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Well the two of you need to divorce sooner rather than later for sure. Having said that, calm down and think. Get a dang lawyer and get this over with already. You don’t get to go after the guy she’s screwing unless you want her best friend to be ripped to pieces for screwing you. You will also blow up your work place if you fire him. Just get an attorney and be done already. The behavior of you and your wife proves you should have ended this long ago and is disgusting.


His ego is hurt. Otherwise he would realize *he is doing the same thing and this marriage is dead in the water*.  He didn’t want *her* to have someone else, just him.


How do we know that this isn’t what killed the marriage in the first place? Sounds like wifey was done before he was, there’s a good chance this was the reason.


Go a step further and notify hr about it, that way he can move him somewhere away from you, so they can’t claim retaliation 


Pointless He doesn't even know dude and doesn't have any interactions Why waste the time and start the drama Just get a divorce and let her be happy and let him be happy I'm sure after the wife will be pissed about the woman he is with. But she's (wife) not innocent either. So... Yep.. no point


I agree If he’s this far gone from his marriage he should be celebrating right? She cheated and he gets the house and money etc…


Um did you miss the part where he's been banging her best friend for 3 months? Both of them cheated. Neither of them are going to be bringing up cheating in court when they both did.


Why are you in shock? You have a gf already who happens to be her bff!! Is your ego hurt?


It's definitely his ego because does he not realize firing the employee for fucking his wife even though he's cheating as well is like a big ass lawsuit?


I don't know where OP lives, but I am pretty sure that having affairs with a coworker's spouse can get you fired. It's the same way they can have rules about dating in the workplace.


Hell if you live in an at will work state, they don’t need a reason.


No one would take up a lawsuit where a new coworker starts fucking a hire up wife 🤣🤣🤣🤣


How's that a lawsuit


Clowns all the way round


Yeah everyone in the story (maybe not the wife's AP if he didn't know she was married, but if he was at their house probably did) is terrible


😂😂😂😂 he is mad she has turned those tears into cum and sweat with one of his employees. 😂😂


Right?! Like he's been dicking down her bestie for months, has the audacity to try and play victim and paint her as awful..meanwhile his stb ex is honest and admits to an affair with someone who he doesn't know and says yeah lets end it...his move? Revenge!!! Lol. This guy needs to stay in therapy.


“Honest”? lol she was caught almost red handed and only then decides to be “honest”. Meanwhile from the sounds of it she’s been fucking him or someone else for a long time while OP was trying to fix their marriage. Redditors will do anything but admit that the woman was maybe even a bit more of an asshole than the man.


She probably knows about her friend and you.




So it's OK to bone her best friend but she can't screw some dude from your job? Don't be mad because she preferred him over you. You aren't any better. Just divorce and get it over with.


I was super disappointed that she wasn't also sleeping with her best friend too 🤣


This is what I thought was gonna happen and I was like oh what a twist. Someone will probably post in on Reddit for karma next week, wait and watch


Nah, I wanted his wife to be sleeping with **his** best friend. Then it truly would have been karma. And OP would have been betrayed by **two** people just like he deserves.


I legit thought that’s where this was going.


LMAO me too! I totally thought that's what he was going to say! 😂🤣


Yeah, when this didn't happen, I then started wondering if we're getting an update where the wife convinced her BFF to sleep with OP so she wouldn't be the only cheater 🤷🏼‍♀️


That’s what I said he’s sleeping with her best friend and he’s mad?


Omg. Get over it. You're fucking her best friend. You're both no good for each other. Sometimes people are shitheads to each other but ok otherwise. Don't go down the path of doing her more dirty. Just end it. Clean. Break up No revenge necessary. What's the point? It didn't work out.


I agree with this, too. They aren't a match. Go separate ways. I'd love to get a divorce from mine. But I can't find him, and I'm too broke for the $1000 fee for a PI! What can you do?


In my state, we can put in the paper for 3 weeks. It's awful you actually have to track him down.


I don’t understand why you are upset!!


Me neither. He is a horrible person


But the therapist said he’s ok! /s lol 


Maybe he is lying about the therapist part


More likely lying *to* the therapist.


His territorial instincts as a man have been offended. It's like a dog upset that another dog pissed on his fire hydrant. eyeroll


ikr... it's pathetic chauvinist posturing. 'i can fuck around with her best friend but her cheating on me is a disrespect i won't tolerate' bro just get the fucking divorce and move on! christ


Ok so I can tell you why…. The entire part of the post prior to him telling us he has a gf. He tried for 18 months with the wife and she put him through hell for longer than that. He is pissed bc he has been fighting for something that SHE ended long ago but didn’t have the balls to tell him. I completely get it. If it wasn’t for the gf then the post would be very different. My guess is that the wife’s bff found out about the dude on the side and saw that as an excuse to explore her feelings with OP.


Maybe wife knows relationship between her bff and op


Seems on par considering you’re sleeping with her best friend. Why do you care so much she’s banging this dude when you’re banging someone else too? Sounds like the relationship has been done.


Your disgusting and so is she and her bff is a ah for going behind her friends back


Yeah ESH!! Like times 1000


Thank you! All round shit show


You’re married, having an affair with your wife’s best friend, and you’re shocked she’s having an affair as well? The absolute audacity. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Get a divorce, pronto, so you can both move on with your lives


It won’t be as exciting then and certainly not post worthy. They will just be 2 or 4 or 7 people ducking around.


I feel like OP might be annoyed mostly because his wife has chosen to duck someone who he perceives as “less than” or “beneath” him.


This. And he’s worried about losing more money. Wife will get double betrayal. Humans can be so awful. 🙄




Well, it sounds like you’re in a good spot to get the divorce over with, and even let yourself get found out. Level the playing field, split the marital assets and just be done with it. As far as firing the guy who’s banging your wife, leave it alone. At least she’s not fucking someone you think is your best friend.


I’m not a relationship expert but I’m thinking you deserve each other.


I will never support cheaters.


My favorite line when married men would flirt with me was “out of respect for your wife, no thanks.” The looks of false superiority would flash quickly. 😂


Not sure why you’re shocked or your stomach dropped when you did something just as bad. You screwed her best friend and not just someone who she doesn’t have a friendship with. Understand you both are wrong but I still think her bff is complete scum and cannot wait for you to get screwed over by the mistress. No one with morals would sleep with someone married and for her friend to screw the husband I hope you both get the karma you deserve


Why do you care? You don’t even like her. You have someone younger now


Baby we are NOT on YOUR side!!!!!


You are all AH’s. The only difference is your wife has the balls to be truthful and to find someone besides your best friend.


Your deserve this. Now your feel same betrayal pain.


You went from good guy, to nightmare partner to hypocritical asshole all in one post. Congratulations


Nah he wasn’t the good guy . He has to paint his wife as awful to justify cheating with her best friend ! And to paint himself as some kind of victim


Excellent point


What exactly has been stopping you from initiating divorce? All this time? Including when you started an affair? And instead of seeing this "bombshell" as a much needed catalyst, you're STILL dilly-dallying?


Um...so you can fuck her bsf but she can't fuck your employee tf is this double standard? Just get divorce


Sounds like a plot from desperate housewives


You're not the victim. Nice try though.


Don’t do anything to that guy. Remember you are cheating too. Just get the divorce over with and move on


If you go nuclear and she finds out later that you were cheating on her while you were getting cheated on.. Yeah its going to backfire bad. The adult thing is to tell her you have feelings for someone else too and discuss where to go from here. Also i would think about the fact that if you fire a guy for no reason sides the fact he was screwing your wife, is that not unfair dismissal? Think through all your options before you do anything


Wow you’re the garbage people


You betrayed her with her supposed best friend and now you act dignified, please. Your ego was so affected? Opps, poor little man~


aw poor bad person lol you and your wife deserve each other.


Why fire the guy? You are cheating yourself. With her best friend. What is the guy doing wrong then?


if you fuck her over for cheating while doing the same thing you’re a huge asshole


Honestly, you sound really controlling. Leave your wife alone like you were already doing anyway.


Wait bruh! You’re mad she’s sleeping with someone else but at the same time, you’re also sleeping with her best friend 😂 men.


Why go nuclear? What's good for the goose and all. I would also bet she knew about your little affair, too. Get your divorce and move on. You both could work on having a little empathy. You with her best friend and her with your employees that isn't a good look.


I’m torn between telling you to just get out of the marriage for both of your sake and telling you to stay together and spare every other person alive because you both suck to the nth degree. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Gormless the lot of you. How are you in shock? After having an affair with her supposed best friend, which, by the way, is not true at all. A friend wouldn't betray their friend like this.


You got your wish. You are cheating, she's cheating. You're wanting to go nuclear on some guy that works for you, yet you're screwing her 'BEST' friend. Don't act self righteous now. Both of you can walk.




ha…how does it feel bro


Are you the pot or the kettle? Lmao you thought you’re on the up and up fucking around and then were shocked that she could cheat on YOU? And with a lesser man? You both deserve each other.


Oh yeah, it sounds like the wife’s the problem. You just been sleeping with her best friend for three months. Don’t come over here looking for pity.


Just divorce already!


🤣. Nothing to analyse. Divorce.


You and the friend are the worst. Now i get the hate of the wife. Guys think women are dumb.


Well you can’t say anything now can you as you are doing the exact same thing . Why do you need to process anything ? You were cowardly and cheated with her best friend . That’s not a whoops that’s just plain bad ! So why can’t she cheat with your employee ? It’s much easier to replace an employee than a best friend . Forget about any outrage you may have as you have no moral high ground . Just divorce and move on


There is only one thing to do. Divorce already. “I’ve done everything l can to fix it” Including adultery? How will that fix anything? Also, blaming your wife to justify your infidelity isn’t a good look. That your therapist was surprised by her negativity, if true, is only because she is YOUR therapist and hasn’t heard your wife s side. Doesn’t mean they justify you or that your narrative is the only right one. Are you talking about your affair with the therapist? Anyhow, you’re both as good (bad) as the other, but I guess many marriages end this way, by moving on before breakup.


You're just hurt that you're not the only one cheating. You're both just awful and meed to divorce. If you go after her for cheating, she'll come after you. And you can end up getting the worst of it. Couldn't have happened to two nicer people 🙄


Wtf, you're banging her BEST FRIEND. How you should feel is bad for banging her best friend. That's low. Now, her friendship is probably destroyed. She probably knew, and that's why she cheated. You're a slime ball


I mean. You already knew she didnt really care about you thats why youre divorcing. I think you chose her best friend to hurt her because you still care and put in the work when she wouldnt. I think thats why youre really upset (not that it matters your actions are both immature and selfish). I think you need to tell hr so that they can move her affair partner away from you. I think you are already divorcing and splitting up so it depends on the timeline if thats cheating or moving on. I dont think its smart to date before the ink is dried for this very reason theres a lot of drama and emotional baggage still tied up in this relationship and now youve both dragged other people into it. ESH.


I was with you until you started cheating with her best friend. You don’t get to cheat and then be mad at her for doing the same thing. Just divorce and be done with it.


Here's something to note. I guarantee her best friend knows she's been having an affair and hasn't told you. Do with that what you will.


>I'm not ashamed to admit I've found someone who actually gives a fuck about me. She's a bit younger, she's intelligent and interesting and most importantly, fun. We've been sleeping together for 3 months now. >Also, she's is my wife's best friend. Whoops. Unfortunately, she sounds like a poor prospect for a long-term relationship after you end things (finally) with your wife. Because she is someone who is willing to screw her "best-friend's" husband.


Take the win for both of you. Get outta there! If you live in a no fault state it doesn’t matter the circumstances. Divorce is math, based on your assets and expenses. No one benefits… except it sounds like your life will be better.


this is so embarrassing for grown adults


These creative writing exercises get worse and worse


"Whoops". Is this ragebait?


Your cheating why can't she.


You’re pissed because she’s sleeping with a dude that works for you, while you’re sleeping with her (soon to be former) best friend???? You are not the saint you think you are


So just from reading this, you realize she’s *morally* more in the right than you are right? Like yall doin the same thing but she had the nuts to tell you about it. And you wanna fire the guy? Why? Like for real *why*? You’re in the process of divorce but god forbid your ex finds the same thing you’ve found? That’s just dirty


You both need to divorce lmao. Why are you shocked you’re literally banging her best friend. You’re doing the same thing tbh you have no reason to feel much.


Divorce, you already got her bff, move on lol.


lol, no sympathies.




Why fire him?


The scales are even…just move on.


if your marriage cannot be salvaged divorce is the way to go. Getting involved with somebody this soon is beyond not healthy. Your poor choices are one of your biggest problems your poor choice in who you married how your marriage was going and then getting involved with somebody that can tank your financial stability. Drop the girlfriend get the divorce done stand on your own and then date.


You’re doing the same thing just move on.


So you started sleeping with her best friend which sounds a little retaliatory for her not accepting your attempts to save marriage. We don’t know if you’ve lost her trust or respect due to any actions. Anyhoos, you got mad when karma met you in the middle. That’s called a quick delivery right back at you. What a mess.


Well you’re sleeping with her best friend whoops. I mean don’t you think she’s going to feel betrayed about her best friend and husband too. Just divorce and split everything or are you jealous now.


Of all of the people in the world, you had to fuck her best friend and she had to fuck your coworker, lol.


Wow u cheated on her bruh


You’re both cut from the same cloth and deserve each other.


Did your girlfriend know that your wife was having an affair with someone else so knew you were fair game. Did your wife give approval and know about you getting your dick wet in her best friend.  You need to get over yourself. You are also a cheating lying person too. The only difference is your wife confessed and you still didn't.  Get a new job and leave her boyfriend alone  Get a lawyer and divorce but do it fairly as you're guilty cheater too.  Dump the best friend and spend time finding the new you. You can find a new girlfriend after you heal


I'm curious. The coincidence here is weird. Do you think your wife's friend with whom you're having the affair told her, and your wife's affair is "revenge"? Or do you think your wife confessed her affair to her friend months ago who then thought she'd get you in bed? Either way, divorce will be a bunch easier.


Why are you in shock? You’re fucking her best friend, and plan to divorce her. Did she hurt your ego?


Dude, get a divorce and move on. Neither of you wants to be in this marriage. Who the affair partners are don't really matter at this point. And then sort your shit out before you fuck up the next relationship, too.


This is comical. Hypocrite.


Pot… kettle




I was about to feel bad for you UNTIL I read you’re screwing her bff so , no sympathy from me. You got what you deserved 🤷‍♀️ divorce and move on before you humiliate yourself even further. 


Come on. If this isn’t fake, what he’s doing is worse. At least she fessed up. He’s sleeping with her best friend and the way he writes it is bragging. You need to divorce yesterday.


Hiding the affair? your wifey best friend told her long time ago.


This was just a long post to say you got your karma and want to feel bad... But you deserve it and i hope you never forget it. How does it feel she picked the low guy at work with not much money, over you? Says a lot about you as a partner.. and the fact the you fucked her bff and didnt have amy remorse... You dont get to have sympathy now.. You're just mad she is being more satisfied by a person you think is under you socially, while you know her BFF wasn't a catch either...


Yeah...just leave her and start living your best life.


The boyfriend is a Side-Quest. Concentrate on the prize: get out of your dead-end marriage without any additional drama, don't make a bunch of lawyers richer than you have to and start living an honest life with the woman you love. Actually with your wife guilty of cheating as much as you are it might make splitting up easier. Neither of you can argue from a point of aggrieved fidelity. If you're deciding to take an ego-trip now you're just screwing things up for yourself at work and in the divorce process.


Just divorce! 


You are a lucky bastard indeed. Now you can play victim while sleeping with her best friend lol. Divorce already


That's exactly what you both get 😂😂😂


I think there's a phrase that goes the pot calling the kettle black....


"I hate my wife and don't want to be married to her... I decided to have an affair that risks me losing more in the divorce rather than divorcing her right now.... because.... zero reasons whatsoever.... what do I do?" How about, get a fucking divorce and don't be a cheating piece of shit, also if your wife is an asshole and constantly demands you do more for her but gives nothing back, leave. LIke you could have avoided all of this is you just divorced and somehow you still don't know what to do. Get divorced, move the fuck on, cut her out of your life and fuck whoever the hell you want. I have to believe this is fake just because somehow you don't know what to do. People who have affairs and don't want a divorce are selfish peopel who actually love their wife and their wife is also great to them, they just want more. Your wife sucks, you hate being married to her, you have zero reason not to divorce. Also in most places, without prenup, you won't really lose much more due to cheating. Mostly tends to affect alimony IF you file for at fault divorce which most people won't bother doing unless like 200k+ is on the line because it will cost a lot more in lawyer fees.


You really don’t have any place to be mad at her do you? Thats when you should have laughed a sigh of relief that you don’t have to sneak around anymore. It’s over for both of you, just move on.


Oh, it's ok for you to chat but not her? Cheating is wrong, full stop. But fuck you and your high horse, acting like she's wrong, but you're not. You also chose her "best friend" because you're extra awful. How about you don't fire him, come clean to her, and fuck off. I'm sure there's a lot more to your story based on your reaction and your actions.


She probably already knows ur cheating on her


The way you talk down your coworker definitely says your ego is hurt


I don't feel bad for you at all ❤️


The amount of comments defending the wife does not shock me, especially IF she’s be riding some other dick before the husband found out and found someone better that cares for him. Someone get the popcorn


Finish the divorce process asap.   Then fire quit the job, dump the friend /affair partner, the ex wife, the guy that’s banging the ex wife.  Leave all that toxicity behind.   And yes your affair partner is toxic because she facks her best friends husband behind her back.  While claiming to be her friend.  Even if your wife is super shitty, you can’t trust that.  And going nuclear on the dude facking your wife would be hypocritical and could back fire, and reveal your own infidelity prematurely. So get as clean cut from all of them and leave it all behind.  It’s 💩 it’s all 💩.  You need a new slate here.  


You both suck. Divorce.




I bet the best friend already knows about the affair 💯


Don't be surprised to find out the best friend already new about your wife's affair


That “whooops” really irritated me. You are cheating with her best friend. And you get upset she is cheating? Unless she came clean (granted she didn't have much choice) but you are going with her best friend behind her back. That's cruel. You truly don't have any ground to get upset. I don't stand by her cheating either. You guys really don't know how to respect each other or a relationship. Btw, if you are already getting the divorce I actually don't get why you are still living together. You could separate until the divorce is finalized.


First, you get what you deserve. Second, you two clearly fucking hate each other. This obvious trying to drag the other down with you that you’re both doing isn’t going to get you anywhere.


So you are both cheating. Get a lawyer and divorce.


Get divorced ASAP. You're both as bad as each other.


Well, if you both are checked out of the marriage why not open a dialogue about respectfully walking away and do it ASAP? Stop pussy footing around and just get it done.


Divorce her first. Then figure out your next step.


Get the divorce ASAP, you’re flogging a dead horse, and you can’t be mad considering you have a girlfriend which is her best friend. Just try and be amicable no point in being bitter when you’re both in the wrong.


This is fucking hilarious


Let's just say that you two found each other.


Her revelation just makes the decision to divorce that much easier.


50/50 divorce. You both fu cked others so you are both equal. It shows she wants out and you realise that she wants to move direction. Shows you can too. All the best to you


Get the divorce and move on.


Your relationship seems to be irreparable, I’m sorry for you both. Divorce is never easy, never. At this point it’s better to sit down and hash out a divorce agreement calmly and in writing. You haven’t mentioned if you have children together, though. Just both need to be adults and separate amicably.


Divorce, quickly


Shout outs to the guy who dipped just in time and didn't get caught.


Dude.. snap out of it. The marriage has obviously been over for a while. You were planning a divorce anyway. If anything, this sort absolves you from tour cheating. Get the divorce and move on. When it comes out that you’re cheating with her best friend that will hurt far more than anything you could possibly do now. Don’t let your ego cause you to do something stupid


You two were made for each other, apparently.


Take heart in the fact that her best friend 100% knew about this guy and saw it as a nice deflection to fuck her best friend’s husband.




Damn you really fucked around and found out.


LMAOOOO so you can sleep with her younger friend it’s “oopsy!” but she starts sleeping with an employee and you’re considering firing him? everyone sucks here lmaoooo like pls go get divorced and seek help 😭


So your wife is just doing what you’re already also doing. Whoops.


Rage bait.


It sounds like the marriage is done, you've both moved on physically, so you need to cut the ties emotionally as well. No good can come of this being in limbo.


Get a divorce. Damn both of you need to move on.


You should thank and pity the guy, maybe give him a bonus, he just made your life easier.