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Do we think any episodes in S4 are gonna top Herogasm?


Probably not, the reviews have been lackluster.


Metacritic score isn't that different from s3 tho, and it's higher than s1 with season 3 having 77, season 4 with 76 and season 1 having 74


To me it seems like the people who like the boys, still like it, and the people who don’t, still don’t. I like the boys, so I’m probably gonna like S4. That’s how I judge it anyways


You clearly don't understand fandom logic, anything below 80 or 8 or 4 stars ain't worth a damn it's either great or sadly it's not worth yours or my time and the writers can go fuck themselves for ruining my favourite show


>anything below 80 or 8 Oh, how many times I have heard the words "I gave it a 7, it's bad" from anime and tv shows fans.


That’s leftover trauma from the American school system lmao


Relax lil bro😂😂


I heard it's the best season from someone who has seen all the episodes and I think the reviews were based on the first three episodes so maybe it picks up after episode 4


Do people still take pre release reviews seriously? Half the them are usually mixture of paid shills and triggered review bombers. Hardly worth considering...


Oh yes, it’s election time, and we had the whole Jan 6 thing happen. If there isn’t a satire scene about that, I’ll be shocked. Also Tek Knight is going to be insane.


Nothing in season 4 will, season 5 might top it once or twice


The finale could be in the 9 range but I don't think it's gonna top Herogasm but I expect season 5 will top it


The show runners of the boys/genV universe is probably the ones I trust the most, so yeah I bet some episodes are gonna top that


Damn Herogasm a 9.6???


Episode 4


I mean from the leaks I would say no. Plus most reviews are mixed.


What leaks?


Search leaks in the boys flair there’s a shitton of them


Yeah honestly it's kinda crazy how hard they have been to avoid on this subreddit.


People have shockingly been very good at labeling them


What the hell went wrong with S2 Episode 2??


That could be because some people thought Deep talking to his gills was cringey, but otherwise nothing in that episode stands out at all.


The gill shroom trip was the worst part of the show yet. It's what made my ex nope out of the show. Surprised she made it that far tbh, but still. Otherwise she would've powered through.


I have to skip his gills being fingered I've seen a guy get his head crushed with a pneumatic press online, but I just can't handle those gills


Brother why would you watch that tf


Yea...just did a rewatch and once that scene started, I just skipped over it. I'm kind of over Patton Oswalt and that scene was pretty cringe in a bad way that didn't bring anything to the episode.


is that the episode when the boys go through the fucking whale and kill it? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


no, that episode is awesome and has this [sick ass shot](https://tenor.com/view/ride-a-whale-the-deep-chace-crawford-the-boys-on-whale-gif-17901148)


that is **100% VALID** tbh when i watched this series in december in my dad’s work flat, it would always be at night or early hours of the morning so **it FELT LIKE ONE GIANT FILM** 😂


No. That's a good episode


yeah, i don’t remember them all separately as episodes when i watched it on my laptop in my dad’s work flat, it actually felt like a giant, mind fuck film![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face) but ofc I REALLY ENJOYED THEM!


It’s a strange outlier, and I don’t remember it being especially different in quality. If it was a “Fly” type situation I’d get it, but 2x02 is a “regular” episode.


You are so beautiful to me


That's what the gills sing to him


Ok thanks, idk why i got downvoted its been a while since I watched Season 2


It genuinely drags and verges into being almost a bit boring at points. There’s some good stuff in there but the pacing is really sluggish


I loved Season 3 and thought it was absolute fire, all up until the finale. The finale was incredibly disappointing and spoiled how much I loved the season overall


I can’t even really remember it except for how disappointed I was by Starlight’s big power charge thing that lead to nothing


Honestly the only bad part of the Finale was the final battle. I felt Solider Boy and Butcher talking about their childhoods was one of the best moments of the show. 


The finale did have a great last scene tho. Homelander realizing he can get away with murder, Ryan potentially becoming straight up evil…


Not in the least bit surprised 2x02 is the lowest rated. That one genuinely dragged. Wonder if S4 tops Herogasm. I think there’s a chance


If season 4 has an ep that tops Herogasm, it'll be the 6th or 8th episode. They always seem to be the big ones. But I doubt that anything will top the catharsis of Homelander actually fighting and almost dying the first time, so I reckon there'll be a couple of low 9s and high 8s in this season, but nothing higher


I'm still so mad we didn't get a scene of Homelander having a total breakdown in the mirror after that fight. I wanted to see him with visible bruises, blubbering to himself.


Season 3 Is not so bad as some people say,it was my favorite season honestly.


Agreed completely. I *loved* S3 from start to nearly finish. I do agree the finale had some underwhelming elements but it didn't ruin the season for me like most. Imo it fired on all cylinders with Homelander, Butcher, Hughie, Starlight, MM and A-Trains and Black Noirs arcs. Soldier Boy is a clear standout too. All in all a great season.


I just finished a rewatch of the whole show in preparation for s4. I think everything about season 3 is great except I hate how everything gets derailed during the final fight because soldier boy hurts Ryan. Also Annie’s powers during that fight are sooooo underwhelming. Overall the season is great though and soldier boy is so fun to watch


It’s just the finale. I loveddd it up until episode 6. It really should have just ended there. The final 2 episodes are just the writers realizing they have 2 more episodes and scrambling to get things back to the status quo.


Season 3 was literally praised even months after the finale came out. It’s just that overtime, people oddly mixed their feelings about the finale with the season as a whole and I will just never fucking understand that…


That season 3 finale rating means that this chart is not to be trusted


I'd say it is. It's the weakest rated finale out of the three seasons and far lower in rating than Herogasm.


Regardless of how its rating compares to the other episodes, It's colored in as "great", despite there being a section available for "garbage", where it clearly belongs.


Interesting that you say so. I think in terms of how it effects the story, plot pacing, & narrative, yeah, it fucked up. But just as far as general enjoyment goes, I still mostly had a rly good time with that episode, even if I was ultimately let down


it's cause the final episodes usually skew higher than the rest of the episodes on IMDb. The fact that it has the lowest rating says a lot actually.


The S3 finale was ass.


Flair checks out


They did him so dirty.


To this day I genuinely think it should have been Soldier Boy and Maeve vs Homelander and Noir while Ryan fights Butcher and keeps him away from the main battle. Could have ended with Noir tackling SB out the window, or SB fries everyone's powers with a big blast but Ryan saves Homelander to spite Butcher. But that's just my opinion


Honestly that's such a better ending. 




They shoulda had something else distract Hughie and co, had SB and Homelander fight 1v1, some Jensen line about being able to handle this prick, and then after seeing The Boys deal with whatever, we pan to Homelander, bloodied a lil but victorious, SB a crumpled mess. Would set up some potential for Ryan to kill his dad, hammer home how scary HL is (again), and wrapped SB in a satisfying way -- physical bully finally finds someone stronger than him. And HL would be all fucked up by killing his dad I suspect they have more planned for SB, but to sacrifice the finale for it? Idk


I suspect they anticipated how popular SB was going to be, or they were still writing and reacting to the hype around Jensen Ackles joining the cast. I'm glad we'll get more SB but I don't disagree with you, I just can't help but wonder what they'll do with him without messing with the character to much. He needs some redemption to make him a fully fledged protagonist, particularly resolving the conflict with mother's milk. To go antagonist with him, I don't see him fitting in with the typically "The Boys" scheming politics villains. Could be an interesting dynamic for him to just be a true super villain, that way he could still be out of alignment with both The Boys and Vought. A real superpowered threat that Vought's supes (and They Boys) would have to actually fight. Just spitballin.


I do too, writers obv knew how beloved he was on Supernatural and knew they'd get people hyped. I'm also interested in what they'll do with him going foward. Hopefully he isn't stuck in cryo for the rest of the show -- I'm betting he'll be pretty pissed at The Boys for putting him back in the freezer. Maybe he'll return in season 5? And I too wonder how they'll settle SB and MM -- we only got a surface level description of the conflict really so far, and MM's hatred and wording has me wondering what really went down. I'm a big Jensen Ackles fan, and he was great in S3. Loved his dynamic with Hughie especially.


Website in the screenshot: https://seriesgraph.com/show/76479-the-boys


I though the S3 finale was going to be lowest, but apparently it's not


Is this audience rating?


yes on IMDb




weird how s3e8 isn’t the lowest


Me looking at S2 E2: What the hell happened here?


Ugh so much complaining. I thought you people liked this show.


No way S3 deserves that rating. It was mediocre/bad.


Best season, worst ending.


I loved Soldier Boy, but the writing has declined. Characters making knee-jerk, nonsensical decisions. It feels like the writers also were involved with Gen V since the ending of that show had the exact same thing happen.


Wonder what happened to S2E2? I have to rewatch and see it for myself.


The only bad thing of s3 was the final battle honestly, everything else felt great.


Green all the way until cliffing on S3 E8 for me


No way that season 3 finale is rated like that 😭


S3 finale was trash


Lmao S3 Ep8 has 8.2 and u want to believe that site? Edit: I didn't know so many people enjoyed season 3 finale, otherwise I can't explain why I am downvoted.


S3’s finale being something of a let down is such a common take that I’d be more skeptical if it were higher. 


Giving 8.2 is already pretty high to that episode


You’re getting downvoted because you’re trying to ridicule OP for “believing the site”. That’s just the IMDb rating, man. Just a straight up fact that the episode was at least somewhat well received. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt14268898/


S3 finale wasn’t very good. It kind of soured the entire season for me.


Yeah, that's what I mean, why isn't it lower? Like 6 or 7 at least?


Oh, I interpreted your comment as wanting it to be *higher* than 8.2. That’s probably why you were downvoted.


I mean, I know I am not person with greatest taste or most cultured, but dam, season 3 finale is a "f**king disappointment"


Season 3 really wasn't that good


S2 should be in garbage


S2 was amazing all of them were, only the finale of 3 was bad imo.


No it wasn’t. The plot was beyond stupid. The boys are “wanted criminals” yet there’s so many times where they’re out in public and somehow didn’t get ass rammed by the feds or supes. They constantly use blackmail as a solution to conflict even when it shouldnt stop them from getting killed. The plot armor was super fucking ridiculous this season. Homelander became a complete clown in this season. He went from one of the most menacing TV villains to getting offended over shitty Facebook memes. The finale to the season was very shit. Maeve was constantly teleporting to save the day. So many contrivances and plot armor bullshit. Characters were constantly making dumb decisions. So many characters were fucked over in the writing department this season. The only redeeming factors were that the actors were carrying this season. Karl Urban and Antony Starr’s acting in the finale shouldve won an award Jesus Christ. I liked learning a lot about MM’s past and how they set that up for S3 to delve deeper into. Homelander covered in blood was really cool. Billy and Becca’s reunion was fantastic. Overall 3/10 for this season. Ep 3 easily being the worst episode in S2.


Then why did you watch it? Sounds like you just want to shit on something to sound pretentious and feel special


Why wouldn’t I watch it? After all S1 was a very thrilling season of TV and I really enjoy the comics so of course I watched. Easily one of the most disappointing seasons I’ve seen considering how great S1 was. Im not shitting on it to be a contrarian. I really wanted to love this season but there’s too many issues with it. They’re very few things I liked about it. I’m shitting on it because I know the show has done better and can do better. I care for this show too much to let it go to shit. S3 was flawed(especially that god awful finale) but it was 10x better than S2 and was actually entertaining. Hope S4 steers this show to a brighter future and doesn’t double down on issues from S2 and 3.