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The Earth is fine. Sort of. It's us that needs to change. Hahahaha good luck everybody


["The planet is fine, the people are fucked"](https://youtu.be/Kmo8sh77G6Y?si=yhs94pRqai1xAeiP&t=2m49s)


Damn it’s rare to find comedy that ages as well as this. Thanks for sharing


That's why Carlin is the goat


10000% agree. No matter what ails me, I can toss on anything he's done on and pull myself back, and usually become motivated by his energy too. This man was genius in every way.


The earth as a whole has a really big problem. You and me and 9 billion others are never going away.


Never say never. Its pretty likely the earth will be around much longer than humans will.


You underestimate us. We will consume all life on earth and die hungry. What will remain will not be earth more like mars.


If we exhaust all practical resources and drive ourselves to extinction, the Earth’s ecosystems would rebound. It’s just a matter of time, be it thousands or millions of years.


Actually, it's kind of the other way around. The earth is going to be fine but we absolutely won't be here (along with all the other living things).


If dead = fine sure.


The earth won't die into nothingness. Just because we will eventually make the earth uninhabitable for humans and any life forms we directly rely on to survive long term doesn't mean every life form will die. There will be many life forms that survive even in the harsh condition we will eventually leave earth in. The earth was once just a rock with a bunch of microscopic shit on it. It didn't come into being with rain forests and rivers. It would take maybe millenia to rebuild itself into something as beautiful as we have experience probably. But it would *eventually* overcome everything we have done to it once we are long gone. Bacteria and shit can do a whole lot if left alone for millions of years on an otherwise empty planet.


Ya bugs mushrooms and darkness eating our ruins for millennia. What a legacy we will leave.


9?!? We just hit 8 just last year! What happened?!! We're doomed!!!


Give it a short amount of time.




Eventually our star will die and by that point humans will probably have gone extinct ages ago or managed to find a new home elsewhere. There will be a time where this rock we call home will exist in complete darkness, with not even distant stars in the sky to keep it company. The universe will expand until it becomes a blanket of pure black that envelopes this planet. Floating through the abyss completely alone, our beautiful planet will finally be at peace, a forgotten memory of the vibrant life it once held so long ago.


> Sort of. The "Sort Of" being driving uncountable other species to extinction along with us.


How much I wanted it to say hope is just the beginning.


Rebellions are built on hope.


And guillotines.


Mostly guillotines.


A hope for guillotines.


Well I guess it can't hurt to try


Hope isn’t believing that things will get better, it’s knowing that they *can* So having hope is fighting


It's nice to know that no matter what we do to this place, things will recover, and it will wipe any trace of our existence out long after we're a distant memory in Earth's rearview.


I hear habitable planets are a hot commodity nowadays. Maybe a species that deserves this planet will come pick up the slack.


Tiktokcringe: Posts the hardest inspiration video oat


Yeah I was about to say. I hate 90% of TikTok videos but damn… this deserves to be an Instagram post or even a YouTube video


My apartment complex literally sent out a flyer saying to "plant a tree"... So I went around and filmed all the tree stumps from the trees they cut down in the last couple months. All our bushes and over SIXTY trees gone. 😞 Pathetic... I honestly don't blame people for being depressed over this kind of shit... Humans are destroying this planet and our population is growing rapidly. It's not going to get better if we keep being hypocrites. I *hope* to someday have hope for this planet.


Hannah Ritchie (data scientist) just came out with her novel about having a more optimistic view on turning around the climate crisis. N[ot the End of the World: How We Can Be the First Generation to Build a Sustainable Planet](https://www.amazon.com/Not-End-World-Generation-Sustainable/dp/031653675X) would be a good resource to start for people who are looking to take hope into something productive. # #


All rebellions are built on hope ❤️


Best. Instagram. Account. Ever. @weloveyou


They remind me of Bill & Ted


Loved this video, thanks OP


Soooo have hope that the top 10% who own the companies that produce 80% of the pollution will suddenly not be greedy. I’ll keep trying. 🤷‍♂️


Every fraction of a percent counts. (You're right about the corporate pollution stuff though ofc)


Eating one billionaire would do more for the environment than never driving again and giving up meat. Just sayin. 😇


yes but by your own admission it’s quite a hard task to expect the top 1% to suddenly stop being greedy. People like to dismiss lifestyle changes like driving less and eating less meat because they think of themselves as individuals - but the whole point is that it’s not done by just 1 individual. Obviously that wouldn’t do anything. Collective action is one of the best and only ways to make those awfully polluting corporations be forced to change. It’s not like their money doesn’t come directly from consumers… Yes eat the rich!! But a lot of people use your argument to justify doing nothing to actually help eat the rich. Imo change must come from more than just the top - it has to be made at every level, i.e. the producer, the supplier, and the consumer


You’re talking this to seriously. I know all that. I’ve been in this fight forever. And my foot print is tiny, if any. This is TikTokCringe, not Collapse or Anti capitalism. So I can joke about our impending doom here.


… ok good for you! this is a video about hope in the face of climate change. The video isn’t even a joke in the first place lol. You know these discussions shouldn’t only happen in those subreddits you mentioned right? What’s the point in saying “eating one billionaire would do more than anything 1 individual can do” like no shit? What’s the joke? That type of comment only makes people complacent and unwilling to make changes that need to happen in the long term e: Look fellow human I am not attacking you or accusing you of not doing enough for the earth, it sounds like we’re on the same page. don’t be so scared of discussion


But like... That's what needs to be done? We need enough people to start a revolution, then do it. That's basically the only way we're surviving.


You don’t understand that’s exactly what I’m saying? The notion that individual action is pointless in comparison to “eating the rich” is what makes people not make any changes. Changes that are required to actually eat the rich, i.e. start a movement that removes the money/power from the rich. It’s a misconception that individual action is different from targeting the rich because its not individual if it becomes a revolution.


Thank you! I didn't even want to engage but you did it for me. Well said.


the fact that their response to a video about staying hopeful and not succumbing to demotivating thoughts is to “joke about our impending doom”…. something tells me they might not actually want people to be hopeful…


There's no hope for the current generation of CEOs and people in power. There *is* hope for the next generation. We can do our part by teaching our younger siblings, neices, nephews, sons, daughters, etc. To value compassion, empathy and charity. And teach them that success isn't just having money and power. It's using the resources at your disposal to make the world a better place.


Let’s celebrate like the founder did!!


Actually that was outlawed in 1863


It takes hope to stay alive and not give up even when you know for sure people are not going to stop. They will never stop.


They spelled vote wrong.


The brown haired guy reminds me of Walter White's son in breaking bad


Scared people are hoping, not scared people are doing.


Bill & Ted's Existential Adventure


Nature can heal a lot better than what we expect. But we need to do something. I mean.. corporations need to do something. Cause [Just 100 companies responsible for 71% of global emissions, study says](https://www.theguardian.com/sustainable-business/2017/jul/10/100-fossil-fuel-companies-investors-responsible-71-global-emissions-cdp-study-climate-change)


I disagree actually. I don’t have any hope anymore. I can’t hope people will do the right thing, I can’t hope that the climate will fix itself. What I do have is faith. Faith in myself that I can make a difference in my local sphere. Starting with plants and soil.


What's the difference between faith and hope in this case?


The more I spend time in this subreddit, the more I'm sure either I don't know what's cringe, or you guys don't know it.


I will never not love these guys


Whats the reason why people post stuff like this in this sub. Isn't it supposed to be cringe?


No apparently it's a mix of cringe and exquisite videos. Not sure how that happened




Hey, goofball[!](https://imgur.com/a/XTuSUNR) Looks like you missed the pinned comment! If you're confused about the name of the subreddit, please take a minute and read [this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/fyrgzy/for_those_confused_by_the_name_of_this_subreddit/) We hope to see you back here after you've familiarized yourself with our community. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TikTokCringe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I think that's a giant ass field of leafy spurge which is incredibly and harmfully invasive in north America 😭 not really selling the "have hope!" line well ...


You want to fix the earth? Annihilate the human population, problem solved.


I'm listening...


Hey man I just propose solutions to problems, not a plan of action to get there.


Then you are the problem! At least I'm asking HOW to make it a reality. I'm not going to do any of it, but it'll feel like I've made a difference by challenging someone else to come up with a plan!


If we target the richest it'll make the whole process way faster


Humans are just as much a part of the Earth as any other species. This kind of talk is not at all helpful towards a brighter future. [And it’s literally just fascist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ecofascism?wprov=sfti1#)


We’re too far gone, like our cities are bad for the environment we aren’t just going to take them down


Kind of strange that when Earth Day started in 1970, the prevailing scientific fear was a new ice age and not global warming.






so your shitty university management made terrible decisions and you blame the 20yos?


Kind of ... the students outlined the plan and the management didn't really have a choice as it is an all exclusive university. They, the kids, pay a lot of money to go there (parents I mean). They had 'round tables' and such and wanted to go mostly vegan. They don't know yet of the how the industry works. We do source 75% local from the state, we even compost at a rapid rate. So, instead of using a flat top, we used 6 gas ovens and electric steamers to make what they wanted. I truly believe we used more energy because there mostly oven roasted options. I dunno, I was just venting. It was a hard day.




You jealous they can get laid or something?