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the fact the anime made kaneki join aogiri even though they tortured him


That idea was actually Ishida's, it was just never executed properly because the executives didn't give him proper time for the story and then decided to change the direction of the story midway.


Yeah. Iirc it came out a while ago that Ishida had planned a different route for the anime to take, but they decided not to follow what he had written.


I remember he did an interview, he did art and storyboards and stuff for it but... pierrot ditch those, we don't who's idea this was since this was never specify but it was probably pierrot since they ditch most of what Sui let them have (even story boards, with ditch I mean lost, lost forever, there was art out there that was unused and ditched forever).


Not the first time Pierrot ditched an author's ideas either Bleach's Hell movie was apparently way different from the author's concepts and the author seemed quite bitter about it, asking to remove his name in the credits since Peirrot strayed so far from his vision At some point I have to wonder if, when studios do this, it's some sort of petty power move over the author, e.g. "I know better, you're just a mangaka, be happy your work is getting animated" Or is it just sheer incompetence lol


A mix of both if I had to guess


Yeah the studio just decided to mess everything the fuck up. Happens with a lot of anime, don't know what's the problem.


Yeah that's why it was just an idea, Kaneki turned out to be the complete opposite of that in the manga, he said several times that he would never join aogiri and he even created an anti-aogiri group, personally I think that the idea of him joining aogiri wouldn't make much sense and I don't like that idea at all, but it could've been acceptable in the anime if they explained and developed it well, if they gave it depth, but nooo Pierrot had to mess it up, that concept was made up horribly and it wasn't explained either


Also, his torture arc is all about taking the action and finding a way to protect his friends.  He is not moved by the torture and he doesn’t plan anything. Rize hallucination starts to convince him after the psychological torture. Kaneki accepted Rize after the whole reflection on his mother’s behaviour being selfishly selfless and how others would get hurt. He didn’t just fight Jason for revenge or pleasure, but for others. He is all about finding a third way instead of following A or B. It always has been about it. Not going to Anteiku and pretending that everything is fine. Not joining Aogiri to become a pawn executing others. Building his own way.  On a side note, it also fits better his self-sacrificial nature. He takes the role of the protector and partially isolates himself for the sake of others, humans and ghouls. Second season goes against those themes instead of exploring them. 


Tokyo Ghoul second season saw :re's deconstruction of the idea of taking a third option and said: How about we speedrun this?


It’s a dumb idea even if the original creator thought it up. It makes no logical sense for Kaneki to join aogiri in any world imo.


It does when he has an actual motivation and goal that can only be achived by doing so. The problem with the anime is that there is nothing like that he is just empty.


His goal was supposed to be finding and killing the leader of Aogiri, stated in both one of the drafts and one of the trailers. The anime omitted it unfortunately and just made the reason him wanting to get stronger.


I think it definitely could have worked out though. This isn't the first time that an anime has tried to do this, tried to make the mc join the bad guy group. However execution was indeed horrible, then they for some reason tried to follow the manga in s3 and completely fell apart. Though the concept is edgy, good writing and depth can make it work out.


Technically non canon so it doesn’t really count anyway.


Yeah but like root a isn't even canon so I don't think that should be considered.


That was "Magneto joins Hydra" levels of cringe.


are you saying that happened at some point? the fuck? magneto was a holocaust survivor, that's kinda a major part of his backstory


They teased it during the whole "Steve Rogers is a Hydra Agent" era (which did happen and was as stupid as it sounds) with a [variant cover](https://www.vox.com/culture/2017/3/10/14872824/magneto-hydra-marvel-nazis). It thankfully didn't *quite* happen (probably because of editorial oversight), but there was a variant cover drawn hinting at the possibility, which possibly meant it was going to be a thing at one point.


the fact that ghouls can consume coffee. I mean, it's super cool and afterall, it is a fantastic story but what is the actual scientific logic behind this?


I mean it’s at least a reason why Anteiku is a cafe rather than some other type of shop ig Maybe ghouls in the past forced themselves to drink it enough of it for the caffeine aspect that their bodies just got used to it over generations


yeah but ghoul cannot eat bonobos, with which we share like 98%, but can eat a plant with which we share... probably 0% of our genes


Yeah but cute coffee shop vibes are good


Philosophical question: On average, how much gorillas would be required to kill a ghoul? This is very relevant to the manga's plot, trust me.


An average ghoul is like 8x stronger than an average human, add their healing factor, Mobility and a built in Weapon limbs ,


What rating are we talking about here


An average ghoul (so none of the main cast for example) vs any number of adult silverbacks, all focused on the ghould. Free choice for the kagune.


I think an Ukaku would likely be taken out by like 1 gorilla unless they get the jump on the gorilla first, a koukaku could probably take on like 2-3 depending on how strong they are, bikaku could probably take on 2, a rinkaku could probably fare the best and take on 3-4


I'd think it's because coffee beans are not a source of nourishment, rather they mostly have harmful coomponents. Kaffeine itself, from what i've heard is used as a means to protect itself from being eaten. My theory always was, that as long as something isn't meant to be eaten by itself, ghouls can consume it. F.e. they could cook human meat in oil, as it only has negative effects by itself.


We share 20-60% of your DNA with plants depending on the species, we share 60+% with Bananas but really DNA is irrelevant. The reason ghouls consume humans is to get the RC cells if Bonobos don't have RC cells they are just like everything else. RC cells are the only nutrition they need and everything that doesn't have RC cells tends to be harmful to Ghouls so it tastes horrible, just like for us toxins that you can encounter in nature usually taste bad. That said there are some poisons that our taste receptors just happen to identify as sweet. Coffee just happens to be something that isn't actively poisoning the ghoul, as there is barely anything in it to digest, and happens to not taste like shit. Like coffee is already bitter to humans, the taste that toxins are also associated with, just in a weird way that humans came to like it.


It's actually somewhere between 20% and 60%


It could be just a case of the flavour not being altered and coffee itself not being exactly digested. It barely has any nutrition. Also for plants, we share large % of DNA. Multiple proteins and molecules can be found in both animals and plants. We share around 50% DNA with banana and depending on the plant, it's usually between 20-60%. For bonobo bit. People thought that potatoes were inedible and they were more popular than bonoboes in Japan


That's true, it's so weirdly specific.


It's more or less a Macguffin


the hanged man's macguffin


Maybe Coffee beans have RC cells 💀 I waited so long for the scientific logic to be revealed, but I just went along with it since this is a fantasy story after all and they needed a reason for Anteiku to exist. Imagine if instead of coffee they were serving people human-blood cocktails


Yeah, exactly. I think the reason for it is solely so that the people of Anteiku can fit in better and drink their own coffee to appear human


I'm sure they're people into this.


Yeah I also think that's the most plausible case here. Ghouls are all about RC Cells, so it must be that coffee just contains RC cells lol. And yeah they needed something to act as a connection between the ghouls, which resulted in Anteiku.


wasn't it like a placebo efect thing? I kinda remember someone mentioning that there's something in coffee very similar (chemically) to another thing there is in blood, so it doesn't actually feed them, but it mades the brain think they are not hungry


I believe you're thinking of the "sugar" cubes made from dead flesh Kaneki subsisted off for 7 volumes


[https://i.pinimg.com/originals/92/15/b3/9215b30ade72595e5d8f4eac0ed513fb.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/92/15/b3/9215b30ade72595e5d8f4eac0ed513fb.jpg) yh alot of ppl forgot abt these?


I've always rationalized it as coffee not having any real caloric value. There's nothing to digest, so whatever it is about non-human food that makes ghouls sick isn't doesn't enter the ghoul bloodstream. But that only makes sense if ghouls can also drink similar non-coffee beverages, like tea.


that's what i always thought too, like if they can drink coffee wouldn't they be able to drink tea? It also has caffeine so


I mean. Caffeine interacts with the receptors responsible for making you tired. Ghouls get tired to so maybe it’s simply that it’s one of the few things in their chemistry that’s similar?


because it tastes like SHIT!!!!!


Tokyo Ghoul science is a mess. If I had to totally randomly guess, I'd assume there is some compound in coffee that the RC network in ghoul's bodies detects as close enough to RC cells, somehow.


Again, it's a fantasy manga, so there doesn't necessarily need to be a scientific reason. Although I agree they should've provided some sort of explanation for it. I guess in the end they just wanted to make a connection so that ghouls could mix in with humans one way or another.


I'd say Root A but that's already non-canon.


I actually enjoyed root a but I’ve never read the manga lol


bro youre gonna get crimed if you say that here.


Yeah, we should downvote him to hell😈 But fr, you really should read the manga, its so much better


I plan to. I just want to be able to dedicate some decent amount of time as I imagine I will want to binge read it. Based on what I’ve seen, the manga is vastly superior to the anime and you really have to read it to understand exactly what’s happening in the anime


Wish I could be you and read it for the first time again. Take your time and enjoy it to the fullest!


Agreed, im actually against binging it, i did so the first time, but i was so excited and went over it so fast i missed a lot, you should try, and ofc its difficult, but read it in a normalish pace to get the full story in one go


Eh It’ll be ok haha. I work a lot and only recently discovered Tokyo ghoul and haven’t really had time to do much more than watch it. If that’s a problem for people then it’s their problem, not mine haha. They can’t say anything worse than what I tell myself everyday lol. I’m past the age to be embarrassed about something I enjoy. Life is too short. Everyone insult away haha


Lol I also didn't mind it that much. I think it could've ended up in a good place if they had focused on it but they just completely messed everything up because they couldn't decide whether to make a separate story or follow the manga. This was the reason for downfall imo, not root A itself.


Eto and Naki being alive at the end. They're death's were too perfect and it just made them irrelevant


Wait how come eto still alive ?


Eto showed back up for the final battle but she died during it. Naki had a great send-off in the 24th Ward raid, but showed back up


>Eto showed back up for the final battle but she died during it. She was a corpse moving... she wasn't "alive" but moving by donato. Its unknown if she revived or just was a last moment thanks to her regeneration. >Naki had a great send-off in the 24th Ward raid, but showed back up His dead was... good but not as great as people tell it, his potential as a character was great in his interactions with ken. Sui didn't want to let it end faster like with, for example, hairu.


Donato was dead, how could he have been controlling her still?


She was dead and was used as a corpse with Donato puppetry... once dead is possible she revive (her regeneration ability is impressive), but we do not know. She might be a "haise" in a way, either way, eto did die.


Yeah, I get he was controlling her kakuja during the fight, but that changed when he died. Eto was alive in chapter 175, and Donato died in 172. He can’t be dead and controlling her, once the control dropped she was able to regenerate her entire head and give V the finger


Just because it was a different chapter doesn't mean it was all happening at the same time


Doesn’t change the fact that Eto regrew her head and was in control of her own body again


Again, we don't know what could really happened after that, that might be Sui humor for all we know...


Im pretty sure she’s still alive, barely but still. I mean we have a panel of her giving Owl the middle finger


It can be sui humor, he knows people love eto and could have make to cause a reaction rather than "yeah she is a live" thing...


We actually don't know if Eto's still alive or dead since she threw up the middle finger after killing Kaiko\* which is the last that we see of her in the manga.


Kuzen, huh? Wasn't that Kaiko? The V guy?


Yeah Kaiko\*\*\* myb it's been a minute


Actually, his gf literally said "he's resting" and everyone just assumed it meant dead


That's a common euphemism in fiction so I understand the error


Oh aye but even other characters fell for it


Eto was a zombie, just like the Apes and the Dogs. She was basically an automatic quinque. She regained control of herself as a fuck you to V before dipping and dying again.


Eto was just being controlled as a puppet by the clowns. She did die during the cochlea raid arc. Or perhaps she was forcefully being kept alive by the toxins. Anyways, I think it's pretty safe to say that she's dead for good by the end, so there's no problem for me in that regard. Naki though, yeah I agree. Bro had a great send off, like he literally had an entire internal monologue about him meeting Yamori, it wasn't very wise by Ishida to bring him back imo. This and Iwao's fake out death are probably the only problems I have with Tokyo Ghoul. Both had greatly written deaths, they should've died.


Kaneki made a 51km/h dash when he found out Touka was pregnant


Soooo, your saying a superhuman being who has enhanced physical strength and could use his kagune as extra legs could run 4 miles per hour faster then Usain bolt 51kph is equal to 31.67mph Usain bolt can run 27.8mph


Wasn't that from a joke panel?


Pretty sure it was, lol. So not really any need for consideration.


tbh im not sure if ur saying he’s fast or he’s slow. If ur saying Kaneki’s fast, in reference to other anime speeds, its kinda slow (51 km/h = 14m/s). Cars on freeways are faster. Obviously humans cant run that fast irl. but arbitrarily we can look at ODM gears from AoT and those move 101m/s. Maki from jjk caught rubber bullets which are around 60m/s


>Obviously humans cant run that fast irl Tbh there are humans who even approach this speed. So i definitely would lean to him meaning its slow




what chapter?


I don't remember exactly. It should be somewhere between 126-132(could be in extra pages of 132).


How ghouls have the same mental capabilities than humans, are stronger, faster , and just beyond the human race when it comes to physical activity Yet they’re the ones that are suppressed and have to hide


I thought so too, historically they should have dogwalked them especially since quinque are relatively new. But modernly, humans have more numbers, access to technology and knowledge not to mention systems in place to detect and eliminate ghouls.


Maybe another thing we can blame is That ghouls don’t necessarily come together as a whole, they have smaller organizations that go against each other.. In the story it’s been said that when ghouls get to strong or powerful, it’s know that these organizations will work together to bring them down. Also maybe the fact that ghouls aren’t only hunted by humans but other ghouls too. They’re cannibalism is also a reason they can’t necessarily team up to go against humans


They just lack unity, also the main reason is numbers. Humans are way too many lol. Once they figured out that there was a specie out to kill them, they didn't waste no time and got right to eradication. However ghouls on the other hand, they were just trying to survive, some did develop hatred and tried to harm humans for harm's sake, but got bitched lol. So basically, that's just how it is. Ghouls don't all come together as one, humans make an organization by coming together and for the sole purpose of eradicating ghouls.


Unity and numbers. Ghouls are few and divided, humans are many and grouped in millions. Remember that after Kaneki turns into One-Eyed King, the CCG feels itself cornered, allowing Furuta to take control as the ghouls had never had unity.


Im pretty sure ghouls just need rc cells and thats why they can eat human meat maybe in verse they tried and it failed but I always wonder why they did not modify animals to have rc cells


Imagine a cow with a kagune...


Now imagine that cow with Kaneki's mask and Unravel blasting in the background.


Keep cooking




This one is actually explained! That's what they seem to be trying to do at the end. The technology for it would have been actively suppressed by the CCG and other ghoul fighting organizations. The goal is extermination (or in the CCGs case, perpetuating the conflict, we dont know about the GFG and others). To try to feed ghouls "ethically" would require acknowledging them as equal to humans.


When the goal was just to eradicate ghouls, they never tried to do anything like that. However now that coexistence has finally occurred to an extent, I think it's plausible that they're doing that.


I meant the ghouls it would make hiding way easier plus gourmets might be curious


Ahh got it. I guess it's a vague concept maybe that's why. Not very intriguing for a story.


Irimi and Koma being alive…then dying offscreen 😅 It never happened !


They could've gave em more development of a sort perhaps. But I guess their character arcs were completed. Arguably if they had died in the Anteiku raid arc, it maybe would've been better. But I guess this just goes to show how intelligent furuta was. He took care of those guys real quick, they were supposed to be there for communications lol, got taken care of real quick.


The remote activated kagune that re introduced I just can't see how they would be sustainable at all for long time or be able to react to stuff like nutcrackers. At least with kanos fleshwalls you can reason he was feeding them the whole time.


Well of course it ain't sustainable for a long time, I imagine it would stop working after about half an hour.


Yeah I guess that's one. But it was a pretty minor point so I didn't really care for it much. Also I guess they needed to introduce something new for the kagune, like a development of some sort for interest reasons.


They were introduced when Arima used it against Kaneki at the end of part 1. "Where did he hit me from?" Kaneki screamed after quinque tentacles pierced up from the ground and into him.


#The Anime


Facts lol


The fucking zombies in season 4. Dropped the snime on the spot.


It made more sense in the manga but pissed me off too. Like damn, NOW you decide to tell us there are humanoid Quinque?? Random


I'm surprised you could make it to season 4 lmao. I ended up dropping it on season 3, it was just failing so badly. There's just no comparison with the manga.


Kuroiwa surviving somehow, man got a katana through the throat and somehow survived, not only that his death wad perfect for finishing Urie's character development


Exactly my man. His death was the main problem I had with tokyo ghoul. I was like, just why? It was such a well written death. Such a shocker. He shouldn't have survived there. One of the only 2 flaws of this manga.


The fact Eto just got wrecked by Furuta in one shot. Yes she was weakened by having only eaten like 1/2 a meal but still shouldn’t have happened. It just made everything that came before seem like a joke. Also Arima is too powerful. The fact he could beat Eto with ease always never set right with me.


Why doesn't Arima make sense? He's one of the strongest >!half-humans!< and has a huge amount of experience as a prodigy


I didn’t say he didn’t make sense. I said he was too powerful.


Like how come a half human is stronger than a half ghoul?


Same way that a good CCG investigator knows how to take down a strong ghoul. There's other factors besides innate strength


But..? Why? What genes do human have that makes them more powerful is they’re half human? I understand how a half ghoul could be more powerful than normal but how is a half human more powerful than a half ghoul??


Arima's the exception. He's such a good investigator that he can beat any ghoul, it's not just a strength/power level thing. We see this with how skillfully he subdued the Owl as a kid--but I highly doubt he was stronger than the Owl back then


Arima is a Washuu. Washuu are supposed to be the half humans who are basically the strongest type of ghouls. Only downside is their life expectancy and their genetic defects or other illnesses. In terms of abilities, they're absolutely at the top. Besides, Arima is also supposed to be a prodigy. He's also trained to be an exceptional investigator. I think it makes perfect sense. Bro's just that good lol.


Let's not pretend that Arima isn't just ridiculous overpowered for no good reason compared to the other half humans either. Can you picture Hairu or Kaiko doing even remotely the same as him? And they're the next strongest we have aside from Furuta post ghoulification


Furuta didn't oneshot her, the attack heavily damaged her kakuja but they continued to fight after (in the manga Eto has her regular kagune out at the end of the fight and Furuta seems a bit winded and has his coat off).


Eto is insanely weakened but mostly it's because furuta's just that strong. Guy's underrated af lol. He probably could take anyone in the verse with ease except kaneki of course. Arima, well he's supposed to be a pinnacle of a character. These type of characters are necessary for driving of the plot and development of the story. Just look at gojo from JJK, this is a similar case. They need someone at the top whom people try to catch up.


Except gojo does get beaten. Whereas Arima just allows himself to be killed. And Furuta being that strong is ridiculous.


Fair point lol. About furuta it's probably because of a need for a strong villain, besides he's a washuu, all the more reason why he's so strong. Arima though, wouldn't that have kinda ruined all his reputation though if he got beaten. Bro's known for never being able to be touched. Gojo is slightly a different case because he got defeated by toji as well back in the day.


He was beaten by Toji before he truly awakened to his six eyes. That doesn’t count. He wasn’t really the gojo yet when he got beaten by toji. He beat him easily after he awakened to what he is now.


that the goverment never really tried to create a pseudo human meat for ghouls, i wanna belive they needed to keep public enemy agenda.


The story sort of explains this, because the Washuu and V were suppressing ghoul-related research for...reasons I don't actually understand.  I don't really like the story's explanation because I don't know why the Washuu set this whole conspiracy up to begin with. Moreover, the Washuu only have jurisdiction in Japan, so why didn't any other country consider artificial ghoul food? 


It allowed the Washuu to keep their power, and it furthered V's goal of acceleration toward ghoulifying Tokyo.


Yeah Ishida fucked up the worldbuilding considerably, we know next to nothing about how ghouls are handled outside and that 100% would affect Tokyo's own ghoul issues


Another reason. The manga focuses on tokyo and japan cause ghouls are mostly present there, so our main concern is of tokyo. Washuu and V basically want to control the world by keeping this cycle of killing going. Ghouls die, humans die, they don't care. As long as they maintain control.


Ghouls naturally eat humans. Humans are mad about it, so they try to eradicate them. If someone started eating out your species you won't try to help them lol. Pretty simple really.


the anime altogether 😭😭


Indeed my friend


Making Tooru trans but also not actually trans?


Wait I didn't know about this could you tell me more


So Tooru is trans through most of RE, then at the end it's implied they're only presenting as male to avoid the male gaze as opposed to feeling like a man




It's the manga


No, it's not "implied", much less "at the end". Mutsuki has that entire inner monologue just a couple chapters after we see she has a female body for the first time People just elect to ignore it because they'd rather have a trans character


Tooru is basically a psychopath as you know. So basically she's a girl but due to being like such an outcast, she tries to change or pretend to change by claiming she's a guy. Tooru hides behind this made up scandal of her so that she can run away from her past where she killed her parents. This is later revealed when she finds someone similar, who's the torso. All in all, it's like you're running away from your regrets except of embracing them. Which she does end up doing at the end of RE.


Yes I know, it's frustrating though when you think you've finally found trans guy rep and it's instead what transphobes insist all trans men are


this is the worst misreading of toru's character i've ever seen and it's not because of his gender which is debatable. he is not a psychopath he is a victim of abuse who bad a breakdown and killed his longtime physical and sexual abuser, *twice*. He does make mistakes yeah, but he is not a psychopath. Torso on the other hand 100% is because despite his messed up childhood, he seems to show absolutely no empathy of self awareness at any point.


Tatara wasn’t that weak


Hmm. That's actually interesting. Tatara should've had a tougher fight but I actually don't mind it ya know. I think this basically goes to show how much of a menace Takizawa had become. Bro was like Eto level, so it makes sense that he'd solo Tatara like that. ( Note that bro also solo'ed the entire Hoji squad, even if Hoji was hesitating, so is it really a surprise?)


The 2nd half of Tokyo Ghoul Re


So like after kaneki becomes the OEK? What's wrong with it, a lot of people say that the story didn't know what to do with itself once arima died. But I don't think that's the case, from kaneki's further development to revelation of furuta's goals. It was very well done. Making a threat so that both humans and ghouls would unite against it, I loved the entirety of it honestly.


The fact that ayato and touka have an uncle, he doesnt even look like either of there parents


Oh come on, he doesn't have to. Of course there can be some differences in facial features of siblings, they don't always have to look alike. Maybe Ishida decided to create that plot twist later. Either way, I think it was very awesome. Really showed why Renji cared so much.


Well the plot twist is kinda the problem in a story telling Perspektive if i remember correctly touka and ayato's past were before the plot twist and they enver meantioned anything about an uncle as i believe they said that they are alone in these world (family wise)


Do they even know now that Renji is their uncle, I think they never got to know about that. After renji's sister died he became a rogue and like never met up with them, so they didn't really know about it.


I mean in the last episode of re he seemed to be living with touka and ken or atleast visits very often


Not too "Before" tho. Yomo's own flashback makes it quite obvious already, and that was still in part 1


That S2 exists


True, it got further ruined by the mess ups made in s3 and 4.


Touka finding Kaneki with a metal detector


I mean, I find cute that Kaneki wore his wedding ring to a fucking war.


Lmao. That was kinda off. But what other choice did they have? Bro was gonna get active again after a few hours, so they had to think fast and disregard whether something appears to be a professional method or not.


i don't like arima being inhuman, it was cooler when he was just THAT good. simplicity was his appeal i think.


Fair opinion. I was personally baffled by the plot twist of arima being the OEK. So I personally loved that.


Either the whole anime or the final arc of the manga...


Anime yes. The final arc, for me the dragon arc was awesome. Yes, it was fast paced. But it was a very good conclusion. The fight between furuta and Kankei and their conversation at the end was phenomenal. Don't know why people hate the arc, it's pretty much a masterpiece for me.


I absolutely despise multi-kagune Kaneki, it makes 0 sense within the lore itself. You're telling me that a 22 y/o Kaneki, that spent months denying to eat glesh, and then whole year on RC supressants and eating small flesh portions every now and then, got all 4 types of kakuhous thanks to cannibalism? Eto, who was like 25, spent her whole life eating other ghouls and didn't get close to what Kaneki displays, despite being a NATURAL half-ghoul. Takizawa, who spent roughtly the same time eating humans and ghouls as Haise spent on RC supressants, didn't show anything like that. Jason, who was in his 30s, wasn't close to beating a post torture Kaneki with his average 4 limbs Kagune. Furuta wasn't able to beat Kaneki, and he made Eto look like a kid just some chapters prior. If you tell me this is a special ability the so godly Rize Kagune had all this time, despite nothing more than it's great healling factor being displayed for the whole series, is the reason... well this is just poor writting to me.


About Jason, bro is not as strong as people think he is. Doctor Kanou mentions in the manga that the more you try to break a ghoul's body, the more it will regenerate, hence the better the regeneration will be. Not only that, but the overall body of the ghoul would be much much stronger. This is the same as when you workout, your muscles get torn, they heal and become stronger. All the more reason why kaneki came to overpower Jason. Not only that, but kaneki was a pacifist and him getting tortured broke that mental barrier which was holding him back and hence he became more violent. He wasn't hesitant in attacking anymore, he embraced his ghoul side. A lot of things depend on will as well. One of the most important things to consider in this manga is that Washuu are the "superior" ghouls no matter what. They have much better abilities than other ghouls in all aspects whether it's physical speed, reflexes, speed, etc. Eto isn't a Washuu, she can never become as strong as them. That's just how it is. It is actually surprising that she's even that strong. Takizawa can also be said to be on a relatively similar level to Eto. Furuta is a Washuu, she's automatically much more talented, he doesn't even need to cannibalize, because he's that strong naturally. But if a Washuu does decide to cannibalize, they just become even more stupid strong. Rize is also a Washuu, Kankei possesses her Kagune, hence he also has Washuu abilities. Him cannibalizing is going to be more effective for him than it is going to be for Eto or Takizawa. Other than that, kaneki is very intelligent, he has been shown to constantly practice fighting, learning various different martial arts. Is it really that odd that he can control his kagunes that well, they do depend on mental ability after all. I doubt Takizawa and Eto would have ever been like, "Oh, I think I should train myself so that I become stronger". Kaneki pays way more attention to himself, In tg he knows he's very weak he's very mad at being helpless that's why he constantly trains to become stronger and so becomes stronger. Furuta is overpowering Kaneki in their final battle but the. He appears to get distracted by his thoughts of Rize and Kankei takes advantage of this situation and delivers a finishing blow. Other than this, Kaneki has just consumed 100 oggai, so much freaking washuu DNA, of course he's so much stronger, besides there's the dragon thing as well. Also another mental barrier has been broken with his talk with rize in chapters 159 smth idk exactly.


Yeah, I didn't get half of that after years of re-reading the ending and watching videos about Re, that's what makes the ending so boring to me: it's overly complicated for no reason. Maybe if all of those things were explained in the first series, it would be easier to swallow.


Just ain't your thing then


Probably, I really liked the first half of Re, but that's all.


The fact that skipped the coolest and most powerful scenes from the manga in the anime. The scene where Hide comes to help injured Kaneki and goes missing And then the scene with Arima underground. Like those are two of the coolest and most moving scenes in the entire manga. And they just got written away for ken walking around carrying dead Hide. What a massive disappointment. Every time I reread those chapters I think of what could have been and grieve. I wish we got a redo


I completely agree. Those were one of the many peak manga moments. Anime trashed that completely and utterly. Well, I guess what's done is done, studios always fuck animes up like that.


While I wholeheartedly agree Studio Pierrot was a poor decision for something as layered as TG, I am very fond of the theory that Root A (which skips the aforementioned moments) is supposed to show us the bad route. After all, Ishida wrote it himself. And, to be fair, Hide is alive by the end of it, granted it's extremely difficult to notice.


Yeah it's good in terms of showing a bad timeline, of a sort. Though it's executed poorly.


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Kaneki got his ass whooped as the one eyed king after Arima let him win. How tf does that happen. Not just ass beaten, slinking into a corner. He got his limbs chopped off and looked like a crash test dummy.


Juuzou is supposed to be the absolute strongest human investigator, on the other hand, the assistance provided by Habeh is not to be neglected, he is also really strong. I doubt Juuzou would've won without him. Besides, Kaneki was getting the black tears, he was also hungry, hence weakened. I think it made perfect sense for him to be defeated by Suzuya there. One main point to consider is that just like the fans, kaneki was also expecting himself to win, like there was no way he'd lose there. But he did, that's why the fight happened off screen, because Kaneki lost faster than he could realize. He was sure he'd win, when he found himself laying on the ground, he couldn't believe that happened, it was denial. This served as symbolism because he was denying his defeat, hence the fight. This is also why all his identities and personalities had a conversation afterwards. This was literally peak writing lmao. This actually makes me pretty mad because what people wanted was that kaneki should've killed juuzou and furuta there and just won, like wtf that's the most childish and shounen type of thing ever. This is just mindless battle shounen kids forcefully entering the seinen demographic and trying to ruin that too.


I don’t want Juuzou dead. Honestly just seeing the battle would probably fix most of my issues with the fight. But for him to get cut down immediately after getting a huge confidence boost is so annoying. He worked through his trauma and came out stronger and got bopped off camera. It was bullshit.


Lol okay maybe it's just preferences at the end of the day. The huge confidence boost is the exact reason of the fight getting cut short. Because the process and result of it goes against the expected and the apparent.


Almost half the cast becoming Ghouls.


Hence, Tokyo Ghoul. 😆 I'm surprised they had that many human cast as they did lol.


The ending 😂


What's wrong w it


It's obviously an illusion (just look at what's happening to Kaneki rior to that timeskip) and so it bugs me we don't really have an ending, though I understand why Ishida was fed up.


You're suggesting it should've been sadder?


I'm not suggesting anything, it's not my story. I'm simply stating there are too many loose ends to pretend this is the actual ending. Hence my original comment in reaction to your post.


Plenty ngl


Only a couple things for me


What'd you feel was well handled then?


Eto died at the end of the manga


I reject it


For me that's a good thing


I did this for all modern stsrwars


uta wanting to eat renji




The first part of Tokyo ghoul is just a build up for the RE. That's literally the main game. Why do you hate it. It has the best arc, as well (The Black Reaper, Rushima Island, Cochlea, Goat Raid, Dragon War, even though the last two are controversial ones, I personally loved em). RE is also the one containing all of the plot twists. So it really surprises me when people say this.


I watched the anime.


Makes sense. My bad. No wonder you'll hate the RE anime.


Is the manga good?


If I were to make a comparison, the anime is dogshit compared to the manga lol. I'd highly suggest you to read it, it's pretty much a masterpiece.


I will definitely read it


Good luck