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The future's in an oblong box




Maybe depends and walker first


The same as it is now. They will play a few live shows a year and not too much else. You're not gonna get a full on tour from Glenn who is almost 70.


This. I'll add that I don't think they'll write any new material.


The only real advantage of it would be to sell multiple variants of a vinyl release. Unfortunately it is bound to disappoint any expectations people would have more material. That combined with the cost of recording it is pretty much a lose/lose situation.


LOL. They have their own studios. It would cost them pennies to record new material. Glenn and Jerry have both confirmed.


Yep. Doyle and Alex Story are working on Doyle 3 in his studio.


Jerry might


I'm sure he would (if he already hasn't). I doubt Glenn wants any part of it, though.


Yeah, you're probably right


Of course I have no way of knowing, but my guess is there’s an agreement in place where Jerry won’t be using the name anymore. I think he would have tried to release anti hero as a misfits record if he were allowed to.


I think Jerry put out a single or two since the reunions started. So he’s probably allowed to do it, but no one cares since Glenn is “back” but not involved.


Glenn is making too much money playing a few shows a year. They will do this for the foreseeable future.


We have gone from Glenn being hostile anytime the name misfits was brought up to a full on reunion of the classic lineup. I think nothing is off the table at this point even a new record.


be real though a new record would probably suck


It would be a big surprise if it didn't


Glenn was hostile cause they were in litigation.


New record is in the works.




Read my other comments in this thread bruh


They’re making a ton of money doing what they’re doing. Jerry and Glenn at least are likely making hundreds of thousands per show. I’m sure Doyle is being paid very well as well. As is Lombardi and Slade. I know the early gigs were grossing over $1m a show in just ticket sales. I’m site their guarantees are very high and after overhead on crew, stage stuff and merch they’re doing *very* well. The ticket sales have cooled off a little but since but not enough to downgrade venues. Glenn Danzig is almost 70, Jerry Only is 65, Doyle is almost 60. They’re making money to retire. No need to tour, Glenn has vocalized no interest in touring anymore.


Every musician that has talked about it, from Corey Taylor to the singer of Poison to Ozzy, says touring is the worst part of being a rock star. It's long, boring, unhealthy and costs way too much. No way will they tour.


Their guarantee for No Values was $200,000


Which is cool, I wonder how much they’re getting from Live Nation for headlining gigs in an Arena? I’m guess significantly more. Plus merch and ticket sale percentage over guarantee. A headlining show and a festival are not the same.


$350,000 is their main show guarantee. That’s what they’re getting for the Austin show coming up.


Very big difference there. How about merch and ticket sales?


I have no idea as that fluctuates from venue to venue with merch. They get a flat guarantee, nothing from tickets. They can sell three tickets and the rest off the venue be empty and they’d still get their guarantee and if they sell out the venue they still get the guarantee.


I know what a guarantee is, what’s surprising is an artist of their size not getting a portion of the ticket money over a certain agreed upon value. They need a new manager because that’s not now this works most of the time with arena shows.


Yeah their manager John isnt the brightest


They say all the money is in the touring. So a half of a penny for every stream may not be a motivator to make new music.


Yeah, the business of making music changed when streaming dominated distribution. It used to be that bands would tour to support interest and awareness of their albums, because selling records or tapes or CDs was where the money came from. Now the pittance they get from streaming means lots of bands have to make their money from touring and merch. Then again, there are still a lot of talentless fucks who break on YouTube and then get handed bags of money to appear as featured artists doing backup vocals for the sort of pop shit that dominates national radio, streaming, and TikTok backgrounds.


I have no idea. Hopefully something good.


A few one off shows until they decide to call it quits is the most likely outcome. The moment Glenn isn’t frontman anymore (again) it’s over imo.


They reunited for $$ Glenn will never write new music with them.


I just desperately want at least a new EP and a live album. Any kind of new audio. I also wish there were leftovers from Static Age that could be released.


Can't retire when Billabong is so spendy, but it is great for the beach.


>Will they ever record new songs? Will they ever do a real tour? No and no. >Will they continue to play one-off shows and festivals until they decide to call it quits and retire? Yes and yes. >Will the band go back to a Jerry fronted recording and touring outfit when the money has been made and Glenn gets tired of it? I fucking hope not.


They’re definitely writing and recording new material. Glenn confirmed this at the Verotik 30th anniversary signing in LA and Jerry confirmed also at No Values. When and if it sees the light of day is TBD.


Do you got any links to where they talked about this? Can't seem to find it.


I literally just said where they talked about this. Im in the industry and was there first hand at both events. I’ve talked to both of them about it lol. You can be like all the other rejects who cease to believe it, doesnt bother me but it’s definitely coming.


Fellow industry man here myself and methinks you're full of shit


I’ve got a crimson ghost t-shirt. Hoodie. Hockey jersey . Socks.gloves.zippo lighter. Fleece blanket. Fleece pillow cover.fleece Sox. Regular Sox. Boxer shorts. Sweatband.armband.necklacependant.ashtray.cigarette case.flask….all that shit plus a copy of each that are applicable for a dog …FOR MY DOG. I think the future of the band died 30yrs ago when they sold their rights to whoever’s selling this shit at Spencer’s. This was meant to be a joke because I’m an asshome, but I guess if I had to make a point it’s like they’ve been riding the glory days for longer than any band in existence besides Metallica. All these talented folks could have done something original..so maybe they aren’t that talented? Anywho Cancer Slug is worth checking out.


>Cancer Slug is worth checking out. I see Cancerslug, I upvote! Slug cult rise!!


The never ending retirement shows in the next couple years. That will be fake outs for at least one year. Synching to tracks mixed with live like Kiss. 


I suspect they'll just tour until they stop making money. When they are out of money making options, they'll make new music.




I want a Kryst the Conqueror reunion!!!


I think Jerry will get back on the Misfits train once these shows are over and put out some new music.


Doyle will probably be the bigger issue now


What's up with him? Wants more money?


They will not record anything. The Misfits' last recording was Earth AD. Anything bearing "The Misfits" name after 1983 is merely a cash grab while taking a break from retirement. "The Misfits" without Glenn Danzig is nothing more than a pop-metal version of Insane Clown Posse…embarrassing, tasteless kitsch🙅🏼‍♂️