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I would do what your sister did and go no contact on these evil animals.


I'd take your parents out for dinner, then fake some car trouble as an excuse to pull over on the side of the highway, have them get out, and ditch them on the side of a highway far from home.


Low-key really wanna do this


Hey it’s not illegal, once your affairs are in order to go NC make sure to roll down the window and tell them to find each of your dogs before they find their way back into your life as you take off. Maybe even double back with a fakeout before speeding away 🤷🏾‍♂️


Definitely gotta do the fakeout. That is gold.


Seems like he is getting the better end of the deal considering the alternative of chaining his ass to the fence and beating him with a stick whenever you get mad. I know they are your parents and it’s hard, but he is trash and you need to put the trash where it belongs. I don’t know how you can even stand to look at him after hearing your dog’s screaming in pain and seeing him beat them while they were chained and couldn’t get away. I am sick to my stomach reading this and having to even type that reply. My guess is there is a lot of reasons to go no contact and very little reason to stay in contact. Maybe this will open your eyes so that you can walk away and start to really heal. I wish you luck.


I am sick to my stomach too reading this. I’m so sad now.


DO IT. Sometimes tough love is the only way. Maybe go back later after they've had time to sweat and scream. Make them experience a tiny bit of how your pets felt. Fido can't call for a ride or or stick out a thumb. Your "parents" can.


Go back? Don't even fucking *look* back.


These kind of "people" don't deserve any kind of love. Also, he should chain them and hit them with a stick first. Preferably on the woods, where no one can easily find them. Oh, and never go back.


Cause “Tough Love” is how my brother was murdered. Yeah, not really cool at all. It’s sad that people still adhere to this. NC means you just walk away. Sure it CAN be kinda fun to think of what you MIGHT do and it can be funny but “Tough Love” is NOT “Love” it’s just vengeance.


I'm so sorry for your loss.


Thank you. No one has said it to me and it’s been 3 years. I miss my brother.


So sorry for your loss. Xxx


i’m sorry for your loss as well 💔


😭hugs. I’ve been stuck on this ONE post today. Having anyone actually put it out there feels… different. He was a tortured soul and I hope he hears me. I play Prince for him. Purple Rain. He took me to see him on my birthday decades ago.


If you believe in any religious life after death stuff, or even just in spirits or the fact we're all made of energy (and energy can't be created or destroyed), then I want to assure you that he's always with you. And if you're not religious or believe in spirits, etc., then he's still always with you because y'all share DNA so a part of him is literally always with you. ❤️ Tears are the price we all must ultimately pay for having been given the beautiful gift of being able to love - and to be loved by - another. And love? Love is the purest and strongest emotion we humans *have*. Love is *so* pure and strong that not even death can sever the bond that love creates


Oh, nooooo...I am sooo very sorry, Peanut. As a mom, and grandma... as a human... I wish I could just hug you, and tell you how sorry I am, till your pain goes away. My heart is truly breaking for you. 😥♡


Thank you. I’ve been talking to him most of the day. I was traveling for a very long time and could not “deal” with it. So I put off until now. I know he must hear me.


That's awful that no one has acknowledged that, or you. Truly sorry for your loss.


You really should. They should feel the pain of being abandoned where they aren't familiar. Good luck on the drop-off 👋🏽


Sorry to say but your parents are evil people, they deserve this once for every time they did it to a poor dog, and to you. Do it.


Please do - I’m so sorry :(


If there is a god, I hope it's a dog.


I don't. A dog would forgive them. 


Make sure you pick a really rainy might to do this as well. Really hammer it home how it feels to be dumped and abandoned in the middle of nowhere. Then leave them a voicemail of you cackling down the phone at their misery.


Hell, I'd bark a few times first, then cackle, and my final words would be something like, "Now you know how my dogs felt when you abandoned them far from home. You'll never hear my voice or see my face again. Hope it was worth it, you disgusting twisted demonic animal abusing and abandoning piece of shit."


Then call the cops and say there are two meth heads wandering up and down the highway throwing rocks at cars.


OP I am begging you


So question. How did you rationalize constantly asking for more dogs  KNOWING your dad was going to beat the shit out of them alot?


They were a child? Who loved dogs? Who thought they could stop the abuse.


It was my first thought as well. Then ghost them.


Yeah, there's apparently quite a few reasons your sister did. If what they did to your dogs isn't adding to those reasons, how much did they really mean to you? Think about what it would take for you to do what your dad did to those dogs and you, and God knows whatever else your parents did to your sister. What kind of person excuses, accepts, tolerates, or enables their kind of behavior?


find areas where the traffic is low and the connection is spotty.


I want to too, and I don’t even know them. I’m sorry this happened in your life.


Please do this. They definetly deserve that or worse for the way they have treated you, your sister and all your poor dogs..


Your parents are terrible people. Do no contact, do low contact whatever you want, but they are horrible people.


Maybe even open the window a crack and ask them about the dogs as you drive away slowly.


I'd be cackling as I drove off. 😆


Yes this, do this. And when they call you crying and mad asking why you left them tell them you wanted them to know what it must have felt like to be one of the pets they abandoned on the highway. Then tell them to go rot in a nursing home and never contact you again.


Totally not related to the post but this reminded me of a friend that asked for a ride to several stores. Said they would pay me $50 bucks for gas and for the 4+ of my time it took. When I brought them home finally they said they didn't have the money ATM and they would get it to me the next day but did offer to buy me a candy bar instead 😔..... I knew i was never gonna get that money and was pissed. Two weeks later they asked for a ride, 45 minutes all the way to the very south of Austin , to pick up something. I agreed. When they got out of the car I left instantly. They called and called and texted for like three hours begging me to come get them, then telling me I was an ass hole, blah blah blah. I simply reminded them they only asked for a ride DOWN to pick it up. Never asked about coming back north. And if they wanted me to come get them they'd have to pay me the fifty so I could afford the gas. Otherwise I simply wasn't able to even if I wanted to (not true but whatever) I never got the money. But I'm ok with it lol.


THIS IS THE ANSWER! Then never speak to them again... Fuck animal abusers!


This is an amazing idea. Seriously, tell your parents you have a surprise for them. Find a nice higher end restaurant a niiiice loong drive away from their home. Let the hostess seat you. Don't tell them the surprise yet. Let them ask and justvtell them to wait and that they'll know soon enough. Then excuse yourself to the restroom, hand the hostess a card to give them explaining how shitty you've realized they were and that they have now been abandoned far from home and no longer have a family. Drive yourself back to your home and cut them out of the rest of your life.


Then invite them for an apology dinner and do the same thing.


That’s cruel. I LOVE IT!


except drop them off before dinner.


On Father’s Day!


Need to get their phones off of them somehow first. Or at least make sure they are in an area with no cellphone reception.




Me too!


I was gonna suggest chaining the dad to a tree and beating him with a stick but your way works too


Absolutely. The parents are true pieces of shit.


This. Agreed.


The beating of the dogs alone… I just cannot imagine this sort of cruelty. I am sorry you had to experience this, OP. And I am so so sorry for the dogs who endured all this neglect and cruelty.


Yeah I feel like dropping them off somewhere was some kind of blessing to the dogs bc at least they had a chance to get away from their abusers. Jesus Christ people are evil.


I hope that is true and they were able to find new homes, but part of me wonders if even that is a lie to cover for the fact that daddy dearest actually killed them during beatings.


Oof. I hate all of this so much.


>dropping them off somewhere was some kind of blessing to the dogs bc at least they had a chance to get away from their abusers. Yes, that's my takeaway from this.


Makes me want to give my little pup an extra belly rub and treat when I get home.


That's what I'm going to do. It's my cope whenever I read something bad that happened to dogs. Might grab them a new toy too.


Beating the dogs is way worse than leaving them. At least once they abandoned the dogs they had a chance at a better life.


I don’t understand why they kept bringing dogs home to be beaten.


This! 10/11 year ago, my paternal grandfather told me and my cousins a story of how he once adopted a dog, took it into the shed, tied it up and beat it into submission. Smugly. That was the end of our relationship.


You don’t talk to them again. Full stop. They will not be honest. Why do you need them to be truthful with you? So they can make excuses and beg you to not cut them out? When they get older and senile, you won’t like who they turn into. If they were that shitty as middle aged adults I can’t imagine how horribly they will treat you when their minds are really gone


I’m sorry but I couldn’t not confront them about this. I would definitely tell them how disgusting they are as human beings and would never talk to them again until they realize the magnitude of what they did to those innocent dogs. I’m not talking about fake @ss tears and all but genuine remorse which I doubt they’d have. Makes me so angry.


I would never be able to look at them again never mind talking to them after they chained the dogs up and beat them with a stick for as long as they could!??? I can’t even get my head around this type of evil


Absolutely no chance they would ever feel remorseful about what they did, that’s straight up psychopathic behavior


Tell them that you realised what they did to the dogs, tell them this is the last straw and then never talk to them again


Is it just me or was dumping them better than beating them with a stick? and the beating with a stick should’ve been the ultimate dealbreaker no contact solution?


My would never speak to them again. There is a character problem there if you are able to do that to animals. Type of problem that can't be fixed.


I do not trust people who are unkind to their pets !!! I hate them who torture the pets !! I’m sorry it happened to you .


I recommend that you get yourself a therapist and start working through these things. I say this with love, but from this short story alone it seems that you know a lot of things that you're not ready to acknowledge.


Goddamn. I think you’re right. I can’t believe you were able to understand that from just this story but you’re right that I do know a lot of things about my parents that I’m not ready to acknowledge. I was sheltered from their true selves throughout my childhood and was oblivious to the abuse my dogs and my sister went through. I was present when it happened to my dogs but I was too young to understand how cruel he was. To me, he was just a person who was quick to anger. And he reiterated that he beat the animals instead of the people in the house to calm his anger so we should be grateful. I guess somewhere down the line, I started considering that part of him one of his “lesser evils” and started trivialising the event. Again, he beat the dogs VERY less when I was present so even though I knew it was wrong, I let it slide. Which was extremely shitty of me and I absolutely hate that I didn’t have more power to stop him.


I knew because I have a messy family, too. Please don't think badly of yourself, you were a child, and children often need to think the best of their parents to survive. You're still very young. If you start working through these issues while being kind with yourself and keeping yourself safe, you might come out of it as a healed and strong adult.


Jesus. He told you that he beat the animals so he wouldn't beat his family. That is horrifying. Makes you wonder what he did when people who weren't his family pissed him off and there were no animals to abuse. Were there many people in your town who disappeared suddenly? 😳


Transitioning to adulthood and realizing that all the things you thought were normal were actually incredibly abusive is a surreal experience. Especially once you get to the point where all you can think is “how did I ever think this was normal/okay?”


Yes, please seek therapy. You have gone through a lot and it sounds as if you can use the help.


It can be hard to recognize and process abuse and related trauma. Your dad shouldn’t have been beating anyone or anything. Full stop. I used to think it was normal to be mean and yell when angry. But it’s not. Being angry doesn’t give anyone the right to treat anyone else badly. Your dad needs anger management classes. A lot of anger management classes. I’m sorry you had to live with this.


this probably isn’t the best response idea, but if you go and talk to your parents make sure to let them know that instead of putting them in a nursing home or taking care of them when they get older, you’ll just drive out and leave them on the highway, since they seem to think that’s a morally acceptable thing to do.


Or you’ll chain them up and beat them with a stick if you’re mad


You already know the truth. Your parents are trashy assholes.


You know the truth .


That is horrible. Your father is disgusting. Who chains up a dog to beat it? He sounds evil.


Stories like this make me appreciate my super kind dad.


My dad’s not “super kind”, more like a bit emotionally detached, but he’s the one that taught me how to care for animals. He taught me how to care for our kitties since I was 4, we rescued baby birds that fell from nests and he would teach them to fly. Well, in a way I guess he *is* super kind, just in his own way lol. He never told us he loved us growing up, but he sure showed us. ♥️


Why would you bother? You watched your father beat defenseless dogs, chained up with no escape, until he was no longer angry. What is confronting them about abandoning animals going to do if they were happy to beat the shit out of them? They don't care, getting them to admit to leaving the dogs isn't going to bring about anything but drama. Just move on and take a page out of your sisters book.


If anything, it's good they got rid of the dogs because then they at least weren't getting beat. OP is aware as an adult that dad abused animals (they may not have understood as a kid), so why finding out the dogs were abandoned is where they draw the line in confronting parents, and not the actual abuse, is baffling.


I agree. I think it's time you step up, OP. When you were a kid, you knew your father was abusive & your mother enabled him. You did what you could, aka calming your father when you were around. You know perfectly well how horrible your father was (and to which degree your mother let him rage) when you weren't around. You make no mention of cancelling plans to protect your dogs, or of smuggling your dogs to school to keep them safe. On the contrary, despite knowing he chained them up & beat them till he couldn't lift his arm anymore, you kept begging and persuading your parents for new dogs! Sure, it's possible your parents agreed in some twisted logic that it's better you all have dogs rather than your father beating any one of you in the same way... but you didn't take that into account : you felt that your desire for a dog mattered more than the pattern of the dogs getting beat up. IMO it's time you step up and take a stand. The time for "*I didn't know, I never realized, I just want*" is past, I feel.


People loathe those who hurt animals. Put out what they did on every form of social media. They’ll be persona non grata within a week. 


Back in the day, neighbors did not report this to authorities. I learned my childhood neighborhood psychos did this to their daughter's cats and dogs. Every single pet the girl got was gone within a few months. She would canvass the neighborhood for days crying looking for any sign of her beloved pet(s). Also found out they would wrap rat poison in ground meat and feed it to other people's dogs that "barked too much". Mommy dearest killed at least 3 dogs. She did not find out until she was 50 and went no-contact with the evil mother.


They'll never give you the closure and apologies you want. Just cut them off and let them marinate in their misery alone.


Abandon your relationship with your parents!


I couldn’t even finish this. Don’t know how you remain in contact with such ugly people.


Drive your dad far away and drop him off in the middle of nowhere


Abandon them like they did the dogs. They are evil and disgusting.


>How do I approach this so I can get them to tell me the truth? What's the point? Why would you want to talk to these people?


Abandoning the dogs was probably the kindest thing they could do considering your dad was *regularly beating them with sticks*.


Exactly. OPs parents are dirtbags.


My thing is that it doesn’t seem like you know the whole reason your sister is no contact. I would be asking her as many questions as she’s willing to answer to give you the ammunition to go no contact. It seems like the dogs are a tip-of-the-iceberg sorta thing. I’m 100% no contact, have been for almost a decade and life couldn’t be better not being exposed to my abusive parents. Sorry to hear such terrible and disturbing news. I hope you can find peace in this life ♥️


It’s true that I don’t know the full story but I do know enough to completely support her. My parents were absolutely horrible to her. I don’t want to go into details here but my parents should have been sent to prison for what they did to her. I hate them for what they did. But I can’t go NC with them at this point since I’m still financially dependent on them while I’m going through college. I’m moving to a new country soon, though. I’m gonna be closer to my sister as well. Hopefully, that acts as a catalyst to me finally growing a shiny backbone and going NC


If you plan to have children, please do not EVER leave the kids with your parents.


Trust me, my father will be nowhere near my kids given his track record


Not just leave them alone with them, OP needs to never in a million years even have them around them.


I'd cut a limb off my family tree over some shit like this.




They will lie, so don't ask. Tell them you know and are appalled at their behavior. I personally would cut contact with them it sounds like they had other issues too.


NC, it's bad enough he beat the dogs for as long as he could in front of you, I don't understand why youbwould beg them for more dogs to be abused, even as a kid you KNEW that was wrong and what would eventually happen to your dogs. I'm sure I will get down voted for that, but idc. By the 2nd, 3rd dog tops you KNEW they were going to be abused by your dad at one point or another and how many times were these poor pups beaten bc this human trash father was mad? Best thing for those dogs were to be abandoned. It's sad, but it's better than being beaten. Dogs are so loyal, this is so sad. I'm sure your dad was abusive, bc ppl what hurt animals like this will also hurt humans imo. Go NC, your sister was smart and gtfo when she could.


why tf are yu still in contact with these people? that is narcisstic behavior.


I do not think you understand the meaning of that word lol. This falls under the umbrella of psychopathy, not narcissism.


I’m sorry but after seeing your dad beat a dog for ‘as long as he could’, why would you bring home another dog?


Wait so they beat your dogs and each time one died or ran away, you’d beg your parents for new ones…knowing you couldn’t be there to protect them all the time? And now you’re so surprised the people who beat dogs also abandoned them?


The beat your dogs and you're surprised they would abandon them?


I feel guilty accidentally stepping on my dog's paws. I cannot imagine beating a dog, the sound of a dog crying would freak me out. Your parents are fucking evil


As horrified as I am at the poor dogs being abandoned, I think maybe it might have been better for them if their life at home was being beaten and chained. Hopefully some kind person rescued them and they got a loving home (although I know OP you did your best).


Thank you for saying that. I really do hope they found better homes.


Your father is a psycopath. I would never talk to him or your mother ever again. She's just as guilty for laying cover for him.


If you knew your dad was regularly beating your dogs why did you keep asking your parents for dogs…


you know... you don't have to approach them. just follow your sister's footsteps.


I'd take them to the highway, tell them to get out and say "hope the dogs were worth it" and drive off. I'd never contact them again. They can find their own way home.


I’m really hung up on the part where he would tie them up and beat them with sticks? I would literally disown my own father after that, and probably physically harm him. What the fuck kind of psychotic nasty behavior is that


I’d tell them when they’re old and crippled that you’ll do the same to them. You can judge someone’s true character by how they treat animals. No wonder your sister cut contact with them.


if this was regularly and there were multiple dogs that 'ran away' like that, trust your sister, leave your parents forever, no contact, ever if you can possibly avoid it, they are not good people, don't even bother with getting the truth from them


Your father is evil. No two ways about it. Abandoning them is already sick and vile, but this bit: > whenever my dad got angry, he used to chain the dog and hit them with a stick for as long as he can Makes me want to kill him myself. The absolute bastard. Words aren't enough.


As a farm girl, some of my favorite dogs I had growing up were ones that just showed up with no collar. I got my current dog as a puppy at a county-owned shelter (he's now 11 and curled up on the couch next to me) - he had missing hair and scarring that the volunteers said looked like came from him being thrown from a vehicle. So I suspect many more people than admit it abandon their dogs along the highway or some country road. I hope your dogs found loving homes where they learned sticks are only for playing fetch.


Why would you beg for dogs, knowing that your father would chain them up and beat them with a stick?


Anyone who would take their anger out on a dog they chained up is a horrible disgraceful excuse for a human being and I would never be able to look at them again. I feel physically sick reading this


My parents did this to my favorite cat when I was a kid. He came back and I never found out till I was older when they told it as a "funny story". Apparently they dropped him off 3x, the first 2 he made the journey home to me. He never did the 3rd time. I still miss that cat so much.


Do what your sister did and cut them out of your life.


Your parents are monsters. Run far away from them and don't look back!


Can you please make sure they never keep a pet in their house again?? I would be calling the cops and all animal rescue officers in their area to ensure of this. Call anonymously if you have to and tip law enforcement off about animal abuse. This is repulsive. I hope your parents rot.


That’s a horror story. Years ago I picked up a dog on the side of the highway. He was a full male Lab with a white spot on his chest. Had him fixed and made a home for him. He lived a good life after that. Rest easy. You can’t carry that guilt. It wasn’t your fault.


There’s special place in hell for those who abuse animals.


If my parents beat my dog I would beat them.


Man, I would feel so guilty knowing that you “won” your parents over by getting so many dogs, but not realizing they were secretly getting rid of them as quickly as you could get them over your entire childhood. Like how many of them weee hit by vehicles befoee they could be rescued by someone else? On one hand, I don’t blame you since you were a child, but at the same time, so many dog deaths and “runaways” in that span of time is really obvious to an adult that things aren’t right.


Your father does not deserve warmth, happiness, or even food. If my dad assaulted anything like that around me, lied, and God the depravity of it! Why would you ever care to talk to them again? They do not deserve anything good in their life.


Your parents are next level psychopaths and your sister did the right decision by cutting contact with them. You should do the same.


Please abandon them on the highway


Serial killers do shit like this too…


My mother did this also. She hated animals and they hated her. lol. She was an awful woman but went to church every Sunday. lol. No one liked her and I loved her and tried to teach her but she refused to learn. She’s dead. I’m not sad about it either.


Invite them on a trip that will be a couple hours car ride. Offer to drive. Abandon them at a high way rest stop. Never talk to them again.


I would tell them I knew what happened to the dogs, I would not allow either of them to try to make up stories or excuses and I’d be telling them never to contact me again. The beating in itself was monstrous and disgusting, never mind parading around with your heartbroken child pretending to look for their dog while knowing all the while you’re the piece of sh:t that condemned that poor dog to most likely a lonely death.


Sounds like your sister had the right idea. But speaking from experience OP, if your family is anything like mine confronting them about shit they did wrong or explaining *why* you're fed up with their bullshit and cutting contact isn't worth the trouble. They'll lie, twist stories into things being your fault or tell you you're exaggerating or making shit up, play the victim and accuse you of abandoning them ( bonus points if they pull the "you're going to abandon us just like your sister" card and really lean into the victim bs instead of realizing the common denominator is them and their shitty actions ) and any number of other unbearable excuses. You'll never get through to them and make them understand how they've hurt you, you'll only hurt yourself more. The best thing you can do is cut contact without a word and go about your life in peace.


You don't get to choose the family you're born with but you do get to choose who stays in YOURS


I know you were in middle school but what kind of thought process is "my dad constantly beats dogs so let's get more dogs"?


When they’re in their old age and come to you for help, agree enthusiastically, then on your way home with them dump them off on a highway somewhere… Okay not really but I wouldn’t even confront them about this. Someone who can do that not once or twice but multiple times does not have a conscience, so there’s no point.


Seems like the perfect opportunity to go no contact. Don't tell them why. Trust me, they'll never believe it even if you do tell them the reason.


My parents have both been cruel to animals. My dad let our poodle go on a highway somewhere when I was 3 or 4 years old. My mom (I think) did something crueler. We had a German Shepherd named Luna who was definitely mentally challenged. My parents even spent $3K on her to get military training and it did absolutely nothing for her behavior. She constantly went to the bathroom inside the house and I think my mom got tired of cleaning it up. Instead of taking her to a shelter, Luna *somehow* got into the pantry and ate our sugar free gum, dying of hypoglycemia. Luna was constantly locked in the kennel. How could she free roam long enough to get into the pantry without my mom noticing and target our chewing gum that was on a shelf 5 feet up? The pantry was completely stocked with food, including her dog food, that was far more accessible. She even told me that she fantasized about killing Luna and wished it would happen. I never got an answer for it when it happened 10 years ago. Luckily our other dog, Bella, lived a normal life from what I know. It really sucks. I’m sorry for your loss.


If you end confronting them just act like it is a matter of fact what you are saying. If they lied to you why not lie to them. Plus realistically you are 22 so confronting them continuing lying doesn’t change a thing just shows you should take the same action as your sister. Best of luck with whatever you choose.


Why did you keep begging for dogs when your father ACTIVELY ABUSED THE HELL OUT OF THEM? Even as a kid, I wouldn't have wanted to bring an animal into an environment like that. And as an adult, I wouldn't want a psycho like that in my life, because anyone who'd do that to an animal would 100% do it to a person.


I wanted to ask this but I also feel like OP has enough guilt about all of this and can’t change the past,. But yeah yikes 😢


I guess I was a selfish kid. Looking back, it was absolutely bizarre for me to keep bringing dogs into a household like this. I was made to believe that it was “normal” and they’re “just animals” and that he wasn’t going overboard anyway. I kept pushing for another dog because I was sure I would be able to protect them. Clearly, I was wrong and I feel immense guilt towards all my kids.


The guilt is not yours to feel. A kid in a normal household would have recognized the abuse and not wanted animals around, but kids who grow up in abusive households don't know that what they see is abusive and abnormal. When the abuse is there from day one how could you know. It's just everyday life. Just like a fish wont know what water is.


All this time, I’ve also been feeling guilty about having hatred towards them. Because I have so many things I’m supposed to feel “grateful” for but I don’t think I even like them as people. I mean, how could I? I can’t believe it took airing out my dirty laundry to strangers for me to realise how abusive my household actually was. I can’t even look at my father in the eye anymore. I want to go NC as soon as I can but unfortunately, I’m still financially dependent on them. I feel like a dirtbag trying to mooch off their savings but I also feel like it would be the ultimate “fuck you” to get the financial help for my college and then go NC. Does that make me a bad person?


It does not. Think of it as severance pay. I’m so sorry you went through this. In addition to finding a therapist, it might be cathartic for you to look into volunteering at an animal shelter (no-kill if possible) to help care for and give love to other dogs that may have been abused or abandoned, or even just need love and a home.


Please give the internet their contact info so justice can be served. Seriously…. Doxing is ok when it’s shittly people like this. You need to no contact those fuckers. Give me a chain and a stick and I’ll give you a dead father…


I think if you can afford it, please go to therapy. You might be able to better understand what's normal human behavior and where your parents went wrong. I'm sorry that these were the people you had to grow up with.


My dad was the same way. Dogs disappeared. You dont think much of it when you're little, but as I got older I realized we went thru alot of cats and dogs as a kid. I think the longest we had the same dog was 3 years. My dad shot several of them. Sadly they got killed bc my patents didnt train them and would get pissed when dog chased cars, jumped on ppl or peed in house. As an adult I have 3 pups and 4 cats. All rescue, I could never hurt one of them. Some ppl can, not me.


Do what your sister does


I don’t know about you but that’s enough for me to disown my parents. That’s just me though.


this was, by far, the saddest shit i’ve ever read on this app. i am so sorry your parents are POS. was an animal shelter not an option??? i gotta find some wholesome post to get my brain right lol


Wow, I'd never normally suggest this with family but they are evil people. Just no contact that shit, I'm sorry you have to be related to such vile humans


“But WetsockTM, we’re you’re parents! Why aren’t you talking to us anymore??” Simple reply: I’m abandoning you like you have every. one. of my dogs. Hope you like how it feels.


Your parents, especially your father, are monsters. Why would you ever speak to them again let alone give them a chance to explain?


You cut ties like your sister did. Your sister sounds very smart. What a horrible bunch of parents


Your dad brutally beat animals..? That’s stage 2 of becoming a murderer.


Bluff. When you talk to them, just say “I know what happened to all those dogs we had, that later mysteriously disappeared” and watch their reaction.


Don't ask for their honesty, because like you said, you won't get it. Just tell them. "Mom, Dad, I know you guys abandoned all our dogs growing up. You are vile and disgusting. Never talk to me again."


I would advise you to go non contact for a while. I am sorry for you and all of those abandoned animals.


You can never get the truth from people that lie to themselves.


So your parents definitely suck, but why did you keep asking for replacement dogs if you knew they were gonna get beat? Protection or not that was also crappy of you to put them in that situation. Even a kid could see a dog would be better off elsewhere…


Time to cut contact. The beating the poor dogs when he was angry is just absolutely disgusting, let alone REPEATEDLY doing it and letting dogs go. I just cannot fathom why they would even get dogs when they knew they wouldn't take care of them.


This is a felony. Abandon them, as they have abandoned your loved pets in the past (by this I mean no contact). Truly. Fuck them. Cold hearted. Emotional terrorists.


Call John Wick


Why did you keep asking for dogs when your father would beat them with a stick whenever he was angry? Hitting the dog just once - for any reason - is disgusting. This is sick and twisted on so many levels.


I’m sorry but you said you witnessed your dad regularly beat the dogs knowing only you could protect them and then went “oh daddy please can we get another one?” WTAF?


The only thing I’d say to them is that I wished they would be treated like they treated the animals and have everything done to them that they did. Then I’d not talk to them again.


Your father is a legitimate demon. Your poor mother. I can understand why your sister wants nothing to do with them. That is such a level of trauma for both animal and child that no one can come back from.


They are monsters. I would go no contact. Hopefully karma gets them both.


man that's hella depressing to hear about. i'd never talk to them again if i were you


Tell them when they're old you're gonna drive to a random far away highway and leave them there unless they find each and everyone of your dogs lmao


Never would I talk to them again


Holy fuck, that's some cruel shit. There should be serious felonies for things like that.


Hey dad! Remember when you used to beat dogs in anger, I'm really glad you abandoned them on the highway. Its much better that they had a chance to survive rather than get beat to death by you. Thank you for that mercy. Don't talk to me until you learn to be honest and manage your rage instead of take it out on others. I feel bad for mom. So...that's one way.


That's horrible. Anyone that could hurt or abandon an innocent animal is the lowest type of person to me. Right there near child SA.


I would dump a bunch of collars on their front door with no explanation, just a note saying "I know."


These people would be dead to me.


Your parents sociopaths? Jfc what a nightmare. I'd go no contact.


Felt that... our parents take their cats and dump them in the woods because they're too lazy to take them to a shelter/fix them


I would never speak to my parents again tbh


Your parents are awful for doing this, I’m sorry.


My ex best friend told me her husband did this to their family dog. I lost any and all respect I had for that piece of shit right then. Her too, in truth. Christ. I’m so sorry OP. How devastating and my heart absolutely aches for you. You know exactly where your journey should take you next; far away from them and closer to your sister. Seems like she has them already clocked. Best of luck.


I suggest you approach it by going no contact. The man viciously beat animals in front of you, you know this is true. If anything I would be shocked if it wasn't worse, as in he claimed he dropped them off but actually took their lives.


>I’m 100% sure they’re just gonna lie to me and claim no such thing happened. You're right, so why bother? Sorry to hear about this, though. 🫂


When I was younger, one of my dogs was rehomed. I don't remember how many months later, we were driving by a field and I was all- that looks like Misty! My mom sped up to pass it and didn't say anything. I'm relatively certain she was dumped, because she had gotten pregnant by our idiotic neighbor's dog. (Also my folks were idiots for not getting her spayed, but I digress.) She also went to rehome her most recent dog, and supposedly the dog freaked out and ran away back towards her while she was driving. I kinda don't believe it but hey... she's rehomed way too many animals over the years. Your parents sound horrible. I went NC with my mom and it's been so relieving and peaceful.


Why bother confronting them? Just cut them off. I would have cut Dad off years ago for being an animal abuser. Plus you know that in confronting them they are just going to deny it and if they do admit to any part of it, they are just going to try to justify their actions. You will not get the closure you want from them. Just go NC.


Def drop them off! But make sure to take their phones so they can't call an uber


>I remember whenever my dad got angry, he used to chain the dog and hit them with a stick for as long as he can. Talk about burying the lede. This right here is everything you need to know about your father. Hell, maybe the dogs were better off abandoned if the alternative was this.


Im sorry about all of that. I don’t know if this will make you feel just a bit better, but several of my dogs have been abandoned strays from country roads. They all lived well past a decade, eating extremely expensive dog food, getting regular doggy spa visits, all the medical care they ever needed, daily walks, beach trips, trips to McDonalds, and years of love.