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So anyway, I started blastin..


They should just install pepper spray bombs. Game over street takeover. Go go gadget pepper spray!


pepper-spray-thrower sounds nice. Just a dude in a gasmask spraying down a whole block haha. But yeah vehicle grenade launchers like the military ones for smoke to dispense it from the safety of the car is smart too.


Just get a crop duster with pepper spray and pilot it with a Vietnam vet. Play some Jimi Hendrix on loud speaker while we're at it.


Or Wagner


lol, I don’t think Jimi would approve though man


I will dye the pepper spray purple and name the aircraft 'Purple Haze'. Will probably get haunted, but worth it. Victory lap playing: Purple haze all in my eyes Don't know if it's day or night You got me blowin', blowin' my mind Is it tomorrow, or just the end of time? Ooh Help me Ahh, yeah, yeah, purple haze Oh, no, oh Oh, help me!


This is the way 😁


People will think that's a good idea and effective, then complain about how we've militarized the police.


No the cop will just be charged for police brutality. We live in a world that promotes anarchy due to the few bad eggs captured on even dumber peoples cell phones in the hell holes across America. I don't envy the brave men and and women who choose this thankless career. What has our society come to...smh


Unfortunately they only seem to use it on college kids and BLM protests.


Do those backpack mosquito foggers work with pepper spray? That would be awesome to use.


Not even a gas mask, just turn the AC on recirculate and have nozzles that mist it outside of the car. And of course loud speakers blaring 'We're Not Gonna Take It.'


A pepper spray drone!


This message will self-destruct.


Honestly that’s a simple fix. Just pepper bomb the crowd and let them leave. Nobody gets hurt but if they do that on the reg people will just give up.


In South Africa they would install flamethrowers under the car.


So anyway, I put the pedal to the metal and was 10-10 on the side.


Beat me to it hahaha


We all need to channel our inner Frank


Can't tell but if I was in his shoes my pistol would be drawn and menacingly placed on the dash for everyone to clearly see....


I don’t think I would disagree with that decision.


Out of all the words this generation knows, they forgot 2 of their favorites..... Dash Cam Edit.. skibidi


Beat me to it, take my upvote damnit!




Kinda surprised they didn't. I guess cops only shoot at old dogs and acorns.




Yes id walk in the department hand over empty service gun and 1empty clip. Take shirt off and sit in cell. When asked where the other clips are and why no rounds left. I plead the 5 and need my lawyers


You know they're going to start using drones to ID people and record evidence, and if shit gets dystopian even quicker, they'll start dropping tear gas on the crowd.


Sounds reasonable


Within the next 10 years, absolutely. They're already making face recognition-blocking masks irrelevant by ID'ing people by their gait alone, you get some people in the government wanting to deter future January 6th type events, and seeing how drones are dominating the battlefield in Ukraine, we're going to see more widespread application in the coming years.


Hopefully, we can use it to stop events like the billions in damage caused by the 2020-2021 riots across the country. Edit: those of you who downvote this comment to oblivion, do you disagree that there was billions in damage done during these riots? Or are you simply down voting because our political views don't align? I know you won't answer, but I think it's time we all come to the agreement that destroying the country and giving it a pass due to politics is bullshit, no matter which side you're on.


Giving u an updoot to do my part to counter the downvotes


For every action, there is a reaction. I'm curious to see how they will respond.


Kids running around in form-hiding ponchos, firing railguns or some shit lol. If we're lucky, eventually they'll just do it in VR.


I'm imagining teenagers all doing the Monty Python ministry of silly walks. https://youtu.be/iV2ViNJFZC8?si=LucZ8CNfftQcqQgd


I just watched Dune 2, a sandwalk might work lol.


If you walk without rhythm, you won't attract the worm. 


I still can't hear this without imagining a dancing Christopher Walken.


Hmmm, I actually seeing this being super helpful.


Just wear 2 separate shoes when crimein


Get an escooter.


Sounds like it’s time for the Ministry of Silly Walks to shine!


I think this is the real reason for keeping masks on so long. They were testing ID capability in their cameras and surveillance systems. This and the whole Ten Year Challenge that came and went about the same time.


They need to start that now. California is a joke.


I was amazed when I lived in LA a decade ago and saw a good portion of the nicer cars on the road don't even have license plates. Its part of some loophole about having the car for less than 6 months or something, and Steve Jobs used to do something fucky with it, but at the end of the day, it meant there were people rolling around in a 5000lb deadly weapon with no way to identify it. I've witnessed more crime and motor vehicle accidents in LA than anywhere else in the world. I was walking down the street one day in Korea Town, and out of no where, an Infiniti peels out from around an intersection, mounts the curb, headed right towards me and my buddy. I was able to hop a short fence, which was later crushed by the car, and my buddy got clipped and slid down the sidewalk a bit. I also saw a motorcycle that was splitting lanes crash through a lady's windshield, breaking both of his femurs.


You saw a motorcycle break both of his femurs....


He meant the lady


It's California, we don't punish petty crime here.


Haha, yeah, you'd all be in jail.


This is 100% going to happen.


I’m good with that


Did you also just watch the movie Upgrade on Netflix…


Haha yes


They’ve been using drones already for a few years


Oh totally, but we don't have the number of operators or accessible drones to use them that often.


They’ll just wear a mask


See my later comment.


To be fair its a decent strategy.


The latest drone technology in the MIC is mind-blowing


We could just borrow the Chinese system. Welcome to your new social credit score. Dystopian AF


Bro it’s California, no one is getting in trouble short of murdering a cop or something on that level. And even that’s on the table lol.


Location data from cell phones is already being used to compile data from these events with the ability to ID individuals if absolutely needed but not normally done. Various methods are already in use nationwide to track and locate such as LPR's and biometric readers. Ever been suddenly pulled over on the highway while doing the speed limit? Most likely an order was given to make a positive ID on the driver with a bullshit reason given for pulling you over.


Everything is being recorded onto massive servers waiting for the day that AI and quantum computing can sift through the petaflops of data. It's scary as shit. No one will br safe.


They could look back at traffic cam footage and pretty much issue every driver, every day, a speeding ticket.


Trash ass people


California parenting @ its finest




Thank you


Boys will be boys 🤷‍♂️ who among us haven’t attacked a police vehicle.


I have a feeling things will just "take care of themselves" with these kids at some point.


Thats how people get shot sooner or later.


Yeah but then they’re going to scream police brutality and hate killings. So..


“He was just an angel who wouldn’t hurt a fly. The police should’ve just been minding their business”


Here's hoping it's sooner.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Yea I’m pretty firmly on the side of police are the baddies usually however this situation… just open fire


Look at the demographics


How dare you point out that true fact about the world


Little darlings are so brave with their faces covered


Punks! They will act this way until an opposite reaction shows them why it is not a viable action. It is always fun and games when your young and you feel 10 feet tall and bullet proof and you are above retribution, but sooner or later, karma will always bite you in the ass.


I keep hoping it's sooner. This nonsense in the states need to stop


They hope there will be a response, then sue for racism and brutality, then get rich. It’s been endorsed by our president.


It's interesting to me how reddit is either extremely pro-cop or extremely anti-cop. There is no between


I'm pro-using my brain, so when I see a video of a deputy shooting a 13 year old blind Chihuahua sized dog, on camera, while claiming he was afraid of his life, then lies about it, I obviously get pissed. But when I also see trash people looking for every reason to break shit and attack cops showing up because a situation is getting out of hand, *then * get attacked, I get just as pissed. I don't like cops in general, but I also hate people causing chaos for no reason. Both situations are pissing me off. I can dislike cops but also empathize with the humans that are sitting in the police cars, both at the same time


fr.. like in this video im like hey u should probably not jerk open a police door, cause u about to be shot in the chest. n then we'll have a big protest n shit, when really yall need to not fuck with them cops at these things. BUT... on the other hand i hate the cop that shot Gizmo =((((


lol "teens"


Mace em


He couldn't if he wanted to. There are too many at once. The rabid way they're acting, he would have endangered himself if he opened the window. Wheelies might work, though 🤔


Why the fuck is a ‘street takeover’ a thing?!!


Because there's really no consequences to their actions.


No consequences. And city leaders point the finger at these people having nothing to do or no opportunity, And these parents never bothered to teach them how to behave in a normal society


It's one of this generation's rebellious behaviors. I personally hate it. They have done them near my house and it's so fucking loud and there's always dare-devil aggressive drivers in the area during the lead up, then sirens afterwards. Get off my lawn, idiots! They're trying to get footage to post their exploits on social is the bottom line, I think. Also, there's a young person in my family from another state who from all evidence participates in this stuff and has had expensive damage to their very expensive vehicle multiple times, but mommy and daddy have paid to have it fixed every time. Grow up already...


It's a TikTok world now. The days of normalcy are long gone.


That's an interesting perspective. It's true that social media, especially platforms like TikTok, has changed a lot about how we interact and consume content. But I think "normalcy" is a bit relative. Every generation has seen major shifts in culture and technology that seemed to turn the world upside down. The rise of TV, the internet, smartphones—each of these brought huge changes. So, while things might seem pretty wild now, it's just the latest in a long line of societal transformations. Normalcy evolves with the times. Think back to the 1980s and early 1990s, especially in Los Angeles. Gang violence was off the charts with the Crips and Bloods clashing all over South Central LA. It was so bad that there were entire neighborhoods where cops didn’t even want to go. And then there was the 1992 LA riots after the Rodney King incident. That was another time when things got so out of control that some areas were basically no-go zones for law enforcement. So yeah, while today's issues might look a bit different, California has definitely seen some pretty chaotic times before.


Our society is f*cked as we know it. RIP


California is a cesspool of the finest order 🤮🤯


Blue State


“James was a great person. He would never do anyone any harm.” - James’ parents after he took two to the chest for assaulting a cop.


Just dreamers being dreamers.


Parents should be so proud!


And then find it strange when shots are fired by the police?


I’m noticing an ongoing trend with the people who do this…


Kids these days, I tell ya...


I love them people film themselves breaking the law. Like bro you just gave any prosecutor you'll see in court after your arrest, 100% chance at conviction


If you can find a DA in California willing to prosecute something like this..


No point in even being a cop if you can't do nothing


And the parents will cry and say why did they shoot my baby…..


Shoot them. That’s the only way to handle this.


Anyone care to explain what a "street take over" is and what's the point?


It’s pretty much what it sounds like. I’m not in CA but where I live it’s basically an unsanctioned/illegal drag race. Think “flash mob” but with cars. Tons of people show up at a predetermined location (often armed depending on what kind of crowd you run with), have a little car show, hang out briefly, smoke a blunt, do donuts, and have drag races. This is usually done on public streets. They took over a section of I-40 in Memphis a few months ago. I think it’s a pretty neat cultural phenomenon but obviously it’s super disruptive to the normal operations of everyone else. Also, due to mob mentality and the fact that people who have problems with each other bring their guns with them, it’s a dangerous scene.


So people who think that the fast and furious is real..... And then made it real...


These actions get you free college in California? I'm not up to date on what the west coast is doing these days.


Pepper spray would set them straight😂 give a good blast and drive off


Is this scene from that classic film- 2001 space oddity? Who gave them all the same dumbass ideas and hoodies? This is just so pathetic on so many levels. I'd be very upset if they actually did something!




Peak society


Treating the cops unfairly. But when the cops treat them unfairly, that's unfair


Just get out grab a few of them and arrest them. You wont get everyone, but you will send a message.


Never take on a crowd like this alone. They are absolutely fearless in large numbers.


One warning shot to the air and they will scatter like cockroaches


What goes up, must come down. Also, warning shots are stupid, dangerous, and are not effective as they are in the movies.


Just need one kid. Charge him to the full extent of the law and then reach out to the community and explain if everyone who participated comes forward the charges will be less for everyone… watch that neighborhood collapse.


idk, you might be surprised at how fast they race to be the snitch.


The teens investigated themselves and found that their actions were in accordance with the rules they set for themselves.


Has this been happening for hundreds of years or only in the last 10 years?


Looks like the authorities are slowly losing authority. What kind of world will we be living in?


What happens when the younger generations have no meaningful job prospects, no positive future outlook, and little to no resources to get anything beyond means to just survive, add in a state or country that further erodes or presses upon their civil liberties? We get pushback, we get them tearing down a system not meant for them and the rewards long since captured by older generations. I don't envy them, I don't always agree with them, but I see them and I understand the frustrations. I think we should look deeper into this situation and today it is them but tomorrow the resources may not even be there for us, I choose compassion and looking to work with others than simply cast them off as the dredges of society. This got deeper than I meant for it to, but these events sadden me on all sides. The kids violence and our responses to it. They're just like us, but something has changed for the worse, how can we fix it or help each other out or at least recognize these are secondary responses to bigger social/economic issues at hand.


This is the most reasonable comment in the thread so far. sure the behavior in the video sucks but no one wonders how we got here or what to do to fix it. The answer is not to murder the perpetrators. Your first sentence about no meaningful prospects or future is spot on. And, in my opinion, is the problem and has been the problem for generations. Some of the people in this video are the sum of decades upon decades of being held down, intentionally, by government and community. Some of these kids look around and say, “I’m stuck in a system that was against my parents and grand parents, is against me, and will be against my children. All I see is death or prison at the end with absolutely no one offering a helping hand.” I understand why they would lash out or have a “fuck it attitude.”


How is this not grounds for deadly force. I’m sorry, but that cops life is in danger.


SB residents? Just start shooting.... They truly don't provide anything to society and we could use less of em 🤷




"Tazer! Tazer! Tazer!"


Should have started practicing wheelies, tbh. These kids are feral.


Pepper spray nozzles!


Very nice cop in there




Ah the youth of California making their parents and neighbors proud…


Seems that most of the comments on this thread are bots lol


I have a feeling all these kids were stuck at home during covid playing GTA5 Role-play because what kind of shut is this? Foreal what goes through someone’s mind.


So tolerant


Shoot em


Scott’s Tots?


https://youtu.be/aLhWzMOccTg?si=QWUIJddLV3FOF-Ub Wait till they start using these…


This is 3rd world behaviour.


Run 👋 them 👋 over 👋


Everything goes according the plans: Politicians make regulations so teens can do as they please, law abiding citizen, remain quiet and government will get the right to repress whenever they want. Moral downgrading in USA is inevitable.


Absolute cowards. Look at them trying to hide their identity. Funny how they only start acting out when they feel like they have the protection of their mob.


Great way to an early dirt nap


You really wanna know how to stick it to them? Start fining the parents. Bring back the belts.


People that attend these are fucking stupid.


Pull the 12 gauge out and go to work


What, no Trunk Monkey?


"They're just kids" the parents will say. As if the parents never did anything bad to their community or to other people.


If Anyone in Cali wants to get out and run for the hills Santiam Canyon in Oregon is very welcoming.


Fucking with the people who actually have the authority to take you out really smart


That would never happen in Texas.


That’s not a smart idea.


I saw an article last week about how 1 out of 10 kids in California were missing from school and not working. I’m not saying all are behaving like thugs, but I would imagine parents are powerless to this gang behavior.


Once they start spraying, it’s assaulting minors


Cop could have done the world a real solid. What a wasted opportunity


Their parents would be proud 🥹


terrific homeless wide meeting toothbrush pathetic squeamish hateful rotten full *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


San Bernardino County Sheriffs are lying bastards who fucking hate the constitution and America. By American standards these kids are the Boston Tea Party.


This is just straight sickening..


Nothing the DA or the police could do. I'm sure these kids are on their way to school in the morning. Should stop giving them a hard time. They're just blowing off steam.


Californian crime and morality are out control and Californian Cops can’t do shit about it.


That sound. Monkey mode. They're done acting human. People change in a crowd.


If I were cops in California I wouldn't engage either since they would put themselves at risk of prosecution by the marxist government if any of the kids get hurt. I'd simply sit back and draw my paycheck and let the public who voted for the marxist deal with them.


too bad police couldn't open fire on the buffoons




Gotta love California and their trash. Moving to other states like AZ and Utah to try and turn them into the same garbage they just left


This is what happens when parents aren’t around and there are no consequences to a persons actions


Imagine how nice society would be without people like this. These are bottom feeding parasites on societies ass.


Oh no black peoples causing ruckus… why I never thought I’d see the day. Lol 😂


Everyone. Break the cycle. Vote for RFK!


I hope that San Andreas fault line acts up soon. Tired of these Californians. Whole state needs to just go out to sea 🖕🏻


Brainrot. The Divided States of Brainrot is where we live. Good ole' DSB