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The funny part is that you list things like it's an objective observation. I've dated a lot of women, and there is one truth I've found: women can precategorize all these things they are looking for but when they feel an emotional connection all those rules go right out the window. Logic is rarely ever a part of intimacy and who we choose to date.


>emotional connection all those rules go right out the window Of if you are hot enough.


The best way to get women is to go about it like a research project. Women will be impressed if you compile many statistics about their behaviors


I'm just going to be blunt. Yes there's people, and females in general, that fall in with what you just said. Truthfully though, if you have a fat wallet, alot will put all that to the wayside, same as many men would, though they'll never say that, and argue about morals and values. One look at the human species as a whole tells you everything you need to know.


Sure, a lot will just follow the money. A whole lot will follow other things instead. Most people have a wallet, but not a fat one. That's not really debatable. And most of them have/have had significant others. And I know a lot of women with men who are pretty much broke, because the men are funny, and care about them, which is the most important thing.


Yup...... don't get me wrong.....I was agreeing with you to some manner..... there's some great people out there still........I feel that a higher count would go for money at this point though..... don't know from a percentage standpoint, but I've seen it way too often. My own sister is like that. Lol. That said, for example, while I'm sure a good number spoke with integrity, I'm guarantee a high percentage of women "disgusted" with the Trump grab em by the p*ssy footage, would allow a billionaire to do just that.


Higher count do not go for the money. I mean, simple demographics demonstrates that's false. 60% of Americans over 18 were either married or cohabitating per Pew Research. So right there that's 3 out of every 5 in a cohabitation relationship. I think we both agree that lots and lots of people date without necessarily living together. So overall 4 out of 5 Americans over 18 are in a relationship. Of 260 million people over 18, about 207 million are married/cohabitating. Half of that (half the population entirely) approximately is women, half men. So do 103 million American men have a fat wallet to chase? 1/3 is wealthy? Not so sure about that. 30% of households, with combined incomes, make 6 figures. That's WAY lower when you get to individual income- those incomes 'women would be chasing.' There is no possible way that's the majority. It's the minority that chase the money. That said, it also depends on the group of people. People who try to flash cash to pick up chicks will attract gold diggers and turn off women who are interested in the person themselves- someone who flashes cash to pick up women is viewed by women as having not much to offer except cash, otherwise they'd focus on *that* to show off. The rest of us are perfectly happy to leave those cats to the diggers while we go for real relationships.


Also being tall and hot will cause women to put those things to the wayside


Another day where we are slowly approaching the realization that women are human.


Or literally just... ask women. (Can't believe I have to say this) Being a woman doesn't make you part of some hive mind who all find the same things attractive. (And calling people "females" does not help, just so you know)


Women are people too, what a shocker


Female what? Cows? Monkeys? Ostriches?


Read the post. there was nothing about it that was unclear. Aside from the fact that all of the attributes OP talks about are uniquely human, he clearly uses the word "woman."


Ah yes females. Am I right my fellow redditors? Well anyways, gotta go say hi to my discord kittens and then moderate few subs or so... Glad to see fellow fedora-wearing redditors shine a bit of light on these females.