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It was very very bad getting out of there. I had gone to yoga in the morning and as soon as I got to the festival grounds they announced it was ending. My camp was an hour (minimum) hike about 2.5 miles from the closest entrance. Got there at 8am on Friday. I will say we were in the car camping (it’s not even on the ‘map’ it’s so far out) and thank goodness the local police asked the property owners behind the fest to allow people to leave through the single road. So a lot of people were able to get out that way but there was absolutely no direction no people to my knowledge most if not all of the workers just walked out (can’t blame them even though it was absolutely awful). The weather shouldn’t be too bad but hopefully they’re out by now! It took us about 4 hours before they opened the back exit it was standstill and another hour to get to the highway. The service there was really bad and everyone was panicked so try not to worry too much!


I didn’t leave until almost 2 hours after eclipse; got no issues just slow moving and some people needing a jump but not major wrecks or anything. Weather never got bad either.


I honestly wish we had just waited until after the eclipse because I figured the weather wasn’t going to be bad until much later but my friends were worried about getting out and we had gotten separated and their worry about getting out turned into us leaving at the exact same time as pretty much everyone 🤣 definitely the least organized festival I’ve ever been to and I hope Disco Donnie learns a lesson from this and everyone makes it safe! I still had so much fun and the vibes of everyone there were amazing and the artists absolutely killed it so I’m glad I went! Sad to miss the last day but I can’t imagine what it would’ve been like tomorrow lmao


My friends who were in line with us to leave at 11 am just made it out of the venue. Pretty sure people may still be stuck there


Oh my god… we left at 9 made it out in good time but we saw how it was gonna get bad


Same, left at 10:30 with no wait


Thank you! Were they in RV or tent camping? I have a feeling it’s hectic there but I’m on the other side of the country lol!


one of my friends is still there