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A very happy birthday to you


Thank you!


Happy birthday! I’m 29F also, and have very little friends. I socialize just fine, and have acquaintances at work, but maybe 2 friends that I would actually hang out with in real life, and that rarely happens cuz we’re all so busy. Just wanted to let you know that you’re not alone! I have major PTSD, and abandonment issues so that’s what prevents me from getting close to people. It’s just hard. I get it. Take care of yourself, and remember to just enjoy the little things in life, and it’s ok to have those experiences without other people in the mix. Sometimes it’s fun to have other people and friends but spending quality alone time doing something cool or new is really fulfilling too!


Thank you for this. I appreciate it :)


My birthday is tomorrow so happy birthday to you!


June 2? Happy birthday to you too!


Happy Birthday!!! Sending you tons of love and a big birthday hug!💕🫂


Happy birthday! I'm sorry you're feeling like crap on what's supposed to be a celebratory occasion. But I understand not having real friends. It's okay tho! When you do find them, you'll be able to appreciate them even more ❤️ i hope it picks up for you soon 😊


Happy Birthday, it will get better


Happy birthday honey! I’m 28F and I lowkey have had a bit of a mental breakdown on every birthday for the last several years because of similar vibes. For life reasons, I’m nowhere near where/who I expected to be by now, and birthdays are a terrible reminder of that fact. It makes me think of that song that goes, “it’s my party and I’ll cry if I want to”. 😂 Something my mom has said to me about related circumstances, is that you’re basically grieving your previous expectations, and that’s perfectly healthy and understandable. Also, I think it is harder to make friends as we get older, but I’ve found that the few connections I do make at this age, have been more meaningful and led to stronger friendships than I had in the past. Happy birthday, again! 🎂🎉🎊🎈I hope this year brings you some of the peace and joy you’re seeking. You sound lovely, and I’m always looking for new friends as well, so feel free to message me if you’re down for a new friend in me.


Happy birthday ❤️


You just have to move forward.