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Black basecoat, and if my brush can't reach it, it's shadow.


A brush seems to work. Some people use paint.


Some weirdos even use paint AND a brush.


Then there’s ogryn boyz, who only use paint.


For Guard especially, basing is important. Whatever coat of paint you slap on top of 200 infantry is going to be less important visually then what they're all standing on. I really had to up my base game, but it pays off in a big way.


I personally don't do sub assemblies because there's so goddam many of them, I find if you're smart with your order of painting em it shouldn't matter unless you really care about the edge highlights on the receiver on rifle side that's about 2mm away from the body. I spray em zandri dust, paint the metal bits silver, then the gun which would only possibly get onto the chest from being a bit slap dash or hands, boots and other straps black, then flesh, then the green on the carapace, touch up anything you might of missed, then a wash and I'm done.


Also, super glue males fools of us all. I can paint something up in a sub-assembly only to have the whole thing go white-streaky coming together.


Yeah I always use plastic glue which doesn't work through paint but I just put a blob of blutac over the connecting parts


Black Basecoat. The thing is the guard models have so many details, like straps on the backpacks, pouches, tactical knives, grenades etc. they’re small enough to justify using only a single layer+shade on them and they do a great job of pulling the eye away from patches where a brush can’t reach - esp if the basecoat is conveniently black as shadow


I recommend a test model. It’s going to help you learn about what’s working for you and what you would hate doing 200 times.


Personally I like to contrast paint my kasrkin with thin coats cuz it leaves a bit of a dappled affect for a slight camo appearance (some dont like it but i do) so i prime with black and zenithal with wraithbone


Unless you are painting for display, you shouldn’t use subassemblies. Here’s how I recommend everyone paint the new Cadian range: Pick a fatigues colour that will allow you to paint your leathers and armour over the top in single coats of Contrast. Assemble in full. Spray undercoat in your fatigues colour. Drybrush the entire model in your fatigues highlight. Use a contrast or similar paint to do the armour plates. Use a contrast paint to do the leathers. Use a contrast paint to do the weapons (black). Paint the skin in Rakarth Flesh. Paint the skin with a flesh wash or contrast. Paint the metals. Wash the entire model with a diluted brown or black shade. Paint any unit markings. Paint the base. If there were any parts you couldn’t reach, drop in some undiluted shade to hide them.


if your working with old cadian sculpts what i do is 1) assemble torso, legs, and head. and paint 2) assembls and paint arms with guns 3) paint small black dots on eyes 4) [use army painter dip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TyYTpEj6-hE&t=337s) to shade model [(will give a very nice DD look for the face)](https://mmos.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/darkest-dungeon-butchers-circus-dlc-keyart-banner.jpg) guard are also a very good army to turn into [your dudes](https://1d6chan.miraheze.org/wiki/Your_Dudes), some websites like [Mad Robot Miniatures](https://madrobotminiatures.com/) and [victoria Miniatures](https://victoriaminiatures.com/) offer a nice selection of custom heads, weapons and arms to really spice your guardsmen up.