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I got it working! Here's how, in details. It works both with Imap and POP3. 1. First, make sure Thunderbird accepts cookies! Otherwise the OAuth2 authentication won't work: > Tools / Preferences / Privacy & Security / Web Content / **Accept cookies from sites** 2. Update your account so it uses OAuth2: > Tools / Account Settings / Select your account * On the main section of your account: > Outgoing Server (SMTP) / Edit SMTP server... / Security and Authentication / Authentication method: **OAuth2** * On the "Server settings" section of your account: > Security Settings / Authentication method: **OAuth2** When Thunderbird will fetch messages for this account for the first time, a pop-up will show up. You enter your account username/password and click "Allow".


Thanks for sharing. Last time I tried this the login screen simply didn't work. Not sure if a Thunderbird update finally fixed it or if enabling cookies let it work. I don't want cookies enabled :( This change just lets Google and other sites track you more. I have cookies set to be kept until Thunderbird is closed. When you restart Thunderbird it doesn't prompt you for the account password again. I'm not sure how that works if you need cookies to stay logged in yet those cookies are deleted when you exit. Show Cookies says there aren't any... Are login cookies keep differently from other cookies or something? Edit: The login token is saved under Saved Passwords, not as a cookie.


I confirm: disabling the **Accept cookies from sites** option once your account has been authenticated seems to work! Even when Thunderbird is restarted. I guess you could also only accept cookies from some specific Google sites in order for the authentication to work.


As long as you don't delete existing cookies, it should keep working.


Ugh. Some of us don't want to keep cookies at all.


Thank you for the detailed and well-written instructions!!


Thanks! I just got my email from Google and headed over here to see what's up, and your instructions worked perfectly and were extremely clear. I have saved your comment for future reference, kind and knowledgeable redditor!


Worked for me using OAuth2 and POP. (I like to use POP on my home PC and imap on everything else).


ditto, thats how i backup my emails. then store on usb and burn copy to cd


I am unable to send still friend. After this my browser opened and prompted for my Gmail address and password, after entering it simply won't send or receive emails. Any thoughts? This is a company Gmail account, wondering if there is a way to enable the 0auth2 or something on the Gmail side?


Ha, good to know! https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/1269204 I guess I'll have to use imap instead of pop3 in my case, but I don't really care. Thanks for the tip.


I'm using it with pop3 and so far it's working fine. I both sent and received emails.


From Google: An App Password is a 16-digit passcode that gives a less secure app or device permission to access your Google Account. App Passwords can only be used with accounts that have 2-Step Verification turned on. So, does that mean that every time T'bird parses my IMAP connected account (15 minutes) I will have to verify via 2SA? I currently do not use 2SA so am still digging into this but it is looking like a non-viable method at the moment.




Thank you, that makes sense.


As a tangent to this if wanting to use 2FA w gmail you don’t have to use googles app! Just scan the barcode w Authy or whatever one you use/prefer


Good to know, thank you!


Yeah read a blog on that and was relieved for obvious reasons but also because bad reviews for the google app


does it connect to pop? and does it save email to backup so i can store on usb ?


Authy is a 2FA app you can use instead of google or microsoft


Will App Specific Password also banded after 30 may?


I am not sure.... but maybe check the link I put in my original post, maybe it links to more information.


I realize this thread is pretty old, but in case anybody else ends up here, what worked for me was setting up an App Password. This pretty much let me go back to a username and password SMTP type login, but required the creation of an additional password. See instructions here: [https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/185833?hl=en](https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/185833?hl=en)


Good to know, thank you /u/habadeer314!


Change your authentication method to OAuth2. With IMAP already set up, you should be able to do that. That will make Google happy.


This is the only answer.






I'd like to know too. I have a gmail account that I use from Thunderbird, using POP3 in my case. The only "solution" I see will be to forward the messages sent to this account to another one, not gmail based, that will still work with Thunderbird... And then use the gmail web interface to send/reply. Sucks. (*Keywords for people to find this thread: "On May 30, you may lose access to apps that are using less secure sign-in technology ", "Outlook 2016 or earlier"*)


> (Keywords for people to find this thread: "On May 30, you may lose access to apps that are using less secure sign-in technology ", "Outlook 2016 or earlier") Thank you. I should've included this in my original post haha. :)


That's what I have been doing for years. So : no change.




Don't know if Thunderbird 38.4.0 supports the OAuth2 instructions [in this reply](https://old.reddit.com/r/Thunderbird/comments/t6g5mk/how_to_deal_with_googles_new_less_secure_apps_ban/hzb07kj/).... Hopefully it does!




Ahh, that's too bad. Hope you find a solution that works for you!


This isn't a real answer to your question (Sorry) but maybe it's time to reexamine if you want to still use Gmail? Even if you've had your Gmail account since 2006, it's not as bad as you think to start changing to something else.


> maybe it's time to reexamine if you want to still use Gmail? Oh believe me I've been working hard de-Googling my life for years. It's painstaking and complicated to untangle everything, so I will still need Gmail until the migration is complete. :) It's amazing when you realize how much you rely on Google when you start de-Googling.


Thunderbird an use Oath for authentication to Gmail via IMAP. That's how I do it.


so it do't work on pop? because imap the delete dont work don't want to do double work. plus it only download headers in imap so false positive if you cann'tconnect you can't see the full mail, where as if pop its completely. on the machine


You can delete in IMAP and you can see your IMAP folders to be avaialble offline, which will make them download the whole mail message.


Well. DAMN YOU TO HELL GOOGLE! Now I can't use gmail with my Outlook Express 6 anymore.:( ... Time to switch to another email provider.


Do you know of one that will work with a less secure app?


I am not sure what I did right actually, but I followed this [https://wpmailsmtp.com/gmail-less-secure-apps/#Option\_1\_Switch\_to\_the\_Gmail\_Mailer](https://wpmailsmtp.com/gmail-less-secure-apps/#Option_1_Switch_to_the_Gmail_Mailer) How to Switch From Less Secure Apps and it worked!