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Dontcha worry Mister Arthur Heath, yor old pal Sheemie will save the day this time fore shur!


Maybe one time he does. One thing I like about the comics is that off the wall stuff happens because it's a different...erm...spoiler.




Mr Arthur Heath that was..


It's a powerful book, and had some of my favorite scenes in the whole series, but yes some of the most painful. Such a great book in great series.


Absolutely a powerful read some scenes are incredible always imagine John Malkovich as Jonas for some reason I think he would be awesome as Jonas


John Malkovich would be a great fit! I envisioned Bill Moseley as Jonas during my read through (almost as Otis from House of 1000 Corpses).


I always saw him as sam Elliot for some reason lol. I read WaG when I was a kid


In the ill-fated Amazon Prime TDT series, Eldred Jonas was going to be Michael Rooker. ![gif](giphy|9QeUkhB0C9zzy|downsized)


A long haired Willem Dafoe is how I picture him.


Its interesting how a piece of media affects people. Id rate it a 1 out of seven in the dark tower books and 2 out of eight if you include the keyhole book.


Don't you kinda know what's coming the first time through anyway?


Knowing what’s coming and reading it in detail are two different things.


I still hoped for a different outcome ngl


My favorite is Wolves so it’s worth getting through it for that. Have never forgotten what happens to Susan though. That sticks with you for a long time. And just when you start to get over it, it’s time for another trip to the tower.


Wolves is my favorite as well! ❤️


The dance is one of my top moments that stuck. Brings a tear to my eye every time




I think it was my favorite of all the Dark Tower books honestly.


Same here


It’s my favorite too.


That’s what I loved most about this book. The dread and lack of hope that hangs over the narrative is just amazing.


I'm literally in the same boat. Reread the first meeting of our star crossed lovers last night... it's a hard road for sure


Its the best of the series, and is the largest chunk of inescapable history we have for Roland. It's a wonderful tale in and of itself, and gives us so much insight into who Roland is and always will be. It's my favorite of the series for what it is, and for what it tells us about the true heart of Roland.


It’s my favorite of the series


Wonderful to read and simultaneously dreadful to read.


Come reap


I still don’t care for it all that much because it brings a breakneck pace of advancing the main plot to a complete stop for an entire installment.


It’s kinda what’s brilliant about it though. Let’s just….take an 800 page break. Builds a lot of tension for the journey ahead.


I understand that. But that doesn’t mean I have to enjoy it personally.


I had the same feeling as you. I just wanted to get on with the main plot line and thought an entire (large) book was too big of a break. Even worse was waiting a long time for the next book to come out. Now, as my fourth read recently came to a conclusion, I’m able to look back and realize that this story is about the journey, not the destination. Isolated, wizard and glass went from my least favorite to one of my favorites.


No sale. His backstory is boring because it can be summed up as he loved and he lost and like everything else he can’t move past it. We’ve already long established that with Jake by this point in the story and it’s just King buying time IRL to figure out where the rest of the story would go. It’s like Song of Susannah; story padding with character development spray paint to cover that fact.


That's a negative view of it lol sheesh


Because I have a negative opinion of the book. Thread is about sharing our opinions regarding this installment. I shared and explained mine. I didn’t tell anyone they were wrong in their opinion, just that I disagree. Reaction: HOW DARE YOU!


I didn't say how dare you, or that you shouldn't have shared your opinion. I said your opinion was negative.


I know what you mean. My first time reading was about the same time Marvel finished Gunslinger Born. I wasn't ready for a huge break in the action, so I thought in my younger mind. Why not just read the Blain stuff, read the comic, and then finish up in Oz. My good friend that turned me onto the series obviously scorned this choice as blasphemy, but I proceeded just the same. Huge mistake in retrospect! On my next journey through the tower, I rectified said mistake and had my mind blown. Wizard became my favorite book in the series.


I had the same issue! The moment I turned the page and saw "Part 1: Susan," I couldn't face the bitch Rhea. It took me a good couple of weeks before I could get to reading that part of the book. I'm in it now, and with e ery meeting of Roland and Susan, I'm dreading more and more.


I went into it again straight from Wastelands last week. I got through Topeka and read another book.


I have a limited edition hardcover of this book. Seems to be worth something.


It's the only narrative in the series that has a concise beginning, middle, and end.


Best King book I’ve read


I'm still reading it. It's my favorite so far. The pushing serial killer, being raped by a demon and in turn raping the demon instead, never ending ridiculous riddles from a crazy computer train that dies if it hears stupid jokes... this is the least ridiculous. (I still love the series, but there's a lot of crazy)


I'm on trip #10 and it hurts every time


Get a pen and change it. For real. 


Oddly, I read that one first because my parents bought it for me while we were on vacation and didn’t know it was a part of a series. Fortunately it worked pretty well as a standalone book.


Exactly this. I have read W&G more than any of the others in DT and every damn time somewhere in my heart of hearts I am sure it will end differently. And I read it though my brain knows what tragedy awaits. On another note though I also find I like Susan less and less on each read. Not exactly sure why that is but on my last read I found I had lost all respect for her. Is it weird that I can read the same thing multiple times with each having a slightly different take? Needy is how I saw her on my last trip to the tower.


You could always write your own ending and convince yourself it's real.


I like how immersive it is. Just all the little small details and characters is so fleshed out. King is excellent at making a place and people seem real and he’s on the top of his game in this one. Great villains too. Rhea you just love to hate cuz she’s just dripping in nastiness and spite. Jonas reminds me of an evil Sam Elliott


I could never imagine Sam Elliott being sent west though…


“Charyou tree””


I don’t read WAG when I reread the series- my heart just can’t take it. I read the beginning with Blaine and the end with the castle but skip everything about Mejis.


I have the comic books for that period of time and they are an interesting reminder when I don't want to do a full read-through of wizard and glass. Painful as fuck


I've read it so many times that besides the Blaine at the beginning and Topeka at the end, I skip it.


Yeah that book hurts so bad.


I feel this way about the drawing of the three.


Try the audible. Frank Muellers Rhea performance outshines even the agony of what happens.


Algul Siento Every time I want the story to change


Yeah I just passed the interlude and now as things start to pick up I'm starting to grit my teeth more and more remembering how much it hurts.


He's such a good writer that every time I read it, I still am like, they're gonna pull this off and have a happy ending. Tears me up.


Ka is a wheel


Personally I can read this book over and over it’s my favorite book of all time (I’ve read it 3 times) but I love the layers to it the back story, the love story, the action and build up it’s all amazing and getting 2 Flagg moments one in the story and at the end of the book this book is one of the few that genuinely gets me every time I read it so damn good


Yeah...you're right. [Current mood](https://media.tenor.com/BAekIhrVeQ0AAAAM/willy-wonka-suspense.gif). Once the three boys go on the reap, ooooh. It's so good.


The worst part is the hope sai King gives us, at the end. Truly it seems like Sue would escape, there at the end, and then you remember that she didn't, or the gunslinger wouldn't be telling this story. Time is a face on the water.


King putting himself into it and making it the never ending story just ruined it from there for me.


to each their own, I thought it was fantastic.