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ahh just woke up it’s 3:45 am and i’m in soo much gas pain haha. trying to push through (literally)


Lmfaoooo love


The gas pain was the worst for me, and then I had a bad reaction from one of the antibiotics. The first 5 days were hell but I was feeling better by the time I was discharged. It will all be worth it in the end.


First slot best slot! I was the 7:30 slot last Friday and my friend is under right now for today's 7:30 slot! Lemme know if you want me to put you in contact with her, it's always best on floor 11 when all 6-8 cases at a time talk to each other. My biggest advice is fight back if u feel good standing / walking and think the chair is a bad idea today. They love that damn thing and the nurse forced me in it and then my diaphragm revolted and I upchucked everything since asking up with uncontrolled spasms. Then she left me there and hour in agony, sat me up again, and the same thing happened except I just upchucked bile. If you think the chair is going to hurt but standing feels ok, fight to go for a walk instead. Like the other person said get on the discord! We're all on it.


omg the community sounds great, could you send me the discord link?


Are you in the discord for her?


no but ill join rn