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Great read, what if any updates have been found for psychiatric withdrawal?


I had great results over two months. The first few weeks I didn’t feel hungry at all. Then, more hungry but I stayed strong and ate small. Also read these and other forums. So I did a gradual spacing. Every other day. For a week and then every third day. Then fourth day. Then once a week. Then stopped. I know, but I had no trouble. I know it was still there but I had no trouble at all. 500mg tabs. Who’s knows I might be one that has no trouble.


Why did you stop after 2 months? I just started a week ago, great energy throughout the day. No weight loss yet but I CANNOT SLEEP! I toss and turn all night. I wear a fitbit to bed and it is the worst sleep scores ever and higher resting heart rate. Does that go away?


Yes, sorry I meant 4 months. I took two bottles of 500mg oral. (Pill) I went off because I lost a lot of weight rapidly, so I just wanted to let it cleared out of my system. And make sure everything in my body was good. Then I started it again to finish my goals. I’m back on it now. It works. Hunger curbed and I get full quickly. Really small amounts of food. No other side effects or feelings for me. But I would recommend it.


Which companies make good Tesofensine? Please tell me.




When did you start seeing weight loss? I have been on it almost 3 weeks and not even a pound has gone down. Again I am not sleeping at all and it's making my resting heart rate go up by eight beats. Maybe I need to power through it?


You could try cutting your dosage down. Half in the morning half early afternoon. It works on the fat strong your organs first I’ve heard and read. So many people advise to stay consistent until you finish. Of course in the rare case that you just don’t respond to it as you know, there are other popular peptide options.


Thank you. Mine is a capsule. Maybe I will try every other day but I know the half life is very strong so not sure if that will help with the build up affect.


Which companies make good Tesofensine? Please tell me.


Peptide science is the best one if you can afford it


How much weight did you lose?


A little under 20lbs, daily walking and I get hungry but I can only eat really small portions and I’m full. But I started back because I want to lose more!


Funny, I was looking into this because of side effects from gl-1s. Tirzepatide made me sleep all the time, wonder if this would counteract that side effect.


I had to stop. I seriously was having the worst sleep ever and I noticed I have been sweating like a pig for weeks, so hot all tge time especiallyat night. I know it has a super long half life so I hope to get it out of my system. My functional nurse has had amazing success on it so I am bummed.


I just started taking tesofensine my capsules are 250 , but I'm cutting them into a quarter to start just bc im watching out for side effects and I'll increase as I go . I'll also update here. So far it's day 1 and I've taken not even a quarter of the capsule today, along with 5 amino and I still feel awake at midnight, but not panicky.


I had trouble sleeping for the first few weeks when starting but no anxiety. I started out with 250mcg and over a six week period worked my way up to 500mcg with no further sleep issues. After about a week at 500mcg I did start experiencing some other severe side effects. I have them listed in this post.


Yeah I ended up stopping after 4 days, I couldn't handle the extreme panic it was causing. Like I felt like I wanted to climb out of my skin. 😅🤣. It was bad. I've never felt like that except for when I consume caffiene (developed a sensitivity to stimulants) so I just avoid them all completely. When I initially tried tesofensine, I was told it wasn't a stimulant, but that it was a nootropic and almost all nootropics are stimulants in nature, so that explains why I felt the way I did while taking it. It sucks though that it didn't work for me. I wish I could go back to taking ephedrine like I did years ago, that actually gave me zero side effects whatsoever and I lost weight easily on it.


I absolutely loved the feeling it gave me when I first started taking it except for the lack of sleep. I felt energized, no anxiety, increased mental clarity and an overall sense of wellbeing. Just recently stopped taking it. Once the negative side effects that I recently started having subside I plan on jumping back on at the original lower dosage.


Ephedrine and caffeine worked for me as well. There's a long term study from Harvard that shows it's safe and effective for weight loss. In fact I just checked and it's available at my local drugstore so I should probably start taking it again. They probably have it where you live. It's just regulated now so you can't get something like bronkaid off the shelf. You have to ask someone in pharmacy to get it for you.


Yeah I know I can get bronkaid, I'm just worried about whether or not I've developed a sensitivity to that as well since I can no longer consume caffeine. I haven't taken Ephedrine since like 2013. I haven't had caffeine since 2020. It used to be nothing for me to have 2 or 3 energy drinks and a 20 oz man dew or cherry Pepsi daily and now I don't have none of it, not even coffee unless it's decaf


Are you in Canada by chance?


No america


Here is a video of some people are more visual learners TESOFENSINE the OZEMPIC alternative! https://youtu.be/9doNK9Q6boY


Does anyone know how long you should cycle on/off of it?


Has anyone noticed an increase or decrease in cravings for alcohol?


Have you ? I’m thinking about starting my dosage tomorrow am


I haven't begun using it yet, but I've read that semaglutide decreases cravings. If Teso does too, all the better. I'm a little worried about the insomnia, I sleep like sh!t as it is.


been taking .500 daily for 4 weeks. not really doing much for me so i’m gonna stop. should I just cut it off or do I need to ween myself off


Has anyone ever had any of the following symptoms from tesofensine? Stomach pain. Bloating/stomach distention, a significant increase in BP, tenesmus (the urge to have a bowel movement but can’t).


I am taking it for a week. 500mcg per day. Ordered from peptide science and so far no side effects but I dont really feel the effect as well. Maybe my mood is a little bit more elevated and I have slightly more energy. If you compare it to Adderall it feels like mostly nothing but again I am on my day 6 and the half life of the drug is 9 days so maybe it will get stronger but I doubt it


Will it interact with an SSRI such as Sertraline?


Research online says to be careful with ssris and snris due to possibility of serotonin syndrome.




Very interesting to read about the acute kidney injury potential. I stopped it after the first week as I noticed kidney pain that became pretty significant. Hmm


As far as I know your kidney can't hurt. Google it It's not how it works. I once almost died from overdose and doctors said my kidney almost failed and I had years of drug abuse never had a pain


Which companies make good Tesofensine? Please tell me.


Peptide science is the best one. It's pricey but the purest one. I take it for 6 days 500mcg daily and so far no side effects at all


Upd: sleep got much worth woke up on day 7 at 5:30am feeling high


Doing 0.5 mg per day, feeling very good. But also using a boatload of other things. PEDs Peptides etc. - best cut I ever did.


Opinions on EOD?


Can you drink moderately on this?