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Disney adults in Japan are a different breed


They really are. Park opens at 8? Get there at 6:00, immediately walk to the center of the park where the parade route is, set up a blanket and carefully arrange dozens of stuffed animals of their favorite character on it and then proceed to wait there until the parade goes by. *and that’s it* That’s what they came to the park to do.


And it happens everyday too... I have been to the theme park a few times and it is always full at 6am onwards before the gate even opens...


here's the interesting thing about disney fans in japan: they are fans of the characters. they treat all of the cute characters in the disney franchise like they treat those "character goods characters" like Hello Kitty, Cinnamoroll, Rilakkuma, and so on. (characters that are designed as cute characters and then have merchandise made after them, to sell the merchandise that have the characters on them. this is different from characters that come from an existing media like movies or cartoon shows) a lot of the disney character fans didn't become fans from watching the classic disney cartoons or animated feature films. like, can you imagine being a [Marie](https://disney.fandom.com/wiki/Marie) fan without having seen [The Aristocats](https://disney.fandom.com/wiki/The_Aristocats)? it sounds weird but it feels plausible when you treat Marie as just a "character goods character" like Hello Kitty. Marie is super popular as such a character, but unfortunately not her bros Toulouse and Berlioz. If you browse any of the Disney merch stores in Tokyo, you'll see lots and lots and lots of Marie goods (plushies, kitchenware, backpacks, handbags, clothes, etc) but you will almost never see the brown and the black kittens, unless there's some special occasion for it like Cat Day or something (2/22) so you have these character fans, going to the disney parks, to be immersed in the world of the characters that they love. they buy the annual pass for the park (which pays for itself as long as you go at least once a month). they queue up at the entrance early in the morning, with a picnic sheet, snacks, and a backpack full of Chip'n'Dale plushies. they lay down the picnic sheet and join the sitting queue of the early morning crowd. 8:30am comes and cast members ask everyone to stand up to allow for the queue tto squeeze forward. 9:00 comes and the entry gates are open, people begin to shuffle in, scanning their barcodes on the gate terminals. they walk to their favorite spot along the [parade route](https://media1.tokyodisneyresort.jp/images/adventure/show/2368_map_name_1.jpg?mod=20240401100400) and lay down their picnic mat. they unpack their backpack and unfold a [mini folding chair](https://i.imgur.com/lefUNbH.png). they arrange all their chip'n'dale plushies on and around the mini folding chair, turning it into a shrine of sorts. they have a sip from their bottle of green tea and just chill until the parade begins at 1pm...


Very interesting and thank you for the detailed account. It’s a kind of dichotomy of Japanese culture. On the one hand, folks would line up at 6:00am for a 1:00pm event, reflecting intense commitment and extreme dedication. On the other hand, they would just chill for those 7 hours, be it in the early morning line, or after settling down along the parade route with their own little shrines, so much zen and social harmony.


It's called supplanting of local culture and religion with the relentless march of insatiable capitalism.


To be fair, a lot of what drives this specific movement is japanese culture. Plus, cultures change naturally. Not much has been really "forced" on Japan compared to other countries. Ofc the last war they were in changed their culture a lot, but what war doesn't.


I think this sounds like a major vibe tbh, like you can only do the same rides so many times (maybe even just once) before you're not entertained by them again. But having a little relaxing, people watching picnic, being all cozy and comfy in a place that embodies your favorite characters/aesthetics? That sounds super nice!


Oh man..so they don't know that Marie is kind of a spoiled brat? Cause she's actually not very nice in the movie. Not that any of them really get enough screen time to spread out their personalities. But Marie is pretty snoby till about the end of the movie. Lol her merch is cute! But I could never get into it cause I never liked her character in the movie.


What a sad way to live


You’re free to be judgmental, just as they’re free to make themselves content


Thank you 😌


Idk, if I had the money and time to do something that made me that happy that often, I would do it. I’m envious of them.


In a way, it seems a bit surreal, but many daily activities can appear rather bleak when you break them down—playing video games, spending extended periods on our phones, or watching TV. While you’re being downvoted, it’s worth noting how peculiar it is that we’ve reached a point where people spend entire days in one spot at the park, dancing to a looped playlist of children’s music. Still, who am I to judge?


I agree. What bothers me the most, though, is when a group of young men are waiting in a line for some ride, my kindergartener is almost too big for. Just weird.


We went to disney sea and so many people did this by the big lake, come night time they cancelled the whole show because of the wind… they wasted a whole day at disney for nothing


About 2 weeks ago? Hellatious wind coming off the bay? First day of Fantasy Springs soft opening? I was there! 😁


If the only thing they enjoyed that day was watch the parade, I think you'd be right. I suspect though, that the parade is just the *goal*, and the actual enjoyment of the day came from the things they did along the way.


My wife's friend used to do this. She was there to see particular dancers in the parade more than the characters. Extra niche.


Stalker vibes…


I'd be so flattered if I was a dancer and someone was charmed by me so much that they came just to see me. Well, small correction, if someone's wife came just to see me. A man, not so much unless somehow I knew he didn't have any kind of bad intentions. 


Omg yeah I thought a parade would come soon because they did this. But not at all


You’ve clearly never lined up for ramen either 😆


Lol nah man I would never that’s just not worth it to me. But to each their own


Idk this sounds wholesome


I actually think the parade is the best part of Disneyland.


“Otaku” (literal meaning) in pretty much anything in Japan is just on another different level


My house is on another level? :P


In Japan? Disney fans are crazy anywhere


You are very right. I actually find Tokyo Disney to be sad in a strange way as it's one of the few places I see Japanese people, especially Tokyoites, let loose and enjoy themselves a bit, and that does attract some odd behavior as well.


I mean I thought it made the experience more fun. Just people being excited and wanting to participate made it feel more special.


One of my favorite things about Japan is the way that people let themselves openly enjoy the things they like. In America I always felt this pressure to be “cool” about things— I got the feeling that it’s ok if you like something, but being too excited or impressed by it was weird. But here I’m always seeing people get excited over the most random things, and I love it 💕


The world is so much better when people can just be themselves. After I learned its okay to just like what i like and its same for others, my life became so much happier. Even if im not into something, seeing someone else unabashedly love it is its own source of dopamine.


People on Reddit love to talk shit, but to be honest even these people doing this dancing thing are no where near the level of loser of terminally online Redditors.


I always wondered why the line is so long


Me too! We actually even bought the express pass for this... The ride itself is not THAT good tbh :D


meh, they are not harming anyone. people have a right to be weird


My exact thoughts. Out of all the weird unhinged things humans do, this is the safest one and kinda funny


It is strange in a world as ugly as this one and we label the people having a good time as a 'strange cult' while we view that peddle hate are considered normal. I am still on the fence about dancing at Disney though.


You can dance anywhere, let your mind go, let yourself be free.


A part of my mind agrees yet there is always that part of me that tells me to 'behave'.


There's always the "Mum Dance"!


Who said cults aren't fun?


I’ve read through all the comments here and besides one comment, nobody is disparaging it. “Weird” and “strange” doesn’t mean “bad.” It’s weird and strange and quirky and amusing and there’s nothing wrong with that


It's sad. These people are going to Disney and working for free essentially. They basically don't have anything better to do with their lives. This is a kind of social rot that can only happen under the evils of capitalism. In a good communist country they would be assigned jobs by the state so they could be productive members of society.


Right? It's kind of not even that weird. "People go to the theme park called 'the happiest place on earth' to enjoy doing things that make them happy," shouldn't be that shocking of an idea to this subreddit. Hell, the Japan-related subreddits love to cast Japanese people as dour and uncreative. Here we have an example of Japanese people using the spaces given to them in novel ways to *create* an experience that is both fun for them and fun for the guests on the rides. That's creative energy on display! And we've got people here poo-pooing it?


We have a right to think that things are weird and/or amusing, as well.


you (I mean the person filming) don't have a right to film people you find weird and then upload their faces to the internet writing a whole damn article about how weird they are. at least in Japan you don't. I find that much weirder.


I would agree normally but I actually watched the video and she says it’s awesome and she joins in on the dance. I also skimmed the article and it’s also very positive (the closing paragraphs make it very clear).


Perhaps work towards enacting laws that prohibit videography in a public space with out consent…


How lol


I have a problem with people violating other peoples’ rights with cameras, as well. I’m not doing that, though. I didn’t even watch the video — I’m just reacting to the phenomenon of people doing this thing that I find weird and amusing. If the video didn’t exist and it was a text post, my reaction would be exactly the same, because I’m not even interacting with the video itself.


and that album is a bob


What do you mean?


The Tokyo Disneyland the happy ride with Baymax songs, they are a vibe Personally I love ba la la la la la la la la, but Koo Loo Lee is also very good


Oh they're on Spotify! I will check them out


Deprive them of their parades for two months straight though and they might become emotionally unstable.


Implying they already aren’t


Speaking of emotional instability. There's a fuck ton of you in this sub lmao.


Fark.com?! What year is this?!


How’s your back. Yep we’re old


my exact reaction... this unlocked some memories


Consider that Tokyo Disneyland, unlike the US parks, is right next to a major metropolis and only requires a 15-minute train ride from Tokyo station. Getting an annual pass and just going to hang out each weekend makes a lot more sense.


> unlike the US parks Disney World maybe, but Disneyland is like right in the middle of orange county. Tons of people live within 15 minutes and buy the annual pass to go and hang out there on a regular basis.


Unfortunately last i checked [they no longer sell annual passes ](https://faq.tokyodisneyresort.jp/tdr/en/faq_detail.html?id=23216&category=288&page=1) Theory is they make more money off day tickets than an annual pass


They don’t? Damn, one of my old coworkers lived next door and had been using it as the family playground for his kids.


Yeah, that's why it sucks for people that do a once in a lifetime trip and the park is so busy they can't have any fun.


They're called "Magic Keys" now instead of annual passes. They basically serve the same purpose as annual passes, except you need to make a reservation for the day you want to go first instead of just showing up and entering the park.


I couldn't find that in the Tokyo FAQ page. I suspect they don't have it. :/


Sorry, I meant magic keys are sold in the US Disneyland.


If anyone is curious, here are the songs: https://youtu.be/tPFh050VG8w?t=10


Thank you for sharing!


The playlist is surprisingly good and is on Spotify and I listen to it when I am running on the treadmill and need a good pump song…


Weird but pretty harmless and at least lets people express themselves


Didn’t ride the ride myself but sat outside of the nearby diner. The songs are still in my head a year later.


lol I have video of this everyone was so enthusiastic 🤩


Me and my friends noticed them during our Baymax ride in Tokyo Disneyland last year. we thought they just like the Baymax beats or they were hired as a “hype man” to hypen up the ride. They were singing and dancing for hours during the line, I was like “Man these pips really dig that music huh”. this video just confirmed they really love it lol.


Love the ending. "And that's pretty awesome, so I joined them."


In Universal Super Mario Land Osaka there is also a cult of people who get team Daisy to #1 place throughout everyday 😂. Not to mention the Yoshi fan who has been #1 high scoreer since the park opened and comes everyday.


How are tokyo people so free to do this on a weekday?


California Adventure has the same thing for the News Boys, Pixar Play Parade, etc.


This just adds to the long list


Dancing feels good , I love this! maybe I wouldn’t do the Macarena all day long but mix it up with a little time warp and bus stop and who knows?


I was there last Thursday and I loved that they looked so wholesome & free


They are having fun. I think it's awesome they go just to enjoy the music and atmosphere.


as someone who go to disney even on my own, for total of 6 to 8 times per year (nowhere near D-otaku standard), I actually enjoy this and Jamboree Mickey (so called ジャンボリ教 信者#???). It's fun to join and to watch. It's not harming anyone so why not leave them alone, really?


sounds like a plan )))


I just joined in when I passed by lol


Ah that’s what they were doing. I was eating popcorn at the terrace and watching them watch and dance.


japanese love to learn a dance routine and do it in public. anytime you see any group performing outside somewhere or in some venue...they are just doing the moves haha its silly but i guess its a cultural thing of theirs.


The dancers also have their own fans that film them and go to their events outside of Disney. It’s a thing.




I'm still surprised that's one of the top rides in Disneyland. I don't think I'll ever ride it, not because it's bad, but because it's never a reasonable wait.


I see people go in Disney just for the parade......


Parades aren't exactly a common thing in Japan.


[You sure about that hommie? ](https://www.fukagawa-kanko.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/8ea4866cf80947b89ba0021ee6fbc96f.jpg)


I'm sure, yep. I'd put events with floats in things like Matsuri as a separate kind of event.


Maybe because I group them into the same thing.(because its "parade" but with gods) Guess you're right in a sense


so this is what we saw on our last visit this spring. queue was very long and saw looooots of people from the crowd singing n dancing. brings so much energy on that area and we love it.


Yeah, weirdly there are multi-hour waits to be photographed in front of some random landmark. I saw people sitting on blankets four hours before the parade, I don't get it.


Welcome to the "yume no kuni" I guess


I found this [video of the dance](https://youtu.be/3Aci89tjQHs?si=35bQ6OPFtaWgk1aU)…


That's way less interesting of a dance than I pictured lol


I stood around while the wife went to the bathroom, she comes out to me dancing with these people. 10/10 would recommend.


I mean these adults have probably been to the same rides since they were 6 so it probably got old pretty fast. Would it be safe to assume that the parades change floats, characters and dancers every once in a while?


I found out Disney doesn’t own this park, it’s the only park they don’t own or operate. It’s actually owned by a company called the Oriental Land Company. They were the first international Disney park outside of the US. Disney just licensed everything and I believe the imagineers helped design the park. I had a fun time at the park but I do feel like the core Disney atmosphere you experience in the US is lacking. However I do understand this is Japan and this company caters to their people. Good and bad, however you wish to interpret that. However, I do feel like Tokyo Disney Sea is the least Disney park of them all. The atmosphere doesn’t really make a lot of sense and I personally feel like the new section opening on the 6th should be apart of Disney land?? Considering the characters and their worlds.. But again this technically isn’t Disney! Just my thoughts and some background info.


I was at DisneySea a few weeks ago, and they have a dance show for kids called [Jamboree Mickey](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHnP5o9GeJc). The stage is across from this plaza area in the American section, so there are a lot of people around and you can see/hear it from far away. When I tell you everyone in the vicinity was doing the dance along with Mickey, I mean *everyone*. Random adults just casually walking by doing the little fist pump like it was second nature. It was crazy.


Obviously there’s nothing wrong with this. And I’m not sure if it can be called a “cult”. But nonetheless, why??? Like I get people having fun, but not on this specific ride? It doesn’t seem THAT intriguing to me. And if they are just practicing their dance moves, the same question applies here too. Is this the only ride with a dance? I doubt so. What makes this specific ride so interesting?


yeah I’ve seen this too


Why not? How is it different from enjoying anime or any type of idol oshi Katsu.


Good for them. Who are we to judge people having fun while not harming anyone?


fark still exists???


I’m a religious man and even I think this is bizarre.


I was there last month and I saw one end their dance shift and another take over. I'm pretty sure they are just staff hired to dance


Many of them are cast members who are there to train. They also enjoy their work.


Um... It's a cult. What's harmless about that.


The word used is incorrect. Make up your own mind instead of relying on someone else’s label.


Ok so tell me, what exactly is it, then?


>Make up your own mind


If the word used is incorrect, there must be something that makes you think that. Please, enlighten me. 😒


Simple. It doesn't fit the definition of the word.


Ah... So you also have no idea what's going on here. Great, thanks for clearing that up.