber. In a sense, I am glad he he took Amber's focus off of Leah.


Poor Kristina, stuck in a hard space. Gary does like to rile Amber up, but I cannot imagine how exhausting it must be to deal with her. Honestly, they should not be on the show if this is the content and it embarrasses Leah.


This was tough to watch. Leah is a child, this shouldn’t be broadcasted to the world.


I feel like Gary was directing the bashing to him and off of Leah


Yeah. He was constantly trying to redirect and try to move on but Amber wouldn’t shut the fuck up and Gary finally lost it. Although frankly he was still very calm given the stupid shit Amber was saying


I agree! I still feel like the comment Amber made to Leah should’ve been addressed by one of the adults though. It was way out of line


She doesn't seem upset but surprised someone dares to talks to her dad like that. That says something about how the girls are taught to respect adults like parents and teachers too. She looks like someone in her class just incredibly disrespected her teacher and they are in deeep shit for it.


Exactly, she's about to start going " ooooooooohhh daddies in troubleee" like you do when someone gets paged to the principals office.


I meant that she expected Gary to react cause she knows Gary doesn't take that level of disrespect at home. But Gary can't set Amber straight there in a restaurant with the kids there and thank God he grew enough to know he shouldn't. Edit: he must have said something triggering Amber tough. And Amber calls him out in a horrible way, calling him dumb and an idiot. But Leah asks both of them to stop, not just Amber. So Gary started something and his daughter indeed first looks like "oooh, daddy is in trouble."


The fact Amber wants a third kid which she will inevitably lose custody of - is wild and sickening Does she not realise what a terrible unfit ‘parent’ she is


She really doesn't realize it...which is freaking nuts. In Amber's mind, everyone else is the problem. Literally every single person (including her own children) are to blame for her bad behavior and if they just stopped provoking her, maybe they could have a relationship. Amber is incapable of growth.




That isn't necessarily the positive thing everyone in these comments so far assumes it is. Let's not pretend Gary didn't love pushing Amber's buttons too, he was equally verbally combative (not physically). He is on camera talking to Kristina like shit in their early days before he learned to hide it better. Do you know why him being vile to Kristina didn't turn into an argument? Because Kristina shuts down, becomes quietly emotional, sat & took it. My point is just because a couple don't argue doesn't mean it is a healthy relationship. Sometimes it is because their is a power imbalance & one party shuts down & takes things others wouldn't because they are highly conflict avoidant. Hopefully that is no longer the case with these two but I won't pressume it is positive by default.


I’m curious what he was saying to her in the early days? Was it when he was secretly talking to both of them?


Yes & he told Kristina just because she'd got pregnant didn't mean he was going to marry her. Then he told Leah he was only marrying Kristina because she was pregnant & he didn't want the baby. And here he is a few years later still saying shit like this to her. He is always making snide, passive aggressive comments, or dressing them up as only teasing. Making sure Kristina feels insecure so she will keep bending over backwards for his lazy arse. https://www.reddit.com/r/TeenMomOGandTeenMom2/s/XZxk6TWtrV


What did he say after she said you married me? Obviously it was something bad I just can't make out what he's saying and I've listened to it several times now


Even if that were true, ppl do change over time.


Amber and Jenelle haven’t. And that’s just the two easiest examples. I don’t think Brianna, Kiayla, Kayla, Bar, Louis, or Corey have matured or changed much, if at all, either.


No they haven’t. Over time everyone should but some do not, such as amber jenelle etc. As far as Gary yes i say he has matured over the years


I would love to know how Kristina is able to be so calm whenever shit hits the fan. She’s like the most patient person I’ve ever seen. And for her to be so involved with Leah and Amber and so encouraging of their relationship. NGL, there would be a few times where I would not have been able to keep my mouth shut, if I was the stepmother. Which is probably why I am not a stepmother. But really though. Is she using some kind of meditation or something to be this calm. NOBODY IS THIS CHILL -FOR NO REASON AND YOU CANNOT CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE!!!


I say she was just wanting things to calm down and was trying to not make the situation worse.


I’m sure her natural temperament is more on the passive side which makes it easier not to have a loud reaction to things.


Because she’s loves Leah and knows fighting with her mom will only hurt her more so she doesn’t get involved


MTV $$$$


There is never a reason for attitude towards you is there amber?? You’re not a violent crazy lady neglectful abandoning mother huh? 🙄


she gets so defensive instead of asking what she did wrong and when she does sarcastically question it.. you can’t even blame gary for not giving her an explanation because that bitch would flip the table. she’s so draining.


I know Gary was pissed but I really wish he would learn to disengage from ambers shit. I know that he apologized and Amber also kept antagonizing but Gary and Kristina both know her and what she’s like


Someone needed to do something to take the heat off Leah who was right next to Amber as this was happening. This was so awful to watch for Leah. I think he did exactly what needed to be done for this situation. Amber is violent. He dove in an snatched the heat.


Same here.


Someone needed to do something to take the heat off Leah who was right next to Amber as this was happening. This was so awful to watch for Leah. I think he did exactly what needed to be done for this situation. Amber is violent. He dove in an snatched the heat.


Oh I completely noticed that and get it but I think that they just need to stop replying to Amber when she’s getting like this. I know it’s hard but if I were Gary I would have said “listen we can talk about this after. It’s her birthday and we are not doing this right now” but honestly I think this entire dinner should have been stopped when Amber caught Leah a dick. If that was my daughter I would have immediately asked for the check and left with her


She looks like a jerry springer audience member lmao 


HAHAHAHAH oh my gosh this is so accurate


Amber would 100% be on stage, not in the audience 🤣😳 ![gif](giphy|ywHoEv1NVu5tBuVWcV)


Emily is probably glad Amber isn’t her mother. Poor Leah.


Great catch, it shows the reaction to Amber’s behavior from someone raised in a stable, loving home. Even a CHILD can see Amber is unhinged.


I think Gary has some PTSD here too. The way he's saying doyourthing doyourthing really fast, he doesn't want to be abused in front of his young children again.


Omg I was gonna point this out but didn’t think it was a joking matter.. but her laughing and swinging her head like that lmao she ain’t know if they was playing or what


Amber has no regard for being appropriate or even how Emilee could have reacted.


Emilee acted more mature and empathetic than Amber in this situation!


She likes chisme 🤣🤣 my daughter is 5 and if her friends are getting in trouble she comes and sits between them and the mom/dad scolding smiling 🤣🤣 Just staring at me like yup they’re getting in TROUBLEEEE OH SHIT I’m watching. Little shit lol. But I also think it’s cause she wants to break it up with her cuteness but idk hahaha


I mean…i’m not sure there’s anything laughable about what you’re describing…


Very true she’s not used to seeing her dad be challenged. Good eye


Amber's such a shit person and Mom. She always thinks she's well adjusted, mature and able to handle things when it's very clear she doesn't. I unfortunately live down the road from her and know where this restaurant is that they met at. It's only 25 min away from her house. So for her to be an hr late....just proves she didn't give a rats ass whether she was on time or not. Her bf, the "new Gary" looks like a complete douchebag! And it's also very clear, it doesn't matter if she's in her rental in Fountain Square or up in Geist where her "big house" is.....she's a couch creature! Her and old Gary have that in common! Wonder why they didn't work out..... haha!


Your rides here Amber ![gif](giphy|101zSb0Dslq0hy)


I had great parents growing up and never had to deal with substance abuse. My MIL was a cocaine addict and then alcoholic, and seeing the stress this has caused my husband over the many years (and he is great at compartmentalizing his feelings), makes me wish this woman would just disappear. It sounds bad, but Leah does not need Amber in her life at all. She does not want her in her life and they need to stop pushing her. Leah should not be made to feel guilty. Amber only cares about Amber and will hurt others to try and get what she wants. She is not worthy of a relationship with Leah.


Good catch! That is very telling. Her reaction made me laugh. 😂 When Emilee put her little hand to comfort Leah when going to the bathroom, that made my heart melt. They seem like such sweet sisters to each other. 🥹


She was definitely so flabbergasted and comes off comical that an adult can act like that. It was very sweet that she followed Leah and their mom to comfort her. It was so bizarre when Gary apologized to Leah then Amber yelled at him. Or how they went to the bathroom and Amber still continued on 


I noticed when Amber first arrived Emilee was leaning into Gary's lap to get away from her. Don't blame you sis!


I noticed Kristina looking similar to this!


Amber says “I wasn’t even late “ wow she’s delusional !!


I was right on time!! 😒


Wow Garry's DNA is strong.


Ya the girls look like Gary's mom.


I know it's mostly kristinas influence but I give him props for also creating a very healthy environment for them


Little Emilee is just the sweetest 😭 the way she made sure Leah was okay after her birthday dinner 💗💖💓❤️ you can tell she is shocked by Amber.


Her little face is so cute but as a whole it’s sad. She didn’t grow up like this, she’s had a mom who loved and protected her from day one, so she didn’t understand the severity until she saw her sister crying then you can literally see her realize it isn’t funny. It’s not enough for Amber to suck the innocence out of her own kids, now she’s going after other people’s kids too like a goddamn energy vampire.


She’s wishing she had some popcorn 🍿


Obviously Amber is a piece of shit like always here, but why the FUCK did neither of the adults at the table stop this conversation sooner? It went on way too long and should have been over after the first retort. I feel for Kristina - i sometimes wonder where she even fits into her own life, but Jesus Christ, lady, you have two kids to protect, one of whom has absolutely nothing to do with any of this and should be shielded from this intense aggression at all cost. While neither of those kids should be exposed to Amber, the amount of time that back and forth went on was really troubling, especially to the little one.


Gary makes super cute kids.


Emilee reacted exactly how I look when drama starts on tv


She’s like “the AUDACITY “ 😤


She really said “👁️👄👁️”


My man was so upset at Amber because girl it’s one thing to talk like shit in front of your own kid but to cuss in front of mine is crazy poor Kristina and to top it off when she finally showed up to the dinner she didn’t even bother saying hi to poor little emilee or Kristina even.


To be fair, they may have edited out any greeting Amber may have said to them. However, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if she didn’t say anything to them.


Omg she’s so funny 😂


Gary's gene 🧬 is strong AF bc the girls look like twins !!!!!


And the fact Kristina was crying with Leah says so much


I don’t know how Kristina doesn’t go off on Leah. I’m sure it’s a good thing that she doesn’t because she shows Leah how a responsible good person should behave, but my gosh if someone would talk to my husband like that or even worse my daughter who I’ve been raising even though the bio mom has not I feel like I would go tf off. Hats off to Kristina for being so damn amazing.


Yeah, you can see she almost finds it funny at first, likely because she's never been exposed to arguing in a serious manner like this.


I agree. Amber is the worst. I only saw the clip, not the show. But i noticed that when Leah told them to stop she said dad, not mom. Like, she doesn’t see Amber as a mom.


A traumatic moment for you recorded and on tv… they should not be putting her on the show.


She looks like she's watching the most amusing game of tennis 😂


Where can I see this scene online? Thanks 🙏🏻


I’m in Canada and it can be seen on CTV.ca , no fees. … hope that helps!


The new Gary better make sure he hides that machete. He’s super bald, easy to scalp.


This is kind of off topic ... I've been away from the States for 30 years. Do people really have dinner at 3:30? When do they have lunch?


I think Gary mentioned they were going right after school because Leah had homework to do later on


I assumed it was that early so A) Amber was sober B) they could get through the obligation of Amber and get home to the real celebration


My son eats school lunch at 1030 am, so he's hungry as soon as school ends. She probably was going right after school, before they got comfy at home.


It really is a honest question. Thank you! 😊 I was just surprised. When I was little, we had dinner at 6:30, but I'm pretty sure school starts earlier now.


We normally eat around 5, because of how hungry he gets.


I bet he starts school pretty early right? At the time, school started at 8:30


Yes. 730. Out at 240


I did not notice! Omg so funny


Emilee is enjoying this so much, she's so cute.


Emilee’s reaction is priceless 🤣🥰😇


But thank GOD for Kristina !!!! She is the woman / mother figure Leah needed


Tbh, Emilee looks like she's HERE for it‼️😂 The expression on her face‼️I didn't notice it until now‼️ I'm DYING‼️‼️🤣


Yeah she was clearly uncomfortable. First coping with silliness, then she literally leaves the table, then comes back and soothes Leah.




The way Amber still talks down to this man, I couldn't be Kristina. I would lose it on her. Amber always wants to engage in conflict no matter where she is or whose around. She is trying so hard to bait Gary.


Amber is a C. U. Next. Tuesday


That poor girl will remember that Amber ruined her birthday all because Gary said something to the effect of it’s getting late at 6PM. I’m glad she has her step mom, at least she is stable for Leah.


And all she was worried about was the recognition of the gift she bought for her. No care for her emotions at all. No reassurance or care towards Leah.


Idk why everyone pussy foots around her instead of keepin it 💯 and giving her a reality check ( no pun inteded) I'd be damn if I get punked by a bitch that's shaped like captain underpants


Gary's had enough of her shit There's only so much you can take before you gotta go off on the bitch


I’m sorry but there isn’t a woman on this earth who could wake up everyday without custody of her kids and be happy unless she’s an absolute narcissistic sociopath


The part that got me was when Leah started crying and Amber says “honey I’m fine” Yeah, you fucking dumb bitch whore, YOU ARE FINE. You are also the ADULT and no one asked if you were okay! Your daughter is crying on her birthday, and you say “Leah honey I’m fine.” I have never hated Amber more than I do watching that scene.


Gary needs to stop inviting Amber to these things. He reminds me of my dad in a way. Neither of my parents have had drug/alcohol issues like Amber but as soon as my siblings and I turned 18, my dad basically went no contact with my mom unless he absolutely needed to discuss something about us kids.


Gary is the much better parent of the two. Amber is no where close to him. Gary and Kristina built a stable, loving, successful life for their kids and Leah is better off staying away or not to expect anything from her. Amber is the cool aunt not a mom. It’s sad Leah acted like more of an adult at 15 at her bday dinner.


Amber is NOT the cool aunt. She’s the aunt your parents make you visit every year or two. The one who smells off, kind of stale, says weird shit you don’t really understand and, if she gives you any kind of present, it’s weird, not age appropriate (usually for a much younger child) or a very small amount of cash (think $1-$5) while acting like she’s the most generous person you’ve ever met. She tries to come off as the nicest, richest, smartest, most grand relative of all, while living in a bit of a rundown, ramshackle house with old musty furniture that was new 50 years ago and handing out stale wagon wheel treats she bought before your last visit 3 years ago.


There is so much more stability and consistency with Gary and Kristina.

