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Japan being fucking based as well if true


Based for the first time tbf


Yea actually


I wanted to post in here to express similar opinion. This is both awesome, and the last country I would expect to do something like this.


Folks don’t say this enough, but at least Japan had the decency to fuck off after the war, unlike Germany. The Japanese government still does outrageous shit every now and then, but no longer actively harms anyone, as far as I am aware. Nagasaki has recently refused to invite Israel to a peace ceremony. Japan has also voted to grant UN membership to Palestine.


Dumping toxic water contaminated with nuclear waste into the ocean isn't actively harming people?


they're nothing if not absolute sticklers for the rules.


Uncommon japan w???


Communist party is still big there


In terms of numbers yeah, but postwar to present day Japan is basically a one party state under the LDP. I do think Japan is trying to shift to a more independent policy on this issue though, and support for Palestine seems pretty good among the public.


and only like 50% of the people actually vote. so its not even a democracy.


Even when they do vote, the districts haven't been redrawn in decades so rural districts that nobody lives in anymore still get the same representation as urban districts whose populations have swelled.


i LOVE gerrymendaring


It's even funnier because that's kinda the opposite of gerrymandering. No need to even do that if demographics are naturally going to benefit the one ruling party lol


Yes, but you can easily make the argument that they'd resort to fascism without the communist party being as strong as they are. Their working lives are horrible compared to most of the west, only being an improvement over literal cyberpunk dystopian hellholes like SK. The fact that it's a one party state probably has a lot to do with postwar US meddling too and I wouldn't be surprised if an anti-imperialist candidate got elected and was immediately overthrown by western intervention like they did when Australia had a PM that threatened US control of Pine Gap.


OK, make the argument then. What evidence do you have that the communist party has played any role in preventing them from "resorting to fascism" (lol)? Some of you really just be saying stuff.


It's an entirely socdem party


A party demanding a complete reworking of the economical system. Socdems. Demsocs maybe


Lol, lmao even.


If this is true it's the most based achievement


Rare Japan W.


Ostracism and shunning will work, even if it's in a small way


‘Israel’ has shown no interest in being a part of humanity, they aggress in the most vile ways very blatantly in complete disregard for humanity or any of its laws with an inherent sense of fascist superiority over it. To show support for ‘Israel’ is to announce the abandonment of and departure from humanity and any form of legitimacy. ‘Israel’ and its supporters should be shunned and isolated like or more than how the apartheid supporters in South Africa were, and any attempt at pretending like they’re normal should be shut down. A major reason why it ended was because they rightly couldn’t go anywhere or do anything, they were forced out of it by social and economical exclusion.


Are the hotels named? Otherwise I'm a bit skeptical. Don't forget that victim-hood is an important and necessary part of their narrative, and "justification."


https://maps.app.goo.gl/6Sd9MmY5qUN5xzmT9 is the link in the image. Real hotel, no recent public reviews so idk


Yes, thanks, I read more of the original post, in which the manager apparently identified himself by name. Most likely an American (last name Gehres), definitely non-Japanese.


What did God promise Japan to the Israelites too?


ISRAELIS: My government is carrying out a genocide. ALSO ISRAELIS: Waaaahhhh, why do I have to face any consequences at all for supporting my government committing an act of genocide?


When I lived in Asia a lot of hotels had a ‘No Israelis’ policy not for political reasons but because Israelis were such shitty guests.


Reminder that Japan has one of the largest communist parties in the world


How good are they?


They're fine for their country. Encompassing anything from democratic socialism to Marxism leninism. Anticapitalist, and socially progressive.


> They're fine for their country That's the best, most concise description of them, honestly, lol


It's xenophobia island. The fact that there's leftists with international solidarity is already appreciated.


What is this revisionism? They are socdems who denounced China and the USSR


Didn't the leadership who did that not in the party leadership anymore?


Present term vs past. Also voter base vs party leadership.


Beautiful..being from Israel should become a curse for these people. People should look down upon like they are a war criminal people.


Rare Japan W