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Yeah i despise AS but if someone comes in and says they like it then i’ll respect it, i’m not gonna go and downvote them as it’s their opinion I’ll debate things in AS and say my issues with peace in the comments respectfully but i’m not gonna downvote and crap on them over their opinion


Thank you


I got down vote for no reason in other subreddit for no reason even when I'm just asking a question


I despise All-Stars as much as the next guy, but honestly the AS hate posts are getting old, can’t we talk about something different?


Fr “AS bad” memes are straight up unfunny atp


I’m glad it’s not just me. I’ll be the first one to admit it wasn’t a great season(especially as a Mike and Zoey fan)but Christ on a stick. It’s not the worst thing in fictional history


All Stars is trash, but I surely love trash


so true


Call me a raccoon because I eat that trash up


Honestly yeah. I don't like AS because of how flawed it is. One thing I don't understand is the hate for "Trashley". I swear, on YT, she's overhated to the point that there is nothing positive said about her😭 People keep bringing up the excuse that she's a supporting character, but I don't really get why that matters. Tess is one too, and I see WAY less hate for her. It feels weird to me. Aren't we allowed to have supporting characters? Honestly, "Trashley" should stay longer. I like her as a supporting character. Not to mention she's basically one of the reasons many people started liking Jake again, so that's something. I don't like AS Ellie tho. She became hypocritical and stuff. I'm kinda glad she's out. Is that bad?😭


ashley haters are literally just upset fiore fans lmao


I agree. Just go to Ionically on YT and check his community posts about Ashley and go to the comments. It's a war zone😭


People hating on Ashley and Julia turned them from overrated to overheated like Courtney


Honestly, I do think Julia is overrated in Season 2. Did too much off-screen, got more plot armor than Season 1, she somehow stayed over MK and more. MK should've been a finalist instead of Julia imo.


That just means writters liked her. If you look at any post on here or YT more people are saying how bad she is compared to how much they love her


Yeah but still. I wish Mk stayed over her. MK DOESN'T DO ANYTHING AFTER EPISODE 5😭 She literally becomes Damien 2.0.


Mk and Pryia should switch places tbh


Damien and Priya should too tbh.


i’d switch her with Raj, then switch damien with priya


….this is a meme about total drama all stars


Yeah but still. The only thing I like about AS is the humor. It's actually pretty good when it comes to TD humor.


I will never not cackle like a madman when Scott runs over the bridge in Moon Madness


Proof that Scott deserved to be a finalist in TDAS.


As a kid I didnt care because Mike and Zoey were my favorite characters back then. Now I agree with the Scott vs Courtney finale


Tbh, I find Ashley a better character this season than Tess because she had more to do.


Yeah. Plus, it's not like the season is over. Ashley COULD get a storyline in the next few episodes maybe.


I saw a poll on Ashley on YT and the majority said they loved her. Only about 8% said they call her Trashley.


It’s always been a common thing for the sub to mention how AS is a bad season. With almost the same criticism over and over. I get it AS bad. Ok move on and talk about how good reboot is.


This, especially that last part


Yeah its always been like this


i mean if we are in a conversation and someone mentions they like all stars i’ll start mentioning good parts of all stars instead of bad parts i mean like it’s not that serious


we need to normalize healthy disagreements. if two people are having a debate and keeping it about the show without making it too personal (i.e., cursing someone out), then its not that deep. some people like to argue their opinions. but there is definitely a line where you dont need to come for someone personally.


This sub has lots of issues with respecting opinions. Spam downvotes and people being disrespectful in the comments are nothing uncommon. This totally doesn't have to be this way yet it is. I don't even dislike AS. I'm just used to these posts at this point. At the end of the day a lot of people dislike the season and they're allowed to have that opinion (respectfully of course).


Ima test it I like Sadie more than Katie


Blocked and reported /j




Is that controversial ? They are the same character basically.


How dare you. Everyone knows Katie is the more iconic member of the duo. You should be ashamed of yourself.


Same actually


Agreed. I’m not too keen on All Stars myself but long tired rants and memes slandering it are honestly really annoying because of how frequent they are. Plus even though posts like “why is All Stars so hated?” don’t mean any harm, they’re still annoying because you can literally search up that question here and gets dozens of different results. Same with Pahkitew. Also people need to stop downvoting opinions they don’t agree with.


I can understand if somebody likes AS, it's just not for me


That’s fine


At the end of the day, it's still total drama. The worst season of one of my favorite series is still entertaining. It can be both.


I've seen people hating TDAS as usual but I haven't really seen people harass others for just liking it. Not on this sub at least (the 2013 fandom was cruel about it). Liking reboot s2 on the other hand...


I’ve been getting downvote bombed simply for saying I don’t think AS is the worst season and I’ve seen it happen to multiple other people as well


Your meme implies people are outright harassing you over it rather than downvoting so I was confused lol. Downvotes tend to mean disagreement (even though that's not how they should be used) so I don't think it's always meant as like, a personal judgment or whatever. Making posts about the good stuff in TDAS may help push against the hivemind more than complaining about a strawman.


I *personally* have not been harassed for it but I know other people have, u/ok_shirt_1574 can confirm This meme was more meant to target the onslaught of posts, especially recently where people are saying shit like “oh there’s no way people actually like AS, AS fans don’t exist, upvote me because I said AS was bad”


I mean it’s not absolutely cruel like 2013’s fandom was but some comments do tend to go a little too far.


AS had some decent characters like uhhh i thought Scott was funny


Most of the people who get like that probably couldn’t write a better season anyway.




I used to like All stars a lot but since people kept on saying they hate it, I don't really say I like All stars.


I hate AS. Don't know how you like it, but as long as you respect my opinions, I will respect yours. And if you enjoy AS, that's fine.


People forgot they can simply get out of the subreddit and do other stuff instead of staying there complaining about the same stuff over and over again.


THANK U! It should not be that serious


Indeed, I also consider AS my least favorite season, but it's entertaining, and if someone enjoys it well, power to them. It's true that after so many years, the hate discourse has gotten old. Still, everyone is allowed to hate it, just let those who enjoy it alone.


Everything was there for the season but the execution was awful


As someone who hates All★Stars, ppl need to stop beating this dead horse. No need to say that All★Stars sucks 24/7


I actually love All Stars! The writing is probably a bit messy but it’s such a fun season and everyone was hilarious in it 😭 Also, Zoey is my second favourite TD character and it was great to see her get a win!!


Based, I also really enjoyed all stars


I’m glad I’m not alone on this! I still found most of the characters really enjoyable in AS 😊


Yeah I get that, even if it's not the best season that TD had, I wouldn't mind seeing some people enjoying it or liking it. Since I myself still finds some enjoyement as well from it


Or at least talk about the positives surrounding it… that AREN’T Aleheather.


AS literally has so many funny moments


Or Scott


Or Lightning


“Woah! The Eiffel Tower? I must be in Germany!”


The only part of All Stars i hate is the stupid fucking reset button


As much as I don’t like All-Stars for a lot of its flaws, if someone came to me and told me that they like it, I would not have a problem with it at all. Opinions are always subjective and no one should be attacked for having a different one from oneself or even the general consensus. Like for example, I personally am not a fan of Sierra but a lot of fans like her and I don’t have issues with it. I will never downvote anyone on this sub who has a different opinion from my own, it’s what they think at the end of the day and it’s important to respect them. And learning from different POVs on something can also be enriching.😊😊


I like allstars sadly cause it was the first season I watched when I was 9. Didn’t understand the gwuncan plot and thought Courtney was a bitch.


I personally still find enjoyment out of rewatching it. I understand why people wouldn’t like it, I felt like it leaned further into cartoon than reality show parody, more than any other season pretty much. I think it’s the worst of the seasons, but I don’t think it’s bad. Probably a 6.5/10 if I had to rate it


I think it’s honestly kinda funny that I’m such a big hater in nearly every other fandom I’m in (I’ve been perma banned from r/eurovision) but in here I’m usually incredibly civil. Like in every other social circle I’m in I’d be bashing things I hate, meanwhile here I barely talk trash about my least favorite characters, and don’t think I’ve ever insulted someone for their preferences. This is like the one sub I’m well behaved in, it’s really funny


Uh cool? What does that have to do with my post


You’re mentioning how some people are toxic in here and attack the opinions of others and I’m saying this is like the one place where I don’t do that even a little bit


I have nothing but respect for people who can enjoy that season, because everything I like about it is more ironic enjoyment than genuine enjoyment. I've watched every season at least over five times, and I only started this show in late 2020. All Stars is the exception, I've watched it fully once. Ever since I did a Gwen complaining post, I've been done crapping on this season. I've vocalised my problems on it enough.


Honestly I understand when people enjoy all stars in some way. My issue is when Zoey became writers' pet and Mary Sue. Same goes to people who overhate action which is funny and enjoyable season and all of the characters are flawed unlike when island tried to make some utterly evil or good


There’s a lot I like about all stars, I just have a lot of issues too. If someone likes it lol , that’s awesome! I can talk with them about its positives, and if someone doesn’t, I can talk about its negatives and positives


All-Stars is not my favorite season, but I can see why some people would enjoy it and they have ever right to do so. Hearing rant after rant after rant about how bad it is gets very old very fast.


I only fight with someone about opinions if they won’t shut their mouth about my opinion. For example, I still think Sierra amazing even tho she annoy Cody and on YouTube I been getting a lot of negative comments for liking her, like bruh I’m trying to have peace. So please shut up and respect anyone’s opinion instead of arguing about who is correct.


You’re so based for this, sierra is my favorite TD character actually


Cool, she one of my top favs too


Yeah, I have to agree. Can’t go a single day without getting downvotes for saying something positive about Mal and Zoey.


I feel ya, I can’t state that I prefer AS to Island 2007, Action or hell even s2 of the reboot without downvotes


And people get mad when I say it's my favorite season


try to say something negative aboou Damien or Bowie and u will end up with like -5


I don’t downvote people for that so idk what that has to do with anything


so I'm guessing the sub didn't really change much since my break lol


Oh, you’re actually back? Well welcome back mate.


From it not by much.


That’s me with liking the Jake/Ashley friendship.


I'm going to say this with great fear, but I think All Stars is better than World Tour.


Honestly fair enough, I actually think AS is better than island 2007


>!You could say the same thing about DramaRama!<


All-stars doesn't deserve half the hate it gets.




Thanks for being the only sane person in this sub


Lmao ty






I mean, sure. People always should be allowed to like what they like. I won't stop you from enjoying All Stars. However, I do at least want to know what is so interesting about the season that makes you love it. Just curious.


Sure. For one, sierra is my favorite character in the entire TD series. While I do dislike her overall role in the story this season brought about some really good things for her. Not once did she ever take Cameron’s belongings without asking nor did she force herself upon him. The absolute worst she did was say some creepy stuff and carry him around in the moon episode, that’s it. I’m really happy to see she’s made genuine improvements to her attitude since world tour. Also was a big fan of how she mentioned that the reason she smuggled her cell phone in was to be able to talk to Cody while they were separated, and it makes me so happy to hear at the very least they are still friends a year after world tour’s end. All stars has some really great dynamics for the characters. Up until SMS Gwen and Courtney had a really wholesome friendship that was a joy to watch (why did they have to ruin it 😔). Gwen’s friendships with Zoey and Cameron were a blast to watch as well. It was pretty short lived because of his early elim but Sam and Sierra had a nice friendship too. And it’s not just the friendships, scottney was super cute and funny, and aleheather had what I think was the perfect ending to their story. There’s some really nice challenges too! Particularly I really liked the challenge where they had to steal the eggs from the ROTI mutants, the blue moon challenge and the boxing challenge. AS is up there as one of the best seasons challenge-wise. The humor in this season lands really well. Scott in particular was just such a funny goofball, but there’s some nice humor with characters like Jo and Sierra additionally. I do see your flair, so please don’t take offense to this, but it was also really nice to see Duncan get his just desserts after all of the shitty things he did in the previous three seasons he competed in. Legitimately if sundae muddy sundae hadn’t happened and the finale was Courtney vs Zoey AS would be my second favorite season


I don't take offense over anything said about Duncan unless it's logically incorrect. This probably with any character really. I understand why some people don't like him, he can be a real anger driver especially in the later seasons where his more subtle flaws are turned to 11 for no reason, but yeah. I don't blame you for not liking him.