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basically think of warframes foundry system but with the time cut in half and endgame is pretty grindy but rotates so it doesnt get stale quickly


War Frames crafting times are really poor. If TFD craft times are at most 24 hours max for any given item then it's gonna be fine. 3 days though is not okay


highest timer ive seen is 12 hours per part for bunny


I have seen 18 that waa beta footage though


I mean it's a terrible waste of currency and no one should do it, but you can rush frames with plat you got from trading and not buying with your wallet.


I much prefer to play the game of cooking imultiple items whilst levelling. I never really never got into trading, too many ppl wanting particular things. In TFD i,l just wait out craft times and multi task. The same thing always make sure you are cooking in the background.


There is a website that is dedicated to trading you can use. It's just an auction house where you list what you want to sell, and people message you to buy it. You can, of course, buy from others the same way as well. [Market here](http://Warframe.market)


Yeah i know about it sir cheers. I'm not gonna be playing warframe now that TFD is coming anyhow.


Honestly considering I don't craft frames everyday and only do it once it's not really that bad. Never understood the people complaining about warframe crafting times unless they really had no life


The problem with crafting frames was even if you had all the base mats. Crafting the intermediate parts took 1 day then the frame itself took 2.


It's about the same as Warframe when crafting new Decendents.


About 1/3 of warframe


how long to make prime frame in warframe? if u farm from zero


A little over 3 days for regular frame in warframe. Less than a day in descendant or exactly 24h


still reasonable tho , i got used to timegate in gachas and mmo so it gona be fine i guess


Definetely reasonable for me. Warframe was a bit beyond my acceptable limit tough


My unpopular opinion is I like the timegate. It's fun to look forward to your new character unlocking while you go to bed or work, lol.


Atleast you admit it's unpopular


How would anyone know? It hasn’t been released yet…any info anyone has would be from a beta test.


Beta test did have crafting times. I saw 18 hours for something. It's definitely faster crafting than warframe.


Yeah, I know beta had crafting times. People keep asking about various aspects of a game that hasn’t actually been released yet like we’re all keeping some kind of secret.


I know right. Ppl are so excited. I'm guilty of it too lol. What the hell is a mega dungeon and how long will this be exactly. Multiple bosses??