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They defo do it on purpose, Hinge too


And then an ad to buy gold or whatever


I just started getting the option to watch a commercial for 5 more likes. Has anyone else received this deal yet?


Sometimes, but it rarely works, and I end up watching 5 commercials for nothing.


Bumble too


She won't swipe right on you even if you did on her. Girls swipe 200 times a day on average (men 130) and only swipe right under 5% of the time. It's on those my Tinder statistics posts, 2nd panels.


Did you miss a zero on the men’s side? No shot women are more active swipers than men


It only limits right swipes. So women who swipe right on very few will churn through a lot of profiles


Actually no, women apparently swipe more than men daily. If you ever see people posting their tinder stats, on the second page it shows the statistics about how often men and women swipe daily, their match % rates and such


They swipe more but swipe right less


How on earth are these women swiping right 10 times a day on average? I swear if I swipe right on more than like 5 people in a week or two I start getting overwhelmed and have to quit entirely for a little while


Not always true, times i have seen the same girl at a kimit like this, then i get lucky and she appears and i have a super like and she matches. Its mind boggling she does and you fuck it up


I'm actually pretty handsome although I'm starting to age at 41 however I was in a 16 year relationship from 20-36. Which are the trial and error years for dating. So now I get a decent amount of good matches but absolutely ruin 99% with my lack of conversation skills and understanding of women that aren't my ex. I'm getting there though. I just got out of my longest relationship since and she even moved in with me. She didn't yell at me and leave for a whole 6 months so that's progress lol.


that would mean they probably swipe fast without paying much attention to a single profile unless it interests them a lot I guess. 200 swipes daily would take me a lot of time


Sometimes you don't have to spend a lot of time. Nearly empty profile of a shrouded human shooting an up the nose pic? Pass. You can swipe 5 of those in 5 seconds.


I was so down bad last night I bought super likes💀💀💀


Super likes are weird. I haven't used tinder in a while so I don't know if they still give a free one but from talking to women that I super liked about half thought getting a super like was special and made them feel good and it helped but the other half found it very creepy and odd that someone would spend money to send a super like based solely on a profile that usually doesn't tell you much about the real person. Now consider I was only able to talk to the ones that thought it was creepy but still liked me enough to swipe right and you realize the majority of women don't like super likes ime. So now I have to try to read the girl and see if they would want a super like or not lol. Although I am older currently 41 so the women in my age range typically have way more red flags they watch for after being in more bad situations. Luckily I'm off the app. Not dating I just gave up for now.


I know with tinder gold you get free super likes but I'm not too sure about normal, I think you might just get one? Every once in awhile. But honestly good for you man for getting off and focusing on you, it's rough out here


I'm not even focusing on me. Just trying to focus on nothing. Im 41 I can't deal with the apps for long but every few years I'll jump in and test the waters and catch a bunch of boots and throw them back. Sometimes I'll wear them first and then delete the app in my own self disgust lol.


She wasn't gonna swipe on you anyways my dude


She'll likely not even see you. If she's popular, she probably gets only the newest and most popular profiles on her feed to give the illusion that there are a lot of great options available so she keeps swiping.


Huh. Does hinge work this way too?


I think they all do to some extent, though some do prioritise things like distance and preferences. Tinder gives you the impression that it's filled primarily with conventionally attractive girls in bikinis, no matter what your preferences. But it's evident that's just because they're the one that get the most swipes.


I just hid my hinge account because I’m taking a break but I think I technically had a popular account as a guy (1 or 2 matches a day) and I noticed that I saw a lot of newer profiles. The girls definitely did become more attractive compared to when I first downloaded the app too


Someone's salty


We wouldn’t know cuz tinder hit me with the daily limit, clearly she’s built different and sees what I have to offer


I have never reached my like limit I am too picky 💀


I sense this is a woman


I am lol


I was gonna say I had no idea there was a like limit on Tinder??


Same, but I guess it's newer? I have been on a break for months.


No, this feature has been there for years, like probably 4-5 years at least. It's limited to 100 likes every 12hrs.


Even if you swipe right....


Then the beautiful ones ask, why am I not getting any likes😂


Back in the day you could share the profile, save the link, and then go back later to swipe lol


>open app >see gold ad >run likes >see premium ad >close app


Black Mirror shit we're living in...


Annnd if you reach your daily like limit, straight to the bottom of the algorithm for you!


Just buy the subscription. No other business is expected to service you for free.


They still serve ads down your throat right? That's revenue, don't make people feel like their stealing or being cheap.


No. There are no ads on my dating app.


Ok maybe I'm wrong. But still I find gold is kinda either desperate or money peacocking depending on the situation. To each their own though it's not my money and they need to make money. I swear I used to see an occasional ad while swiping and would click it accidentally from time to time but maybe that was another app.


If yall can’t invest 30-60 dollars a month into your dating life, you’re not in a position to date




Better spend that money on the date not on the dating app. Gives off desperate vibes


Or financially sound, a pack of toilet paper costs more than membership on Hinge. If you 30-70 is too much, or really even a concern, you are not in a position to be dating


30-70 dollars for toilet paper?? Also, it’s not about financial situation is about being mindful of where do you spend your money. If I see a man that pays for dating apps it gives me the feeling that he is desperate.


You consider it desperate, I consider it an investment into arguably the most important connection you’ll make in your life at some point


Fake news.


Just said to another person but.... They still shove ads down our throats right? I've been off tinder a while but I assume so. That's revenue. Don't make people feel cheap for using a service. Imo paying for gold looks needy and desperate but that's just me.