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Yes it can be true because unpleasant ones are a thing and they don't get the compliment


Lack of unpleasantness + soaking wet = tastes great


Also how beer works incidentally


After the third they all taste the same?




Pretty much how any drink works


It’s 5 o’clock somewhere.




Okay there Tony the Tiger. 


I mean, I'd eat that for breakfast every morning.


The only true breakfast of champions


'You don't taste unpleasant' does sound a bit less pleasant, I suppose.


Some women taste good. I love the taste of my gf and I tell her that. I've had exs that I did not enjoy the taste of, I didn't lie to them and say they tasted good. I just didn't say anything about it.


Amen. I'll only give a compliment if it's deserved.


"Mmmm, delicious, give my compliments to the chef"


Ok thanks, I’ll call my mom in a minute


She misses you. You really should call more often.


"Hey mom, this guy I met at a bar last night wanted me to thank you......" "For what, Dear?" "......"


Absolutely, I like to be honest with my partners all the time, especially in the bedroom. Otherwise, you end up doing shit that you don't like or even worse, absolutely despise, and that could end up negatively impacting the long-term sexual health of the relationship.


Typically it’s deserved based on their diet. A clean healthy woman that eats good food will truly taste better than one that is consuming cheap low quality unhealthy foods. And don’t get started on drug and alcohol use. You can literally taste the drugs consumed recently.


Anything you can do or suggest for a partner to taste better yk?


Have a clean diet and good health. Get checked for bacterial vaginosis. In my experience those are the main 2 things that can cause a woman to taste “bad”. Can apply the diet and health thing to men too for how their semen tastes.


Drink a lot of water, stay hydrated


Practice and follow through. Work the problem. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


Good diet, exercise and don't smoke cigarettes(never noticed any correlation with weed).


Idk. when I tried, It just smelled like soap and tasted like skin like lips or whatever. I think sometimes people who tell about the "taste" just want to tell a compliment.


Taste and smell are so powerful in attraction. I've said it and genuinely meany it because it turned me on so much.


Not every women, but basically “you taste so good” means “I enjoy going down on you”. Some guys genuinely love the smell and taste but personally, best flavour is no flavour. Take a shower beforehand and I’m 100/100 happy to be there. Giving pleasure feels really good. Also, no matter what social media suggests, pussy doesn’t NEED to taste like anything to be a great time. We’re not ordering pussy flavoured Kit Kat bars or chips at the stores. We’re there because we love watching you squirm.


>We’re not ordering pussy flavoured Kit Kat bars or chips at the stores If they made pussy flavoured KitKats I'd buy the bloody store mate.


I'm sure someone somewhere....... 😏


Chill out bro


grapefruit bubly if that flavor is your thing


Nah, I need that primal stank to get me goin


Ah, the Napoleon way


Josephine I will be home in three days do not bathe


The way gawd intended


Napoleon and Josephine?


Like the French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte


Josephine was his wife.


Like the French Empress Josephine Boneparte


One and the same.


Close the window, you're letting all the stank out


There's a Hungarian skit about a guy calling a girl in a sex hotline (dunno its proper term), and she starts her usual lines and mentions that she's gonna take a bath, and he says: - Dun take dat bath. - Why shouldn't I take that bath? - Because I luv it when dat pussay stank! It's just so stupid, but so funny.


There's a limit to that. I dated a girl in high school who I could tell was turned on because of the way she smelled. It was not a good thing.


Seriously, if they just smell like soap whats the point?


>We’re there because we love watching you squirm. It's the gratification from knowing that you're a master at navigating her body and she's taking in every second of it.




Idk, my guy. I was at the aquarium of the pacific last week and was perturbed about not having pussy flavored snacks.


Coconut p——s


I miss original


I thought they discontinued this flavour.


Best flavour is no flavour?? I have to disagree..


Is it weird that I've been routinely told I taste sweet? Like candy. I figured that was normal-ish with a clean diet (no smoking, drinking etc). I'm not sure how to taste like nothing besides right out of a shower.


You need to get your blood sugar checked.


I regularly have blood work done and nothing like that has ever come up. But thank you for your concern I'll double check on that next visit. :) I think it's more a musky sweetness lol


Do you eat a lot of pineapple, nectarines, or oranges.


Some people are ordering them https://nypost.com/2022/09/21/company-launches-vagina-chips-for-sex-starved-millennials/


I bring some steak sauce to the party


> We’re not ordering pussy flavoured Kit Kat bars or chips at the stores. This might be a good idea though


"best flavour is no flavour" ![gif](giphy|F3G8ymQkOkbII)


I'm a lady who dates ladies and I have never experienced a "bad" taste, but I have experienced a particularly appealing taste yes! It's all pheromones and chemicals 🤷‍♀️ sounds like you happen to be hooking up with people who are a good match chemically as well as whatever other attractive reasons are bringing you together. I remember watching a video about attraction and scent and if genetics play a role, there was a scientific experiment where people wore t-shirts for a few days then returned them to experimenters. The t-shirts were then given to strangers for a sniff test. Everyone was tested for DNA. It turned out that the people who found the shirts the least stinky had the widest divergence in DNA from the wearer, and the people who found the shirts particularly bad smelling had more similarities with the person who wore them. There weren't any universally good or universally bad smelling t-shirts, so the theory is that it's an evolutionary trait to find some people's natural scent more appealing to help keep the gene pool diverse and healthy!


Interesting! Thanks for sharing!


Do you have a link to that video?? Sounds interesting to watch!


It was a segment on a science TV show back when TV was a thing! I can't remember what it was called, maybe Inquiring Minds?


I also recently read that parents find the smell of their teenagers (especially teenage boys) to be stronger / worse than outsiders perceive it to be. It is thought that this helped to prevent incest at a time when incest wasn't a social faux pas, eg caveman times. Many herd animals chase away males which reach sexual maturity for the same reason. How does the herd know the males have reached sexual maturity? From the smell. Im not sure how father-daughter incest would be prevented, whether in early humans, or in animals where young females join the herd with their mothers.


Going out of the way to say it means it either doesn’t have a taste which is good, or genuinely tastes good. I won’t say anything if it’s a bit off and if it’s bad I’ll just spend less time down there but again won’t say anything. So if they’re saying it, then it’s likely true


Yes and no. If she doesn't have a taste down there, I might say she "tastes good" for sexy talk sometimes. If she tastes bad (some women do), I won't say it. Some women, however, have a really nice natural scent, which I believe is simply their skin oil smell, and it does "taste good". If you get it all the time, you might actually just taste good.


It's twofold for me: 1. I do love the taste of most every woman I've been with, save one. (I did not say it to her, and that relationship did not last long for many other reasons.) 2. A lot of women are told their natural odors/tastes are gross and won't relax in the moment and enjoy. It is also meant as a reassurance, I suppose, that her body is enjoyable to taste, and doing this to her is exciting for me.


Idk I genuinely like the taste usually. Some I’ve enjoyed more than others.


You don’t say this unless you mean it. Otherwise you pretend your mouth gets tired and stop.


But...what "tastes good"? I've definitely been into a dude's penis smell and some jizz will make me feel ill if I taste it and some dudes just have body odor that is sexy and others that make me wanna gag. I need specifics, guys!!!


PSA: Some mfs legitimately DO NOT wash their dicks or ass. I’m so sorry to have to tell you this: You been chasing those dirty dicked men. & What your smelling is called budussy.




I genuinely enjoy the taste, but maybe that's just me.


There’s a wide range of variety in smell/taste down there. Everything from literally no scent at all to a musky cheesy type of stank that will take several gallons of mouthwash and a good dental cleaning to get the taste out of your mouth. I enjoy it too, but there’s a fine line.


Then she needs a gallon or two of vinegar to balance the pH level of her vagina.


You try telling her that. Not an easy conversation.


Babe you'd look so hot in a vinegar bath, with floating potato chips. Hold the fish though.




Oh my, this is almost got me choke.


Mainly something a guys just say. It’s like saying “oh my god, it’s so big”.


No one has ever said that to me.....😭


Omg you’re so big


Thanks, BigD


Username makes it official. You’ve been dubbed so big by the big d.


I’ve had guys say this to me too, I figured it’s just a thing they say


Nope. If you taste good we’ll tell you :)


all we have to go by is porn. Take it up with the script supervisor.


Absolutely brilliant idea, a lesson to be learned here


I've only said that to one person and I meant it with all my heart.


Legit question; What would you like/prefer them to say while going down on you? Or would you prefer no verbal communication?


I love to pleasure you. You make the most amazing sounds. I love discovering the places I can put my tonuge that drive you wild. I love being between your legs. I love you being this vulnerable for me. I love how you respond to my mouth. Any of those sound more legit than “you taste so good”


*Takes notes*.. Continue.


Tell me what feels good. Idk how more people don't ask this during sex!


Everytime I asked that I don't get an answer. I only keep asking because at least I can say that I put in the effort


I am aroused


So I’m bi, but most of my experience has been with guys. I have been with probably around 20 guys total (I’m happily married and almost 40 so that number isn’t about to change any time soon) I’ve only been told that I taste good by one guy ever. Nobody really avoided giving me oral, aside from the one guy who was clear about not being a huge fan of oral in the first place, regardless of who is the recipient/giver. I have been told by multiple partners that my pussy is incredibly warm and wet. Several have said it is “hot” and then went on to clarify that they literally mean the temperature in addition to sexiness. I have also been told that I am especially wet. What convinced me of the baseline statements being accurate is that the (exceedingly rare) times I have had sex with another woman, they also comment on the heat and wetness. Even before either of us start eating. Like even from just fingering they’re unanimously like- your pussy feels literally hot. It was something also told to me by a close gay male friend in college that I experimented with. All of this to say- just a one-off comment can be disregarded. But when a series of people generally tell you the same thing without you mentioning it to them beforehand? It’s probably more accurate. Either that or I’ve got a volcano for a vagina 🤷🏻‍♀️


I hope hubby calls you his favorite oven 😌


Nope I’m not dry enough to count as an oven lol. Gonna sous vide that sausage 😈


Exactly my perspective too.


I mean a girl can genuinly taste kinda good, if your all clean, its nice, and I think the taste changes depending on where you are in the menstrual cycle maybe, cuz it can be different for the same girl. And the taste goes from being kinda stronger and sour to being more tasteless and slightly sweet, which is the best.


It's basically dirty talk. It heightens the mood, right? Doesn't it make you feel good? There's your answer


Depends. If you have a good diet, with not too much overly acidic or pungent foods, like a seafood heavy diet or lots of raw alliums, that is already a good point as certain aromatics and oils get picked up by your bloodstream and spread all over your body. Some more than others. Aside from that if you are clean down there, it cuts back on unpleasant tastes. If you keep yourself clean and healthy, it is probably genuine.


Yes... yes they can taste very different. If it taste like sweet water i like it. Regular water shows me you showered. Pee/sweat and apple juice isnt something im particularly ok with but your just not getting a compliment. Now if it smells like rancid fish and salt, im assuming it taste the same way. Also an iron taste is fine.


>Do different vaginas actually taste THAT different? Yes absolutely. Don't believe me? Go try a few for yourself.


Girl who dates girls here: some vaginas just taste and smelling yummy. And some not so much. Everyone has their own taste also. So, take it as a compliment because the not so great tasting don’t hear it. And the same with going down on a guy, by the way… wash your genitals, boys.


and imagine getting head so you can get between the wrinkles.


When I say you taste so good, I mean that making an effort to give you oral pleasure and lubricating you with my own wet tongue, an act which does not particularly bring me any *physical* pleasure, still makes me feel sexually fulfilled and rewarded in my head. Its a way of making you feel good and as a result, myself as well.


Guys don’t usually just give random compliments if it doesn’t taste good probably just gonna not spend very much time with it and move on to the next stage.


I've gone down on women who weren't the.. freshest, and I certainly didn't say it then. But then some partners do legitimately taste fucking DELICIOUS, and I make damn sure to let them know


It’s true in the sense that you don’t taste bad and it serves the purpose of calming down your potential worries and insecurities about it, so that you can focus on getting an orgasm.


I’ve only said that to one. Not that others have been off putting but the one in particular was great. You may just taste great.


I have only made that comment first time going down on someone when they did, in fact, taste quite good to me for some reason. It was something I hadn't encountered before.


It’s probably true if it’s common. Congratulations on the delicious vagina


This Is a great question. But unfortunately you'll only get a ton of biased answers. Some guys clearly use that as their default line. Some mean it 98% of the time. Some think it/feel it, but never think to say it out loud. Unfortunately there is no way to gage the honesty of such a statement based on replies. That being said: you definitely taste great!! 😋


Maybe you just taste nice?


Women taste different. Most taste is scent, and what is appealing to one person may not be to another. Sour, sweet, salt, umami, though…all these come through the tongue. So when my nose is there and my tongue is there and they’re all telling me “yum”, well, yum! You can taste yourself, of course, but the experience won’t be the same.


I read an interview once where a gay man claimed that pineapple juice made his semen taste great. Maybe it’s got something to do with your diet.


Diet, hygiene, pheromones (compatibility), genetics, and where a woman is in her cycle can all play a role.


I’d believe it. With my husband it’s grape juice. Yum!


It’s definitely a compliment and it’s to sound hot. They wouldn’t say it if you smelled or taste bad but for the most part it’s just a hot thing to say when you’re going down. It’s not that it actually tastes “so good”. It’s that it feels so good to eat you’re p**sy, that it it so good. . Maybe compare it to a girl saying the same thing when she’s doing a BJ. Just sex talk.


I’m guessing they mean it, cause only few have told me I taste good. 👀 (Kind of concerning, considering, but everyone goes down on me regularly, so I guess I must not taste *bad*.) But pretty near everybody has said I am: a) so wet b) so tight c) some variation of I have great tits. I can’t speak for anyone but myself, as per all of us always lol, but as someone giving compliments/dirty talk, I don’t say anything untrue. If I am with a guy who feels big or hard I will tell him, and if not, not. Same for females — far less sexual experience with them, personally, but same applies. I find what I enjoy, and play to it, so we can both get excited. I do find something good to focus on and speak to that, whatever it may be, and it’s always genuine somehow. I like to do this because I think it makes them feel good, which I am happy to make someone sharing pleasure and nudity with me feel good. Not only that though, I also feel it heightens the mood and gets me more in the moment. When I think about the sensations and things I like, and share that with my partner, I think it draws us both more into the moment, which is hot. So maybe it’s that for them as well. But my smart money from personal experience is on it being a genuine compliment.


Take it as a compliment. No, we don’t say that to everyone.


Hygiene is key sis. Yes it tastes good


Yeah, diet and habits really affect the taste. My wife tastes great and I never have an issue if she lets me. Had an ex that tasted like burnt batteries and I only ever went down on her if she requested it and I hadn't eaten recently. She was clean, that wasn't the issue. Pretty sure it was her diet, she smoked, and probably just some body chemical incompatibility


Some girls “taste good”, some don’t “taste bad” but not good either. I’ve never experienced bad thankfully but for sure some have a better “taste” down there and I’m not a scientist but I guess it’s because of their diets, health and hygiene habits, etc


I used to date a girl some time ago who tasted nice. Not like I'd order a she-flavoured ice cream but it was nice. Other gf I had in the past had a flavour which wasn't pleasant. Not too bad though, but yes there is a difference. I've also been with girls who tasted absolutely neutral; in my experience that was the most common indeed.


Definitely not an automatic. Not genuine automatically. >Do different vaginas actually taste THAT different? Yes absolutely


I dated a girl for two years and hated going down on her. It wasn’t great. I’ve dated some that I thought tasted so good I didn’t even care if she reciprocated or if we even had sex after I just wanted to taste her so I’d say it’s probably just a true statement for you.


No. the first girl (I say girl and not woman because we were both high school kids) I went out with, I only went down on once because she tasted so bad. The next girl (again, high school kids) that I went out with was such a nice surprise because she didn't taste anything at all like that. No other girl (I married the girl I started dating in college and haven't been with anyone else since her) tasted like that either. As horrible as it sounds, I could always tell when the first girl was turned on because of the way she smelled. I don't know what caused all that either. She wasn't unhygienic. She definitely didn't come from a home that couldn't afford soap.


PH balance


It means... It doesn't taste of pee thank you


I've never said that out loud. In my opinion, the only time it "tastes good" is when there's no taste at all.


Confirmed, never been south of the border


It's wet and scary


Absolutely not, sometimes you go down, *then put on your pants and leave*


That was fun, I’ll see you around.


Yes I think it’s pretty normal honestly. When I read the title i thought you were going to say ‘🤯you’re the best’ because that’s the one I always got and wondered if it was just something guys said.


Sounds like someone has a lot of someone’s going down on her.


Me, personally? I only say that if I mean it. Otherwise I just don't say anything at all.


Just like everyone else said, if it genuinely doesn’t taste like anything or even has sweetness, it’ll make the person want to go down there longer, and put a lot more into the passion. The “taste so good” is a bit generic, but it’s more of a way of saying “I don’t mind doing this for longer because you have good hygiene and good smell/taste.” It’s key if they even mention the taste at all, because that’s a good indicator that they’re in the moment. (My brain kinda goes in autopilot).


Weird flex, OP ;-) j/k


I think I speak for most guys when I say, when we are ultra horny our brains flip some sort of switch to where we say things and feel ways we normally never would. I once was so horny my gf asked me what I wanted to do and I said with a straight face i'd eat her ass dirty and enjoy it. Now, ofcourse in no world would a poop covered asshole be fun to put my mouth on.. but when a guy is horny as fuck, he may be willing to do whatever it takes to do something sexual LOL. You ever hear that goofy comment people make on the internet where it's like "I'll drag my nuts through 20 miles of broken glass to sniff your fart?" Nobody would do it, but a horny man may actually mean it when he said it lmao. We're stupid


Look chances are you don’t taste like the best thing they’ve ever had, however, they ain’t gonna say that if you taste bad, they’re gonna shut up and get on with it. And some people do taste bad, for a variety of reasons, so chances are it’s a mixture, no you don’t taste like haribos but you definitely don’t taste bad


Huh? So if he said you taste like barbecue sauce and stale cigarettes you wouldn’t think twice about it?


Keep the change


I just say it because women like it.


When I’m in love with a man I wish I could bottle his taste and use as perfume


I say it because I am truly feeling it in the moment. For real, I'm enjoying the experience. I get that it might be hard to believe if you were to imagine the flavor out of that context, and indeed I likely wouldn't enjoy a vagina -flavored milkshake or lollipop. But the enjoyment of eating, even figuratively eating, is about more than the substances present; flavors, textures, presentation, and above all in this case, where it came from – all come together to create an experience that's all its own. I promise, there's not a woman (or man) on this planet that would taste good with their genitals in my mouth if it was involuntarily. If a guy tells you that you taste good, it's because he likes you, he's having a good time, and you probably taste clean.


All vaginas do not taste good so you're probably among the upper echelon of "sweet, cherry pie" as the band, Warrant, so eloquently put it


It’s all about the pheromones. ~I imagine that’s why some men have foot/armpit fetishes.


Just like with guys, a variety of factors can cause the way they taste to be different. This can include diet, stress, hormones, etc. There’s obviously no way for us to know the details of your personal situation, but they absolutely can taste different, and I’ve personally never said that line unless I meant it.


I wouldn’t say it to someone if they tasted bad or mid




It just means "I enjoy doing this act. I hope you like that I like it."


Oh, and the proper response varies with your comfort level but at its most tame, "yes, don't stop," is what he's wanting to hear back.


It's a bit of a reassurance to the lady if she was concerned about her hygiene.


I mean you kinda have to say something positive, imagine if a guy goes down on a woman the first time and just moves along to the next activity like it’s a Tuesday. That seems cruel.


LoL my sides hurt


They very much don't. I loved a girl when I was younger. I remember we had sex one time, and she wiped herself with a shirt down there and threw it at me playfully, but the smell flowing through the air at my face made me wanna vomit.


Something important to note, when bacteria (from a partner’s hands or tongue) interact with a woman’s wetness a chemical reaction occurs later, causing an odour. Sounds like you had no issues during sex, but only after, which would make sense.


I’m a woman and I’ve said it after eating out another woman before. It’s for sure just a compliment, but doesn’t mean it isn’t true either!


It’s a way to make some women relax. If they are in their own head about it this is a way to disarm that.


Yeah, mostly just generic and in the moment. Don't get me wrong, there are some stanky snatches out there. But there's really just normal and stanky. There is no "so good."


Honestly, you’re probably not special. Ain’t no one going to tell you the truth about what pussy tastes like, if they want said pussy ever again. It tastes like licking a battery, or maybe even metallic as a more general description. Yours probably does too. Not like a brother gunna be lifting up his head from your crotch all “ouu what is that flavour…Duracell? You taste like a lithium ion rechargeable battery sweet pea”.


They are going down on you... quit picking it apart. All the answers are basically, yes. We tend not to be known for our talkativity, so if a dude says that, just know he's just saying he's happy to be there. No, you're not an anomaly. Probably just healthy, so... again, stop trying to ruin it.


I want to agree with your response, but you're so condescending...


Didn't mean it to be, but yeah, I can see it. I'm just answering as a dude with a dudes mind who discovers he'll never make her cum if she can't simply accept that it IS, very much, exactly that simple. I am a very rudimentary human in the grand scheme and am just trying be helpful.


Some are tastey


Do you eat pineapples or drink a lot of water?


At the very minimum it means it doesn’t taste bad…


Yes. It’s called a sexual compliment. Means I want to do it again and don’t have any reservations.


I have only had one encounter where a woman tastes awful. Her smell was horrible and that was the main factor.


I remember this one blonde 👱 taste like honey haven’t had that since. It was Good !


There was one verginer I encountered that stunk so bad. Once the pants came off the stench punched me in the face and she requested a fisting. I declined. Was like smelling a hot dumpster.


Lame attempt at dirty talk. Similar to asking if you wore the panties your Mother laid out on the bed for you.


if it's acceptable to good. You get compliment if its not good, we keep doing it, but no complementary


You will get this compliment as long as it's not actively bad.


When they say that, reply by saying: “ah yeah? Then you’ll love this” and shove their faces into your private parts. Top tier fantasy for a pussy eating enjoyer wish right there.


I always say "less filling"


They DO taste different. One time though it tasted weird and I let her know because it might be important. That didn't stop me though.


It's all fun and games until he takes a bite out of it.


I mean, some vulvas taste good some dont. some dicks are great, others not so much. some folks eat pineapple, some folks eat asparagus....


Part of it is that girls can be very self-conscious of smell, so complimenting is a natural response. Like when girls tell their bf that they're so well endowed, it puts them at ease. But yes, every girl tastes pretty different. And hygiene honestly has a lot to do with it. I dated a scrub nurse who would have to stand 10-12hrs in a row. There were days that the smell was pretty noticeable.


Yes.. Vaginas are very different. Both in taste, smell and size.


No some woman really taste so good!! Not all.


Nothing tastes better than a post shower one


It's certainly not something I would say to someone without meaning it. So far it has happened once that it hasn't tasted great. I can't really describe the taste, it wasn't really bad but not really good either. Of course I didn't comment on it that time and just kept going. This only happened once and all other times she tasted amazing! With that exception everyone I've gone down on has tasted great and I just love it, easily the best part of any session for me and it's one of those things that can really turn me on just by thinking of it. There is certainly some differences in the taste between different partners for sure. I also prefer it when it hasn't been washed for a while, like after a workout or just in the evening after going about your day. Please don't wash away the seasoning!




I love eating pussy. And there are some vaginas that taste and smell better than others. But I wouldn’t say it’s the taste I love but the fact that I love tasting her.


I enjoyed the first person I went down on but the second person caught me way off guard. She noticed and pulled me off of herself and had us change positions😅 I didn’t realize it could vary and be sooo bad.


could be genuine either due to the hormones and horniess at the time. especially if they return for seconds then its true.


Personally I've noticed no differences between anyone. It's all just skin and sometimes sweat. A few important factors though. My sense of smell is very dull, and most of what people perceive as taste is really smell. Limited experience. Very low body count for an adult. The number would depend on what you'd consider to constitute sex. But whatever you picked it'd be more than 5, less than 10. I'm in a first world country, so hygienic stuff is easily accessible in urban areas, even if you're homeless. People who live in more dangerous places and have more severe problems to worry about are probably less concerned with this, so I wouldn't hold that against them. Not fair.


Finally, some decent fucking food.


Women taste sweeter and are more lubricated when they're ovulating. The sugar count is higher.


Honestly I think it’s one of those things men just say to make you feel good, I’ve found all dudes tend to say the same stuff. And my friends also all receive similar compliments.


so yes vaginas taste different, and and unpleasant taste or odor can be a sign of poor hygiene or even infection. As far as what some one might tell you, its posable they would just say you taste good as a in the moment or maybe to not hurt your feelings if in fact it tastes bad. If you have a regular partner they would be able to notices changes if they are down there frequently, and hopefully would inform you if something was off instead of just trying to preserve your feelings. But everyone's tastebuds are also different so one my enjoy you more then another. Maybe just take the compliment, or engage more with the ones that are down there if you are more curious.