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His future gf’s are gonna love this.


Shes going to have to make a lot of these videos 🤣


Hey now, don't doubt the stud!


Mother never had to make one for me 😄


Mom has made her choice, no one will ever be good enough for her little angel 😂


You're allowed to think these things, but making a social media post about it is just weird


Social media has completely eradicated the whole “we don’t need to say everything out loud” concept.


Social media and covid has left the Shame Wizard shriveled up in the corner dead from starvation.


Poor Shane Lizard.


Poor Eddie Izard


Oh no, he still lives very much so in some of us




Only for narcissists and attention seekers.


In the old days, if you do say something stupid, you will be mocked/scolded/teased by those physically around you. With social media, you don't have to listen to naysayers, people can just block them and only listen to those that confirm their priors.


Which really sucks because we were actually getting pretty darn close to achieving that concept. And then social media was born.


Better yet, just tell the damn girl. It's a nice gesture, but no need to make it public.


Call her house and ask her parents if you can share your thoughts with her. A social media post is weird.


Hell. Even saying then to the ex gf could be considered allowed in the right context. But fucking posting it?


Wdym in the right context? This is a VERY nice thing to say to her in person, it's just distastefull to do it over social media. The world'd be a better place if we'd teach our kids more that the person we loved is not a monster just because we broke up.


Yeah but saying it to her at an Applebee's where you're hosting the Son's graduation party isn't exactly the best context either.


I mean, it’s not all that bad. A bit weird, but her heart was in the right place and I’d appreciate the sentiment.


It’s a nice sentiment but one that could and should have been sent privately. It’s weird to make a TikTok of this.


It’s to show everyone how sweet and considerate they are. I divorced a narcissist and her family is all like this. Constantly showing off their good deeds. The show loses its luster when you are a stage hand, I had to dip out finally.


Oh without a doubt. It’s weird that we feel the need to put our opinions out there, especially opinions on people that exist in our own actual reality lol


Nah. It's far beyond weird. It's crazy to post a tiktok video about your teenage son's ex gf. She had to get the videos of them together from her son and put together a montage. Sheer insanity.


Unless they had a *very* friendly mutual breakup, neither of them probably want to be seeing a "compilation of the good times" right now. And if their breakup *was* that chill, I don't see why she couldn't be hanging out with the family as a friend at some point in the future. The video aspect specifically is very weird.


She could have sent her a private text. Poor son is probably so embarrassed.


My wife and I broke up briefly about a year into dating. and my parents and her parents happened to be at the same event and both of them told us after we got back together, they all had a long conversation about how they wanted us to get back together. Luckily, no one made a tik tok about it


Write her a letter, Jfc.


My son caught his long time girlfriend cheating. They broke up. Her Dad was devastated. I mean he was in tears. I think he saw my son as the son he never had.


When I tell you we were just on vacation and my son got a pic sent to him of his gf of almost 3yrs with her mouth around a cock!! We had just taken this chick to some real family functions talking so good about her.. go on a vacation she couldn’t go on cause it was too long and I understood. But definitely did NOT understand why the bitch couldn’t go even 2 weeks without some dick! Fuck her! She was like a daughter to us and was there after my nana and then when my mom unexpectedly passed- she was family! I knew not to trust it- but never would expected that to happen to him. (First real gf, lost their virginity together, I was there for her and getting plan B and talking to her when her mom wouldn’t, sad… I’m sure I’ll get downvoted but it’s just facts) ETA: I did tell her to try and get this taken care of as far as her picture being out there like that.. I have 2 daughters myself and would never want them having something like that out there. I told her it was best to tell her parents to try and help with that, honestly it was crazy and no one should ever be caught in that predicament.. I’m thankful that I’m older and didn’t have to deal with this kind of shit. She is just underage/ just underage but still. I knew I would be downvoted and that’s ridiculous but imma leave it cause this shit is happening now. Sad.


This makes me realize how different other people's family dynamics are. It seems like you're a great and involved parent, but I truly never want my parents in my business like this. I wouldn't even think to share these things with my mom


Lol! Right! I wish I didn’t know a lot of things but I’m truly happy my son feels open and close enough with me to share! I’m truly blessed that I have that kind of relationship with him and never want that to change. I could tell as soon as it happened too. We were at the Gulf in Naples and having a blast: he was acting like such a kid again and making sand castles n shit.. next thing I know I’m looking back n he’s on his phone and his face just was devastated- like that’s the best way I can put it… so I got out of the water n went to him and he just broke down! It was his first heart break and it definitely broke my heart too! Lol. Poor kid! I know back in the day shit happened like this, but there wasn’t fuckin photo evidence- your imagination was enough!! Shit’s scarred in my brain n it’s something I’ll never forget- so I couldn’t imagine for him! 🤦🏻‍♀️


Did she text the photo to him to hurt him? Or did the guy text him the photo?


When my first boyfriend dumped me for my best friend, my mother didn’t even pause her movie to comfort me when I walked in crying and told her.


That'll cause some trauma, for sure! As someone whose been there, been there; I definitely recommend he get therapy. Even if it doesn't seem like he needs any. (P much exact same situation, not photos exactly like that, but many undeniable text receipts confirming affairs with multiple men over a short period.)


You're right, you're blessed to have such a strong relationship with your son. I hope that the people commenting that it's too much info for a parent to know aren't parents.


Thank you! I’ve been reading some of those to him, and the good ones of course- n yeah we’re good.. We don’t really need people’s opinions on how open n honest we are here, it’s none of anyone’s business. It’s working great for me! I know everything and I wish I could’ve been more open with my parents. But I grew up in a whole different situation and my kids are blessed with parents love them n are willing to talk and I won’t ever be ashamed of that! I just really appreciate the comments like these. It’s so messed up with what’s happening with our youth and suicides and drug abuse, child abuse etc- I’ll stick with where I’m at..


Yeah this is way too much info for a parent to be knowing


That's just fucked up, I truly an sorry that happened to your son, he didn't deserve to be treated like that. Neither did your family. I hope one day she realizes what she lost!


You talk about her really disgusting considering she's a minor.


Oh it's OP.


This seems like a bit too much parental involvement…


I miss the ex's dad almost as much as I miss the ex. He was a wonderful father figure and I really got along well with him.


Interesting. I had a few gf's that I broke up with and their parents actually called me to say "goodbye" and told me how nice it was and sorry for the breakup.... But I can't imagine seeing this crap online in public. That would be my worst nightmare.


Yeah this belongs in a text message


That sounds nice. I caught my gf of 16 years cheating on me and kicked her out. It's been a year and still nothing from her parents. Oh, by the way, I also housed her Mother and took care of her while she was recovering from Cancer, and I helped her Father move multiple times after her Mother kicked him out because he couldn't keep his dick in his pants. ... Yep. That sounds like it would be nice to hear.


Same. Two of my college gf’s mothers called me to apologize for their daughters and to say they would miss me. It was a sweet gesture, for sure, but quite difficult to get through with all the fresh emotions, and 💯best left for a private conversation. I find this social media post to be kind of wholesome despite my own experiences - it’s sweet. Still though, probably best left for a private conversation 😂


My son and his girlfriend just broke up… how do I make this about me and let everyone else know it’s about me at the same time?


That’s what this is 100 percent!!😂


While being creepy posting videos of what looks to be a literal child that’s not mine on the internet


You could make a post about it on the internet.Dont forget to put sad music.


A sweet sentiment, but it loses sincerity when people post things like this just to show what a great person they are, while pretending it's meant for the person that its written about.


Yeah like this would have been fine to send as a text to her. Maybe a tad bit too intimate, but fine i guess. But to post online? Fucking weird.


Happy cake day


It is kind of weird but also kind of nice? Idk see too many mothers of young boys being mean to their son’s gfs…


It would be nice if she reached out directly to the girl and said it. Publishing a video of an underage teen's personal moments to communicate is pretty cringe.


A montage of lovey videos set to a melancholy version of a Goo Goo Dolls song… telling the world how much you’ll miss your son’s ex-girlfriend. There’s some things social media isn’t meant for and this is one of them.


I mostly feel sorry for the son. Fuck that would be embarrassing.


You just know his mom is constantly doing stuff like this.


That was my first thought too, but there is just this nagging thought in my head that this is a play for views. Maybe they had a successful account together and saw an opportunity to make it a “will they get back together?!” moment. Just feel like it wouldn’t surprise me if they posted a makeup video where they get back together in a month. Then again, people are insane on social media so who knows if it’s a scam or an over sharing parent


A melancholy version of a goo goo dolls song because it was melancholy enough before lol


It’s nicer than “my son’s EVIL 16 year old ex girlfriend who tried to STEAL HIM AWAY from me RUINED his life because she is a FUGLY SKANK”. It’s still weird as fuck, but the bar is unfathomably low at this point and James Cameron just refuses to do anything about it


Damn, when you it like that you’ve got a point lol.


You’re overthinking it. It’s awkward and cringy, but also kinda sweet goofy mom stuff.


Yeah would’ve been a nice private message instead of blasting it online for views


If my mom made a tiktok or Facebook post about me and my gf breaking up I would pass away from embarrassment


When the norm is often #BoyMom hating on their son’s gf, this is actually nice to see.


I’ve honestly never encountered this in real life, wether it’s me or stories from friends ect. Seen it on the internet and movie tropes all the time tho


I don't think I've ever dated someone my family approved of.


The sentiment is definitely preferable. It is kinda weird to post tho. But idk some people are just chronically online and post literally everything


Nah this is just weird as hell.


In the end, posting anything related to your kids break up is odd. What a world we are witnessing?


Seeing stuff like this makes me so thankful to have parents who are just normal people who don't feel the need to make everything in my life about them.


This is what happens when you like your son’s girlfriend more than your son.


100%. Can't believe almost 800 people upvoted that. Mom is waaaaay too involved in her son's life and while maybe sending the ex GF a text with that stuff is okay, if they had been close, putting it up on social media is weird. It's also going to follow her son, who presumably would like to get involved in another relationship at some point without having past baggage following him around.




Oh this video is weird as hell, but I do get where you’re coming from having been called everything from the whore of Babylon to the the wolf among the flock (dated into a lot of religious families when I was young). The funny thing is that every break up I’ve ever had was amicable. Almost all of them ended with us being good and close friends afterwards, but the moms were just god awful to me afterwards. I did have one dad that stopped me in a dollar store once as I was getting some drinks for a trip to the river with friends, and he thanked me for being with his son saying that I helped turn him into a better man when he needed it most. At first I was a little weirded out by it, but I later learned that before us his son was in a bad situation with drugs and depression. We only dated for a few months but in that time he straightened out his school work and laid off the drugs in an effort to impress me. We ended things because I was going off to school and he still had a year because of his poor performance in school so we both knew that it wasn’t going to work out. Apparently I gave him a confidence boost needed at the right time and he now has a thriving business and a wonderful family. While we’re not “close” I do see him at least once a week in passing by and I’m happy that things worked out so well for him. It’s weird that when you’re in school you and your friends think you’re going to be friends for eternity, but you all eventually spiral out into your own little circles which rarely include those people you once thought so close.


I agree 👍


What choice did the gf have? The haircut on that lad is abominable


She can do better. Sorry, dude


I don't like how many people act like their teenager is already married when they are likely to break up. The adults get all invested and its weird. My partners family was like this and it puts a lot of pressure to stay together when you are literally TEENS


Right? Ugh Facebook seems to be the standard for that same shite..so many mothers talking about their “future daughter/son in law “post and the kids are 14 🤦🏽‍♀️ like, why?? Meanwhile ,there’s my sons(24&21) just doing the tinder thing 😩 🤣 I do wish, they’d get a gf tho and stop Hoeing around lol


Tiktokers will post anything and everything with a sentimental song in the background and try to make it not weird. And they'll always find a target audience that eats it up. The future is grim. Update: Just saw a video of a mother recording herself doing a "live reaction opening" of her deceased child's suicide note. Instead of people being like "who in their right mind would record theirselves and upload this to social media for clout" the comments are filled with people just being sympathetic and eating it up giving this type of person exactly what they wanted. If you don't believe me her tag on Tiktok is heatherwyatt but honestly searching for her will just give her what she wanted and make her pop up on the algorithim more so idk.


friend: "So, why did you break up with LRobb's son?" the exgf: "I felt like I was dating his mother"


Not often do we get a proper cringe. But when we do... 😬


Finally some good fucking cringe 


finally some REAL FUCKING FOOD


How embarrassing for the son and how weird of her.


Right? As a teenager and early 20s my parents had a bad habit of staying friends with my Exes. They would even call them a few times a year to check in and make sure they mention to me how sos and so is doing and vice versa. These are boys and men I broke up with for very very good reasons- beyond red flag behavior that my parents are very well aware of. It’s a slap in the face. Oh did I mention my parents are narcissists and after 20 years of narcissistic hyper religious behavior, I went no contact. The mom in this vid is a narcissist and wants to look like “the good guy”. I feel sorry for her son


It was a sweet, mature reflection of your kids breakup with someone that you really felt was part of the family…right up till you posted it on social media with a video montage of both of them.


Top tier cringe.


I really hope this is a joke.


Ok but this is 100x better than incestuous boymom wrath directed at teenaged girls on fb. Defo did not think it was going in this direction.


This is the cool mom in mean girls who asked her kid if they needed condoms


This is the epitome of cringe


Inside thoughts should stay inside


Looks like cringe is back on the menu, boys!


PART 60 ?!!!?!




I came here to see if anyone else noticed that lmao. Part 60… unhinged. I’m so surprised to see that so many people in the comments view this favorably


This reminds me of my ex's mom 🥲 She was my mother figure when mine was absent and we hung out without him all the time. Continued talking for years after we split. Eventually drifted but sadly she passed away this week, found out via Facebook. This is cute, even if it is more appropriate as an inside thought


Is this worse if the son dumped the girl? Or if the girl dumped the son?


Holy FUCK this is weird as hell


Talk about being a "sMother"


Odd but I find it kinda endearing.  Level of cringe is relative to how long the relationship was: if they dated for like a week: That’s maximum cringe, couple years?  Not as much.


My exs mom still calls to check every once in a while even though we broke up a decade ago. I know she thinks of me as the son in law that got away.


Doesn't make it ok bud


What okay?


Jesus I'd block her.


My dad loved playing break up songs when people broke up around him. Only in good humor of course 🙄


It’s a little (very) weird to post these inside thoughts but I guess at least it’s not a mom bashing a teenage girl post break up with son?


Kinda related.. My mom used to fb message back and forth with my ex….after I broke up with them after sexual abuse. She still would say “Aw but I liked them. Miss them”. I didn’t tell her about the abuse but I asked her “please stop talking to them, they weren’t good to me.” But she still would comment on their stuff now and again.


Maybe send an email.


They're children, WTF?!


Better than what my ex’s parents said to me. I went from “keeper” to an essay about how I was going to literally rot in actual hell (they are very religious) pretty much overnight.




My father told me after I broke up with my first serious girlfriend: "You're never going to find someone like her again." He was wrong, but it did take me almost 30 years.


She sounds like one of those castrating moms who embeds herself in her kid's life to a point where he'll never grow and become a fully functional adult. Having a relationship with someone like that will be incredibly hard because the mom will always be competing with the wife for the attention of the son, and he will often side with mom.


Helicopter Mom. Move out as soon as you can, kid.


I'm so incredibly glad that this wasn't around when I was a teenager. My mom would have absolutely done this shit. She has Facebook messaged crushes and ex's of myself and my sisters before. Jesus.


This is a real boy mum.


This belongs in a text message not on a TikTok with accompanying photos/videos. I like the sentiment but this really doesn’t need to be public.


Bless your heart. Some parents know their kids are pieces of shit. They feel bad their spawn abused and treated the girl like dirt. It’s basically an apology.


I think her point was that somebody does become a part of your family and like your own kid and you do miss them. Thats okay


I agree with the message but posting it on social media is a bit much. A nice text would have been better.




Agreed with up to a point.


Seems more wholesome than cringe


not really wholesome when you're posting a minors breakup and private moments for everyone to see


as an ex gf to many hs boys years ago, this would’ve made me feel nice and appreciated. y’all are applying too much of your perspective lmao


I would DIE if an ex's family did that. If they really wanted to say it, they could have said to her, but uploading it to social media for anyone to see? I'd be so embarrassed.


I think it’s sweet. I would be so touched. I have had boyfriends moms tell me they love me that I am a part of their lives then turn a cold shoulder as soon as we split. As someone that lost their mother at a young age it was an additional punch to ending a relationship. I would be honored to receive this message.


My very long term girlfriend and I just broke up. Her mom text me very sweet messages about how much she loves me and will always consider me a part of the family. I, on the other hand, had to convince my mom it was amicable and she shouldn’t spitefully hate her. I don’t know what I would have preferred, but it kinda rules to know my mom will go nuts to defend me.


This is actually pretty wholesome. Shouldn't really have been public knowledge, but still


Shouldn't have posted this on social media but I like how thoughtful the mother is


Definitely cringy but I bet the dude hears it from his parents all the time about how he should have never broken up with her and they should get back together. His parents behavior is probably worse then what I described


I’m honestly just impressed it isn’t spiteful


I would of been MORTIFIED if either my Mum or ex's Mum did this.


Nah Nan thus is some strange shit. I mean this mother done went thru all the videos of them made them into idk what video like saying she is dead to her or something like she and her son will never see that homewrecker again. That poor dude I really feel for him when school starts back and he sees her. He be like sorry bout my mom. She took our breakup really hard lol




This was exactly how my ex's mum acted when we broke up. I was 18. I actually cheated on her and after I came clean her mum called and told me we can still make it work. If I was her mum I would have slapped me silly.


girls come and go... tiktok cringe is forever


My mum wrote a letter to my ex basically saying the same thing. I was like Mum.. she treated me bad and broke my heart...


Lester Burnham vibes


This would be enough for me to go low contact at 18.


This felt like a memorial video of two kids from a school shooting.


Social media is just a stent for the brains thoughts to the outside world and some people don’t know how to keep the valve shut.


Why didn’t she just text her this lol? This is beyond weird.


Omg, parents finally found a worse thing to put on line than their kid being potty trained as a toddler.


I wonder if maybe the son prompted mom a bit to post it in the hopes of sparking a conversation with the ex?


I get it. Walking the line with my kid for sure depending on how it went, but I get it. Doesnt need to be a post though- far more potential for drama and pain in that format. Just call, wish her well.


It’s called enmeshment. Lack of boundaries. Form of abuse.


This happened to my best friend when he broke up with his girlfriend in high school. Her mom posted about it on Facebook (and this was 2007 so social media was fairly new). It was weird then and still very weird now. Don't do this parents. Don't do this




I did not know cringe went to 11.


People underestimate the impact a young persons break up can have on the surrounding family. My bro is older than me by 4 years, when he was 18 he broke up with his gf of a good few years and I was absolutely devastated, she was amazing with me as a younger bro, playing halo, helping with homework and shit.


That is sweet


it's just weird


Ugh… what type of parents use tik tok to farm engagement. Let your kids live their lives in piece. A nice text to her would have sufficed.


Holy hell.


I've had friends with this type of mom. The type of mom who, 20 years later, won't accept any of the other girlfriends you've brought home, hates your wife, constantly reminds you of your high school ex and keeps in contact with her on Facebook. Toxic shit.


This is fucking weird


I’m not a regular mom. I’m a cool mom.


If they're that close she could have told her this to her personally. This is pure Internet attention seeking. Good job my mum wasn't like this, I had more boyfriends than hot dinners.


This is one of them, send a text instead moments. I hate social media posts like this.


Ok, but is it the mom or the dad that posted it. No matter which way you slice it this is weird as shit. But if the dad posted it he should be added to a watch list


This is creepy.


The only way this is acceptable, is if their son died or something like that.




I hope its not the dad doing the tiktoks.. that would be super weird🤣


This is.. very weird


I understand sending it privately, but this was made for attention.


com’on, mom wants you guys to get back together, she needs someone to talk to at Chili’s


Actually wholesome!


Privacy and intimate memories: extinct


im so close to looking at the comments for this


I for one love this 💙 beautiful that gratitude is being expressed 💙 if ex’s have issues with this 🚩


this is worse than blackmailing




My mom was like this with a gear I dated in high-school. She “accidentally” called every girl I dated her name for the next 10 years.


Ik the circumstances are different, but my mom's cousin in Germany was engaged for over 15 years and eventually things didn't work out (fell out of love I think) but there was no bad blood and we all still see her as part of the family anyways. It's sweet. My mom's family is sweet.


Our son's an entitled little asshole and we are kicking him out. Please come back...




I mean maybe just side with and focus on your own child? idk


Naw this is lovely. I would feel so treasure if this was me, and seeing it reminds me of the beautiful families I’ve met through ex partners


The weirdest thing is these kids are like 12 or 13😬 parents should not validate a child’s “relationship” this much other than “oh that’s cute”, this cannot be healthy.