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A jacket at a thrift store should not cost $50. I don’t care if it’s Walmart brand or Versace. If it was donated to a thrift store for resale, it should be resold at a price that is affordable for a person in need.


I used to work at a warehouse that processed thrift donations and they would try to mark up all those fake Coach and Louis Vuitton bags that you can buy at the mall. I have several Coach bags (I know they're real because I bought them at the Coach store) and I would constantly have to pull my purse out of my locker to point out the difference between real leather and whatever fake plastic material the mall versions are made of. They were seriously trying to sell $30 mall purses for $125 because sO maNy peOpLe wErE dOnaTinG thEsE exPenSivE bAgS. Same with like Versace sunglasses. I would have to point out that the "Versace" label was a sticker that someone just slapped on there. Idiots.


Man, they're stupid. That's also illegal! It's illegal to sell counterfeit goods!


I’ve bought a lot of fakes thru goodwill online and have disputed and returned every one of them for a refund.


Do they take them back?


Honestly tho. While I’m sure there are rich rich fuckers that will donate expensive stuff it’ll more likely be to a consignment shop over a thrift store like goodwill or savers. And as someone who personally owns a Louis Vuitton wallet I can assure you I wouldn’t just donate it🥴


This is untrue. Wealthy people donate luxury goods all the time. A lot of them don’t really care and just want stuff out of their house. Or it comes from a deceased family members estate. Most people don’t care to deal with what it takes to clear out someone’s house so they just get rid of everything.


Agreed 100% I volunteered at one for a month once. Saw a guy come in and pick out nice enough presentable business clothes for an interview. He went up to the register and presented a government voucher for 3 sets of clothes from goodwill. She shook her head and took his picked out clothes and said these aren't it. Apparently they have a much smaller and shittier section of clothes for these people. He just left and said he would make some calls. Sad.😔


That's disgusting.


This almost made me cry 💔


Seriously fuck these thrift stores nowadays. I used to shop all of them back in the 90’s in high school up until not long ago when I saw what Goodwill and others were trying to pull on people especially those in the most need who get treated like that. The whole point of these charity shops is to help those in need, not rip them off and reject them. Pisses me off, I refuse to donate or shop with them anymore period. Until they come back down to earth and quit scamming people they can just lose tons of sales. I know I’m not the only one who feels that way


Just. Awful. I’d rather fucking quit if a manager had the proverbial gun to my head (if this were some legit policy to follow). But these types of miserable cunts edge to bootlicking. They get a buzz from making others share their misery. It’s pretty fascinating what will become of thrifting say 30 years from now. Just going to be a bunch of used wal mart/amazon, fast fashion, fast everything purchases going for a couple bucks off retail.


"Volunteered" eh?


It was a part of lowering the points on my license for a speeding ticket. Court ordered.


This jacket should be no more than $10-15 TOPS. The harder they come, the harder they fall…. Little by little, these fools are eventually going down with these absurd prices.


Perfectly said.


Couldn’t agree more!




Well the problem is that it isn't people in need buying these anymore. It's resellers/wannabe sellers who were influenced by TikTok. "I bought this jacket for $12, but it's worth $500 blah blah blah." It sucks, but Goodwill is just cutting out the middle man. I've seen some of these resellers' homes, literal mountains of nice clothes in bags that are "worth a lot online."




Are you one of those “they should be buying the cheapest food with their food stamps” people?


No, I don’t believe that at all. And actually, *nobody* NEEDS Versace! 😊




You mean Trump right? Never vote for Trump again. Right? Just in case I will spell it out for you. If you vote Trump he will put tariffs on all imported goods. You know what that means for you right? That will cost you maybe $1700 a year extra in taxes with the % he is considering imposing. He wants to go as high as 60% with Chinese goods which would give you the amount I just mentioned.


Go ahead and believe a lifelong conman who stiffs workers and greases the palms of the ultra rich is going to help working class people. Foodstamps would be on the chopping block. Educate yourself.


A coat is a coat to someone who needs to stay warm.


Yeah, so people in need don’t care if it’s a Versace, as long as they can get something affordable. It’s perfectly understandable for a thrift store to sell valuable/desirable items at near market value. The real issue is the Walmart brand and other clothes that are meant to be cheap being sold at inflated prices in thrift stores. Selling valuable items should help stores sell cheap clothes really cheap. I’d rather they sold a Versace jacket for $200 and 20 other jackets for $2, than selling every jackets for $20.


No, but does anybody? It's all made in the same shitty sweatshops and the stupid brand is just tacked on. These items are really worth much less.


What gets me is that no one will pay that, that jacket will sit there forever and eventually get thrown out/recycled. Do they ever mark things down?


Depends on the thrift store. Goodwill markdowns seem to vary by state but I suspect a lot of their over priced goods end up at the bins or a landfill.


There is a documentary about the brand Brandy Melville on....I think Netflix? They talk about a country where a lot of donated clothes are sent for some reason. There are so many clothes that it's affecting their ecosystem. And that's just one country, there are quite a few countries where these clothes are just being dumped and left to rot. We think we're doing something nice by donating clothes, but they're ending up in landfills worldwide. I don't know the answer but it was really eye-opening. This is an article I found about it: [https://earthyroute.com/blogs/slow-fashion-series/4-places-where-our-clothes-end-up-when-they-are-discarded](https://earthyroute.com/blogs/slow-fashion-series/4-places-where-our-clothes-end-up-when-they-are-discarded)


I watched that doc... they showed people with protest signs in their windows against clothing being dumped there and mentioned that some countries were basically threatened with loss of resources if they stopped taking the clothing. As consumers, we should be made to deal with our waste instead of shipping it off to other areas so we can pretend it isn't happening.


I totally agree. I don't think most Americans know about this situation. Retailers want us to keep buying new clothes and companies probably get tax write-offs for their "charitable donations." So there's little incentive for anyone to tell us or do something about it.


Nope, I sure don’t know the situation. But this sub is encouraging me to go out of my way to find a homeless shelter to donate my kid’s nice clothes- like wool and 100% cotton sweaters and heavy denim and coats and gently used shoes. I want the clothing to go to children in need not someone who will sell it for triple on Poshmark.


So many people think that donating some old crappy wornoutk stained or whatever is doing a favor to the needy. It makes me sick to see some of the stuff that gets thrown out.


Brandy Hellville on HBO Max. It's in my watch list lol


It's okay. It pretty much just confirms what we all thought of Brandy Melville. But the part about the donated clothing just being dumped into these countries was really shocking to me. I had no idea.


Wow! I knew about the dumping ground in Chile but I didn’t know about the ones in Ghana, India, or Kenya.


Youtube has tons of videos about this. Check out Dead Whiteman's Clothes. It sickening. Piles and piles and mountains of stuff no one wants there. And it kills local businesses trying to sell some teeshirts or whatever.


This was eye-opening and disheartening. My heart breaks for these women. I’m so glad I wear out my 2 Walmart jeans and 7 shirts before I ever buy more. I hate buying new clothes and will always try to thrift if I absolutely need something besides socks and underwear!


Aggh, I've seen photos of these places. It's like entire beaches with mountains of cheap clothes instead of sand. So depressing


The cult of brandy Hellville it’s called


I didn't know maje was a brand they would even recognize


They look up just about everything


I beg to differ. 1. They would have to care to go through e erg single item. 2. I have found multiple luxury brands for very inexpensive at Goodwill bc they don't know what they have.


I never heard of them. Are they "fancy?"


Yeah it’s an it brand.


I looked up their website and YUCK. Do designers just overprice their basic bitch clothing to make it seem more desirable and "trendy?" Nothing special there.


It’s one of those brands that are on a lot of teenager and college shows. So the blonde girl on the Sex Life of College Students or whatever that Mindy Kaling show is called wears a lot of Maje. An example: https://wornontv.net/328858/


It's on a lot more than that lol


Yes a lot of teenager and college shows


Just remember that someone donated that item.


I don’t care what they claim to do for the community. They get the stuff for Free…. It’s not like people are going to pay Full retail prices for used items. Ridiculous and disgusting


I doubt they do much for the community besides siphon wealth out of it.


Not to be that guy but Value Village pays for their donations. Not a lot, but they do. They also have full-time staff that get benefits, which isn’t common in retail. That money has to come from somewhere.


Which value village is paying for donations because I’ve donated a ton over the years to multiple locations and they’ve never given me a dime.


They don’t pay the donors. Each store partners with a non-profit organization, and that group gets paid for the donations that the store accepts on their behalf.


My regular store can’t keep up with the dropped off donations. It must be a location thing.


I think that brand is Maje, which is more expensive than most. On par with Vince, Theory or Tibi. Still, I don't think $50 is fair for a thrift. Plus I don't find Maje quality to be all that amazing despite the cost.


This jacket will sit there for weeks on end until they mark it down or send it to the bins or a landfill. Whoever sits in these boardrooms and makes the decision for pricing isn’t using the smartest strategy.


Thrift stores aren’t in business to provide cheap clothing to needy people. They’re in business to make money for their “programs”.


Allow me. ~~programs~~Executive Bonuses


The Executive Bonus Program. Definitely.


The kicker is that tag looks like it's from Savers/Value Village, which is a for profit company.


Yeah, fair. Many thrift stores aren't actually nonprofit anyway, but get their merchandise for free


They should do both.


If they were to put this on the rack for $10 some reseller would just buy it and sell it higher anyway. 50 seems a bit steep though.


I don't know why you're getting downvoted, resellers are what killed thrifting. They made it a trendy side hustle and the companies realised they can cut out the middle man and just charge the mark up themselves, pricing out everyone else.


Resellers didn’t kill thrifting. Corporate and organizational greed killed thrifting. It’s the companies/people behind them that decided they can maximize profits at the expense of their shoppers since a small percentage of shoppers are making a profit from their purchases. (Emphasis on THEIR purchases- it’s not the thrift stores’ business what a person does with an item after they buy it.)


People act like there’s a scarcity of used clothes and like you’d walk into a goodwill within a 50 mile radius and find the exact item you’re looking for or something really fucking nice immediately. That’s also not bc resellers are camping out every day of their lives at goodwill waiting to pounce on any high value items they suddenly receive. You can buy liquidation lots, prob for a much better value than anything else you’d ever find at goodwill, and you wouldn’t have to sift their shitty clothes for hours. I even buy certain things from resellers bc obviously I can’t fucking find it around me at a cheaper price. Still, if someone has it at their goodwill and they lucked out, who gives a shit. They also lose money for jacking up prices. Some of their stuff sits for a long time too. However, there’s literally a never ending amount of used clothes. Just go to the bins and you’ll see the mountains of clothes, some of which are pretty nice and expensive, they’re throwing away every fucking week. I found three really nice wool jackets. One contains cashmere. It’s annoying af people acting like resellers are the problem. I don’t think they even understand how that works.


Probably because there's resellers in the thread I'd have to guess haha


You folks think that's insane go to Shoogoodwill or Goodwillfinds websites and prepare to be shocked.


People are all salty towards resellers, especially, it would seem, Goodwill. By marking up the prices on “bolos” like Maje, they are pricing out the resellers, but also biting the hands that feed them. Nobody but a “fashionista” is going to buy that thing. What are the odds that the right fashionista is going to walk into the right goodwill and find the right item in the right size at the right price while it’s still on the rack? Not very likely. Resellers understand this so they cater to these customers by offering what they want, when they want it, for same deeply discounted price. They do it by sourcing a lot of Goodwills, buying a lot of items then keeping things until they sell. You can get mad at resellers for price gauging but all retailers and manufacturers do it. It’s running a business and for most, profit margins aren’t that high in spite of what You Tube says. Those are my thoughts.


They’re insane on that price


Nothing at goodwill should cost $50


well its not 2017 anymore so idk who’s in the market for a silk bomber jacket. Maybe Forever 21 has some leftover in a box in the back somewhere? No doubt for a quarter of the price


lol exactly


Who is buying these overpriced items?


I just don’t bother with goodwill or savers anymore




That isn’t even true embroidering on the jacket. It’s a patch.


Maybe $50 for a second hand leather jacket but for this one, nope.


For a cheaply made fast fashion jacket that was probably 19.99 new?


The brand is Maje. The original price was probably in the $300-400 range but $50 is still too much for a thrift store.


Really? It looks like polyester? These brands really try to get over on people.


It probably is some satin/poly blend and it’ll get snagged to shit on the rack at the thrift. I have bought Maje before on extreme sale—it is definitely overpriced.


Fun fact I learned is that satin isn't a material, it's a weave. It's likely 100% polyester satin woven, which is still dirt cheap material that holds onto smells and doesn't breathe.


Then that jacket is really going to be a symphony of smells for whoever buys it lol


Some maje pieces like their suit separates are very beautiful and well made. But yeah they dilute their brand value with badly made pieces.


Maybe $300-$500 if it’s real.


Is this that place in Austin that got a hold of donated flannels and coats and patched different animal emblems on them??


Hahaha no


That looks like a Buffalo Exchange tag? If so, they’ve always been grifty, with everything.


Next time I donate to thrift store I’m cutting out the brand label preventing this! The price gouging on donated items is greedy. People are shopping at thrift stores bcuz that’s what they can afford. The grift these greedy corporations- go ahead and down vote me. Let’s get real . 🤨


Or you could, you know, sell the clothes at a higher price somewhere else yourself and donate the proceeds to charity…


Honestly, just look for a local no buy group and you'll probably have someone in your community pick it up. I give tons of stuff away that way. Goodwill doesn't profit, but it gets the hell out of my house


If you'd like to pay more for it you can get it for $300 on Poshmark. And that's the real issue, it's the resalers. No one is buying this very expensive designer jacket at the thrift shop to wear as a jacket because they need a jacket. It's not how it works. Someone is going to buy it and resell it online for a whole lot more. The thrift shops realize this and want to at least share in the "profits". It will help them pay their bills so they can sell used coats to people who need them. Not sure why this isn't more obvious.


Nah, someone who needs a coat *and* who likes this brand and style would be thrilled to buy it at a *thrift* price- as that would be something normally unattainable. Pricing this beyond what most typical customers at a *THRIFT* store will pay is outrageous. If pricing it low means it might get snatched up by a reseller, so be it. Perhaps someone who will actually wear it themselves will snag it first. They claim to be nonprofit and there to help the community but they aren’t helping anyone but themselves.


It's a great price for that coat in that brand. It is currently also available on several websites for 6X as much. There's no such thing as a price for a coat. Things like brand have to be taken into account. I don't personally care for the coat and I don't need a coat but I'd consider buying it to re-sell it. E.g. it is a low price in the eyes of a re-seller.


So what you are saying is it won’t really deter a reseller. So it might as well be made a cheaper price and hopefully someone else can grab it first. A thrift store is all about inexpensive items. This new trend in the last decade of selling $50 jackets and $200 couches at a thrift store is absolutely ridiculous. Especially given these items are donated. Total corporate greed.


More people should be reselling and keeping these clothing items on the backs of people who want them. These thrift stores claim they “recycle” unsold items. Those items end up bundled and sent to Ghana. Ghana receives over 150,000 tons of used clothing a year. An overwhelming amount of textile waste is ending up in the ocean. Resellers aren’t an issue. Fast fashion is. Thrift stores sell to the local community. Resellers have the knowledge to be able to pick from the literal thousands of items on the sales floor to determine what will sell on a bigger market and they source, clean, repair and sell those items. Thrift stores hang and tag, that’s it. That’s why the price should stay low and why no one should be anti-reseller.


For sure. In this case. People being upset that they marked up this jacket are missing that if they had made it lower it was never going to go to a low income person in need. It would be going online by a reseller for far more than even the 49.99 price tag. Now ofc I would never pay 50 dollars for this, but I’d pay 99.99 at a thrift store for something else that I know would be 300+ online (used).


No low income person in actual need is going to buy this jacket for 48.99. They should price it cheaply, and hope that someone who wants and needs it sees it first. Claiming they are doing this to prevent resellers from resellers reselling when in fact it is to be greedy, is ridiculous.


Someone who “wants it” or “needs” it is not going to get it first. Resellers literally wait around ALL day long. They grab stuff off the carts or racks and go into corners to price check everything. My store wouldn’t price this for 49.99. Maybe 19.99. We can’t price anything super low without the resellers grabbing it up. If we do try to price something low then they mock us “haha you missed this” no dumb ass we didn’t but now your whack ass is going to buy it for cheap when someone else who couldn’t afford it at normal / resell prices won’t get it. Low income people of complain about the resellers but they’re “customers” too so you know what are we supposed to do? If we price it all super low we still get the complaints saying we just have Shein/Walmart brands. But that’s all that’s donated / left behind by resellers. I think some stores overprice for sure but there is kind of a balance a lot of them are trying to strike where it deters resellers while also still giving other people deals. Don’t even get me started on the stupid Hello Kitty / Pokémon resellers.


How about the store just makes a policy, like no more than 6 clothing items on your cart, and no loitering to check price tags, and they must be checked before trying them on. There are common sense rules that could help avoid this. 🙄


Lmao tell me you have never worked retell without telling me you’ve never worked retell.


LMAO I have definitely *never* worked “retell” a day in my life, that is absolutely true…


Autocorrect. Get over yourself.


Mirror needed- you are the person harassing someone over merely making a different suggestion for how to handle things.


Lego grifters are insane too


It certainly looks like a nice jacket, no way I’d ever pay more than $10 at a thrift store for a thin jacket though. Don’t know why anyone else would either.